Professor Pingzhi Fan's research team can be visited via http://csnmt.swjtu.edu.cn/ (CSNMT Int. Cooperation Research Centre, MoST, China). The research associates and students he is currently supervising and has supervised are as follows.
Current Postdoc, PhD & MSc Students (指导在读博士生、硕士生)
PhD/MSc Students (在读博士生):
1. 梁宇 Liang Yu, 2016.9
2. 高静秋 Gao Jingqiu, 2018.9
3. 刘文斌Liu Wenbin, 2019.9
4. 贺小林 He Xiaolin, 2020.9
5. 陈曦 Chen Xi, 2021.9
6. 蒋德霞 Jiang Dexia, 2021.9
7. 范文博 Fan Wenbo, 2021.9
8. 白朝元 Bai Chaoyuan, 2023.9
9. 张嘉文 Zhang Jiawen, 2019.9
10. 周彦希 Zhou Yanxi, 2022
Supervised Postdoc, PhD & MSc Students (指导毕业的博士后、博士生、硕士生)
Supervised Postdoctoral Researchers (已出站博士后):
1. 戴 云 DAI Yun, 网络售票系统若干安全问题研究Investigation of the Related Key Security Issues of Net-based Ticket Selling Systems, enrolled in 2000.9
2. 夏金祥 XIAJinxiang, 多无线电系统频谱资源动态分配与共享技术研究Investigation of the Shared Dynamic Spectrum Allocation for Multiple Radio Systems, 2004.9
3. 吴佃华 WUDianhua, 常重量码与变重量光正交码的组合构造Combinatorial Constructions for CWCs and VWOOCs, 2008.9
4. 李恒超 LIHengchao, 基于广义伽玛分布的高分辨率SAR图像统计建模及处理Advanced Statistical Modeling and Processing of High-Resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Based on Generalized Gamma Distribution, 2008.9
5. 李可 LI Ke, 高可靠低时延蜂窝车联网紧急消息传播方案研究 Investigation on Ultra-reliable and Low Latency C-V2X Emergency Message Propagation Schemes,2014.7
6. 全欣 QUAN Xin, 同时同频全双工通信相位噪声校正 Phase Noise Mitigation Techniques for Full-Duplex Communications,2019.4
7. 罗寿西 LUO Shouxi, 面向新型分布式计算的高性能数据传输协议与调度算法 High Performance Data Transmission Protocols and Scheduling Algorithms for Emerging Distributed Computing,2019.5
已毕业博士研究生Graduated PhD Students
1. 邓新民 DENG Xinmin, 扩频序列设计与准同步CDMA通信系统研究Study on Spreading Sequence Design and Quasi-Synchronous CDMA Communication Systems**, enrolled in 1997.9
2. 唐小虎 TANG Xiaohu, 低/零相关区理论与扩频通信系统序列设计The Theory of Low or Zero Correlation Zone and Sequence Design for Spread Spectrum Communication System***, 1998.9
3. 邓 平 DENG Ping, 蜂窝网络移动台定位技术研究Investigation of Mobile Station Location in Cellular Network, 1998.9
4. 单文浩 SHAN Wenhao, 多层蜂窝系统无线信道资源管理及相关问题的研究Wireless Channel Resource Management and the Related Issues in Hierarchical Cellular System**, 1999.3
5. 谢俊松 XIE Junsong, CDMA系统中的扩频序列与自适应调制编码若干问题研究Investigation on Several Issues of Spreading Sequences, Adaptive Modulation and Coding in CDMA Systems*, 1999.9
6. 袁 丁 YUAN Ding, 安全认证与保密通信协议相关问题研究Investigation on the Related Problems in Secure Authentication and Protocols for Communication Systems, 1999.9
7. 郝 莉 HAO Li, 基于广义正交序列的DS-CDMA系统及其性能分析On DS-CDMA Systems Employing Generalized Orthogonal Sequences and Their Performance Evaluation*, 1999.3
8. 何明星 HE Mingxing, 面向群的分布式网络密钥管理Group-Oriented Key Management in Distributed Networks*, 1999.9
9. 陈庆春 CHEN Qingchun, 基于码合并的混合差错控制及其相关理论研究On the Hybrid ARQ Scheme with Code Combining and the Related Problems**, 2000.9
10. 罗 锐 LUO Rui, 无线链路与传输层协议研究及其网络性能分析Study of Radio Link and Transport Layer Protocols and Network Performance Evaluation, 1999.9
11. 彭代渊 PENG Daiyuan, 新型扩频序列及其理论界研究Investigation of Novel Spreading Sequences and their Theoretical Bounds**, 2000.9
12. 蒋体钢 JIANG Tigang, 多层蜂窝系统无线信道资源管理研究Investigation on the Wireless Channel Resource Management in Hierarchical Cellular Systems, 2001.3
13. 马 征 MA Zheng, 数字通信中的低复杂度迭代译码及迭代系统测试Low Complexity Iterative Decoding and Iterative System Testing in Digital Communications*, 2002.3
14. 万 科 WAN Ke, 基于新型编码方法的TDD-CDMA系统Pre-rake及相关技术研究On the Pre-rake and Related Techniques Based on New Coding Approaches in TDD-CDMA System, 2002.3
15. 陈 红 CHEN Hong, 无线通信中的ARQ与自适应调制编码技术研究Investigation on ARQ and Adaptive Modulation & Coding for Wireless Communications, 2000.3
16. 张艳荣 ZHANG Yanrong, 蜂窝移动通信分布式功率控制及其性能分析Distributed Power Control and Performance Analysis for Mobile Cellular Communication Systems, 2000.3
17. 刘 林 LIU Lin, 非视距环境下的无线定位算法及其性能分析Wireless Positioning Algorithms and Their Performance Analysis under NLOS Environment, 2002.9
18. 袁维娜 YUAN Weina, 基于新型训练序列的多天线移动通信信道估计Channel Estimation for Multi-Antenna Mobile Communications Based on Novel Training Sequences, 2003.3
19. 葛迪 Muhammad Qadeer Sharif, 可重配置无线网络动态频谱共享与分配Dynamic Spectrum Sharing and Allocation Techniques for Reconfigurable Radio Networks (巴基斯坦 ), 2003.9
20. 谢合 Shahzad Amin Sheikh, 多模与方形围线高效QAM信号盲均衡算法Multimodulus and Square Contour Based Efficient Blind Equalization Algorithms for QAM Signals (巴基斯坦), 2004.9
21. 王 献 WANG Xian, PCS 网络移动性建模及资源管理Mobility Modeling and Resource Management for PCS Networks, 2004.3
22. 冯莉芳 FENG Lifang, 广义正交扩频序列理论及其在多速率QS-CDMA系统中的应用研究The theory of generalized orthogonal spreading code and its applications in multi-rate QS-CDMA systems*, 2004.3
23. 郑光凯 Trinh Quang Khai, Investigation of Multilevel Hadamard Matrices, Aperiodic Sequences and Mismatched Sequences Investigation of Multilevel Hadamard Matrices, Aperiodic Sequences and Mismatched Sequences (越南)*, 2003.3
24. 冯军焕 FENG Junhuan, 移动Ad Hoc网络媒体接入控制研究Research on Media Access Control for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, 2000.3
25. 冉查 Reza Ghazizadeh, 具有QoS保证的宽带无线接入系统多媒体业务自适应调度Adaptive QoS Guaranteed Scheduling for Multimedia Traffic in Broadband Wireless Access Systems (伊朗), 2005.9
26. 汪晓宁 WANG Xiaoning, 准同步跳频通信系统信号设计、多址干扰与同步性能分析Signal Design, Multiaccess Interference and Synchronization Analysis for Quasi-synchronous Frequency Hopping Systems, 2001.3
27. 王 平 WANG Ping, 基于训练序列的MIMO信道估计及相关问题研究Training Sequences Based Channel Estimation for MIMO Systems and Related Study, 2001.9
28. 虞凯 YU Kai, 移动通信系统多址接入干扰与小区间干扰分析与抑制Analysis and Suppression of Multiple Access Interference and Inter-cell Interference in Mobile Communications Systems, 2006.3
29. 涂宜锋 TU Yifeng, 广义正交互补序列设计、分析与应用Design, Analysis and Applications of Complementary Sequences with Generalized Orthogonal Zone*, 2005.3
30. 赵宏宇 ZHAO Hongyu, Turbo编译码系统高效MAP译码、无数据辅助SNR估计与多项式交织器设计On the Efficient MAP Decoding, Non-data-aided SNR Estimation and Polynomial Interleaver Design for Turbo Coding Systems*, 2002.9
31. 叶文霞 YE Wenxia, 无碰撞区跳频序列与准同步/消息驱动跳频通信系统研究Investigation of No Hit Zone FH Sequences, Quasi-Synchronous and Message-Driven FH Systems, 2002.3
32. 李旭东 Li Xudong, 零相关区互补序列及小整数集完备序列设计与分析Design and Analysis of Complementary Sequences with Zero Correlation Zone and Perfect Sequences over Small Integers, 2004.9
33. 类先富 LEI Xianfu, Rayleigh/Nakagami衰落信道下无线中继通信系统及其性能分析Wireless Relay Communication Systems and Their Performance Analysis over Nakagami and Rayleigh Fading Channels*, 2005.3
34. 刘恒 LIU Heng, 蜂窝无线通信系统中的干扰抑制预均衡与协作空时预编码Pre-equalization and Cooperative Precoding for Interference Suppression in Cellular Wireless Communication Systems, 2008.9
35. 杨睛 YANG Jing, 无线通信系统中的单向与双向中继传输模式及其性能分析One-/Two-Way Relay Transmission Schemes and Their Performance Analysis in Wireless Communication Systems, 2008.3
36. 蔡曦 CAI Xi, 非正交多址中继信道复数域网络编码系统性能分析优化Performance Analysis and Optimization of Complex Field Network Coding (CFNC) System under the Non-orthogonal Multi-access Relay Channels, 2007.3
37. 杨柳 YANG Liu, 无线随机接入前导码管理、流量控制与数据包捕获研究Investigation of Preamble Management, Flow Control and Packet Capture in Wireless Random Access, 2007.9
38. 李西洋 LI Xiyang, 拓扑透明MAC调度码及光正交码设计与分析Design and Analysis of Topology-Transparent MAC Scheduling Codes and Optical Orthogonal Codes, 2009.9
39. 周皋 ZHOU Gao, 无线通信系统中的正交频分复用与多址接入技术研究Investigation of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing and Multiple Access Techniques for Wireless Communication Systems, 2003.9
40. 周维曦 ZHOU Weixi, 非完备信道估计条件下高移动无线通信多普勒分集传输技术 Doppler Diversity Transmissions in High Mobility Wireless Communication Systems with Imperfect Channel Estimation, 2009.3
41. 刘子悦 LIU Ziyue, 高铁无线通信中小区切换与多天线技术研究 Investigation of Handover and Multiple-Antenna Techniques in Wireless Communications for High Speed Railways, 2009.3
42. 董志诚 DONG Zhicheng, 快时变衰落信道下OFDM系统移动自适应技术 Mobility Adaptation for OFDM Systems under Fast Fading Channels*, 2010.9
43. 杨正 YANG Zheng, 5G移动网络非正交多址接入及相关技术研究 Investigation of Non-orthogonal Multiple Access and Related Techniques for the 5th Generation Mobile Networks ***, 2011.9
44. 虎大力 HU Dali, 干扰场景下车辆移动通信网络性能分析及优化设计 Performance Analysis and Optimized Design of the Vehicular Mobile Communication Networks in
Interference Scenarios, 2012.9
45. 李毅 LI Yi, 蜂窝无线通信系统干扰抑制及多天线预编码技术研究 Investigation of Interference Suppression and MIMO Precoding Techniques for the Cellular Wireless Communication Systems, 2012.9
46. 崔静静 CUI Jingjing, 非正交多址接入系统功率分配优化设计与性能分析 Power Allocation Optimization and Performance Analysis in Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Schemes, 2013.9
47. 赵婧 Zhao Jing, 协作通信网络中继选择技术性能分析及优化设计 Performance Analysis and Optimized Design of Relay Selection Techniques for Cooperative
Communication Networks, 2010.9
48. 邓滔 Deng Tao, 基于移动感知缓存的无线通信网络建模与优化 Modeling and Optimization of Wireless Networks Based on Mobility-Aware Caching, 2014.9
49. 余礼苏 Yu Lisu, 稀疏码多址接入(SCMA)系统与密集网络优化设计 Optimized Design of Sparse Code Multiple Access Systems and Dense Networks, 2014.9
50. 扎西德•坎 Zahid Khan, 基于簇的车辆自组网高效可靠路由方案 Reliable and Efficient Cluster-based Routing Schemes for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs), 2015.9
51. 蔡东洪 Cai Donghong, 非正交多址传输系统信号检测与性能分析 Signal Detection and Performance Analysis of Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Transmission Systems, 2015.9
52. 马俊超, Ma Junchao, 车联网协作缓存策略与编码辅助数据传输 Cooperative Caching Schemes and Coding Aided Data Transmission in Vehicular Networks, 2015.9
53. 比郎Belal Ali Al-Maytami , 安全云计算中的通信负载与任务调度研究Investigation of Traffic Load and Task Scheduling in Secure Cloud Computing, 2013.9
54. 法赫 Fakhar Abbas, V2X通信网络中的可靠分簇多径路由和资源管理方案 Reliable Clustering-based Multipath Routing and Resource Management Schemes for V2X Communication Networks, 2016.9
55. 房桑沙, Fang Sangsha, 车联网资源开销/时延特性/可靠性及相关技术方案研究 Investigation of Resource Overheads, Latency, Reliability, and Related Technical Schemes in Vehicular Networks, 2015.9
56. 王佳欢,Wang Jiahuan, 感知与通信系统波形设计及其应用 Waveform Design and Applications in Sensing and Communications Systems,2016.9
57. Muhammad Saleh Bute (布特),车联网高效计算卸载与内容分发方案研究 Efficient Computation Offloading and Content Dissemination Schemes for V2X Communication Networks 2019.9
58. 李宁 Li Ning, 非理想硬件条件下无蜂窝通信网络性能分析及优化 Performance Analysis and Optimization of Cell-Free Networks with Non-Ideal Hardware, 2017.9
59. 杨林杰, 大规模物联网免授权随机接入与短包传输研究 Grant-free random access and short-packet transmission schemes for massive IoT, 2018.9
Graduated MSc Students (已毕业硕士研究生)
1. 徐革 XU Ge, 铁路数字图书馆(RDL)的系统分析与设计Analysis and Design of Railway Digital Library System, enrolled in 1995.9
2. 谢俊松 XIE Junsong, 移动通信信道特性分析与模拟研究Analysis and Simulation of Mobile Radio Channel Characteristics, 1997.9
3. 廖磊 LIAO Lei, 通信电源集中监控系统的设计与实现The Design and Implementation of centralized supervision and control system for telecommunication, 1997.9
4. 赵其刚 ZHAO Qigang, 一种新型中文网络浏览器的设计与实现Design and Implementation of a New Chinese Network Browser, 1997.9
5. 朱景 ZHU Jing, 铁路移动通信关键技术研究Investigation on the Related Key Technologies of Railway Mobile Radio Communications, 1997.9
6. 刘林 LIU Lin, 铁路数字移动通信技术研究与仿真Investigation and Simulation of Railway Digital Radio Communications Technology*, 1997.9
7. 凌志 LING Zhi, 铁路专用调度通信系统Bits-512系统软件的优化与实现Optimization and implementation of the system software for a railway dispatch communication system Bits-512, 1998.9
8. 谢海燕 XIE Haiyan, 数字专用通信系统管理维护平台的设计与实现Design and Realization of the O&M Software for a Digital Professional Dispatch Communication System, 1998.9
9. 梁宏斌 LIANG Hongbin, 网络售票安全系统的设计与实现The Design and Realization of Secure Network Ticket Sale System*, 1998.9
10. 寇治海 KOU Zhihai, 智能IP电话系统的设计与实现Design and Implementation of a Novel Intelligent IP-phone System, 1998.9
11. 陈俐 CHEN Li, 一个点到点扩频通信系统研究Investigation on a point-to-point Spread Spectrum Communication System, 1998.9
12. 李莉 LI Li, 基于时间测量值的无线定位算法研究The Investigation of Wireless Location Algorithms based on Time-related measurements, 1999.9
13. 邱刚 QIU Gang, 基于完全互补码的CDMA通信系统仿真研究Study and Simulation on a CDMA Communication System Based on Complete Complementary Codes, 1999.9
14. 桂宾 GUI Bin, 分布式网络资产管理系统设计与关键技术研究The Design of Distributed Network Inventory Management System and the Related Key Technology Investigation, 1999.9
15. 郑采花 ZHENG Caihua, 证书与密钥管理DER编解码研究Implementation of DER Coding/Decoding for Certificate & Key Management System, 1999.9
16. 刘杰 LIU Jie, 分布式数据库访问构件及其在电子商务中的应用Distributed Database Access Component and It’s Application in EC, 1999.9
17. 王德凯 WANG Dekai, 多径衰落环境下新型CCC-CDMA系统仿真研究Simulation Investigation of a Novel CCC-CDMA System over Multipath Fading Environment, 1999.9
18. 李耀华 LI Yaohua, 基于G.729的IP电话编解码器设计与实现Design and Realization of an IP-phone Codec Based on G.729, 1999.9
19. 孟锐 MENG Rui, 基于Linux的网络即时通讯软件设计与实现The design and Implementation of Linux-based Real-time Network Communication Software, 1999.9
20. 郭勇 GUO Yong, 双星定位系统扩频信号捕获跟踪及相关技术研究The Investigation of Spreading Signal Acquisition, Tracking, and the Related Technologies in Twin-Satellite Positioning System, 2000.9
21. 曹昌丰 CAO Changfeng, 基于IP业务的综合计费与营帐Integrated Billing and Accounting for IP Service, 1999.9
22. 王书海 WANG Shuhai, 网络教学支撑平台与网络考试相关问题研究Investigation on a Net-learning Platform and Net-exam Related Issues, 2000.9
23. 任晓春 REN Xiaochun, 铁路工务GIS设计及关键技术研究Design of Rail-track Engineering GIS and Investigation of the Related Key Technologies, 1999.9
24. 赵旸 ZHAO Yang, 无线Ad-hoc网络安全平台设计与实现Design and Implementation of a Secure Communication Platform based on Wireless Ad-hoc Network*, 2000.9
25. 胡蔷 HU Qiang, 铁路客运营销调度指挥信息系统设计与相关问题研究The Design of Railway Passenger Transport Marketing and Scheduling Information System and the Investigation of the Related Issues, 2000.9
26. 张雁 ZHANG Yan, 电信呼叫中心语音技术应用研究Application Investigation of Voice Technologies for Telecommunication Call Center, 2000.9
27. 陈启兴 CHEN Qixing, 干扰环境下调制类型特征提取与自动识别Feature Abstraction and Automatic Recognition of Modulation Schemes under Interferential Environment, 2001.9
28. 吴传霞 WU Chuanxia, 一种基于QoS的MANET排队退避公平调度方法研究Investigation on a QoS Based Queue Backoff Fair Scheduling for MANET*, 2001.9
29. 王波 WANG Bo, 无线自组织网络TCP性能分析及其改进Analysis and Enhancement of TCP Performance in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks*, 2001.9
30. 桑应朋 SANG Yingpeng, 基于计算机击键动力学的用户身份鉴别Identity Authentication Based on Computer Keystroke Dynamics, 2001.9
31. 冯莉芳 FENG Lifang, 基于无碰撞区跳频码的跳频通信系统仿真分析Analysis and Simulation of Frequency Hopping Communication System Based on No-Hit-Zone Code, 2001.9
32. 许亮 XU Liang, 无线定位业务仿真平台设计与实现Design and Realization of Location Service Simulation Platform, 2001.9
33. 冯万梅 FENG Wanmei, 基于MPEG4的多硬盘视频存储系统设计与实现Design and Realization of MPEG4-based Multiple Hard Disk for Video Storage , 2001.9
34. 刘鹏午 LIU Pengwu, RS232/USB串口转换驱动软件设计及其应用The Design and Application of RS232/USB Serial Port Conversion Driver, 2002.9
35. 刘亚林 LIU Yalin, 几类扩频序列集合的设计与实现Design and Realization of Several Spreading Sequence Sets*, 2002.9
36. 欧阳彦琨 OUYANG Yankun, 基于击键动力学身份识别的高校新生网络录取管理信息系统A Network Matriculation Management System Based on Keystroke Dynamics Authentication, 2001.9
37. 侯久望 HOU Jiuwang, 终南山隧道监控系统设计与关键技术研究Design of Zhongnan Mountain Tunnel Monitoring & Controlling System and the Related Key Techniques, 1999.9
38. 杨柳 YANG Liu, 基于ASP-COM/SVG的Web通信编码平台设计与实现Design and Realization of Web Platform for Communication Coding Based on ASP-COM/SVG Techniques, 2003.9
39. 孙瑜 SUN Yu, 射频识别(RFID)室内定位算法研究Investigation of Indoor Location Algorithms Based on RFID, 2002.9
40. 董晋池 DONG Jinci, 基于OFDM的电力线通信系统仿真及其性能分析Simulation of OFDM-based Power-line Communication System and Its Performance Analysis, 2002.9
41. 陈林秀 CHEN Linxiu, 一种校园MANET移动模型及其路由性能分析Campus-based MANET Mobility Model and Its Routing Performance Evaluation, 2002.9
42. 殷传涛 YIN Chuantao, TD-SCDMA系统的动态信道资源分配研究On the Dynamic Channel Resource Allocations in TD-SCDMA System, 2003.9
43. 唐晓芬 TANG Xiaofen, 无线传感器网高能量效率自适应MAC协议研究On the Energy-efficient Adaptive MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, 2003.9
44. 张燕 ZHANG Yan, 无线传感器网络增强型LEACH协议研究On the Enhanced LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, 2003.9
45. 何晓文 HE Xiaowen, 全IP无线接入网QoS保证机制研究On the QoS Guarantee Mechanism of All-IP Wireless Access Networks, 2003.9
46. 何程英 HE Chengying, 基于WEB的无线局域网接入认证计费系统设计和实现Design and Implementation of a Web-based Authentication and Accounting System for Wireless LAN, 2003.9
47. 朱建勋 ZHU Jianxun, 基于WEB和NAS的无线局域网接入认证系统Web and Radius-based Access Authentication System for Wireless LAN, 2003.9
48. 韩永红 HAN Yonghong, 基于肤色分割和特征提取的人脸检测系统A Human Face Detection System Based on Skin Color Partition and Facial features Extraction, 2004.9
49. 徐勋光 XU Xunguang, 一种新型并行Turbo编译码器的FPGA实现FPGA Implementation of a Novel Parallel Turbo Encoder/Decoder, 2004.9
50. 王丹 WANG Dan, 三维无线传感器网络节点自定位算法研究Node Self-Localization Algorithms for 3D Wireless Sensor Networks, 2004.9
51. 王一帆 WANG Yifan, 基于MS-Windows的SXD-CS-Corrector:系统设计与内核实现MS-Windows based SXD-CS- Corrector: System Design and Kernel Implementation, 2004.9
52. 王澍 WANG Shu, 基于迭代思想的复数旋转码FPGA编译码器实现FPGA Implementation of Complex-Rotary Encoder and Decoder Based on Iterative Mechanism, 2004.9
53. 周灵军 ZHOU Lingjun, 纯整数LOG-MAP Turbo编译码器FPGA实现FPGA Implementation of Pure Interger LOG-MAP Turbo Encoder/Decoder, 2004.9
54. 杨莹 YANG Ying, 三星堆编码系统Corrector设计与实现:界面、算法与系统测试Design and Implementation of SXD-CS Corrector:Interface, Algorithms and System Testing, 2004.9
55. 邓钦元 DENG Qinyuan, 基于亏损公平优先队列和定价的无线QoS机制研究On the Wireless Quality-of-Service Mechanisms Based on Deficit Fair Priority Queue and Pricing, 2004.9
56. 段永奇 DUAN Yongqi, 基于GSM-R的铁路编组站无线综合业务研究Research on Wireless Integrated Services of Railway Marshalling Yard Based on the GSM-R, 2003.2
57. 王利军 WANG Lijun, CDMA直放站综合监控管理系统优化Optimization of the Integrated Monitoring and Controlling Management System for CDMA Repeaters, 2003.2
58. 袁赤 YUAN Chi, CDMA基带信号生成与分析器人机界面与信号检测算法设计Design of the CDMA Baseband Signal Generator/Analyzer Man-machine Interface and the Signal Detection Algorithms, 2005.9
59. 陈琼 CHEN Qiong, 时分双工模式下的CDMA同步与信道估计On the Synchronization and Channel Estimation for TDD Mode Based CDMA Systems, 2005.9
60. 兰岚 LAN Lan, OFDMA系统的自适应资源分配技术研究On the Adaptive Resource Allocation Algorithms Based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), 2005.9
61. 程仙送 CHENG Xiansong, 基于ZigBee的无线外设控制器设计与实现Design and Realization of a Wireless Peripheral Device Controllers Based on ZIGBEE Technology, 2005.9
62. 吕军红 LV Junhong, LTE上/下行链路同步子系统仿真与性能分析LTE Uplink/Downlink Synchronization Subsystems: Simulation and Performance Analysis, 2005.9
63. 李兴 LI Xing, 基于样值移位和码辅助的MC-CDMA信道估计算法研究On the Sample-shifted and Code-aided Channel Estimation for Multicarrier CDMA Communication Systems, 2005.9
64. 江丽娟 JIANG Lijuan, MIMO-OFDM系统的信道估计技术研究On Channel Estimation Techniques for a MIMO-OFDM System, 2005.9
65. 滕飞 TENG Fei, TD-HSDPA同步与自适应技术及其优化TD-HSDPA Synchronization, Adaptive Techniques and Their Optimization, 2006.9
66. 本杰明 Benjamin Guillenx, 纹理活动改进测度与逐像素屏蔽水印算法Improved Measure of Texture Activity and Pixel-Wise Masking Watermarking (法国), 2006.9
67. 魏靖 WEI Jing, 无线通信话务量有效预测算法研究Investigation of Efficient Traffic Prediction Algorithms for Wireless Communications, 2006.9
68. 张冬菲 ZHANG Dongfei, LTE系统Turbo编译码器的FPGA设计与实现Design and Implementation of FPGA Turbo Encoder/Decoder for LTE System, 2006.9
69. 张光雄 ZHANG Guangxiong, WIMAX/LTE/UMB系统可配置FPGA-Viterbi译码器设计与实现Design and Implementation of FPGA Based Configurable WIMAX/LTE/UMB Viterbi Decoder, 2006.9
70. 罗旋 LUO Xuan, LTE/WiMAX/UMB系统并行Turbo码交织器的FPGA设计与实现Design and FPGA Implementation of Parallel Turbo Code Interleaver for LTE/WiMAX/UMB Systems, 2006.9
71. 李昆明 LI Kunming, QualNet环境下战术数据链TDMA协议研究Research of TDMA Protocol In Tactical Data Link Under QualNet Environment, 2006.9
72. 余华 YU Hua, 高移动性环境下OFDM系统载波间干扰抑制技术ICI Cancellation Techniques for OFDM Systems under High Mobility Environment, 2007..9
73. 王雷 WANG Lei, 基于DM642开发板的人脸识别及网络视频监控Face Recognition and Network Video Supervision System Based on DM642 , 2007.9
74. 马朝兴 MA Chaoxing, 基于WLAN的无线会议信息系统的设计与实现Design and Realization of Wireless Conference Information System Based on WLAN, 2007.9
75. 刘静 LIU Jing, 网络编码在多播无线通信中的应用及其性能分析Application and Performance Analysis of Network Coding in Multicast Wireless Communications, 2007.9
76. 彭帆 PENG Fan, LTE-A中的协作中继技术研究Investigation of Relay Route Selection Strategies for LTE-A Cellular Networks, 2008.9
77. 叶斌 YE Bin, OFDM系统峰均功率比问题与PTS算法研究 Investigation of PAPR Problem and the Corresponding PTS Algorithms in OFDM System, 2008.9
78. 李梦雪 LI Mengxue, 单载波频域均衡算法实现与优化Implementation and Optimization of Frequency-domain Equalization Algorithm Based on Single Carrier, 2008.9
79. 王昱 WANG Yu, LTE系统一种高效准动态部分频率复用方案An Efficient Quasi-dynamic Fractional Frequency Reuse Scheme for LTE System, 2008.9
80. 韩东东 HAN Dongdong, 移动流媒体代理服务器设计与实现Design and Implementation of RTSP Mobile Streaming Proxy Based on MINA Framework, 2008. 9
81. 赵晓强 ZHAO Xiaoqiang, 基于Wi-Fi的无线多功能会议信息系统设计与实现Design and Implementation of WiFi Based Multi-Functional Wireless Conference Information System, 2008.9
82. 董月 DONG Yue, 基于Xiao模型和基扩展模型的高移动性无线信道建模与仿真Modeling and Simulation of High Mobility Wireless Channel Based on XIAO Model and Basis Expansion Models, 2008.9
83. 陈戟 CHEN Jie, 激光测距仪高速A/D采集处理电路设计与实现Design and Implementation of High Speed A/D Acquisition and Processing Circuits for Digital Laser Range Finder, 2005.9
84. 李昕 LI Xin, 基于基扩展快时变信道模型的OFDM系统信道估计Channel Estimation of OFDM System Based on BEM Fast Time-varying Channel Model, 2010.9
85. 费明 FEI Ming, 高移动性场景下位置信息辅助的LTE-A切换方案研究Research on Position Assisted Handover Schemes for LTE-A Network under High Mobility Scenarios, 2010.9
86. 郭 琴 GUO Qin, 基于天线选择的CoMP研究及高移动场景LTE-A系统级仿真平台设计 An Investigation on Antenna-Selection based CoMP Transmission and Design of LTE-A Simulation Platform Under High Mobility Scenarios, 2011.9
87. 张梦奇ZHANG Mengqi, 高铁场景下LTE-A资源调度与越区切换研究 Investigation of LTE-A Scheduling and Handover for High Speed Railways, 2011.9
88. 邱洋 QIU Yang, 高铁车地分布式CoMP研究及LTE-A系统级仿真平台设计 Researches on Distributed COMP based on LTE-A for High Speed Railways, 2011.9
89. 王淡宜 WANG Danyi, 高速移动场景下蜂窝无线通信网络群切换策略研究 An Investigation on Group Handover Strategy of Cellular Wireless Network under High Mobility Scenarios, 2011.9
90. 雷益霁 LEI Yiji, 高移动环境下LTE-A最优导频图案与Polar-Cap差分预编码码本设计 Design of Optimal LTE-A Pilot Patterns and Polar-Cap Differential Precoding Codebook under High Mobility Scenarios, 2012.9
91. 赵磊 ZHANG Lei, 高移动场景下超奈奎斯特与时域重叠复用传输性能分析 Performance Analysis of Faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) Signaling and Overlapped Time Domain Multiplexing (OVTDM) under High Mobility Scenarios, 2012.9
92. 杨轩 YANG Xuan, 高铁无线通信VoIP业务与多业务共存的资源调度算法 Resource Scheduling Algorithms for VOIP and Multi-services in High-speed Train Wireless Communications, 2012.9
93. 刘英杰 LIU Yingjie, 高铁无线通信VoIP业务与多业务共存的资源调度算法 Simulation and Analysis of NOMA and SCMA Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems, 2013.9
94. 冯怀臻 FENG Huaizhen, 基于SCMA的D2D蜂窝混合网络性能仿真及用户配对研究 Performance Analysis and User Pairing of SCMA based Hybrid D2D & Cellular Networks, 2014.9
95. 张雨萌 ZHANG Yumeng, LTE全双工系统干扰特性及性能分析 Interference Characteristics and Performance Analysis of Full-Duplex System in LTE, 2014.9
96. 胡怡 HU Yi, 非授权频段LAA系统和Wi-Fi系统共存性能分析与接入控制方案设计 Performance Analysis and Access Control Mechanism Design for LAA and Wi-Fi Coexistence in Unlicensed Band, 2015.9
97. 马永福 MA Yongfu, 基于RSU协调的车联网MAC层多信道切换方案及其性能分析 Design and Performance Analysis of Multichannel MAC Scheme with RSU Coordinated for the Internet of Vehicles, 2015.9
98. 王紫薇 WANG Ziwei, 车联网数据内容分发与缓存技术研究 Research on Data Content Delivery and Caching Technology in Internet of Vehicles, 2015.9
99. 李伶珺 LI Lingjun, 抗多普勒频移正交时频空系统性能分析与优化 Performance Analysis and Optimization of Doppler Resilient Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Systems, 2016.9
100. 刘天俊 LIU Tianjun, 基于正交时频空(OTFS)系统的导频序列设计与信道估计 On Pilot Sequence Design and Channel Estimation in OTFS System, 2016.9
101. 张超 ZHANG Chao, 基于流行度预测的密集异构网络在线热点视频缓存更新策略 Online Hot Spot Video Cache Replacement in High Density Heterogeneous Networks, 2016.9
102. 杨晓庆YANG Xiaoqing, 基于端到端记忆神经网络的医学电子病历分类与文本嵌入表示, Electronic Medical Records Classification and Text Embedding Representation Based on End-to-End Memory Networks 2017.9
103. 唐莉 TANG Li, 面向领域知识图谱的信息抽取方法及其在医学文本中的应用 Information Extraction Methods for Domain Knowledge Graph and Their Applications in Medical Text, 2017.9
104. 陈婕 CHEN Jie, 基于多通道卷积神经网络的非结构化医疗文本多标签分类研究 An Investigation on the Multi-label Classification of Unstructured Medical Texts Based on Multi-channel Convolutional Neural Networks, 2017.9
105. 陈欢 CHEN Huan, 分簇分群随机接入活跃用户检测与群组通信 Active-user Detection and Group D2D Communications in a Layered Grouping Random Access Scheme, 2018.9
106. 程高峰 CHENG Gaofeng, 分簇群随机接入方案与动态前导序列研究 Investigation of Layered Grouping Random Access Scheme and Dynamic Preambles, 2018.9
107. 李小虎 Li Xiaohu, 基于EA/CD优化算法的低PAPR序列及其在5G NR中的应用 Low PAPR Sequences Based on Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) and Coordinate Descent (CD) Algorithm for Applications in 5G NR, 2019.9
108. 李雨时 Li Yushi, 基于GAN模型的低峰均比序列及其在5G NR中的应用 GAN Model Based Low PAPR Sequences and Their Applications in 5G NR, 2019.9
109. 陈思宇 Chen Siyu, 低复杂度叠加前导码免授权随机接入检测算法及其性能分析, 2020.9
110. 贾博文 JIA Bowen, 低复杂度分数阶OTFS信道估计算法与性能分析, 2020.9
111. 杨咏贺 YANG Yonghe, 基于阻尼高斯广义近似消息传递和迭代路径寻峰的分数阶OTFS信道估计算法, 2021.9
112, 李向军 LI Xiangjun, 分数阶时延-多普勒约束/相噪环境下低复杂度OTFS信道估计方法, 2021.9
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