办公地点:西南交通大学 土木馆1510
主要任职:Associate Professor
[1] Han S, Cui C*, Zheng Q, et al. Effect of ultrasonic impact treatment on welding residual stress and fatigue resistance of doubly-welded rib-to-deck joints in OSD[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, 211: 108157.
[2] Zhang X, Cui C*, Chen J, et al. Electrical properties of low temperature-sensitive coating sensor for fatigue crack monitoring in steel bridges[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 406: 133422.
[3] Li Q, Cui C*, Huang Q, et al. Sprayed piezoresistive flexible composite coating sensor for measuring strain measurement in steel structures[J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2023: e02509.
[4] Zhang D, Cui C*, Zhang X, et al. Monitoring fatigue cracks in rib-to-deck joints of orthotropic steel deck using ultrasonic Lamb waves[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 189: 110922.、
[5] Cui C*, Hu W Z, Liu W, et al. Fatigue tests and optimization for a new rib-to-diaphragm joint in orthotropic steel deck[J]. Structures. 2023, 53: 501-513.
[6] Li M, Cui C*, Yuan X, et al. A unified fatigue life evaluation method for different failure modes of the repaired rib-to-deck joints in orthotropic steel decks[J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2023: 107750.
[7] Lao W, Cui C*, Zhang D, et al. Computer Vision-Based Autonomous Method for Quantitative Detection of Loose Bolts in Bolted Connections of Steel Structures[J]. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2023, 2023.
[8] Cui C, Hu J, Zhang X, et al. Fatigue test and failure mechanism of new rib-to-floorbeam welded joints in OSDs[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, 203: 107835.
[9] Deng P, Cui C*, Cheng Z, et al. Fatigue damage prognosis of orthotropic steel deck based on data-driven LSTM[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, 202: 107777.
[10] Li M, Cui C*, Wang H, et al. Fatigue behavior and remaining life evaluation of rib-to-deck joints using interior repair welds[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 183: 110378.
[11] Bu Y, Li M, Wei C, et al. Experimental and analytical studies on flexural behavior of composite bridge decks with orthotropic steel deck and ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) slab under negative moment[J]. Engineering Structures, 2023, 274: 115190.
[12] Wei C, Zhang Q, Zhou Y, et al. Static and fatigue behaviors of short stud connectors embedded in ultra-high performance concrete[J]. Engineering Structures, 2022, 273: 114888.
[13] Da L, Zhang Q, Yuan D, et al. A new orthotropic steel deck system incorporating two novel structural details[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 199: 107633.
[14] Xu W, Cui C*, Luo C, et al. Fatigue crack monitoring of steel bridge with coating sensor based on potential difference method[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 350: 128868.
[15] Yuan D, Cui C*, Zhang Q, et al. Influence of resin asphalt pavement on stress behaviors of double-side welded rib-to-deck joints in orthotropic steel decks[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 197: 107491.
[16] Cui C*, Ma Y, Zhang Q, et al. Fatigue strength and crack growth of double-side welded rib-to-deck joint in orthotropic steel decks[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 196: 107444.
[17] Yuan D, Cui C*, Zhang Q, et al. Fatigue damage evaluation of welded joints in steel bridge based on meso-damage mechanics[J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2022, 161: 106898.
[18] Cui C*, Xu Y L, Zhang Q H. Multiscale fatigue damage evolution in orthotropic steel deck of cable-stayed bridges[J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 237: 112144.
[19] Zhang Q, Ma Y, Cui C*, et al. Experimental investigation and numerical simulation on welding residual stress of innovative double-side welded rib-to-deck joints of orthotropic steel decks[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2021, 179: 106544.
[20] Cui C, Xu Y L*, Zhang Q H, et al. Vehicle-induced dynamic stress analysis of orthotropic steel decks of cable-stayed bridges[J]. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2020, 16(8): 1067-1081.
[21] Cui C, Xu Y L*, Zhang Q H, et al. Vehicle-induced fatigue damage prognosis of orthotropic steel decks of cable-stayed bridges[J]. Engineering Structures, 2020, 212: 110509.
[22] Cui C, Zhang Q*, Bao Y, et al. Residual stress relaxation at innovative both-side welded rib-to-deck joints under cyclic loading[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2019, 156: 9-17.
[23] Cui C, Zhang Q*, Bao Y, et al. Fatigue life evaluation of welded joints in steel bridge considering residual stress[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2019, 153: 509-518.
[24] Cui C, Zhang Q*, Hao H, et al. Influence of asphalt pavement conditions on fatigue damage of orthotropic steel decks: parametric analysis[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2018, 23(12): 04018093.
[25] Cui C, Zhang Q*, Bao Y, et al. Fatigue damage evaluation of orthotropic steel deck considering weld residual stress relaxation based on continuum damage mechanics[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2018, 23(10): 04018073.
[26] Cui C, Zhang Q*, Bao Y, et al. Fatigue performance and evaluation of welded joints in steel truss bridges[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 148: 450-456.
[27] Cui C, Zhang Q*, Luo Y, et al. Fatigue reliability evaluation of deck-to-rib welded joints in OSD considering stochastic traffic load and welding residual stress[J]. International journal of fatigue, 2018, 111: 151-160.
[28] Cui C, Bu Y*, Bao Y, et al. Strain energy-based fatigue life evaluation of deck-to-rib welded joints in OSD considering combined effects of stochastic traffic load and welded residual stress[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2018, 23(2): 04017127.
[29] Zhang Q, Cheng Z, Cui C, et al. Analytical model for frictional resistance between cable and saddle of suspension bridges equipped with vertical friction plates[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2017, 22(1): 04016103.
[30] Zhang Q H, Cui C*, Bu Y Z, et al. Fatigue tests and fatigue assessment approaches for rib-to-diaphragm in steel orthotropic decks[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2015, 114: 110-118.
[1] 胡文哲,崔闯*,王昊等.基于多目标进化算法的多尺度有限元模型更新方法[J].工业建筑,2023,53(08):161-167.
[2] 劳武略,崔闯*,张登科等.基于计算机视觉的钢桥面板裂纹识别方法[J].中国公路学报,2023,36(03):188-201.
[3] 杨正祥,崔闯*,胡文哲等.铁路钢桥抗火性能和极限承载力研究[J].铁道学报,2023,45(03):70-79.
[4] 胡宇豪,苗鸿臣,张清华等.基于水平剪切导波的钢桥面板疲劳裂纹在线识别方法[J].固体力学学报,2023,44(04):458-469.
[5] 卜一之,安朗,崔闯*等.基于Fe-SMA的钢桥面板疲劳裂纹装配式主动加固方法[J].交通运输工程学报,2022,22(06):84-94.
[6] 贾东林,张清华,陈李桥等.随机腐蚀作用下在役钢桥疲劳抗力概率密度演化方法[J].中国公路学报,2023,36(05):163-174.
[7] 张清华*,张登科,崔闯等.基于超声导波的钢桥面板纵肋对接焊缝疲劳裂纹检测方法[J].中国公路学报,2022,35(06):101-112.
[8] 张清华*,笪乐天,李明哲等.基于多失效模式损伤度相容的钢桥面板抗疲劳设计方法[J].土木工程学报,2022,55(12):80-93.
[9] 张清华*,劳武略,崔闯等.钢结构桥梁疲劳2020年度研究进展[J].土木与环境工程学报(中英文),2021,43(S1):79-90.
[10] 崔闯*,杨正祥,王昊等.桥梁抗爆与抗火2020年度研究进展[J].土木与环境工程学报(中英文),2021,43(S1):207-221.
[11] 张清华,袁道云,李俊等.高疲劳抗力钢桥面板的疲劳问题Ⅱ:结构体系抗力[J].中国公路学报,2021,34(11):104-115.
[12] 张清华,李俊,袁道云等.高疲劳抗力钢桥面板的疲劳问题Ⅰ:模型试验[J].中国公路学报,2021,34(03):124-135.
[13] 张清华,李俊,袁道云等.深圳至中山跨江通道钢桥面板结构疲劳试验研究[J].土木工程学报,2020,53(11):102-115.
[14] 张清华,崔闯*,卜一之等.钢结构桥梁疲劳2019年度研究进展[J].土木与环境工程学报(中英文),2020,42(05):147-158.
[15] 张清华,崔闯*,魏川等.钢桥面板疲劳损伤智能监测与评估系统研究[J].中国公路学报,2018,31(11):66-77+112.
[16] 崔闯,卜一之*,李俊等.钢箱梁面板与U肋焊接残余应力的分布特性[J].西南交通大学学报,2018,53(02):260-265.
[17] 刘益铭,张清华,张鹏等.港珠澳大桥正交异性钢桥面板U肋对接焊缝疲劳寿命研究[J].中国公路学报,2016,29(12):25-33.
[18] 崔闯,张清华*,程震宇等.基于应变能的纵肋与横肋连接多轴疲劳评估方法[J].中国公路学报,2016,29(12):44-50.
[19] 李丽娟*,崔闯,卜一之等.铺装层对正交异性钢桥面板疲劳性能影响效应研究[J].世界桥梁,2016,44(05):48-52.
[20] 刘益铭,张清华*,崔闯等.正交异性钢桥面板三维疲劳裂纹扩展数值模拟方法[J].中国公路学报,2016,29(07):89-95.
[21] 张清华*,郭伟峰,崔闯等.新型大纵肋正交异性钢—混凝土组合桥面板疲劳特性研究[J].公路,2015,60(12):71-77.
[22] 崔闯*,刘益铭,廖贵星等.正交异性钢桥面板焊接接头疲劳评估方法[J].西南交通大学学报,2015,50(06):1011-1017.
[23] 杨绍林,卜一之*,崔闯等.U肋对接焊缝三维疲劳裂纹应力强度因子分析[J].桥梁建设,2015,45(05):54-59.
[24] 卜一之*,王一莹,崔闯.新型正交异性钢桥面板关键部位疲劳性能研究[J].世界桥梁,2015,43(05):20-24.
[25] 崔闯,卜一之*,张清华.正交异性钢桥面板焊缝疲劳性能评估方法[J].中国公路学报,2015,28(07):52-57+76.
[26] 卜一之*,杨绍林,崔闯等.轮迹横向分布对钢桥面板疲劳应力幅的影响[J].桥梁建设,2015,45(02):39-45.
[27] 张清华*,崔闯,卜一之等.正交异性钢桥面板足尺节段疲劳模型试验研究[J].土木工程学报,2015,48(04):72-83.
[28] 孟凡超,苏权科,卜一之等.正交异性钢桥面板的抗疲劳优化设计研究[J].公路,2014,59(10):1-6.
[29] 张清华*,崔闯,卜一之等.港珠澳大桥正交异性钢桥面板疲劳特性研究[J].土木工程学报,2014,47(09):110-119.
[30] 黄云,张清华*,叶华文等.钢管混凝土系杆拱桥空间稳定性分析[J].桥梁建设,2014,44(04):50-56.
[31] 崔闯,卜一之,张清华等.基于热点应力法的正交异性钢桥面板疲劳寿命评估[J].桥梁建设,2014,44(04):62-67.