
论文成果 更多+
李骥*,景峰,邵甬. UNESCO历史性城镇景观(HUL)全球实践——十周年回顾及对中国城市遗产保护的启示. 城市规划, 2022,46(11):90-98. (建筑科学领域T1级期刊)
Li, J.*, Krishnamurthy, S., Pereira Roders, A., van Wesemael, P. (2020)Community Participation in Cultural Heritage Management: A Systematic Literature Review Comparing Chinese and International Practices. Cities. 96, P. 1024. (SSCI Q1)
Li, J.*, Krishnamurthy, S., Pereira Roders, A., van Wesemael, P. (2021) Imagine the Old Town of Lijiang: Contextualising community participation for urban heritage management in China. Habitat International. 108, p.102321. (SSCI Q1)
Dai, T., Zhao, Y., Li, J.,* & Feng, Z. (2024). Impacts of adjacent façades on cognitive performance and psychology of university students in long hours of indoor work. Architectural Science Review.
Zhao, Y., Wu, S., & Li, J.* (2024). Towards state entrepreneurialism? Exploring heritage-led governance and urban (re)development practices in Xi’an, China. Journal of Planning Education and Research.
Li, J., Pan, J., Dou, Q., Fu, F., Shi, Y.* (2024). Digital Footprint as a Public Participatory Tool: Identifying and Assessing Industrial Heritage Landscape through User-Generated Content on Social Media. Land, 13: 743. (SSCI Q2)