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- Li, J.*, Krishnamurthy, S., Pereira Roders, A., van Wesemael, P. (2020)Community Participation in Cultural Heritage Management: A Systematic Literature Review Comparing Chinese and International Practices. Cities. 96, P. 1024. (SSCI Q1)
- Li, J.*, Krishnamurthy, S., Pereira Roders, A., van Wesemael, P. (2021) Imagine the Old Town of Lijiang: Contextualising community participation for urban heritage management in China. Habitat International. 108, p.102321. (SSCI Q1)
- Dai, T., Zhao, Y., Li, J.,* & Feng, Z. (2024). Impacts of adjacent façades on cognitive performance and psychology of university students in long hours of indoor work. Architectural Science Review.
- Zhao, Y., Wu, S., & Li, J.* (2024). Towards state entrepreneurialism? Exploring heritage-led governance and urban (re)development practices in Xi’an, China. Journal of Planning Education and Research.
- Li, J., Pan, J., Dou, Q., Fu, F., Shi, Y.* (2024). Digital Footprint as a Public Participatory Tool: Identifying and Assessing Industrial Heritage Landscape through User-Generated Content on Social Media. Land, 13: 743. (SSCI Q2)
- Li, J., Fu, H., & van Wesemael, P.* (2023). A Landscape-based Approach to Urban Heritage Management: People, Spatial Biography, and Ecosystem. Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 11(03):113-119.
- Li, J., Dai, T., Yin, S., Zhao*, Y., Ikiz Kaya, D., Yang, L. Promoting Conservation or Change? The UNESCO Label of World Heritage (Re)Shaping Urban Morphology in the Old Town of Lijiang, China. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2022, 11(6): 1121-1133. (AHCI Q1)
- Li, J., Liu H.*, Ikiz Kaya, D. Living heritage in post-earthquake contexts: Conceptualising and managing continuity within Chinese traditional settlements, Jiuzhaigou case study. China City Planning Review.2022,31(4):17-27. (CSCD)
- Li, J.*, Krishnamurthy, S., Pereira Roders, A., van Wesemael, P. (2020) State-of-the-practice: Assessing Community Participation within Chinese Cultural World Heritage Properties. Habitat International. 96, p.102107. (SSCI Q1)