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学科:模式识别与智能系统. 电子信息. 轨道交通电气化与信息技术
[1] ArcSE: A Dual-Branch Semantic Segmentation Model for Robust Pantograph-Catenary Arcing Detection in Complex Environments. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2025. (SCI)
[2] Visual Anomaly Detection Through the Joint Entropy-Energy Optimization for High-Speed Railway Traction Substation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2025. (SCI)
[3] An Accurate Detection and Segmentation Model of Traction Substation Equipment for High-Speed Railway Based on Cascade Query Embedding. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 2025. (SCI)
[4] A Pantograph-Catenary Arcing Detection Model for High-Speed Railway Based on Semantic Segmentation and Generative Adversarial Network. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 2024. (SCI)
[5] A Novel Arcing Detection Model of Pantograph-Catenary for High-Speed Trains in Complex Scenes. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2023. (SCI)
[6] SiamMAST: Siamese motion-aware spatio-temporal network for video action recognition. The Visual Computer. 2023. (SCI)
[7] An Effective Ionospheric TEC Predicting Approach Using EEMD-PE-Kmeans and Self-attention LSTM. Neural Processing Letters. 2023. (SCI)
[8] A Segmentation-Based Multitask Learning Approach for Isolating Switch State Recognition in High-Speed Railway Traction Substation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2022. (SCI)
[9] ArcMask: a robust and fast image-based method for high-speed railway pantograph-catenary arcing instance segmentation. NCA. 2022. (SCI)
[10] A State Recognition Method of Isolation Switch in Traction Substation Based on Key Components Detection and Geometric Ranging. Neural Processing Letters. 2022. (SCI)
[11] An Outdoor Support Insulator Surface Defects Segmentation Approach via Image Adversarial Reconstruction in High-Speed Railway Traction Substation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2022. (SCI)
[12] Visual Tracking with Multilayer Filter Fusion Network. MTAP, Springer. 2020, 80: 6493–6506. (SCI)
[13] Visual Tracking with Multiple Hough Detectors. Image and Vision Computing, Elsevier. 2017, 66: 15-25. (SCI)
[14] Adaptive Relay Detection Using Primary and Auxiliary Detectors for Tracking. MTAP, Springer. 2017, 76: 24299–24313. (SCI)
[15] Robust Object Tracking with Active Context Learning. The Visual Computer, Springer, 2015, 31(10): 1307-1318. (SCI)
[16] Robust Object Tracking using Enhanced Random Ferns. The Visual Computer, Springer, 2014, 30(4): 351-358. (SCI)
[17] Adaptive Collaborative Tracking for Multiple Targets. Measurement Science and Technology, IOP, 2012, 23(12): 125407. (SCI)
[18] Robust Visual Tracking Using Multiple Detectors by Trajectory Entropy Minimization. IWAACE. 2018. (EI)
[19] Mesh-Shrink: Real-Time Fast Moving Object Tracking with Sporadic Occlusion. ICIMT 2012. (EI)
[20] A Variable Regularization Parameter Widely Linear Complex-Valued NLMS Algorithm: Performance Analysis and Wind Prediction. Signal Processing. 2022. (SCI)
[21] Improved Fault Location Method for AT Traction Power Network Based on EMU Load Test. Railway Engineering Science. 2022. (SCI)
[22] Fault Location Scheme for Over-Zone Feeding Operation Condition on High-Speed Railway. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology. 2021. (SCI)
[23] Robust time-varying parameter proportionate affine-projection-like algorithm for sparse system identification. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2021, 40: 3395–3416. (SCI)
[24] Online Pantograph-Catenary Contact Point Detection in Complicated Background Based on Multiple Strategies. IEEE Access. 2020. (SCI)
[25] The Linear assignment method for multi-criteria group decision making based on interval-valued pythagorean fuzzy bonferroni mean. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2018. (SCI)
[26] Information Aggregation of Hesitant Fuzzy Interval Sets for Multi-criteria Decision Making. IEEE Computing in Science & Engineering, 2018, 20(2): 38-51. (SCI)
[27] SV-FVDM: A Synthetic Vision based Full Velocity Difference Model for Interactive Traffic Simulation. IEEE Computing in Science & Engineering, 2018. (SCI)
[28] Grey Relational Analysis Method for Probabilistic Linguistic Multi-criteria Group Decision Making Based on Geometric Bonferroni Mean. International Journal of Fuzzy System, 2017, (1): 1-11. (SCI)
[29] Track Section Occupancy Detection Model Based on Infrared Ray Sensor and Time-Series Change Rate Matching. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016, 16(4): 1079-1087. (SCI)
[30] Motion Simulation of the Inner Hair Cell Stereocilia. IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering, 2013, 15(2): 27-33. (SCI)
[31] Enhanced sensitivity of ammonia sensor using graphene/polyaniline nanocomposite. Sensors and Actuators B, 2013, 178: 485-493. (SCI)
[32] A Room Temperature Methane Sensor Based on Graphene Nanosheets/Polyaniline Nanocomposite Thin Film. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2013, 13(2): 777-782. (SCI)
[33] Visual Detection Approach of Pantograph-Catenary Arcing Based on Dense Mesh Learning[C]. IEEE-ICSP 2023. (EI)
[34] State Recognition of Isolating Switch in Traction Substation Based on Dual Network. IEEE-ICSP 2022. (EI)
[35] Visual Detection Algorithm of Foreign Object Intrusion in High-Speed Railway Traction Substation Based on Patch Clustering Learning. IEEE-ICSP 2022. (EI)
[36] Adversarial Reconstruction for Outdoors Insulator Anomaly Detection and Recognition in High-Speed Railway Traction Substation. IEEE-ICSP. 2021. (EI)
[37] Two-Stage Detection Method of Rigid Pantograph Catenary Contact Points Using DCNNS. ISPECE. 2020. (EI)
[38] An Anomaly Detection Mehod For Outdoors Insulator in High-Speed Railway Traction Substation. CVIV. 2020. (EI)
[39] Anomaly Detection of Pantograph Based on Salient Segmentation and Generative Adversarial Networks. IEEE-ICSP. 2020. (EI)
[40] A Coarse-to-Fine Dection Method of Pantograph-Catenary Contact Points Using DCNNs. IFAC. 2019. (EI)
[41] Correction Scheme and Error Analysis of Compound Fault Location in Direct Power Supply Mode of High-speed Railway Traction Network. EITRT 2019. (EI)
[42] Cr/Zr涂层环向压缩表面裂纹识别研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2024. (EI)
[43] 在线学习多重检测的可视对象跟踪方法. 电子学报, 2014, 42(5): 875-882. (EI)
[44] 基于霍夫蕨的实时对象跟踪方法. 西南交通大学学报, 2014, 49(3): 477-484. (EI)
[45] 基于分层检测的人体膝关节前交叉韧带定位方法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2013, 25(12): 1862-1867. (EI)
[46] 自耦变压器投入导致距离保护误动分析及改进. 电力系统及其自动化学报, 2022, 34(9): 146-152. (核心)