郑芳芳 教授



  • 办公地点:西南交通大学犀浦校区X2515-2
  • 毕业院校:西南交通大学
  • 所在单位:交通运输与物流学院
  • 学科:交通运输工程
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究


  • SCI论文:

    1. Can Liu, Fangfang Zheng, Henry Liu, and Xiaobo Liu* (2025). Optimizing Mixed Traffic Flow: Longitudinal Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles to Mitigate Traffic Oscillations. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2024.3522002.

    2.  Xiao Sang, Kangning Hou, Can Liu, and Fangfang Zheng* (2025). A shared strategy of dedicated autonomous truck lanes for enhancing sustainability and efficiency in mixed freeway traffic. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 13(1): 2449484. https://doi.org/10.1080/21680566.2024.2449484.

    3.  Yue Li, Can Liu, and Fangfang Zheng* (2025). Robust fuzzy model predictive control for connected and automated vehicles in mixed platoons using a bidirectional vehicle dynamics strategy. Expert Systems with Applications,  267: 126057.   

    4. Yangang Zou, Fangfang Zheng*, Can Liu, Xiaobo Liu (2024). Integrated optimization of traffic signals and vehicle trajectories for mixed traffic at signalized intersections: A two-level hierarchical control framework, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 169: 104884. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2024.104884. 

    5. Kangning Hou, Fangfang Zheng*, Xiaobo Liu (2024). Enhancing mixed traffic safety assessment: A novel safety metric combined with a comprehensive behavioral modeling framework. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 208: 107766. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2024.107766. 

    6. Linhan Bai, Fangfang Zheng*, Kangning Hou, Xiaobo Liu, Liang Lu and Can Liu (2024). Longitudinal control of automated vehicles: A novel approach by integrating deep reinforcemenlearning with intelligent driver model. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 73(8):11014-11028 .

    7. Siyi Tang, Fangfang Zheng*, Nan Zheng, Xiaobo Liu (2024). An efficient multi-modal urban transportation network partitioning approach for three-dimensional macroscopic                fundamental diagram. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 637:129487, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2023.129487.    

    8.  Kangning Hou, Fangfang Zheng*, Xiaobo Liu, and Zhichen Fan (2024). Cooperative vehicle platoon control considering longitudinal and lane-changing dynamics. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 20(3). DOI: 10.1080/23249935.2023.2182143.

    9. Yuanzhi Xie, Gongyuan Lu, Fangfang Zheng, Peng Cao and Xiaobo Liu* (2024). A Hierarchical Approach for Integrating Merging Sequencing and Trajectory Optimization for Connected and Automated Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(7): 7552-7567. 

    10. Liang Lu, Fangfang Zheng*, and Xiaobo Liu (2024). Uncertainty, Efficiency, and Stability of Mixed Traffic Flow: Stochastic Model-Based Analyses. Transportation Research Record, 2678(8): 336-357,https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231215338. 

    11. Can Liu, Fangfang Zheng, Ruijie Li, Xiaobo Liu (2023). An anti-disturbance adaptive control approach for automated vehicles in mixed connected traffic environment. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(12): 15274-15287, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3308724. 

    12. Kangning Hou, Fangfang Zheng*, Xiaobo Liu, and Ge Guo (2023). Cooperative On-Ramp Merging Control Model for Mixed Traffic on Multi-Lane Freeways. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3274586.

    13. Jing, Liu, Fangfang Zheng*, Mian Wei, Linhan Bai, and Saif Eddin Jabari (2023). A Linearizing Transformation-Based Evaluation Approach of the Fundamental Diagram. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231166385. 

    14. Tao Zhou, Fangfang Zheng*Xiaobo Liu and Zhichen Fan (2023). A two-stage trajectory planning model for cooperative truck platooning on freeways. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 27(2):217-237. https://doi.org/10.1080/15472450.2021.2004410

    15. Hongbin Liang, Shuya Zhou, Xiaobo Liu, Fangfang Zheng, Xintao Hong, Xuemei Zhou, Lian Zhao (2022). A Dynamic Resource Allocation Model Based on SMDP and DRL Algorithmfor Truck Platoon in Vehicle Network. IEEE Internet Things J. 9(12): 10295-10305.

    16. Jing Liu, Fangfang Zheng*, Xiaobo Liu and Ge Guo (2021). Dynamic Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Long-Short Term Memory Framework with Feature Organization, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2021: 2 - 17. doi:10.1109/MITS.2021.3116156.

    17. Fangfang Zheng, Jinbiao Chen, Heng Wang, Henry Liu, Xiaobo Liu (2020). Developing a Dynamic Utilization Scheme for Exclusive Bus Lanes on Urban Expressways: An Enhanced CTM-based Approach vs. a Microsimulation-based Approach. IET Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14(12):1657-1664.

    18. Fangfang Zheng, Can Liu, Xiaobo Liu, Saif Jabari, Liang Lu (2020). Analyzing the impact of automated vehicles on uncertainty and stability of the mixed traffic flow. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,112:203-219.  

    19. Fangfang Zheng, Jie Li, Henk van Zuylen, Chao Lu (2019). Influence of Driver Characteristics on Emissions and Fuel Consumption. IET Intelligent Transportation Systems, 13(12):1770-1779.

    20. Fangfang Zheng, Liang Lu, Ruijie Li, Xiaobo Liu, Youhua Tang (2019). Traffic Oscillation using Stochastic Lagrangian Dynamics: Simulation and Mitigation via Control of Autonomous Vehicles. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board.

    21. Fangfang Zheng, Saif Eddin Jabari, Henry X. Liu and Dianchao Lin (2018). Traffic state estimation using stochastic Lagrangian dynamics. Transportation Research Part B, 115: 143-165.

    22. Fangfang ZhengJie Li, Henk J. van Zuylen, Xiaobo Liu and Hongtai Yang (2018). Urban travel time reliability at different traffic conditions. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(2):102-120.

    23. Fangfang Zheng, Henk J. van Zuylen and Xiaobo Liu (2017). A methodological framework of urban travel time distribution estimation for urban signalized arterial roads. Transportation Science, 51(3): 893-917.

    24.  Fangfang Zheng, Xiaobo Liu, Henk. J. van Zuylen, Jie Li and Chao Lu (2017). Travel Time Reliability for Urban Networks: Modelling and Empirics. Journal of Advanced Transportation, https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/9147356

    25. Fangfang Zheng, van Zuylen, H.J., Liu, X.B. and Le vine, S. (2017). Reliability-based traffic signal control for urban arterial roads. IEEE transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systsems, 18(3): 643 - 655.

    26. Peng Cheng, Fangfang Zheng*, Guangquan Lu and Yupeng Wang (2016). Comparison of Variability of Individual Vehicle Delay and Average Control Delay at Signalized Intersections. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2553:128-137.

    27. Scott Le vine, Xiaobo Liu, Fangfang Zheng and John Polak (2016). Automated cars: Queue discharge at signalized intersections with ‘Assured-Clear-Distance-Ahead’ driving strategies. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 62: 35-54.

    28. Fangfang Zheng and van Zuylen, H.J. (2014). The development and calibration of a model for urban travel time distributions. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(1): 81- 94.

    29.  Fangfang Zheng and van Zuylen, H.J. (2013). Urban link travel time estimation based on sparse probe vehicle data: an Artificial Neural Network model vs. an analytical model.  Transportation Research Part C: Emergency technologies, 31: 145-157.

    30.  Fangfang Zheng and van Zuylen, H.J. (2012).  Model for Predicting Distribution of Link Travel Times for Urban Signalized Roads. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2311: 59-72.

    31.  Fangfang Zheng and van Zuylen, H.J. (2011). Modeling Travel Time Variability Based on Delay Distribution for Signalized Urban Trips.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2259:80-95.

    32.  Fangfang Zheng and van Zuylen, H.J. (2010). Uncertainty and Predictability of Urban Link Travel Time: A Delay Distribution Based Analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2192:136-146.


    1. Linhan Bai, Fangfang Zheng*, Yuanzhi Xie, Xiao'ai Wang (2025). Shadow Leads You: A Novel Approach for Vehicle Priority Decision-Making and Control at Unsignalized Intersections in Mixed Traffic Flows. 104th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 5-9 January, 2025, Washington D.C., US.

    2. Kangning Hou, Jia Zou, Fangfang Zheng*, Xiaobo Liu, Zhengbing He (2025). On the Precise Quantification of the Impact of a Single Discretionary Lane Change on Surrounding Traffic. 104th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 5-9 January, 2025, Washington D.C., US.

    3. Kangning Hou, Fangfang Zheng*, Xiaobo Liu (2025). Ensuring Accurate Mixed Traffic Safety Assessments: The Vital Role of Safety Metrics and Behavioral Modeling. 104th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 5-9 January, 2025, Washington D.C., US.

    4. Zhentian Bao, Can Liu, Fangfang Zheng*, Youhua Tang (2025). An Integrated Control Strategy Combining Dynamic Shared Bus Lane with Transit Signal Priority Control. 104th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 5-9 January, 2025, Washington D.C., US.

    5. Yuanzhi Xie, Fangfang Zheng, Xiaobo Liu, Kangning Hou, Linhan Bai, Can Liu (2025). Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing in Traffic Monitoring Management. 104th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 5-9 January, 2025, Washington D.C., US.

    6. Siyi Tang, Fangfang Zheng*, Nan Zheng and Youhua Tang (2024). Partitioning Multi-Modal Urban Traffic Networks for Deriving Well-Shaped Three-dimensional Fundamental Diagrams.103rd annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 7-11 January, 2024, Washington D.C., US.

    7. Xiao Sang, Kangning Hou, Fangfang Zheng* and Xiaobo Liu (2024). Optimizing Dedicated Lanes for Connected Automated Trucks in Mixed Traffic Flow on Multi-Lane Freeways: A Shared Strategy Approach103rd annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 7-11 January, 2024, Washington D.C., US.

    8. Jing Liu, Fangfang Zheng*, Boxi Yu and Saif Jabari (2024). On the Fundamental Diagram Considering Non-Localities: A Novel Empirical Methodology.103rd annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 7-11 January, 2024, Washington D.C., US.

    9. Jingyan Xing, Kangning Hou and Fangfang Zheng* (2023). A Cooperative Lane-changing Model for Connected and Automated Vehicles Considering the Cooperative Time Sequence of Multiple Vehicles. 102nd annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 8-12 January, 2023, Washington D.C., US.

    10. Liang Lu, Fangfang Zheng*, Xiaobo Liu and Juan Li (2023). Analyzing Uncertainty, Efficiency and Stability of Mixed Traffic Flow: A stochastic modelling approach. 102nd annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 8-12 January, 2023, Washington D.C., US.

    11. Yangang Zou, Fangfang Zheng*, Can Liu, Linhan Bai and Youhua Tang (2023). A cooperative eco-driving approach for mixed traffic at signalized intersections. 102nd annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 8-12 January, 2023, Washington D.C., US.

    12. Yanyu Long, Fangfang Zheng*, Jing Liu, and Juan Li (2023). Deep-Learning Based Abnormal Traffic State Detection Method Considering Residuals of Prediction. 102nd annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 8-12 January, 2023, Washington D.C., US.

    13. Jing Liu, Fangfang Zheng*, Mian Wei and Linhan Bai (2023). A Novel Evaluation Approach of Fundamental Diagram based on A Linearization Method. 102nd annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 8-12 January, 2023, Washington D.C., US.

    14. Kangning Hou, Fangfang Zheng*, Xiaobo Liu and Zhichen Fan (2023). An Efficient On-ramp Merging Strategy for Mixed Traffic on Multi-Lane Freeways. 102nd annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 8-12 January, 2023, Washington D.C., US.

    15. Xiao Sang, Linhai Bai, Tao Zhou, Fangfang Zheng* (2023). A Cooperative Truck Platooning Approach on Ramp Merging Area of Highway in Mixed Traffic. 2023 7th International Conference on Transportation Information Safety (ICTIS), Xi'an, China, 2023, pp. 1186-1193, doi: 10.1109/ICTIS60134.2023.10243740.

    16. Can Liu, FangFang Zheng, Ruijie Li and Xiaobo Liu* (2023). Traffic oscillation mitigation via longitudinal control of connected and automated vehicles in mixed traffic environment. 102nd annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 8-12 January, 2023, Washington D.C., US.

    17. Yangang Zou, Fangfang Zheng*, Zhichen Fan and Youhua Tang (2022). Integrated control of traffic signal and automated vehicles for mixed traffic: Platoon-based bi-level optimization approach. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems October 5-8, 2022, Macau, China.

    18. Jing Liu, Fangfang Zheng*, Xiaobo Liu, Honhyu Long, Linhan Bai (2022). A Quasi-Equilibrium Sample Selection Method for Better Fundamental Diagram Fitting. 18th ITS Asia Pacific Forum, 27–29 April 2022, Chengdu, China.

    19. Liang Lu, Fangfang Zheng*, and Xiaobo Liu (2022). A Multilane Traffic Flow Model in Lagrangian Coordinates: Mathematical Formulation and Implementation. 101st annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 9-13 January, 2022, Washington D.C., US.

    20. Jin Liu, Fangfang Zheng*, Xiaobo Liu and Ge Guo (2022). Short-term Traffic Flow Prediction: A Deep Learning-based Approach Considering Feature Organization.101st annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 9-13 January, 2022, Washington D.C., US.

    21. Kangning Hou, Fangfang Zheng*, Xiaobo Liu, and Zhichen Fan (2022). Automated ehicle Platooning on Freeways: A Cooperative Control Approach Considering Longitudinal and Lateral Dynamics. 101st annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 9-13 January, 2022, Washington D.C., US.

    22. Liang Lu, Fangfang Zheng, Xiaobo Liu and Yufei Yuan (2020). A Lagrangian traffic flow model considering lane changing behavior: formulation and numerical implementation. 2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems, FISTS 2020.

    23. Jing Liu, Fangfang Zheng*, Henk van Zuylen, Jie Li and Jie Luo (2020). An anomaly detection-based dynamic OD prediction framework for urban networks. 2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems, FISTS 2020.

    24. Fangfang Zheng, Jinbiao Chen, Heng Wang, Xiaobo Liu, Youhua Tang (2020). Developing a Dynamic Utilization Scheme for Exclusive Bus Lanes on Urban Elevated Expressways. 99th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 13-17 January, 2020, Washington D.C., US.

    25. Fangfang Zheng, Jing Liu, Henk van Zuylen, Kun Wang. Xiaobo Liu, Jie Li (2019). Dynamic OD Prediction for Urban Networks Based on Automatic Number Plate Recognition Data: Paramertic vs. Non-parametric Approaches. 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2019), 27-30 October 2019, Auckland, New Zealand.

    26. Jing Liu, Fangfang Zheng*, Henk van Zuylen, Jie Li (2019). A dynamic OD prediction approach for urban networks based on automatic number plate recognition data. 22nd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2019, 18-20 September 2019, Barcelona,   Spain.

    27. Fangfang Zheng, Liang Lu, Ruijie Li, Xiaobo Liu and Youhua Tang (2019). Traffic Oscillation using Stochastic Lagrangian Dynamics: simulation and mitigation via control ofAutonomous vehicles. 98th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., US.

    28. Xinming Wang, Fangfang Zheng*, Jianfeng Zheng, Xiaobo Liu and Henry Liu (2018). A dynamic sharing system for exclusive bus lanes.  97th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, 9-Washington D.C., US.

    29. Saif E. Jabari, Fangfang Zheng*, Henry Liu and  Monika Filipovska (2018). Stochastic Lagrangian Modeling of Traffic Dynamics. 97thannual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., US.

    30. Hanchu Li, Jian Zhang, Fangfang Zheng, Linchao Li, Bin Ran (2018). Autonomous and connected vehicles: the capacity of mixed traffic flow at signalized intersections with the ACDA-MTD model. The 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2018), Beijing, China.

    31.  Fangfang Zheng, Jie Li, Henk J. van Zuylen, Chao Lu (2017). Influence of driver characteristics on emissions and fuel consumption. 20th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2017, Budapest, Hungary.

    32. Jie Li, Fangfang Zheng, Henk J. van Zuylen (2017). Network state information from mixed traffic data. 20th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2017, Budapest, Hungary.

    33. Asma Sbaï, Henk J. van Zuylen, Jie Li, Fangfang Zheng, Fattehallah Ghadi (2017). Estimation of an Urban OD Matrix Using Different Information Sources. International Conferenceon Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2017: 183-198.

    34. Fangfang Zheng, Xiaobo Liu, Henk J. van Zuylen and Scott Le vine (2016). Reliability-based traffic signal control for urban arterial roads. 95th annual meeting of TransportationResearch Board, Washington D.C., US.

    35. Fangfang Zheng, Henk J. van Zuylen, Jin Zhang and Ling Jin (2015). Travel time distribution estimation for urban signalized arterials considering spillback. 94th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., US. 

    36. Fangfang Zheng and Henk van Zuylen(2013). Trip travel time distribution prediction for urban signalized arterials. The IEEE conference on Intelligent Transportation System, Hague, the Natherlands.

    37. Fangfang Zheng and Henk J. van Zuylen (2012). A link travel time distribution prediction model for urban signalized roads. Proceedings of 91st annual meeting of TransportationResearch Board, Washington D.C., US.  

    38. Fangfang Zheng and Henk van Zuylen (2011). Estimating the delay distribution function for an urban trip based on sample measurements. Proceedings of 90th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., US.

    39. Fangfang Zheng and Henk van Zuylen (2011). Calibration of an urban travel time distribution model. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Leuven, Belgium.

    40. Jie Li, Fangfang Zheng, Henk van Zuylen and Shoufeng Lu (2011). Calibration of a micro simulation program for a Chinese city. In Proceedings: 14th EWGT Meeting & 26th MEC&1st RH, Poznan, Poland.

    41. Fangfang Zheng, Henk van Zuylen and Yusen Chen  (2010). An investigation of urban link travel time estimation based on probe vehicle data. Proceedings of 89th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., U.S.

    42. Fangfang Zheng and Henk J. van Zuylen (2010). Uncertainty and Predictability of Urban Link Travel Time: A Delay Distribution Based Analysis. Proceedings of 89th annual meeting ofTransportation Research Board, Washington D.C., US.

    43. Fangfang Zheng and Henk J. van Zuylen (2010). Comparison of Urban Link Travel Time Estimation Models based on Probe Vehicle Data. Proceedings of the 7th InternationalConference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Kunming, China.

    44. Fangfang Zheng and Henk van Zuylen (2010). Reconstruction of Delay Distribution at Signalized Intersections based on Traffic Measurements. Proceedings of the IEEE conference on Intelligent Transportation System, Madeira, Portugal.

    45. Fangfang Zheng and Henk van Zuylen (2010). Estimating urban travel time distribution using probe vehicle data.  Proceedings of 11th Trail congress and knowledge Market, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

    46. Fangfang Zheng, van Henk van Zuylen and Yusen Chen. (2009). An investigation of urban link travel time estimation based on field sparse probe vehicle data. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport, Munich, Germany.

    47. Fangfang Zheng, Henk van Zuylen and Yusen Chen (2009). Investigating the Feasibility of Urban Link Travel Time Estimation based on Probe Vehicle Data. 2nd International Conference on Transportation Engineering, Chengdu, China.

    48. Henk J. van Zuylen, Fangfang Zheng And Yusen Chen (2008). Using Probe vehicle data for traffic state estimation in signalized urban networks. Proceedings of the international workshop ondata collection and its standardization, Barcelona, Spain.

    49. Henk van Zuylen, Fangfang Zheng and Yusen Chen (2008). Using Probe vehicle data for traffic state estimation in signalized urban networks. Proceedings of 10th Trail Congress and Knowledge Market, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.


    1.  刘婧,陆良,郑芳芳*,刘晓波 (2024). 基于卷积自适应平滑网络的高速公路交通状态估计方法. 中国公路学报, 2024.

    2. 许源,陆良,徐冲聪,郑芳芳* (2024). 基于改进密度峰聚类的路网子区域动态划分方法. 交通运输工程与信息学报,2024.

    3. 鲍震天,郑凡非,郑芳芳* (2025). 基于改进密度峰值聚类的交通扰动事件分级评价方法. 交通运输工程与信息学报,2025.


  • 1. 国际项目和国际合作项目


    (2)  中荷合作项目:基于数据融合技术的交通决策支持系统研发(2012-2015),主研

    (3)   荷兰经济事务部项目:紧急事件管理系统(RescueSim)开发(2009-2011), 主研

     2. 国家级项目

    (1)   国家重点研发计划:弹性交通系统信息物理建模与评估理论方法研究--子课题(2022.01-2024.12),子课题主持(校内独立主持)

    (2)   国家自然科学基金(面上项目):考虑随机性和稳定性的人工驾驶车与自动车混合交通流建模与集成控制优化(2021.01-2024.12),主持

    (3)   国家自然科学基金(面上项目):考虑通行能力可靠性和系统稳定性的分散式和路网边界混合控制模型与方法(2017.01-2020.12),主持

    (4)   国家自然科学基金(青年项目):考虑行程时间可靠度的城市干道信号控制优化方法研究(2014.01-2016.12),主持

    (5)   国家自然科学基金(青年项目):基于可交易信用证劵的道路拥堵收费模型和缓堵策略研究(2013.01-2015.12),参加

    3. 省部级项目

    (1) 四川省国际科技创新合作项目:数据和模型双驱动的高速公路瓶颈区智能网联混合交通协同优化方法(2025-2026),主持

    (2)  四川省杰出青年科技人才项目:面向效率与稳定性的自动车编队运行管控方法研究 (2020-2022),主持

    (3)  四川省科技厅服务业项目:基于车联网技术的下一代智能交通服务系统的开发(2015-2017),主研

    (4)  四川省科技厅应用基础项目:以出租车智能派送系统为核心的LBS交互式移动平台(2013-2014),主研

    (5)  四川省交通厅科技项目:基于浮动车技术的动态交通信息系统应用研究 (2007-2009), 主研

    4. 其他


    (2)企业委托项目:路网态势系统算法模型和仿真模型建设项目 (2023.3-2024.12),主研

    (3) 中国市政工程西南设计院项目:基于交通视频数据的OD流量预测关键技术研究(2022.12-2023.12),主持

    (4) 成都市科技局项目:环境友好的城市交通控制优化方法(2016-2017),主持

    (5) 同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室开放课题:融合行程时间可靠度的多目标干道信号优化方法研究(2014.10-2016.10),主持



  • (1) 交通可靠性分析与建模

    (2) 智能交通控制

    (3) 车联网及自动驾驶技术

    (4) 城市交通流建模与仿真

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