(6) 主研:国家自然科学面上基金,全球高精度时变重力场模型反演中的随机模型分析及改进(42174014);
(62) Zhao R, You W*, Fan D. Staple crop mapping potential analysis and application of Sentinel-1 interferometric coherence: A case study in the Songnen Plain, China. Advances in Space Research. 2024.
(61) Zhang J, You W*, Yu B, Fan D. Improved GRACE-FO kinematic orbit determination with epoch-difference KBR during the GPS flex power period. Advances in Space Research. 2024, 74, 2011-2024.
(60) Qiu K, You W*, Jiang Z, Tang M. Tracking the water storage and runoff variations in the Parana basin via GNSS measurements. Science of the Total Environment. 2024, 912, 168831
(59) Yu B, You W*, Kusche J, Fan D, Su Y, Zhang J. A detailed analysis of stochastic models applied to temporal gravity field recovery with GRACE observations. Geophysical Journal International. 2023, ggad441
(58) Yang, X., You, W.*, Tian, S., Jiang, Z., Wan, X. A two-step linear model to fill the data gap between GRACE and GRACE-FO terrestrial water storage anomalies. Water Resources Research. 2023, 59, e2022WR034139. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022WR034139.
(57) Wan X, You W*, Kusche J, Li F, Yang X, Fan D, Pu L, Jiang Z. Evaluating different predictive strategies for filling the global GRACE/-FO terrestrial water storage anomalies gap. Journal of Hydrology. 2023. 626(130216):1-20.
(56) 游为,熊大伟,方伟浩. GRACE大气去混频模型计算的若干策略分析. 地球物理学进展. 2023. 38(3):10591073.
(55) Zhang J, You W*, Yu B, Fan D. GRACE-FO accelerometer performance analysis and calibration. GPS Solutions. 2023. 27:158
(54) Pu L, Fan D, You W*,Jiang Z, Yang X, Nigatu Z. Analysis of mass flux variations in the southern Tibetan Plateau based on an improved spatial domain filtering approach for GRACE/GRACE-FO solutions. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2022. 43(10): 3563-3591.
(53) 杨鑫春,游为*,万祥禹,宋梦芝. 利用多元线性回归模型重构中国九大流域的陆地水储量变化. 大地测量与地球动力学. 2022. 已录用.
(52) Nigatu Z M, Fan D, You W*, Melesse A M, Pu L, Yang X, Wan X, Jiang Z. Crop production response to soil moisture and groundwater depletion in the Nile Basin based on multi-source data. Science of the Total Environment. 2022. 85.
(51) Jiang W, You W*. A combined denoising method of empirical mode decomposition and singular spectrum analysis applied to JASON altimeter waveforms: a case of the Caspian sea. Geodesy and geodynamics. 2021. in press.
(50) 宋梦芝,游为*,杨鑫春,范东明,万祥禹. 利用GRACE mascon数据评估多种水文模型在中国九大流域的适用性. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2021,已录用.
(49) 尹恒,游为*,范东明,方伟浩,万祥禹,宋梦芝. 基于附有方差约束的径向点质量方法反演全球质量变化. 地球物理学报,2022,65(7): 2464-2483.
(48) Yang X, Tian S, You W*, Jiang Z. Reconstruction of continuous GRACE/GRACE-FO terrestrial water storage anomalies based on time series decomposition. Journal of Hydrology. 2021. in press.
(47) Pu L, Fan D, You W*, Yang X, Nigatu Z, Jiang Z. Extracting terrestrial water storage signals from GRACE solutions in the Amazon Basin using an iterative filtering approach. Remote Sensing Letters. 2021. 13(1):14-23. doi:10.1080/2150704x.2021.1981557.
(46) 高松涛,游为*,范东明,余彪,生永赟.星载加速度计校准对GRACE轨道动力学平滑的影响分析. 全球定位系统,2020,45(06).
(45) Yu B, You W*, Fan D, Su Y, Nigatu Z. A comparison of GRACE temporal gravity field models recovered with different processing details. Geophysical Journal International. 2021, 227(2):1392-1417.
(44) Nigatu Z, Fan D, You W*, Melesse A. Hydroclimatic extremes evaluation using GRACE/GRACE-FO and multidecadal climatic variables over the Nile river basin. Remote Sens. 2021,13,651.
(43) Nigatu Z M, Fan D M, You W*.GRACE Products and Land Surface Models for Estimating the Changes in Key Water Storage Components in the Nile River Basin. Advances in Space Research, 2021, in press.
(42)Yang X, Tian S Y, Feng W, Ran J J, You W*, Jiang Z S, Gong X X. Spatial-temporal evaluation of water storage trends from hydrological models over Australia using GRACE mascon solutions. Remote Sen., 2020, 12,3578; doi:10.3390/rs12213578
(41)王雅婷,游为,余彪,范东明,熊宇昊,GPS卫星轨道及钟差对GRACE卫星定轨精度影响. 测绘科学技术学报,2020,已录用
(40)万祥禹,游为*,王海波, 范东明,基于多源数据分析维多利亚湖流域水储量变化,地球物理学报,64(2), 2021
(37) 蒋攀,游为*,基于四元素的大旋转角三维坐标转换的改进谱修正迭代解法,大地测量与地球动力学,39(11),2019
(36) 王陈燕,游为*,范东明,利用独立成分分析检测2004年和2012年印度洋地震的重力变化,地球物理学报,62(11),2019(SCI)
(35) 王陈燕,游为*,范东明,基于经验正交函数分解的GRACE时变地球重力场滤波处理,大地测量与地球动力学,39(4),2019
(34) 李杰,范东明*,游为,等,基于改进的主成分分析法提取GRACE时变重力场信号,大地测量与地球动力学,38(4),2018
(33) Gu Y, Fan D, You W*, Comparison of observed and modeled seasonal crustal vertical displacements derived from multi-institution GPS and GRACE solutions, Geophysical Research Letters, 2017, in press. (SCI)
(32) Gu Y, Yuan L, Fan D, You W, Su Y, Seasonal crustal vertical deformation induced by environmental mass loading in mainland China derived from GPS, GRACE and surface loading models, Advance in space research, 59(1), 2017. (SCI)
(31) 游为,利用局部高空间分辨率大气数据计算GRACE大气去混频模型,测绘学报,46(3),2017. (EI)
(30) 游为,苏勇,余彪,谷延超,范东明,利用ERA-Interim数据计算GRACE大气去混频模型,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),42(6), 2017. (EI)
(29) 游为,球谐分析方法对GRACE大气去混频模型计算的影响,大地测量与地球动力学,37(4),2017.
(28) 余彪,范东明,游为*,谷延超,苏勇,GRACE重力反演中的轨道数值积分方法分析,宇航学报,38(3), 2017. (EI)
(27) 杨洪国,游为*,利用卫星重力探测南极冰盖质量变化,测绘科学,(7), 2017.
(26) 马下平,游为,附加垂线偏差参数的地面常规网与GNSS基线网联合平差,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),42(4),2017. (EI)
(25) 龚志强,游为,杜升威,吴郑,高速铁路水准测量中正常水准面不平行及重力异常改正的必要性研究,测绘,(5),2016.
(24) 卢飞,游为,范东明,黄强,由GRACE RL05数据反演近10年中国大陆水储量及海水质量变化,测绘学报,44(2),2015. (EI)
(23) 卢飞,游为*,范东明,基于GRACE的格陵兰冰盖质量变化分析.大地测量与地球动力学.35(4),2015.
(22) 苏勇,范东明,游为,利用GOCE卫星轨道数据恢复地球重力场模型的方法,测绘学报,44(2),2015. (EI)
(21) 苏勇,范东明,游为,利用GOCE卫星数据确定全球重力场模型,物理学报,63(9), 2014. (SCI)
(20) 黄强,范东明,游为.联合GOCE轨道和梯度数据反演地球重力场模型.武汉大学学报(信息科学版).39(12),2014. (EI)
(19) J. Kusche, A. Springer, C. Ohlwein, K. Hartung, L. Longuevergne, S. Kollet, J. Keune, H. Dobslaw, E.Forootan, A. Eicker, P. Krahe and W. You. Synergies between GRACE and regional atmospheric modeling efforts. GRACE Science Team Meeting 2014, 29th September to 1st October, Potsdam, Germany.
(18) 黄强,范东明,游为,利用GOCE卫星轨道数据反演地球重力场模型,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),38(8),2013. (EI)
(17) 游为,范东明,贺全兵,基于GOCE卫星轨道反演地球重力场模型,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),37(3),2012. (EI)
(16) 陈泽富,游为,GRACE时变地球重力场模型反演全球质量变化,测绘,(6),2012.
(15) 苏勇,范东明,游为,缔合Legendre函数二阶导数的快速稳定递推算法,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),37(12),2012. (EI)
(14) You W, Fan D M, Huang Q, Analysis of short-arc integral approach to recover the Earth’s gravitational field, Chinese J. Geophys. , 54(11), 2011. (SCI)
(13) 苏勇,范东明,游为,吴学文,完全正常化缔合Legendre函数及其导数计算的综合分析,测绘科学技术学报,28(6),2011.
(12) 范东明,苏勇,黄强,贺全兵,游为,道路工程平面坐标系的统一性理论研究,测绘,(3),2011.
(11) You W, Shen Y Z, Fan D M, et al, The algorithm of Earth’s gravitational field recovery based on satellite’s orbital perturbation theory, Chinese J. Geophys. 53(11), 2010. (SCI)
(10) 游为,范东明,付淑娟,同伦函数与填充函数相结合的非线性最小二乘平差模型,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),35(2),2010. (EI)
(9) 游为,范东明,郭江,基于能量守恒方法恢复地球重力场模型,大地测量与地球动力学,30(1),2010.
(8) 游为,范东明,基于改进同伦连续法的非线性最小二乘平差研究,西南交通大学学报,44(2),2009. (EI)
(7) 游为,范东明,付淑娟,最短独立闭合环与附合路线的快速搜索方法.测绘科学,34(4),2009.
(6) 游为,范东明,付淑娟,等,GPS高程转换的新方法研究,工程勘察, 37(3),2009.
(5) 游为,范东明,黄瑞金,等,适用于任意旋转角的三维直角坐标转换方法,测绘科学,34(5),2009.
(4) You W, Fan D, Fu S, Nonlinear Least Squares Adjustment Based on Filled Functions, EOGC 2009 International Conference, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, May 25-29, 1-4, 2009, oral presentation.
(3) 龙小林,范东明,游为,基于EIGEN-CG03C地球重力场模型的GPS高程转换算法研究,测绘,(5),2008.
(2) 游为,范东明,张云,黄瑞金,水准网闭合差自动解算的新方法,测绘工程,(5),2007.
(1) 游为,范东明,AutoCAD地形图的三维可视化研究,四川测绘,(4),2006.