蒋朝哲 副教授


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[a-1]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Driver Stress Detection Using Ultra-Short-Term HRV Analysis under RealWorld Driving Conditions. Entropy 2023, 25, 194.

[a-2]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Incorporation of Pilot Factors into Risk Analysis of CivilAviation Accidents from 2008 to 2020: A Data-Driven BayesianNetwork Approach. Aerospace2023,10(19)Aerospace 2023, 10, 9.

[a-3]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Physiological responses and stress levels of high-speed rail train drivers under various operating conditions - a simulator study in China. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 2022,6(2),1–16. SCI

[a-4]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. System dynamics modeling and robustness analysis for capital-constrained supply chain under disruption. Industrial Management & Data Systems.2022,11;. SCI

[a-5]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Label-Less Learning for Urban Railway Transit Driver Fatigue Detection with Heart Rate Variability. Transportation Research Record,2022: 03611981221127010.. SCI

[a-6]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Data-Driven Detection and Assessment for Urban Railway Transit Driver Fatigue in Real Work Conditions. Transportation Research Record,2022: 03611981221104689.. SCI

[a-7]蒋朝哲*,等. 基于心电的铁路列车驾驶压力检测研究. 中国安全科学学报,2022,32(6):31-37. CSCD

[a-8]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. A method in modeling interactive pedestrian    crossing and driver yielding decisions during their interactions at intersections. Transportation Research PartF: Psychology and Behaviour,2022, 2022, 6;88:37-53. SCI

[a-9]蒋朝哲,等. 考虑资金约束的中欧班列运价与运量决策分析. 交通运输系统工程与信息,2022,2;22(1):30-37. CSCD

[a-10]Chaozhe Jiang, etc. Impact of right-turn channelization on pedestrian safety at signalized intersection. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2020,3;136(105399):1-17. SSCI

[a-11]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Modeling train operation as sequences: A study of delay prediction with operation and weather data. Transportation Research Part E, 2020,9;141(102022):01-23. SCI

[a-12]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Spatial Information Enhances Myoelectric Control Performance With Only Two Channels. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics    2019,2,15(2):1226-1233. SCI

[a-13]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Statistical investigation on train primary delay based on real records: evidence from Wuhan-Guangzhou HSR . International Journal of Rail Transportation, 2017,3;5(3):170-189 . SCI

[a-14]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Global sensitivity analysis of VISSIM parameters for project-level traffic emissions: a case study at a signalized intersection. Environmental Technology. 2021.09.09:1-20 . SCI

[a-15]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Lagrangian-based Hydrodynamic Model for Traffic Data Fusion on Freeways. Networks and Spatial Economics2017:17:1071–1094 . SCI

[a-16]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Spatially Varying Relation between Built Environment andStation-Level Subway Passenger-Distance. Journal of Advanced Transportation2022, 7542560, 1-18 . SCI

[a-17]Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Modeling the Influence of Disturbances in High-Speed Railway Systems. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019,3;2019(8639589):1-13. SCI

[a-18]Chaozhe Jiang, etc. Forecasting Primary Delay Recovery of High-Speed Railway Using Multiple Linear Regression, Supporting Vector Machine, Artificial Network and Random Forest Regression.. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering,   2019,5;46(5):353-363. SCI

[a-19]蒋朝哲*,等. 高速铁路初始晚点致因-影响列车数分布模型. 西南交通大学学报, 2018,(06)126:1-1269. CSCD

[a-20] Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Lagrangian-based Hydrodynamic Model for Traffic Data Fusion on Freeways. Networks and Spatial Economics. Dec.18, 2017.  SCI  IF>2.6

[a-21] Chaozhe Jiang, etc. Anti-Runaway Prevention System with Wireless Sensors for Intenlligent Track Skates at Railway Stations. Sensors. Dec.14, 2017, SCI IF>2.7

[a-22] Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Statistical Investigation on Train Primary Delay Based on Real Records:Evidence from Wuhan-Guangzhou HSR., International Journal of Rail Transportation. March 13, 2017, 1-20  SCI

[a-23] Chaozhe Jiang*, etc. Optimization Analysis of Energy-absorbing Structure in Subway Train. I.J. Robotics and Automation. Sept.13, 2017. SCI

[a-24] Chaozhe Jiang etc. Delay Propagation Mechanism of High-speed Railway, TRB 2017

[a-25] Chaozhe Jiang* etc.Visible Sensing Recognition Linkage Model & Decision Support System for PM2.5 Distribution in Road Network: A Case Study of Chengdu Area. TRB 2017

[a-26] Chaozhe Jiang etc.Development of a Model-based Performance Measurement Tool for Winter Road Maintenance Management, TRB 2017

[a-27] Chaozhe Jiang etc.A Video-Based Approach to Calibrating Car-Following Parameters in VISSIM for Urban Traffic, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology. 5(2016). pp 1-9

[a-28] Chaozhe Jiang etc.Mineral Reserves Optimization Based on Improved Group AHP, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing. 2014, 20(4):587-597

[a-29] Chaozhe Jiang etc.Road weather information system stations-where and how many to install: a cost benefit analysis approach, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 2014, 42(1): 57-66

[a-30] Chaozhe Jiang etc.Intelligent Information Processing with Application, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing. 2014, 20(4):467-469

[a-31] Chaozhe Jiang etc.Collaborative Mechanism of High-Speed Railway Dispatch System, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing. 2014, 20(4):637-649

[a-32] Chaozhe JIANG,Lu WU,etc. Characteristics and Reliability Analysis of the Complex Network in Guangzhou Rail Transit, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2013

[a-33] Kaml, Liping Fu, Chaozhe JIANG, Effect of Winter Weather and Road Surface Condition on Macroscopic Traffic Parameters, Transportation Research Record.2013

[a-34] JIANG Chaozhe, etc. Collaborative Mechanism of High-speed Railway Dispatching System, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, accepted 2013

[a-35] JIANG Chaozhe, etc. Mineral Reserves Optimization based on Improved Group AHP, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, accepted 2013.

[a-36] JIANG Chaozhe, etc. Logistics Distribution Centre Location Model of Altitude Training Under Electronic Commerce, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, accepted 2013

[a-37] JIANG Chaozhe, etc. Transportation Routine Dynamic Planning in Logistics of National Physique Monitoring Based on Multi-agent System, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, accepted 2013

[a-38] Chaozhe JIANG, Jing YANG. Overview of Intelligent Railway transportation systems in China, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2012

[a-39] Raqib, Liping FU, Chaozhe JIANG, Field Test of Organic Deicers as Prewetting and Anti-Icing Agents for Winter Road Maintenance, Transportation Research Record, 2012

[a-40] 刘家军,蒋朝哲  改进的折衷型模糊多属性决策方法及其应用,交通运输工程与信息学报,2012

[a-41] 刘家军,蒋朝哲  港口竞争力评价模型研究,交通运输工程与信息学报,2012

[a-42] 蒋朝哲等,冬季道路除雪维护组织研究综述,公路,2012.

[a-43] 蒋朝哲,高晓琴,涂瑞,徐芳. 基于DNA计算机理的粗集属性约简算法构想. 计算机科学, 2005, 32(8A):48-50

[a-44] 蒋朝哲,关秦川,涂瑞,高小琴. 基于粗糙集理论的项目评价方法研究. 管理工程学报,2005,19(10S): 79-81

[a-45] 蒋朝哲,胡培,刘盾,项目经理综合素质ROUGH 评价模型, 中国管理科学,2006,14(565):207-210 (special in English)

[a-46] 蒋朝哲, 胡培, 徐芳. 吸收马氏链在供应链优化判断中的应用. 世界科技研究与发展, 2004,26(5):70-73

[a-47] 蒋朝哲, 胡培, 袁继学. 多元群博弈模型及其Nash均衡研究. 昆明理工大学学报(理工版), 2004, 29(6): 138-142

[a-48] 蒋朝哲,胡培,徐芳. 粗糙集理论的研究与应用综述. 计算机科学与实践, 2004, 2(8):60-64

[a-49] JIANG Chaozhe, YANG Hai, XU Guangbing, Paul GUO. Synthesis of Garmma-Lactam Catalyzed by 4A Molecular Sieve under Microwave Irradiation and Solvent Selection by Rough Set Theory.. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2005,26(4):263-264

[a-50] 牟新云, 蒋朝哲. 基于系统科学的服务管理研究. 社会科学研究, 2004,6(115):43-46

[a-51] 涂  瑞, 蒋朝哲, 武睿, 黄洪. Rough 集合论在化学药品合成中的应用. 计算机科学, 2004, 31(10A):124-127

[a-52] 朱六兵,蒋朝哲,高晓琴,杨斌  协调决策表的规则提取. 成都信息工程学院学报,2005,21(5)686-689

[a-53] 宋  波, 李秀峰, 蒋朝哲. 对TTCN-3同步的扩展. 西南交通大学学报, 2005, 40(1):39-43 (EI,)

[a-54] 高小琴,蒋朝哲,涂瑞,李慧,杨占华  Web使用挖掘研究, 微计算机信息Control & Automation, 2006,22(73):200-202

[a-55] 刘盾,胡培,蒋朝哲,一种基于聚类分析的粗集决策方法,统计与决策,2007,1(230):42-44

[a-56] 刘盾,胡培,蒋朝哲,一种基于粗集理论的聚类分析方法, 统计与决策,2007,4(236):26-29

[a-57] 周  艳,唐建华,蒋朝哲,图象快速自适应滤波算法,微计算机信息,2008

[a-58] 刘  盾,胡  培,蒋朝哲; 刘丽;Evaluation Model for Scientific Quality Based on Rough Sets and Its Empirical Study,Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(English Edition), 西南交通大学学报(英文版), 2007年 03期  PP:247-251

[a-59] 龙小海; 余怒涛; 黄登仕; 蒋朝哲; 制度变迁、注册会计师选聘权配置与独立审计制度演变,会计研究, Accounting Research, 2007年 11期 pp:82-86

[a-60] 刘盾,胡培,蒋朝哲. 一种基于粗集理论的属性权重构早方法,系统工程与电子技术,2008,30(8):1481-1484

[a-61] 蒋朝哲 徐芳.管理恢复人的价值. 国外医学:医院管理分册,1999,16(4):173-175.

[a-62] 徐芳,蒋朝哲 变化的力量.国外医学:医院管理分册,1999,16(4).


[b-1]  JIANG Chaozhe, etc. Variation of Pilots’ Mental Workload under Emergency Flight Conditions Induced by Different Equipment Failures: A Flight Simulator Study. Transportation Research Board Washington, USA, 2023. 

[b-2] JIANG Chaozhe, etc. Data-driven Models for Predicting Delay Recovery in High Speed Rail Operations, ICTIS, Banff, Canada, Aug. 1, 2017.
[b-3] JIANG Chaozhe, etc. Mineral Reserves Optimization based on Improved Group AHP, Proceedings of International Conference of Transportation Engineering 2013.
[b-4] JIANG Chaozhe, etc. Logistics Distribution Centre Location Model of Altitude Training Under Electronic Commerce, Proceedings of International Conference of Transportation Engineering 2013
[b-5] JIANG Chaozhe, etc. Transportation Routine Dynamic Planning in Logistics of National Physique Monitoring Based on Multi-agent System, Proceedings of International Conference of Transportation Engineering 2013
[b-6] Liping FU, Chaozhe JIANG,Evaluating advanced pickup and delivery systems: A simulation study,Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference of Logistics Engineering and Management,2012
[b-7] Chaozhe JIANG, etc. Development and sustainable strategies of RITS in China IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics 2011
[b-8] Jixue YUAN, Chaozhe JIANG, etc. Dynamic transport routing planning in logistics of sports tour resource based on MAS and GIS Proceedings of the 3rd international Conference on Transportation Engineering2011
[b-9] Chaozhe JIANG, etc. Studies review of the technology for snow and ice control for winter road maintenance Proceedings of the 3rd international Conference on Transportation Engineering2011
[b-10] Fang XU, Chaozhe JIANG, etc. Transportation planning of altitude training resource based on microscopic traffic model Proceedings of the 3rd international Conference on Transportation Engineering2011
[b-11] YUAN Jixue, LIU Jian, KANAG Lian,JIANG Chaozhe,The Research of the Management System of Modern Great Sport Events Transportation Based on GIS, Proceedings of the International Conference on Transportation Engineering 2009.
[b-12] XU Fang,YUAN Jixue,JIANG Chaozhe, Rough Set Knowledge Discovery on The Logic Architecture of The National ITS of China, Proceedings of the International Conference on Transportation Engineering 2009.
[b-13] JIANG Chaozhe, PENG Qiyuan, TAO Siyu, The Evolution and Development of The Railway Corridor and The Optimization of International Coordination and Division. Proceedings of the International Conference on Transportation Engineering 2009.
[b-14] TANG Li, QIU Xiaoping, JIANG Chaozhe, Modeling Simulation of The Storage Management System Using AUTOMOD Software. Proceedings of the International Conference on Transportation Engineering 2009.
[b-15] JIANG Chaozhe, ZHANG Huiqin, XU Fang. Treatment for Cyanides-containing Wastewater from Organic Synthesis and Analysis for Contamination of Gaseous Wastes from Automobile Traffic in China. APCIM 2009, Proceedings of Asia Pacific Congress of Information Management, Japan 2009.
[b-16] Dun Liu, Pei Hu, and Chaozhe Jiang. The Incremental Learning Methodology of VPRS Based on Complete Information System, Proceedings of Third International Conference, RSKT2008, May 2008. Springer Press.
[b-17] Jiang Chaozhe, Hu Pei, Liu Dun, Xu Fang, Yuan Jixue, Using Rough Set Theory to Achieve Reliable Chemical Solvents Selection: A Multi-attribute Decision Case Study, International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering( ISKE2007), October, 2007
[b-18] Liu Dun, Hu Pei, Li Tianrui, Jiang Chaozhe, An Approach for Attribute Weights Asquisition based on Rough Sets Theory and Informatioin Gain[C], 2007 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering( ISKE2007), October 15-16, 2007, Chengdu, China.(ISTP)
[b-19] Liudun, Hupei, Jiangchaozhe, An Improved Rough Decision-making Model based on Equivalent Hierarchical Cluster and It’s Empirical Study[C], The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM2007), Sept. 21-23, 2007, Shanghai.(EI).
[b-20] Siyu Tao, Qiyuan Peng, Weixiong Zha and Chaozhe Jiang, Economic Evaluation Method of Passenger Train Plan, The First International Conference of Transportation Engineering(ICTE’2007), pp:412-417, July, 2007, Chengdu(EI)
[b-21] Y. Peng, C.Z.Jiang and Q.Y.Peng, A Novel Model of Coordinated Development of Integrated Transportation[C], The First International Conference of Transportation Engineering(ICTE’2007), July, 2007, Chengdu(EI)
[b-22] Y.Peng, Q.Y.Peng and C.Z.Jiang, Logit Cargo Flows Analysis Model and Its Application To Integrated Transportation[C], The First International Conference of Transportation Engineering, July, 2007, Chengdu.( EI)
[b-23] C.Z. Jiang, Q.Y. Peng, W.B. Huang and F. Xu, Objectively Evaluation of The Structure of Logistics Industry Based On Rough Set Theory[C], The First International Conference of Transportation Engineering, pp:814-821, July, 2007, Chengdu.( EI)
[b-24] JIANG Chaozhe, HU Pei, HUANG Dengshi, SHI Benshan, XU Fang. Rough Sets Methodology for Selection Solvents in Presence of Multiple Attributes Decision Making[C]. International Conference of Management Science and Applications, pp:19-20, June 20-22, 2005, Chengdu, China.
[b-25] Chaozhe JIANG, Xiangui ZHEN, Fang XU, Jixue YUAN ,Coordination modeling between the sub-systems of the comprehensive traffic and transportation system[C],2008 International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals July 31 – August 3,2008,Chengdu, China(EI).
[b-26] 陶思宇,彭其渊,蒋朝哲. 基于Rough Set 的铁路集装箱节点站布局评价研究[C],第七届世界华人交通运输学术大会,pp: 156-159, 2006, 上海
[b-27] 蒋朝哲,彭其渊,史开泉,龙小海,徐芳。中国国家ITS体系结构逻辑结构粗集知识识别[C], 2007海峡两岸智能交通学术会议,中国,天津,2007年9月
[b-28] 郭晋铎, 马永强, 蒋朝哲. 基于MGEP的实时IP传真技术研究[C]. 中国西部青年通信学术会议, pp:177-181, 2004年12月,成都
[b-29] 蒋朝哲, 胡培, 高晓琴, 徐芳, 袁际学. 多属性决策人问题方案预筛选的粗糙集方法[C].2005全国博士生学术论坛(交通运输工程学科), pp:795-798, 8月, 2005, 北京

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