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教师英文名称:Qianhua Kan
学科:工程力学. 固体力学
[1] Zhenghong Fu, Yunlai Sun, Yanan Hu, Rong Chen, Ping Wang, Qianhua Kan*. Low-cycle fatigue behavior of U71Mn rail steel with pre-corrosion, Engineering Failure Analysis 168 (2025) 109118.
[2] Lvfeng Jiang, Yanan Hu, Hui Li, Xuejiao Shao, Xu Zhang, Qianhua Kan*,Guozheng Kang. A cGAN-based fatigue life prediction of 316 austenitic stainless steel in high-temperature and high-pressure water environments, International Journal of Fatigue 190 (2025) 1086330.
[3] Xuelian Zhang, Junjie Liu*, Jian Li, Zhihong Liang, Qianhua Kan* , Guozheng Kang. The influence of water content on the mechanical responses of polyacrylamide hydrogels under stress-controlled cyclic loadings, International Journal of Fatigue 193 (2025) 108766.
[4] Wenhao Liu , Hu Liu *, Zhengqiang Cheng , Hailing He , Qianhua Kan , Guozheng Kang. Prediction of low-velocity impact responses for bio-inspired helicoidal laminates based on machine learning, International Journal of Impact Engineering 195 (2025) 105144.
[5] Bo Xu, Xu Xiao, Qixing Zhang, Chao Yu*, Di Song, Qianhua Kan, Chong Wang*, Qingyuan Wang, Guozheng Kang. Enhanced cyclic stability of NiTi shape memory alloy elastocaloric materials with Ni4Ti3 nanoprecipitates: Experiment and phase field modeling, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 6 (2025) 106011.
[6] Bo Xu, Xu Xiao, Qixing Zhang, Chao Yu*, Di Song, Qianhua Kan, Chong Wang*, Qingyuan Wang, Guozheng Kang. Enhanced cyclic stability of NiTi shape memory alloy elastocaloric materials with Ni4Ti3 nanoprecipitates: Experiment and phase field modeling, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 6 (2025) 106011.
[7] Qifang Zhang, Junjie Liu*, Gang Zhang, Yuhong Li, Nan Hu, Jinglei Yang, Yan Yang, Shaoxing Qu, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang*. Poroelastic fracture of polyacrylamide hydrogels: Enhanced crack tip swelling driven by chain scission, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 194 (2025) 105954.
[8] Hongchen Miao, Qingfeng Zhu, Yao Zhang, Qianhua Kan, Ping Wang, Weihua Zhang, Guozheng Kang*. SH guided wave excitation in rails for defect and stress monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 224 (2025) 112064.
[9] Bo Xu, Chao Yu*, Junyuan Xiong, Jiachen Hu, Qianhua Kan, Chong Wang*, Qingyuan Wang, Guozheng Kang*. Progress in phase field modeling of functional properties and fracture behavior of shape memory alloys, Progress in Materials Science 148 (2025) 101364.
[10] Yuhong Li, Junjie Liu,* Qifang Zhang, Nan Hu, Zhouhu Jiang, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang. Growth of double-network tough hydrogel coatings by surface-initiated polymerization, ACS Appllied Mateials & Interfaces 2024, 16, 10822-10831.
[11] Shijie Song, Qianhua Kan, Yujie Liu, Chen Bao, Xiaochong Lu, Xu Zhang*. Tensile and creep behavior of 316L austenite stainless steel at elevated temperatures: experiment and crystal plasticity modeling, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2024, 40, 423091.
[12] Zhihong Liang, Jian Li, Kaijuan Chen, Chao Yu, and Qianhua Kan*. Multiple relaxation mechanism-based thermo-mechanical constitutive model describing cyclic shape memory effect of shape memory polyurethane, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2024, 40, 423347.
[13] Du Dong, Kaijuan Chen, Hu Liu, Jian Li, Zhihong Liang, Qianhua Kan*. Adjustable mechanical performances of 4D-printed shape memory lattice structures, Composite Structures, 2024, 334, 117971.
[14] Xiaomeng Wang, Qianhua Kan, Michal Petru, Guozheng Kang*. Study on the composition-property relationships of basalt fibers based on symbolic regression and physics-informed neural network, Composites: Part A, 2024, 185, 108324.
[15] Zhenghong Fu*, Pengfei Wu, Qiankun Yang, Qianhua Kan*, Guozheng Kang. Hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack propagation behavior of selective laser–melted Inconel 718 alloy. Corrosion Science, 2024, 227: 111745.
[16] Yihang Wu, Jizhong Zhao, Hongchen Miao, Xu Zhang, Zefeng Wen, Jingmang Xu, Ping Wang, Qianhua Kan. 3D rolling contact finite element analysis of high-speed railway turnout considering ratchetting effect, Engineering Failure Analysis 160 (2024) 108171.
[17] Zhihong Liang, Jian Li*, Junjie Liu, Xuelian Zhang, Qianhua Kan*. Experimental investigation on the cyclic shape memory effect of thermo-induced shape memory polyurethane under multiaxial pre-deformations, International Journal of Applied Mechanics (2024) 2450102.
[18] Bin Wu, Xiang Xu, Xu Zhang, Chao Yu, Zefeng Wen, Ping Wang, Qianhua Kan*. A crystal plasticity model for multiaxial cyclic deformation of U75V rail steel, International Journal of Fatigue, 2024, 183, 108232.
[19] Huiliang Luo, Kaicheng Qu, Chao Yu, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang*. Experimental study on multiaxial ratchetting-fatigue interaction of SUS301L stainless steel tubular welded joint, International Journal of Fatigue, 2024, 186,108411.
[20] Huiliang Luo, Chao Yu, Yujie Liu, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang*. A semi-empirical life-prediction model for multiaxial ratchetting-fatigue interaction of SUS301L stainless steel tubular welded joint,International Journal of Fatigue 188 (2024) 108538.
[21] Jiahua Zhao, Yanan Hu*, Qianhua Kan, Hongchen Miao, Guozheng Kang. Influence of build direction on the ratchetting-fatigue interaction of heat-treated additively manufactured 316L stainless steel. International Journal of Fatigue, 2024, 181: 108143.
[22] Lvfeng Jiang, Yanan Hu, Yuxuan Liu, Xu Zhang, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan*. Physics-informed machine learning for low-cycle fatigue life prediction of 316 stainless steels. International Journal of Fatigue, 2024, 182: 108187.
[23] Songquan Tang, Huihui Xu, Ni Ao*, Yuyun Liu, Jiwang Zhang, Huijuan Guo, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Shengchuan Wu*.Experimental investigation on corrosion fatigue crack initiation and growth of heat-treated U75V rail steel. International Journal of Fatigue, 2024, 178: 107973.
[24] Zhenghong Fu, Lvfeng Jiang, Yunlai Sun, Junjun Jin, Chao Yu, Mingjiu Zhao, Qianhua Kan*, Guozheng Kang. Cyclic deformation and microstructural evolution of 316L stainless steel with pre-charged hydrogen. International Journal of Fatigue, 2024, 184, 108311.
[25] Peilin Fu, Jizhong Zhao, Xu Zhang, Hongchen Miao, Zefeng Wen, Ping Wang, Qianhua Kan*, Guozheng Kang. Modeling of fully coupled thermo-elastic sliding contact of coated systems. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 223:125213.
[26] Peilin Fu, Jizhong Zhao, Xu Zhang, Hongchen Miao, Zefeng Wen, Ping Wang,Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan. Elasto-plastic partial slip contact modeling of graded layers. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 264: 108823
[27] Qianhua Kan, Yong Zhang, Wenxiang Shi, Yangguang Xu, Chao Yu*, Guozheng Kang. Functional fatigue of superelasticity and elastocaloric effect for NiTi springs.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 265: 108889.
[28] Xin Du, Siyao Shuang, Jianfeng Zhao, Zhenghong Fu, Qianhua Kan, Xu Zhang*. Extra strengthening and Bauschinger effect in gradient high-entropy alloy: A molecular dynamics study. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 264: 108829.
[29] Yanan Hu, Yufeng She, Shengchuan Wu*, Qianhua Kan, Huan Yu, Guozheng Kang*. Critical physics-informed fatigue life prediction of laser 3D printed AlSi10Mg alloys with mass internal defects, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 284 (2024) 109730.
[30] Bo Xu, Chao Yu*, Chong Wang*, Qianhua Kan, Qingyuan Wang, Guozheng Kang. Effect of pore on the deformation behaviors of NiTi shape memory alloys: A crystal-plasticity-based phase field modeling, International Journal of Plasticity, 2024, 175, 103931.
[31] Bo Xu, Yuanzun Sun, Chao Yu, Jiachen Hu, Jiamin Zhu*, Junyuan Xiong, Qianhua Kan, Chong Wang*, Qingyuan Wang, Guozheng Kang. Effect of Ni4Ti3 precipitates on the functional properties of NiTi shape memory alloys: A phase field study, International Journal of Plasticity, 2024, 177, 103993.
[32] Lei Yue , Hu Liu *, Zhengqiang Cheng , Qianhua Kan , Guozheng Kang. Yield surface of multi-directional gradient lattices with octet architectures, International Journal of Plasticity 182 (2024) 104140.
[33] Han M. Jiang, Zhenghong Fu, Kaijuan Chen, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu*, Guozheng Kang. Effect of hydrogen on the rate-dependent deformation of superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy springs: Experimental observation and thermo-diffusional-mechanically coupled model, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2024, 293, 112743.
[34] Yao Wang, Yafei Guo, Hai Wu, Qianhua Kan, Hu Liu & Jianxun Zhang. Dynamic response of clamped sandwich beams with foam-filled sinusoidal corrugated core subjected to low-velocity impact, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2024.
[35] Jin Tao, Dean Wei, Junshi Yu, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Xu Zhang∗. Micropillar compression using discrete dislocation dynamics and machine learning.Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2024, 14: 100484.
[36] Lei Yue , Hu Liu *, Zhengqiang Cheng , Qianhua Kan , Guozheng Kang. Dynamic crushing behavior of a novel bi-directional gradient lattice structure under axial and oblique impact loadings, Thin–Walled Structures 198 (2024) 111697.
[37] 瞿开城,罗会亮,阚前华,康国政.考虑棘轮行为的 U75V 缺口圆棒局部应 力-应变分析[J].固体力学学报, 2024.
[38] 孙运来,付正鸿,胡雅楠,刘宇轩,温泽峰,阚前华.基于元胞自动机方法的U71Mn 热轧钢轨均匀腐蚀过程模拟[J/OL].固体力学学报, 2024, 45(05), 565-575.
[39] 胡雅楠,余欢,吴圣川,奥妮,阚前华,吴正凯,康国政.基于机器学习的增材制造金属力学性能预测研究进展与挑战[J/OL].力学学报, 2024, 56(07), 1892-1915.
[40] 庞云浩,于超,阚前华,康国政.带孔形状记忆合金薄板弹热性能的实验和理论研究[J/OL].力学学报, 2024, 56(09), 2604-2615.
[41] 徐波,于超,王宠,阚前华,王清远。基于相场模拟的应力辅助时效的NiTi形状记忆合金功能性能研究,力学学报,2024,
[42] 周瑞,熊宇凯,储节磊,阚前华,康国政,张旭.基于机器学习和遗传算法 的非局部晶体塑性模型参数识别[J/OL].力学学报, 56(03), 751-762.
[43] 张金,刘宇轩,李建,阚前华. U75V 钢轨钢耦合损伤循环塑性本构模型研究. 四川省轻化工大学学报,2024, 37(02), 31-38.
[44] 张尧,阚前华,苗鸿臣. 用于厚壁结构中激励低频SH 导波的换能器,
[44]四川轻化工大学学报, 2024, 37(01), 27-34.
[45] 谢延侯,赵建锋,张波,刘大彪,阚前华,张旭。考虑应力梯度效应的低阶应变梯度塑性模型,中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学,2024, 54(8), 73-87.
[46] Xu X, Ding L, Miao HC, Wen ZF, Chen R, Kan QH*, Kang GZ. Nonproportionally multiaxial cyclic plastic deformation of U75 rail steel: Experiment and modeling. International Journal of Fatigue, 2023, 168: 107480.
[47] Kan QH, Qiu B, Zhang X, Yu C*, Kang GZ. Thermo-mechanically coupled functional fatigue of NiTi shape memory alloys under multiaxial cyclic loadings. International Journal of Fatigue, 2023, 172: 107657.
[48] Ding L, Yu C, Zhang X*, Wen ZF, Kan QH*, Kang GZ. Incremental strain gradient plasticity model and torsion simulation of copper micro-wires. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 239: 107891.
[49] Kan QH, Shi WX, Song D, Yu C*, Kang GZ. A micromechanical constitutive model of high-temperature shape memory alloys. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 251: 108328.
[50] Yu C, Zhou T, Song D, Kan QH*, Kang GZ. A two-scale thermo-mechanically coupled constitutive model for grain size- and rate-dependent deformation of nano-crystalline NiTi shape memory alloy. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2023, 187: 103843.
[51] Kan QH, Zhang Y, Xu YG, Kang GZ, Yu C*. Tension-compression asymmetric functional degeneration of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy: Experimental observation and multiscale constitutive model. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2023, 280: 112384.
[52] Zhang XL, Liu JJ*, Li J, Liang ZH, Jiang H, Kang GZ, Kan QH*. Experimental investigation on pure ratcheting behavior of double-network tough hydrogels. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2023, 60: 101984.
[53] Zhao JZ, Fu PL, Miao HC, Wen ZF, Chen R, Kan QH*. A new approach for solving three-dimensional elasto-plastic wheel-rail normal contact problems. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2023, 39: 423074.
[54] Fu PL, Zhao JZ, Zhang X, Miao HC, Wen ZF, Kang GZ, Kan QH*. Three-dimensional tractive rolling contact analysis of functionally graded coating-substrate systems with interfacial imperfection and frictional anisotropy. Composite Structures, 2023, 307: 116671.
[55] Li J, Liang ZH, Liu JJ, Yu C, Zhang XL, Kan QH*. A thermo-viscoelastic constitutive model addressing the cyclic shape memory effect for thermo-induced shape memory polymers. Smart Materials and Structures, 2023, 32: 035030.
[56] Liang ZH, Li J, Chen KJ, Dong Y, Yu C, Kan QH*. Multiaxial shape memory effect of thermo-induced shape memory polyurethane under proportional tension-torsion loading. Smart Materials and Structures, 2023, 32: 075018.
[57] Li J, Liang ZH, Chen KJ, Zhang X, Kang GZ, Kan QH*. Thermo-mechanical deformation for thermo-induced shape memory polymers at equilibrium and non-equilibrium temperatures: Experiment and simulation. Polymer, 2023, 270: 125762.
[58] Liang ZH, Li J, Zhang XL, Kan QH*. A viscoelastic-viscoplastic constitutive model and its finite element implementation of amorphous polymers. Polymer Testing, 2023, 117: 107831.
[59] Xu B, Wang C*, Wang QY, Yu C, Kan QH, Kang GZ*. Enhancing elastocaloric effect of NiTi alloy by concentration-gradient engineering. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 246: 108140.
[60] Lu SJ, Ao N, Kan QH, Wu SC, Kang GZ, Zhang X*. Effect of residual stress in gradient-grained metals: Dislocation dynamics simulations. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 256: 108518.
[61] Lu SJ, Kan QH, Zhang B, Yu C, Kang GZ, Zhang X*. Effect of residual stress in gradient-grained metals: Dislocation dynamics simulations. Materials Today Communications, 2023, 33: 104580.
[62] Zhang Y, Yu C*, Song D, Zhu YL, Kan QH, Kang GZ. Solid-state cooling with high elastocaloric strength and low driving force via NiTi shape memory alloy helical springs: Experiment and theoretical model. Mechanics of Materials, 2023, 178: 104575.
[63] Ao N, Zhang H, Xu HH, Wu SC*, Liu D, Xu PG, Su YH, Kan QH, Kang GZ. Corrosion fatigue crack growth behavior of a structurally gradient steel for high-speed railway axles. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023, 281: 109166.
[64] Hu YN, Deng XJ, Kan QH, Wu SC, Li YL, Lei LM, Wang LL, Kang GZ*. Influence of temperature on deformation and damage mechanisms of wire + arc additively manufactured 2219 aluminum alloy. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023, 292: 109675.
[65] Du YH, Cai JC, Kan QH, Zhang QH, Wang P, Miao HC*, Kang GZ. Time-delayed layer-based piezoelectric transducer for unidirectional excitation and reception of SH guided wave. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 193: 110268.
[66] Cai JC, Du YH, Kan QH, Zhang QH, Miao HC*, Kang GZ. Constrained thickness-shear vibration-based piezoelectric transducers for generating unidirectional-propagation SH0 wave. Ultrasonics, 2023, 134: 107106.
[67] Wang K, Liao T, Xu JM*, Yang J, Wang P, Chen R, Qian Y, Kan QH, Lu L. Identification of elastoplastic properties of materials with gradient residual stresses using a co-simulation method and nanoindentation experiments. NDT and E International, 2023, 139, 102940.
[68] Liu JJ*, Hu N, Xie Y, Wang P*, Chen JX, Kan QH. Polyacrylic acid hydrogel coating for underwater adhesion: preparation and characterization. Gels, 2023, 9: 616.
[69] Shuang SY, Liang YX, Yu C, Kan QH, Kang GZ, Zhang X*. Effect of loading orientation on plasticity in nano-laminated CoNiCrFeMn dual-phase high-entropy alloy: a molecular dynamics study. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2023, 31: 015005.
[70] Xia N, Cai Y, Kan QH, Xiao J, Cui L, Zhou JJ, Xu W, Liu D*. The role of microscopic properties on cortical bone strength of femoral neck. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2023, 24, 133.
[71] Li J*, Zhao JF, Kan QH, Tian YY, Peng YQ, Huang XC. A novel equivalent method for computing mechanical properties of random and ordered hyperelastic cellular materials, Materials, 2023, 16, 6990.
[72] Wang K, Ma QT, Xu JM*, Liao T, Wang P, Chen R, Kan QH, Cui GD, Lu L. Determining the elastic-plastic properties of materials with residual stress included using nanoindentation experiments and dimensionless functions. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023, 139, 102940.
[73] Wang B, Wang Q, Luo R, Kan QH, Gu B*. Atomistic study on high temperature creep of nanocrystalline 316L austenitic stainless steels. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2023, 39, 122470.
[74] 宋世杰, 杜欣, 赵建锋, 周留成, 阚前华, & 张旭*. (2023). 激光冲击强化技术研究和多尺度模拟综述. 航空制造技术, 2023,66(20), 50-72.
[75] 王淑娜,伏培林,李嘉伟,张旭,阚前华*. 激光冲击强化TC4 钛合金强化层弹塑性本构参数反演分析. 表面技术, 2023, 52(10): 411-421.
[76] 王梦凡,阚前华*,赵吉中,温泽峰,苗鸿臣,康国政. 钢轨表面三维疲劳裂纹扩展数值分析. 固体力学学报, 2023, 44(3): 355-366.
[77] 胡宇豪, 苗鸿臣*, 张清华, 崔闯, 阚前华, 康国政. 基于水平剪切导波的钢桥面板疲劳裂纹在线识别方法. 固体力学学报, 2023, 44(4): 458-469.
[78] 梁策,阚前华,梁文嘉,马国龙,彭放,洪时明,刘秀茹. 高压下非晶硒玻璃化转变温度的实验研究,高压物理学报,2023, 37(5), 051101-1-051101-9.
[79] 米俊儒,杜欣,桂杨,张波,阚前华,张旭. 预扭转单晶铜棒拉伸行为的分子动力学模拟,固体力学学学报,2023, 44(5), 578-590.
[80] 陈佳,刘宇轩,李建,阚前华. 0Cr18Ni10Ti 不锈钢高温蠕变-棘轮交互作用试验研究,四川轻化工大学学报(自然科学版),2023, 36(6), 1-7.
[81] 姜礼益,宋世杰,阚前华. T91 钢高温蠕变实验和耦合损伤模型研究,四川轻化工大学学报(自然科学版),2023, 36(1), 1-10.
[82] Yong Zhang, Chao Yu, Yinlin Zhu, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang. Thermo-mechanically coupled deformation of pseudoelastic NiTi SMA helical spring, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 236, 107767.
[83] Ziyi Wang, Shengchuan Wu, Yu Lei, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang. Damage evolution of extruded magnesium alloy from deformation twinning and dislocation slipping in uniaxial stress-controlled low cycle fatigue, International Journal of Fatigue 164 (2022) 107124.
[84] Han M Jiang, Chao Yu, Qianhua Kan, Bo Xu, Chuanping Ma, Guozheng Kang. Effect of hydrogen on super-elastic behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy wires: Experimental observation and diffusional-mechanically coupled constitutive model. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2022, 132, 105276.
[85] Qianhua Kan, Jizhong Zhao, Xiang Xu, Ziyi Wang, Xu Zhang, Ping Wang. Temperature-dependent cyclic plastic deformation of U75VG rail steel: Experiments and simulations, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 140, 106527.
[86] Jizhong Zhao, Peilin Fu, Xiang Xu, Xu Zhang, Ping Wang, Qianhua Kan. A cyclic visco-plastic constitutive model for the ratcheting behavior of U75VG rail steel under a wide range of loading rates, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 138, 106342.
[87] Jizhong Zhao, Xing Pang, Peilin Fu, Yuan Wang, Guozheng Kang, Ping Wang, Qianhua Kan. Dynamic constitutive model of U75VG rail flash-butt welded joint and its application in wheel-rail transient rolling contact simulation, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 134, 106078.
[88] Xuelian Zhang, Jian Li, Zhihong Liang, Qianhua Kan. Design and finite element simulation of shape memory polyurethane self-folding structures, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 139, 106446.
[89] Yu Chao, Zhou Ting, Kan Qianhua, Kang Guozheng, Fang Daining. A two-scale thermo-mechanically coupled model for anomalous martensite transformation and elastocaloric switching effect of shape memory alloy. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2022, 164, 104893.
[90] Xiang Xu, Ziyi Wang, Guhui Gao, Xu Zhang, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan. The effect of microstructure evolution on the ratchetting-fatigue interaction of carbide-free bainite rail steels under different heat-treatment conditions, International Journal of Fatigue, 2022, 160, 106872.
[91] Xiang Xu, Ziyi Wang, Xu Zhang, Guhui Gao, Ping Wang, Qianhua Kan. Strain amplitude-dependent cyclic softening behavior of carbide-free bainitic rail steel: Experiments and modeling, International Journal of Fatigue, 2022, 161, 106922.
[92] Yang Jingye, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. A novel deep learning approach of multiaxial fatigue lifeprediction with a self-attention mechanism characterizing the effects of loading history and varying temperature, International Journal of Fatigue, 2022, 162, 106851.
[93] Yang Jingye, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. Rate-dependent multiaxial life prediction for polyamide-6 considering ratchetting: Semi-empirical and physics-informed machine learning models, International Journal of Fatigue, 2022, 163, 107086.
[94] Peilin Fu, Jizhong Zhao, Xu Zhang, Guozheng Kang, Ping Wang, Qianhua Kan. Thermo-mechanical coupled sliding contact shakedown analysis of functionally graded coating-substrate structures, International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2022, 222, 107241.
[95] Peilin Fu, Jizhong Zhao, Xu Zhang, Guozheng Kang, Ping Wang, Qianhua Kan. Elastic shakedown analysis of two-dimensional thermoelastic rolling/sliding contact for a functionally graded coating/substrate structure with arbitrarily varying thermo-elastic properties, Composites Structures, 2022, 280, 114891.
[96] Xu Bo, Yu Chao, Kan Qianhua, Kang Guozheng. Phase field study on the microscopic mechanism of the cyclic degradation of shape memory effect in nano-polycrystalline NiTi shape memory alloys, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 2022, 93, 104544.
[97] Xu Bo, Yu Chao, Kan Qianhua, Kang Guozheng. Phase field study on the microscopic mechanism of the cyclic degradation of shape memory effect in nano-polycrystalline NiTi shape memory alloys, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 93 (2022) 104544.
[98] Jianfeng Zhao, Xinlei Pan, Jian Li, Zhiyong Huang, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Liucheng Zhou, Xu Zhang. Laser shock peened Ti-6Al-4 V alloy: Experiments and modeling, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 213 (2022) 106874.
[99] Xu Zhang, Xiaocong Lu, Jianfeng Zhao, Qianhua Kan, Zhiming Li, Guozheng Kang. Temperature effect on tensile behavior of an interstitial high entropy alloy: crystal plasticity modeling, International Journal of Plasticity, 150(2022)103201.
[100] Songjiang Lu, Qianhua Kan, Michael Zaiser, Zhiming Li, Guozheng Kang, Xu Zhang. Size-dependent yield stress in ultrafine-grained polycrystals: A multiscale discrete dislocation dynamics study, International Journal of Plasticity, 149 (2022) 103183.
[101] Songjiang Lu, Qianhua Kan, Bo Zhang, Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang, Xu Zhang. Size effect in nanoindentation: Taylor hardening or dislocation source-limited effect? Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104580.
[102] 王姝予,宋世杰,陆晓翀,阚前华,康国政,张 旭. CrMnFeCoNi 高熵合金拉伸断裂的晶体塑性有限元模拟,机械工程学报,2022, 57, 1-9.
[103] 杨康,赵建锋,何风,阚前华,赵君文,张旭. 表面机械研磨处理对纯铜棘轮行为的影响:宏微观试验与本构模拟,表面技术,2022, 51(11), 58-69.
[104] 吴郑浩,周留成 ,张波,阚前华,张旭. 激光冲击选区强化对2024铝合金叶片振动响应特性的影响,表面技术,2022, 51(1), 348-357.
[105] 郑婉婷,王子仪,阚前华,康国政. 退火处理对紫铜棘轮行为的影响。机械工程材料,2022, 46(1), 73-78.
[106] 秦天宇,任鑫焱,胡飞飞,刘宇杰,奥 妮,阚前华,吴圣川,康国政. 基于实测载荷谱的重载铁路货车车钩钩尾框剩余寿命预测,力学学报,2022, 54(5), 1-9.
[107] 陈嵘,孙耀亮,安博洋,王平,阚前华. 钢轨焊接接头不平顺演变条件下的轮轨接触分析,铁道标准设计,2022, 67(2): 1-8.
[108] 杜欣,袁福平,熊启林,张波,阚前华,张旭。CoCrFeMnNi 高熵合金冲击波响应与层裂强度的分子动力学研究。力学学报,2022, 54(8): 2152-2160.
[109] 张晨,李建,梁志鸿,丁立,阚前华。形状记忆聚氨酯粘弹性行为的纳米压痕实验及有限元模拟,重启理工大学学报(自然科学),2022, 36(11), 142-151.
[110] Jian Li, Zhihong Liang, Xuelian Zhang, Qianhua Kan. Experimental investigation on the thermo-mechanical deformation of thermo-induced shape memory polyurethane, Polymer, 2021, 237, 124337.
[111] Xuejiao Shao, Hai Xie, Yixiong Zhang, Furui Xiong, Xiaoming Bai, Lu Jiang, Qianhua Kan. Investigation on analysis method of environmental fatigue correction factor of primary coolant metal materials in LWR water environment, Metals, 2021, 11, 233.
[112] Hang Su, Chung Lun Pun, Peter Mutton, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan. Numerical study on the ratcheting performance of rail flash butt welds in heavy haul operations, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 199, 106434.
[113] Jingye Yang, Guozheng Kang, Yujie Liu, Qianhua Kan. A novel method of multiaxial fatigue life prediction based on deep learnin, International Journal of Fatigue, 2021, 151, 106356.
[114] Jizhong Zhao, Hongchen Miao, Qianhua Kan, Peilin Fu, Li Ding, Guozheng Kang, Ping Wang. Numerical investigation on the rolling contact wear and fatigue of laser dispersed quenched U71Mn rail,International Journal of Fatigue 2021, 143, 106010.
[115] Siyao Shuang, Songjiang Lu, Bo Zhang, Chen Bao, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Xu Zhang. Effects of high entropy and twin boundary on the nanoindentation of CoCrNiFeMn high-entropy alloy: A molecular dynamics study, Computational Materials Science, 2021, 195, 110495.
[116] Xu Zhang, Songjiang Lu, Bo Zhang, Xiaobao Tian, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang. Dislocation–grain boundary interaction-based discrete dislocation dynamics modeling and its application to bicrystals with different misorientations, Acta Materialia, 2021, 20, 88-98.
[117] Jizhong Zhao, Peilin Fu, Xu Zhang, Liucheng Zhou, Ping Wang, Qianhua Kan. An effective method for calculating elasto-plastic contact pressure and contact patch size under elliptical, circular and line contact conditions, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 95, 541-574.
[118] 赵家祥,李建,梁志鸿,邱博,阚前华。超弹性NiTi合金率相关相变图案演化模拟,材料工程,2021, 102-110.
[119] 刘佳璐,阚前华,王渊,赵吉中,徐祥。高速列车钢轨铬伤致损机理有限元分析,四川轻化工大学学报(自然科学版),2021, 34(2), 60-69.
[120] 张雪莲,梁志鸿,李建,阚前华。树脂类牙齿矫治器压膜成型及力学性能分析,四川轻化工大学学报(自然科学版),2021, 34(3), 52-61.
[121] 冯大刚,阚前华,赵吉中。基于MATLAB/GUI的温度相关车轮磨耗仿真,四川轻化工大学学报(自然科学版),2021.
[122] Tianxing Zhao, Guozheng Kang, Chao Yu, Qianhua Kan. Experimental study on whole-life one-way shape memory cyclic degradation and fatigue failure of NiTi shape memory alloy, Materials Today Communications, 2020, 25,101621.
[123] Jizhong Zhao, Qianhua Kan, Peilin Fu, Guozheng Kang, Ping Wang. An elasto-plastic contact solving method for two spheres, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2020, (3), 612-634.
[124] Xi Xie, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu. Phase-field theory based finite element simulation on thermo-mechanical cyclic deformation of polycrystalline super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy, Computational Materials Science, 2020, 184, 109899.
[125] Xiaochong Lu, Jianfeng Zhao, Chao Yu, Zhiming Li, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Xu Zhang. Cyclic plasticity of an interstitial high entropy alloy: experiments, crystal plasticity modeling, and simulations, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2020, 142, 103971.
[126] Ziyi Wang, Qianhua Kan, Xiang Xu, Li Ding, Ping Wang, Guozheng Kang. A new damage-coupled cyclic plastic model for whole-life ratchetting of heat-treated U75V steel, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2020, 1056789520930408.
[127] Jun Tian, Xiaolong Fu, Xuejiao Shao, Liping Zhang, Jian Li, Qianhua Kan. Damage-coupled ratcheting rehaviors of SA508 Gr. 3 steel at room and elevated temperature: Experiments and simulations, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2020, 1056789520930406.
[128] Fu Peilin, Yuan Jianghong, Xu Zhang, Kang Guozheng, Wang Ping, Kan Qianhua. Forced vibration analysis of blade after selective laser shock processing based on Timoshenko's beam theory, Composite Structures, 2020, 243, 112249.
[129] Ting Zhou, Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Daining Fang. A crystal plasticity based constitutive model accounting for R phase and two-step phase transition of polycrystalline NiTi shape memory alloys, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020, 193-194, 503-526.
[130] Hang Su, Jian Li, Quan Lai, Chung Lun Pun, Peter Mutton, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan. Ratcheting behaviour of flash butt welds in heat-treated hypereutectoid steel rails under uniaxial and biaxial cyclic loadings, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 176,105539.
[131] Bo Xu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu, Xi Xie. Phase field simulation on the cyclic degeneration of one-way shape memory effect of NiTi shape memory alloy single crystal, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 168,105303.
[132] Bo Xu, Guozheng Kang, Chao Yu, Qianhua Kan. Phase field simulation on the grain size dependent super-elasticity and shape memory effect of nanocrystalline NiTi shape memory alloys. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2020, 156, 103373.
[133] Wang Bing, Kang Guozheng, Wu Wenping, Zhou Kun, Kan Qianhua, Chao Yu. Transformation ratchetting of nanocrystalline super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy and its atomic mechanism from molecular dynamics simulations, International Journal of Plasticity, 2020,125, 374-394.
[134] Jianfeng Zhao, Xiaochong Lu, Fuping Yuan, Qianhua Kan, Shaoxing Qu, Guozheng Kang, Xu Zhang. Multiple mechanism based constitutive modeling of gradient nanograined material, International Journal of Plasticity, 2020, 125, 314-330.
[135] Jinye Yang, Guozheng Kang, Yujie Liu, Kaijuan Chen, Qianhua Kan. Life prediction for rate-dependent low-cycle fatigue of PA6 polymer considering ratchetting: Semi-empirical model and neural network based approach, International Journal of Fatigue, 2020, 132,105619.
[136] Jinye Yang, Guozheng Kang, Kaijuan Chen, Qianhua Kan, Yujie Liu. Experimental study on rate-dependent uniaxial whole-life ratchetting and fatigue behavior of polyamide 6, International Journal of Fatigue, 2020, 132,105402.
[137] Huiliang Luo, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan. A low-cycle fatigue life-prediction model for SUS301L stainless steel buttwelded joint with considering ratchetting, International Journal of Fatigue, 2020,139,105777.
[138] Huiliang Luo, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Chuanping Ma. Experimental study on the whole‐life heterogeneous ratchetting and ratchetting‐fatigue interaction of SUS301L stainless steel butt‐welded joint, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2019, 43, 35-50.
[139] 伏培林,丁立,赵吉中, 张旭,阚前华,王平。 考虑材料温度相关性的二维轮轨弹塑性滑动接触温升分析,力学学报,2020.
[140] 李静,王冰,于超,阚前华,康国政。纳米单晶NiTi合金单程形状记忆效应的分子动力学模拟,固体力学学报,2020, 42(2), 118-126.
[141] 时丕顺,赵吉中,徐祥,阚前华。热轧/热处理U75V钢轨钢单轴棘轮-疲劳交互作用试验研究,四川省轻化工大学学报,2020, 33(2), 54-60.
[142] 王孝文,阚前华,李建,徐祥,康国政。基于次加载面的循环塑性模型研究,塑性工程学报,2020, 27(4), 138-145.
[143] 邢远,阚前华,徐祥,张旭,康国政。CRH3型动车组车轮多边形化对轮轨接触力的影响, 重庆理工大学学报, 2020, 34(3), 74-79.
[144] 樊译璘,阚前华,赵吉中,徐祥,康国政。不同钢轨材料机理行为实验研究,机械工程学报,2020, 56(2), 35-42.
[145] B Xu, G Kang, Q Kan, C Yu, X Xie. Phase field simulation on the cyclic degeneration of one-way shape memory effect of NiTi shape memory alloy single crystal,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 168, 105303.
[146] Jian Xiong, Dean Wei, Songjiang Lu, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Xu Zhang. A three-dimensional discrete dislocation dynamics simulation on micropillar compression of single crystal copper with dislocation density gradient, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2019, 55 (11), 1477-1486(in Chinese).
[147] Tianxing Zhao, Guozheng Kang, Chao Yu, Qianhua Kan. Experimental investigation on the thermo-mechanical cyclic degeneration of one-way shape memory effect of NiTi shape memory alloy, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2019, 26 (12), 1539-1550.
[148] Hang Su, Chung Lun Pun, Peter Mutton, Qianhua Kan, Wenyi Yan. Numerical study on the ratcheting performance of heavy haul rails in curved tracks, Wear, 2019, 436-437, 203026(12 Pages).
[149] Junyu Chen, Kuo Zhang, Qianhua Kan, Hao Yin, Qingping Sun. Ultra-high fatigue life of NiTi cylinders for compression-based elastocaloric cooling, Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 115, 093902(4 Pages).
[150] Junyu Chen, Qianhua Kan, Qiao Li, Hao Yin. Effects of grain size on acoustic emission of nanocrystalline superelastic NiTi shape memory alloys during fatigue crack growth, Materials Letters, 2019, 252, 300-303.
[151] Bo Xu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kana, Xi Xie, Chao Yua, Qi Peng. Phase field simulation to one-way shape memory effect of NiTi shape memory alloy single crystal, Computational Materials Science, 2019, 161, 276-292.
[152] Di Song, Guozheng Kang, Chao Yu, Qianhua Kan, Qianhua Kan, Chuanzeng Zhang. Torsional whole-life transformation ratcheting under pure-torsional and non-porportional multiaxial cyclic loadings of NiTi SMA at human-body temperature:Experimental observations and life-prediction model, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2019, 94, 267-278.
[153] Xi Xie, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu, Qi Peng. Phase field modeling to transformation induced plasticity in superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy single crystal, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 27, 045001.
[154] Pan Liu, Qianhua Kan, Hao Yin. Effects of grain size on wear resistance of nanocrystalline NiTi shape memory alloy, Materials Letters, 2019, 241, 43-45.
[155] Jian Li, Qianhua Kan, Kaijuan Chen, Zhihong Liang, Guozheng Kang. In situ observation on rate-dependent strain localization of thermo-induced shape memory polyurethane, Polymers, 2019,11, 982.
[156] Qiu Bo, Zhao Tianxing, Chen Kaijuan, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. Experimental observation on multiaxial thermo-mechanical coupling cyclic transformation of super-elastic NiTi alloy micro-tube, International Journal of Fatigue, 2019, 127, 470-478.
[157] Jianfeng Zhao, Qianhua Kan, Liucheng Zhou, Guozheng Kang, Haidong Fan, Xu Zhang. Deformation mechanisms based constitutive modelling and strength-ductility mapping of gradient nano-grained materials. Material Science and Engineering A, 2019,742, 400-408.
[158] Qiu Bo, Kan Qianhua, Kang Guozheng, Yu Chao, Yan Wenyi. A thermo-mechanically coupled constitutive model describing rate-dependent cyclic deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy, Mechanics Research Communication, 2019, 90, 32-41.
[159] Ting Zhou, Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan. A microplane constitutive model for martensite transformation and reorientation in shape memory alloys under non-proportional multiaxial loading. International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2019, 152, 63-80.
[160] 伏培林,牛国浩,胡冰晖,秦明浩,阚前华。基于不同梁理论的功能梯度悬臂梁自由振动分析,四川理工大学学报,2019, 32(6), 27-33.
[161] 梁志鸿,李建,阚前华,康国政.形状记忆聚氨酯应变局部化行为的实验和数值模拟,材料工程, 2019, 47(10),133-140.
[162] 樊译璘,阚前华,康国政,徐祥。热处理U71Mn钢循环塑性变形实验和模拟,机械工程材料,2019,43(11), 62-72.
[163] 赵天行,康国政,阚前华,徐祥。基于LabVIEW平台的形状记忆合金温度控制装置研究,实验力学,2019, 34(1),55-63.
[164] 黄琰,阚前华,罗会亮,马传平。基于数字图像相关法的A7N01-T4铝合金焊接接头循环变形行为实验研究,西华大学学报,2019, 38(2),75-80.
[165] 赵吉中,徐祥,丁立,阚前华,康国政.高速列车车轮踏面滚压强化工艺参数优化,西南交通大学学报, 2019, 1, 1-10.
[166] 庞兴,阚前华,赵吉中,徐祥,朱龙权。 U75V焊接接头三维轮轨滚动接触有限元分析,成都理工大学学报,2019, 38(1),73-77.
[167] 杨刚, 李建, 方涛, 阚前华, 康国政. U75VG钢温度相关的循环塑性变形行为,机械工程材料,2019, 43(5),71-74.
[168] 魏健蓝, 赵吉中,丁立,张旭, 阚前华, 康国政. 激光淬火U71Mn轨面淬硬层材料参数反演分析, 机械工程材料, 2019, 43(4),73-78.
[169] 蒋钦贤, 李建, 阚前华, 康国政. 超弹性NiTi形状记忆合金J积分影响因素分析,四川理工大学学报,2019, 32(2),1-7.
[170] 赖涵,阚前华,赵吉中,徐祥,康国政。高应力幅循环历史对U78CrV钢机理行为的影响,四川理工大学学报, 2019, 32(2),1-8.
[171] Jingye Yang, Guozheng Kang, Kaijuan Chen,Qianhuakan Kan. Experimental study on uniaxial ratchetting-fatigue interaction of polyamide-6. Polymer Testing, 2018, 69, 545-555.
[172] Jun Tian, Jian Li, Yu Yang, Qianhua Kan. Finite element implementation of a temperature-dependent cyclic plastic model for SA508-3 steel, Metals, 2018, 8(11), 955.
[173] Xiang Xu, Qian-hua Kan, M Han Jiang, Guo-zheng Kang. A multi-mechanism model describing reorientation, detwinned and plasticity of one-way NiTi shape memory alloy. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,2018, 31(4), 445-458.
[174] Bo Qiu, Qianhua Kan, Tianxing Zhao, Xi Xie, Guozheng Kang. Investigation on anisotropic cyclic transformation of super-elastic NiTi alloy under multi-axial cyclic loadings. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,2018, 31(6),744-757.
[175] Jian Li, Qian-hua Kan, Ze-bin Zhang, Guo-zheng Kang, Wen-yi Yan. Thermo-mechanically coupled thermo-elasto-visco-plastic modeling of thermo-induced shape memory polyurethane at finite deformation. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,2018, 31(2),141-160.
[176] Bing Wang, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Wenping Wu, Kun Zhou, Chao Yu. Atomistic study on the super-elasticity of single crystal bulk NiTi shape memory alloy under adiabatic condition, Computational Materials Science, 2018, 142-38-46.
[177] Bing Wang, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Wenping Wu, Kun Zhou, Chao Yu. Atomistic study on the super-elasticity of nanocrystalline NiTi shape memory alloy subjected to a cyclic deformation, Computational Materials Science, 2018, 152, 85-92.
[178] Xie Xi, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Yu Chao, Peng Qi. Phase field modeling for cyclic phase transition of NiTi shape memory alloy single crystal with super-elasticity. Computational Materials Science, 2018, 143, 212-224.
[179] Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan. An equivalent local constitutive model for grain size dependent deformation of NiTi polycrystalline shape memory alloys. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 138, 34-41.
[180] Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan. A micromechanical constitutive model for grain size dependent thermo-mechanically coupled inelastic deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy, International Journal of Plasticity, 105, 99-127.
[181] Zhang Jianwei, Jiang Han, Jiang Chengkai, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Li Yonghua. Experimental and numerical investigations of evaluation criteria and material parameters' coupling effect on polypropylene scratch, Polymer Engineering & Science, 2018, 58(1),118-122.
[182] 康国政,阚前华,于超,宋迪。热致和磁致形状记忆合金循环变形和疲劳行为研究。力学进展,2018, 48, 201802.
[183] 张丽屏,田俊,李建,杨宇,阚前华. SA508-3钢耦合损伤的循环塑性本构模型研究. 核动力工程,2018,29(1),165-168.
[184] 黄琰,阚前华,罗会亮,马传平。基于DIC技术的6005A-T6铝合金焊焊接接头非均匀循环变形行为实验研究。四川理工大学学报,2018,3(2),55-61.
[185] 王晨阳,赵吉中,徐祥,阚前华。曲线段地铁线路轮轨接触三维有限元分析。四川理工大学学报,2018, 31(2), 36-42.
[186] 刘劼文,董城,周轮,冷武明,阚前华。基于动态回弹模量的湖区黏土路基临界高度与湿度的关系研究。湖南交通科技,2018, 44(2), 6-10.
[187] Luo Huiliang, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Huang Yan. Experimental investigation on the heterogeneous ratchetting of SUS301L stainless steel butt weld joint during uniaxial cyclic loading, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 105, 169-179.
[188] Song Di, Kang Guozheng, Yu Chao, Kan Qianhua, Zhang Chuanzeng. Non-proportional multiaxial fatigue of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy micro-tubes: Damage evolution and life-prediction models, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, 131-132, 325-333.
[189] Tian Jun, Yang Yu, Zhang Liping, Shao Xuejiao, Du Juan, Kan Qianhua. Ratcheting behavior of SA508-3 steel at elevated temperature experimental observation and simulation. Acta Metall Sina (Engl Lett), 2017, 1-7.
[190] Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Xu Xiang. Physical mechanism based crystal plasticity model of NiTi shape memory alloy addressing degeneration of shape memory effect during thermo-mechanical cyclic deformation, Mechanics of Materials, 2017, 112, 1-17.
[191] Song Di, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Yu Chao, Zhang Chuanzeng. Effects of peak stress and stress amplitude on multiaxial transformation ratchetting and fatigue life of superelastic NiTi SMA micro-tubes: Experiments and life-prediction model, International Journal of Fatigue, 2017, 96, 252-260.
[192] Wang Bing, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Zhou Kun, Chao Yu. Molecular dynamics simulations to the pseudo-elasticity of NiTi shape memory alloy nano-pillar subjected to cyclic compression, Computational Materials Science, 2017, 131, 132-138.
[193] Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. A macroscopic multi-mechanism based constitutive model for the thermo-mechanical cyclic degeneration ofshape memory effect of NiTi shape memory alloy, Acta Mech Sina, 2017, 1-16.
[194] Dong Cheng, Liu Wenjie, Zhou Lun, Zhang Ruilei, Kan Qianhua, Leng Wuming. Evaluation on fatigue life of expressway asphalt pavement based on tire-pavement-subgrade coupling model. American Journal of Civil Engineering, 2017, 5(6), 400-407.
[195] 张泽斌,李建,陈开卷,邱博,康国政,阚前华。形状记忆聚氨酯的热机械循环变形行为实验研究。功能材料,2017, 48 (5) :5174-5179.
[196] 姜晗,徐祥,王莅辰,阚前华,康国政。镍钛形状记忆合金热机械循环变形行为试验研究,四川理工大学学报,2017,30(1): 65-69
[197] 周廷,阚前华,康国政,邱博。超弹性镍钛形状记忆合金单轴相变棘轮行为的宏观维象本构模型,力学学报,2017,49(3): 588-596.
[198] 张丽屏,田俊,傅孝龙,阚前华。国产Incolnel690高温合金室温和高温循环变形行为。机械工程材料, 2017, 41(12), 69-79.
[199] Zhu Yilin, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Bruhns T. Otto, Liu Yujie. Thermo-mechanically coupled cyclic elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model of metals: theory and application, International Journal of Plasticity, 2016, 79, 111-152.
[200] Song Di, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Yu Chao, Zhang Chuanzeng. Study on the microstructure and stress fatigue failure mechanism of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy micro-tubes, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 665, 17-25.
[201] Xie Xi, Kan Qianhua,Kang Guozheng, Fucong Lu, Kaijuan Chen. Observation on rate-dependent cyclic transformation domain of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 671, 32-47.
[202] Xie Xi, Kan Qianhua, Li Jian, Qiu Bo, Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng. Observation on the transformation domains of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy and their evolutions during cyclic loading, Smart Materials and Structures, 2016, 25, 045003 (11pp).
[203] Kan Qianhua, Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Li Jian, Yan Wenyi. Experimental observations on rate-dependent cyclic deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy, Mechanics of Materials, 2016, 97, 48-58.
[204] 康国政,于超,阚前华。NiTi形状记忆合金热-力耦合循环变形行为宏微观实验和理论研究进展。 固体力学学报,2016, 36, 461-480.
[205] 李志勇, 邹静蓉, 董城, 梅作舟, 阚前华。路基含水量对水泥混凝土路面疲劳寿命的影响分析。中外公路,2016, 35, 41-46.
[206] 段浩,吴圣川,徐忠伟,阚前华,康国政。基于三维X射线和GTN模型的7020铝合金熔焊接头的损伤机制,中国激光, 2016, 43(10), 1002005-1-8.
[207] Chung Lun Pun, Qianhua Kan, Peter J Mutton, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan. A Comprehensive Approach to Evaluate the Ratcheting Performance of Rail Steels under Cyclic Rolling Contact in Service. International Journal Mechanical Science, 2015.
[208] Song Di, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Yu Chao, Zhang chuangzhen. Non-proportional multiaxial transformation ratcheting and life of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy with incomplete transformations. International Journal of Fatigue, 2015, 80,372-380.
[209] Song Di, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Yu Chao, Zhang chuangzhen.Damage-based life prediction model for uniaxial low-cycle stress fatigue of superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy microtubes. Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, 24, 0850074(8pp).
[210] Song Di, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Yu Chao, Zhang Chuanzeng. Experimental observations on uniaxial whole-life transformation ratchetting and low-cycle stress fatigue of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy micro-tubes, Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, 24, 075004 (10pp).
[211] Mingxing Shi, Yonghong Cao, Zhendong Sha, Qianhua Kan, Yongwei Zhang, Guozheng Kang. First-principles investigation of the edge-related properties of fluorographene nanoribbons, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2015, 82, 041007-1-7.
[212] Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. New micromechanical constitutive model for anisotropic cyclic deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy single crystal, Journal of Mechanics and Physics in Solids, 2015, 82, 97-136.
[213] Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Zhu Yilin. Rate-dependent cyclic deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy: thermo-mechanical coupled and physical mechanism-based constitutive model, International Journal of Plasticity, 2015, 72, 60-90.
[214] Yu C, Kang G Z, Song D, Kan Q H. Effect of martensite reorientation on multiaxial transformation ratchetting of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy: new consideration in constitutive model. International journal of Plasticity, 2015, 67, 69-101.
[215] 康国政, 于超, 阚前华. NiTi 形状记忆合金热-力耦合循环变形行为宏微观实验和理论研究进展, 固体力学学报, 2015, 36(6), 461-480.
[216] 杨强军,阚前华,康国政,于超,董诗玉。超弹性NiTi合金功能失效模型研究。功能材料,2015, 10(46), 10018-10022.
[217] 张茹远,阚前华,康国政,张娟。形状记忆合金增韧大块金属玻璃机理分析。复合材料学报,2015, 32(1), 188-195.
[218] 邱博,阚前华,刘宇杰,张旭,谢瑞丽。高强轨道钢双轴棘轮行为实验和本构模型。工程力学,2015, 32(7), 229-235.
[219] Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. A physical mechanism based constitutive model for temperature-dependent transformation ratcheting of NiTi shape memory alloy: one-dimensional model. Mechanics of Materials, 2014, 78, 1-10.
[220] Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. A cyclic crystal plasticity based constitutive model for rate-dependent cyclic deformation of NiTi shape memory alloy considering internal heat generation. International Journal Solids and structures, 2014, 51(25-26),4396-4305.
[221] Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Song Di. A micromechanical constitutive model considering different mechanisms of inelastic deformation for NiTi shape memory alloy, International Journal of Plasticity, 2014, 54, 132-162.
[222] Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. Crystal plasticity based constitutive model for the ratchetting of magnesium single crystal and polycrystalline alloys, Computational Material Science, 2014, 84, 63-73.
[223] Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu. A finite viscoelastic-plastic model for describing the uniaxial ratchetting of soft biological tissues. Journal of Biomechanics, 2014,47, 996-1003.
[224] Pun Chunglun, Kan Qianhua, Mutton J. Peter, Kang Guozheng, Yan Wenyi. Ratchetting behaviour of high strength rail steels under biaxial compression-torsion loadings, International Journal of Fatigue, 2014,66, 138-154.
[225] Chung Lun Pun, Qianhua Kan, Peter J Mutton, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan. A single parameter to evaluate stress state in rail head for rolling contact fatigue analysis. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2014, 37, 909-919.
[226] Zhu Yilin, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Bruhns T. Otto. Logarithmic stress rate based cyclic constitutive model in finite plasticity, International Journal of Plasticity, 2014, 54, 34-55.
[227] Song Di, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Yu Chao, Zhang Chuanzeng. Non-proportionally multiaxial transformation ratchetting of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy: experimental observations, Mechanics of Materials, 2014, 70, 94-105.
[228] Di Song, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu, Chuanzeng Zhang. Effect of martensite plasticity on cyclic deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy, Smart Materials and Structures, 2014, 23, 015008.
[229] 任学红,张娟,康国政,阚前华。典型循环塑性本构模型对316L不锈钢单轴棘轮行为的预测结果评估。应用数学与力学,2014, 35s,204-207.
[230] 梅作舟,董城,康国政,阚前华,谢瑞丽,邱博。边界条件对路基动力学响应的影响。应用数学与力学,2014, 35s,257-260.
[231] 谢曦,康国政,刘宇杰,于超 ,阚前华。挤压AZ31镁合金高温棘轮行为实验研究。应用数学与力学,2014, 35s,160-164.
[232] 谢瑞丽,阚前华,康国政,梅作舟,邱博。含碳量对高强轨道钢塑性变形的影响。应用数学与力学,2014, 35s,127-130.
[233] 邱博,阚前华,康国政,谢瑞丽。Ti6242s合金高温棘轮行为有限元模拟。应用数学与力学,2014, 35s,232-235.
[234] 张茹远,阚前华,张娟,康国政。形状记忆合金增韧大块金属比例复合材料界面失效分析。应用数学与力学,2014, 35s,171-175.
[235] 董诗玉,阚前华,杨强军,康国政。保持时间对镍钛形状记忆合金循环相变的影响。应用数学与力学,2014, 35s,151-155.
[236] 唐伟文,阚前华,康国政。穿山甲鳞片力学性能和微结构特征。应用数学与力学,2014, 35s,117-220.
[237] 张旭,王旻嘉,康国政,阚前华。基于晶体塑性有限元的多晶铜单调拉伸和循环塑性行为研究。北京理工大学学报,2014, 34(1), 86-89.
[238] 阚前华,杨强军,康国政,刘宇杰,张旭。钛合金Ti6242S高温棘轮行为实验研究。北京理工大学学报,2014, 34(1), 90-93.
[239] 强斌,刘宇杰,阚前华。考虑粘结界面的泡沫铝夹心板三点弯曲失效的数值模拟。材料科学与工程,2014, 17, 97-101.
[240] 杨强军,阚前华,康国政。超弹性NiTi合金温度相关的相变棘轮行为研究。功能材料,2014, 45(7), 7089-7093.
[241] 杜鹃,邵雪娇,张丽屏,阚前华,郭素娟。钛合金弹塑性塑性修正因子研究。核动力工程,2014,35(1), 101-105.
[242] Abbas Amini, Chun Cheng, Qianhua Kan, Minoo Naebe, Haisheng Song. Phase transformation evolution in NiTi shape memory alloy under cyclic nanoindentation loadings at dissimilar rates. Scientific reports, 2013, 3, 3412.
[243] Qianhua Kan, Wenyi Yan, Guozheng Kang, Qingping Sun. Application of Oliver-Pharr indentation method in phase transformation material---shape memory alloy, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2013, 61, 2015-2033.
[244] Wenyi Yan, Qianhua Kan, Ramesh Rajan, Kenan Kergrene, Guozheng Kang, Xiqiao Feng. A truncated conical beam model for the vibration analysis of rat whiskers, Journal of Biomechanics, 2013, 46, 1987-1995.
[245] Qianhua Kan, Ramesh Rajan, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan. Elastic modulus of rat whisker---A key biomaterial in rat whisker sensory system, Material Research Bulletin, 2013, 48(12), 5026-5032.
[246] Xiangjun Jiang, Yongsheng Zhu, Youyun Zhang, Qianhua Kan. Constitutive model for time-dependent ratchetting of SS304 stainless steel: simulation and finite element analysis, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2013, 51, 63-73.
[247] Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Di Song. A cyclic micromechanical model for NiTi shape memory alloy. International Journal of Plasticity, 2013, 44: 161-191.
[248] Sujuan Guo, Guozheng Kang, Juan Zhang, Qianhua Kan. Effects of tangent operators on prediction accuracy of meso-mechanical constitutive model of elasto-plastic composites, International Journal of Computational Methods, 2013, 11(2).
[249] 强斌,刘宇杰,阚前华。拉压弹性模量差异对泡沫铝夹芯板三点弯曲模拟的影响,功能材料,2013(18), 1-5.
[250] 罗海波,张娟,康国政,孙亚芳,阚前华。SS304不锈钢单轴全寿命棘轮行为的粘塑性本构描述。西南交通大学学报(s), 2013, 48, 146-149.
[251] 赵佳敏,阚前华,康国政,于超,蒋晗。超弹性NiTi合金血管支架自扩张行为的有限元模拟。西南交通大学学报(s), 2013, 48, 133-136.
[252] 付仁,阚前华,康国政. 循环热机械载荷下薄壁圆筒的热棘轮边界分析。西南交通大学学报(s), 2013, 48, 11-14.
[253] Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan. Cyclic Deformation Behavior and Low-cycle Fatigue Failure Behavior of TA16 Titanium alloy. Advanced Science Letters, 2012, 15(1), 465-468.
[254] QH Kan, GZ Kang, SJ Guo, Finite element implementation of a super-elastic constitutive model for transformation ratcheting of NiTi alloy. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2012, 9(1), 1240022.
[255] Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang, Di Song, Qianhua Kan. Micromechanical constitutive model considering plasticity for super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy, Computational Materials Science, 2012, 56, 1-5.
[256] Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan, Yu Chao. An Energy-based Fatigue Failure Model of Super-elastic NiTi Alloy under Pure Mechanical Cyclic Loading. Proc. Of SPIE, 8409, 8409DF-1.
[257] Wenyi Yan, Gopesh Tilvawala, Qianhua Kan. Numerical investigation of the mechanical behaviour of shape memory bulk metallic glass composites. Proc. Of SPIE, 8409, 84090E-1.
[258] Guozheng kang, Qianhua Kan, Yu Chao, Song Di, Liu Yujie. Whole-life Transformation Ratchetting and Fatigue of Super-elastic NiTi Alloy under Uniaxial Stress-controlled Cyclic Loading. Material Science and Engineering A, 2012, 535, 228-234.
[259] Jun Ding, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Yujie Liu. Constitutive model for uniaxial time-dependent ratcheting of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy. Computational Materials Science, 2012, 57: 67-72.
[260] 阚前华,康国政,宋迪,于超,张娟。残余应变对镍钛形状记忆合金超弹性抑制效应的实验研究。四川大学学报工程科学版(s), 2012, 44(2), 72-75.
[261] 张建伟,王成桥,阚前华,蒋晗。高分子涂层材料碰撞剥落机制的有限元分析。四川大学学报工程科学版(s), 2012, 44(2), 122-125.
[262] Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang. Constitutive model study on transformation ratcheting of superelastic NiTi alloy, International Journal of Plasticity, 2010, 26(3):441-465.
[263] Qianhua kan, Guozheng Kang, Linmao Qian. A super-elastic constitutive model considering plasticity and its finite element implementation. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2010, 23(1), 1-11.
[264] 罗海波,张娟,阚前华. 304不锈钢在高温下的单轴棘轮与蠕变交互作用行为实验研究.四川大学学报(工程科学版), 2010(42)增刊2:165-169.
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[267] Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Linmao Qian, Yujie Liu. Ratchetting Deformation of Superelastic and Shape memory NiTi Alloys. Mechanics of Materials, 2009 ,41(2), 139-153.
[268] 阚前华,康国政,钱林茂,王海林.NiTi超弹性合金的相变棘轮行为的实验研究.金属学报,2008(8):945-955.
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[272] Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Juan Zhang. Uniaxial time-dependent ratchetting: Visco-plastic Constitutive Model and Finite Element Application. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2007,47(2), 113-144.
[273] Kang, G.Z., Kan, Q.H. Constitutive models for uniaxial time-dependent ratcheting of SS304 stainless steel, Mechanics of Materials, 2007, 39(5),488-499.
[274] Kang, G.Z., Zhang, J., Sun, Y.F., Kan, Q.H. Experimental study on uniaxial time-dependent ratcheting of SS304 stainless steel at elevated temperatures, Journal of Iron and Steel, International, 2007, 14(1), 53-59.
[275] Kang G.Z., Kan, Q.H., Zhang, J., Sun, Y.F. Time-dependent ratcheting experiments of SS304 stainless steel. International Journal of Plasticity, 2006, 22(5), 858-894.
[276] Kang, G.Z., Li, Y.G., Gao, Q., Qianhua Kan., Zhang, J. Uniaxial ratchetting in steels with different cyclic softening/hardening behaviours, Fatigue &Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures,2006,29(2),93-103.
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[279] Kang GZ, Kan QH, Zhang J. Experimental study on the uniaxial cyclic deformation of 25CDV4.11 steel. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2005, 21(1), 5-9.
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