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学科:交通运输工程. 交通运输规划与管理. 交通工程
2025年02月:课题组博士研究生王逸的学术论文《Fundamental diagram modeling of mixed traffic flow considering dedicated lanes for human-driven vehicles》被SCI期刊IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology接收。
2025年01月:课题组硕士研究生李乐和曾巧琼的学术论文《Analysis of the impact of heterogeneous platoon for mixed traffic flow: a fundamental diagram method》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2024年12月:课题组博士研究生蒋浩然、硕士研究生夏魁、赵萤滢合作的综述论文《Environmental impacts and emission reduction methods of vehicles equipped with driving automation systems: an operational-level review》被SCI期刊Transportation Research Part C接收。
2024年12月:课题组硕士研究生皇甫俊杰的学术论文《Energy-efficient trajectory design of connected automated vehicles platoon: a unified modeling approach using space-time-speed grid networks》被SCI期刊Energy接收。
2024年12月:课题组姚志洪老师担任《Control Engineering Practice》期刊(JCR Q1,中科院二区)青年编委。
2024年12月:课题组硕士研究生夏魁的学术论文《LC-Dual: Coupling predictive information and redundant strategies for autonomous vehicle lane change trajectory planning》被SCI期刊IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles接收。
2024年12月:课题组博士研究生肖国胜的学术论文《Cooperative eco-driving for mixed platoons at signalized intersections with wireless charging lanes》被SCI期刊Energy接收。
2024年11月:课题组姚志洪老师担任《IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering》(JCR Q1,中科院二区TOP期刊)副主编。
2024年10月:课题组硕士研究生丛宏伟的学术论文《Safety evaluation for mixed traffic flow of CAVs with different automation and connection levels》被SCI期刊Expert Systems With Applications接收。
2024年08月:课题组姚志洪老师成为IEEE 高级会员。
2024年08月:课题组姚志洪老师担任《IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems》期刊副主编。
2024年08月:课题组博士研究生王逸的学术论文《Efficiency and fuel consumption of mixed traffic flow with lane management of CAVs》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2024年08月:课题组硕士研究生夏魁的学术论文《A spatiotemporal optimization method for connected and autonomous vehicle operations in long tunnel constructions》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2024年07月:课题组博士研究生蒋浩然的学术论文获第24届COTA国际交通科技年会(CICTP 2024)最佳墙报奖。
2024年07月:课题组硕士研究生傅成鑫的学术论文《Optimal lane management model for mixed traffic flow with connected automated vehicles on freeways》被SCI期刊IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology接收。
2024年06月:课题组博士研究生王逸的学术论文《Analysis of mixed traffic flow with different lane management strategy for connected automated vehicles: a fundamental diagram method》被SCI期刊Expert Systems With Applications接收。
2024年05月:课题组硕士研究生陈宏宇的学术论文《A stackelberg game-based on-ramp merging controller for connected automated vehicles in mixed traffic flow》被SCI期刊Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research接收。
2024年05月:课题组硕士研究生满自鹏的学术论文《Cooperative lane-changing for connected autonomous vehicles merging into dedicated lanes in mixed traffic flow》被SCI期刊Expert Systems With Applications接收。
2024年04月:课题组博士研究生蒋浩然的学术论文《Pedestrian shuttle service optimization for autonomous intersection management》被SCI期刊Transportation Research Part C接收。
2024年04月:课题组硕士研究生邓浩伟的学术论文《Linear internal stability for mixed traffic flow of CAVs with different automation levels》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2024年04月:课题组硕士研究生丛宏伟的学术论文《Adaptive cruise control design for collision risk avoidance》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2024年03月:课题组硕士研究生谈力的学术论文《Platoon-aware cooperative lane-changing strategy for connected automated vehicles in mixed traffic flow》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2024年02月:课题组硕士研究生李乐的学术论文《Optimal lane management policy for connected automated vehicles in mixed traffic flow》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2023年11月:课题组硕士研究生任婷婷、许泽琦和博士研究生王逸合作的学术论文《Fundamental diagram of mixed traffic flow considering dedicated and shared lanes management policies for CAVs》被SCI期刊IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification接收。
2023年09月:课题组姚志洪老师担任《IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology》(JCR Q1,中科院二区TOP期刊)副主编。
2023年09月:课题组硕士研究生易志远的学术论文《Modeling the effect of the platoon size of CAVs of mixed traffic flow: a cellular automaton method》被SCI期刊Journal of Advanced Transportation接收。
2023年09月:课题组硕士研究生马玉琴的学术论文《Impact of the heterogeneity and platoon size of connected vehicles on the capacity of mixed traffic flow》被SCI期刊Applied Mathematical Modelling接收。
2023年08月:课题组博士研究生王逸的学术论文《Mitigating traffic oscillation through control of connected automated vehicles: a cellular automata simulation》被SCI期刊Expert Systems With Applications接收。
2023年07月:课题组硕士研究生马玉琴的学术论文《A capacity model of signalized intersection with dedicated lanes for automated vehicles》被SCI期刊Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research接收。
2023年05月:课题组硕士研究生顾秋凡和朱芳仪的学术论文《Influence of CAVs platoon characteristics on fundamental diagram of mixed traffic flow》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2023年05月:课题组姚志洪老师的学术论文《Optimal lane-changing trajectory planning for autonomous vehicles considering energy consumption》被SCI期刊Expert Systems With Applications接收。
2023年03月:课题组硕士研究生朱芳仪的学术论文《Platoon intensity of connected automated vehicles: definition, formulas, examples, and applications》被SCI期刊Journal of Advanced Transportation接收。
2023年02月:课题组硕士研究生蒋浩然的学术论文《Is all-direction turn lane a good choice for autonomous intersections? a study of method development and comparisons》被SCI期刊IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology接收。
2023年02月:课题组硕士研究生孙思远的学术论文《A mixed capacity analysis and lane management model considering platoon size and intensity of CAVs》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2023年01月:课题组硕士研究生任婷婷的学术论文《Traffic safety evaluation of mixed traffic flow considering the maximum platoon size of connected automated vehicles》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2022年12月:课题组姚志洪老师和硕士研究生蒋浩然的学术论文《A two-stage optimization method for schedule and trajectory of CAVs at an isolated autonomous intersection》被SCI期刊IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems接收。
2022年12月:课题组姚志洪老师的学术论文《Analysis of the impact of maximum platoon size of CAVs on mixed traffic flow: An analytical and simulation method》被SCI期刊Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies接收。
2022年11月:课题组姚志洪老师的学术论文《Modeling the fundamental diagram of mixed traffic flow with dedicated lanes for connected automated vehicles》被SCI期刊IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems接收。
2022年10月:课题组姚志洪老师和硕士研究生刘梦的学术论文《Trajectory reconstruction for mixed traffic flow with regular, connected, and connected automated vehicles on freeway》被SCI期刊IET Intelligent Transport Systems接收。
2022年10月:课题组姚志洪老师的学术论文《Minimization of fuel consumption for lane-changing trajectory of connected automated vehicles》被2023TRB年会接收。
2022年10月:课题组硕士研究生蒋浩然的学术论文《A two-stage optimization method for schedule and trajectory of CAVs at an isolated autonomous intersection》被2023TRB年会接收。
2022年10月:课题组硕士研究生蒋浩然的学术论文《Is all-direction turn lane a good choice for autonomous intersections? A study of method development and comparisons》被2023TRB年会接收。
2022年10月:课题组硕士研究生顾秋凡的学术论文《Fundamental diagram and stability of mixed traffic flow considering platoon size and intensity of connected automated vehicles》被2023TRB年会接收。
2022年10月:课题组硕士研究生郝慧君的学术论文《Fundamental diagram of mixed traffic flow considering CAVs degradation, time lags and platooning intensity》被2023TRB年会接收。
2022年10月:课题组硕士研究生任婷婷的学术论文《Safety snalysis of the effect of maximum platoon size of connected automated vehicles》被2023TRB年会接收。
2022年10月:课题组硕士研究生王思琛和任婷婷的学术论文《Platoon-aware multi-lane cellular automata model for mixed traffic flow with connected automated vehicles》被2023TRB年会接收。
2022年10月:课题组硕士研究生马玉琴的学术论文《A capacity model of signalized intersection with dedicated lanes for automated vehicles》被2023TRB年会接收。
2022年07月:课题组姚志洪老师和硕士研究生顾秋凡的学术论文《Fundamental diagram and stability of mixed traffic flow considering platoon size and intensity of connected automated vehicles》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2022年07月:课题组姚志洪老师的学术论文《Integrated schedule and trajectory optimization for connected automated vehicles in a conflict zone》入选2022年第三期ESI高被引论文(工程学领域)。
2022年06月:课题组姚志洪老师和金玉婷硕士研究生学术论文《CTM-based traffic signal optimization of mixed traffic flow with connected automated vehicles and human-driven vehicles》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2022年04月:课题组顾秋凡、徐桃让硕士研究生学术论文《Analysis of linear internal stability for mixed traffic flow of connected and automated vehicles considering multiple influencing factors》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2021年10月:课题组硕士研究生蒋浩然的学术论文《Virtual platoon-based vehicle schedule optimization model for autonomous intersections》被2022TRB年会接收。
2021年07月:课题组姚志洪老师和硕士研究生徐桃让的学术论文《Linear stability analysis of heterogeneous traffic flow considering degradations of connected automated vehicles and reaction time》入选2021年第二期ESI高被引论文(物理领域)。
2021年01月:课题组硕士研究生王思琛学术论文《A cellular automata model for mixed traffic flow considering the driving behavior of connected automated vehicle platoons》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。。
2020年10月:课题组徐桃让硕士研究生学术论文《Stability analysis of heterogeneous traffic flow considering degradations of connected automated vehicles and time delay》被2021TRB年会接收。
2020年09月:课题组胡蓉硕士研究生学术论文《Stability and safety evaluation of mixed traffic flow with connected automated vehicles on expressways》被SCI期刊Journal of Safety Research接收。
2020年09月:课题组姚志洪老师学术论文《Integrated schedule and trajectory optimization for connected automated vehicles in a conflict zone》被智能交通领域顶级SCI期刊IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System接收。
2020年09月:课题组徐桃让硕士研究生学术论文《Linear stability analysis of heterogeneous traffic flow considering degradations of connected automated vehicles and reaction time》被SCI期刊Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application接收。
2020年07月:课题组姚志洪老师的学术论文《A dynamic predictive traffic signal control framwork in a cross-sectional vehicle infrastructure integration enviroment》入选2020年第二期ESI高被引论文(工程学领域)。
2018年10月:课题组博士生赵斌和杨洁前往新加坡国立大学NUS参加国际会议International Symposium in Modelling and Simulation(团队合作者Lee Loo-hay副教授举办),汇报题目《Collaborative passenger flow control strategy for urban rail transit system: a simulation-based optimization approach》。