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Ye Y, Huang P*, Zhang Y. Deep learning-based fault diagnostic network of high-speed train secondary suspension systems for immunity to track irregularities and wheel wear[J]. Railway Engineering Science, 2021, 30(1): 96–116.
Ye Y*, Hecht M. Wear concentration index: an alternative to the target T- gamma in railway wheel profile optimization[C]. The 27th IAVSD Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, August 16-20, 2021.
Zhou Y, Ye Y*, Hecht M. Running safety analysis of a freight train passing through a single crossover during braking[J]. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2021, 1–21.
Liu Y, Guo L*, Gao H, You Z, Ye Y, Zhang B. Machine vision based condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of machine tools using information from machined surface texture: A Review[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 164: 108068.
Shi D*, Ye Y, Gillwald M, Hecht M. Robustness enhancement of machine fault diagnostic models for railway applications through data augmentation[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 164: 108217.
Qi Y, Dai H, Wu P, Gan F, Ye Y*. RSFT-RBF-PSO: A railway wheel profile optimisation procedure and its application to a metro vehicle[J]. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2021, 1–21.
Zhang D, Tang Y, Peng Q, Dong C, Ye Y*. Effect of mass distribution on curving performance for a loaded wagon[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 104(3): 2259–2273.
Ye Y*, Vuitton J, Sun Y, Hecht M. Railway wheel profile fine-tuning system for profile recommendation[J]. Railway Engineering Science, 2021, 29(1): 74–93.
Ye Y, Huang P*, Sun Y, Shi D. MBSNet: A deep learning model for multibody dynamics simulation and its application to a vehicle-track system[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 157: 107716.
Ye Y*, Sun Y*, Shi D, Peng B, Hecht M. A wheel wear prediction model of non-Hertzian wheel-rail contact considering wheelset yaw: Comparison between simulated and field test results[J]. Wear, 2021, 474-475: 203715.