个人信息Personal Information
教师英文名称:Kai Wei
学科:土木水利. 桥梁与隧道工程
[19] 跨海桥梁水动力作用. 国家自然科学基金 (******项目). 2023.1-2025.12. (主持, 进行中)
[18] 破碎波浪作用下非圆截面墩柱冲击荷载及桥梁随机振动特性研究. 国家自然科学基金 (面上项目). 2020.1-2023.12. (主持, 进行中)
[17] 横断山区桥梁多灾害作用与防灾控制. 国家自然科学基金 (区域联合基金项目, U21A20154). 2022.01-2025.12. (子课题负责人, 进行中)
[16] 超大跨径缆索承重桥梁智能化设计软件与核心技术标准研发. 国家重点研发计划“综合交通运输与智能交通”重点专项. 2021.10-2024.9. (子课题负责人, 进行中)
[15] 跨海桥梁高桩承台极端波浪冲击作用机理及结构动力响应研究. 国家自然科学基金 (青年项目). 2018.1-2020.12. (主持, 已结题)
[14] 重大跨海通道极端风-浪作用及跨海桥梁结构安全性评估方法研究. 桥梁结构健康与安全国家重点实验室开放基金项目 (重点项目). 2020.11-2022.11. (主持, 进行中)
[13] 考虑多场耦合作用的跨海斜拉桥全寿命期抗震韧性评估方法研究. 2021年度抗震工程技术四川省重点实验室. 2021.10-2023.10. (主持, 进行中)
[12] 川藏铁路重大工程风险识别与对策研究 (子课题四:川藏铁路重大工程风险防控对策研究). 四川省重点研发项目2019YFG0460. 2019-2020. (专题负责人, 已结题)
[11] 基于振动带隙和能量传递的轨道—桥梁声辐射系统减振降噪机理研究. 国家自然科学基金 (面上项目). 2018-2021. (主研, 已结题)
[10] 四川省高层次青年人才项目. 2018-2020. (主持, 已结题)
[9] 西南交通大学引进人才科研启动项目. 2016-2019. (主持, 已结题)
[8] 复杂海洋环境下跨海桥梁与波流相互作用的基础理论和工程应用研究. 四川省应用基础研究重大前沿项目. 2017-2019. (主研, 已结题)
[7] 海洋桥梁工程发展战略研究. 中国工程院重点咨询研究项目. 2016-2017. (参与, 已结题)
[6] 干热河谷区深大峡谷风场规律及大跨缆索桥抗风研究. 四川省交通厅项目. 2015-2020.(参与, 已结题)
[5] Risk and decision-making for the hurricane threat to offshore wind farms. Massachusetts Clean Energy Center. 2014-2016. (参与, 已结题)
[4] Reliability-based Hurricane Risk Assessment for Offshore Wind Farms. NSF Project, Grant No. 1234560 and 1234656. 2012-2015. (参与, 已结题)
[3] 组合梁桥墩柱采用SFRC塑性铰的抗震设计方法研究.国家自然科学基金面上项目,基金号50978194. 2010-2012. (参与, 已结题)
[2] 超大跨深水基础桥梁强震灾变过程及控制研究.国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,基金号90915011. 2010-2013. (参与, 已结题)
[1] 组合结构桥梁抗震性能研究.浙江省科技计划项目,编号2009C11102. 2010-2011. (参与, 已结题)
[8] 铁路桥梁桩基础局部冲刷机理数值模拟及模型试验研究. 中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司. 2022-2023. (主持)
[7] 海洋灾害条件下桥梁结构动力响应分析及防灾设计对策研究. 中国铁路设计集团有限公司. 2021. (主持)
[6] 宁波至舟山铁路西堠门公铁两用大桥桥墩波流力及局部冲刷研究. 中铁大桥勘测设计院有限公司. 2020. (主持)
[5] 常泰长江大桥新型基础结构型式及设计施工方法研究. 江苏省交通工程建设局. 2019. (主持)
[4] 常泰通道开挖方案主塔沉井定位下沉过程水流流场研究. 中铁大桥局集团第二工程有限公司. 2019. (主持, 已结题)
[3] 峨汉高速兰家湾大桥浮式龙门吊施工方案可行性研究项目. 四川路桥桥梁工程有限责任公司. 2017-2018. (主持, 已结题)
[2] 深水高墩桥梁动水耦合试验项目. 中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司. 2017-2018. (主持, 已结题)
[1] 深切峡谷河流典型桥墩冲刷机理及防护措施研究. 四川藏区高速公路有限责任公司科研项目. 2017-2018. (主持, 已结题)
Xiaoluo Lu, Kai Wei, Kailai Deng, Lveqin Xu. Lifetime Seismic Resilience Assessment of a Sea-crossing Cable-stayed Bridge Exposed to Long-term Scour and Corrosion. Ocean Engineering. 2024, 295: 116990. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Kai Wei, Xi Zhong, Haowei Cai, Xiaozhen Li, Haizhu Xiao. Dynamic Response of a Sea-Crossing Cable-Stayed Suspension Bridge under Simultaneous Wind and Wave Loadings Induced by a Landfall Typhoon. Ocean Engineering. 2024, 293: 116659. (SCI 收录)
魏凯, 邢少一, 秦竟熙, 杨雄欣. 波浪入射角度对圆端形桥墩模型水槽试验阻塞效应影响. 中国公路学报. 2024, 37(1): 1-10. (EI 收录, 通讯作者)
Kai Wei, Daimeng Shang, Xi Zhong. Life-Cycle Thinking-Based Decision Support Framework for Multispan Simply Supported Bridges under Typhoon-Induced Wave, Current and Surge Conditions. Ocean Engineering. 2023, 288: 115965. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Wenyu Zhao, Kai Wei, Xi Zhong. Estimation of Breaking Wave Region Based on Coupled Wave and Storm Surge Simulations of Historical Typhoons: A Case Study of Hangzhou Bay. Ocean Engineering. 2023, 286: 115596. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Jian Zhong, Wei Xu, Kai Wei. Quantifying Site-Response Effect of Spatial Variability Earthquake on Seismic Failure Mode of Long-Span Sea-Crossing Cable-Stayed Bridges. Ocean Engineering. 2023, 281: 114839. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Xi Zhong, Kai Wei, Daimeng Shang. An improved azimuth-dependent Holland model for typhoons along the Zhejiang coast prior to landfall based on WRF–ARW simulations. Natural Hazards. 2023. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Jian Zhong, Wei Xu, Kai Wei. Quantifying site-response effect of spatial variability earthquake on seismic failure mode of long-span sea-crossing cable-stayed bridges. Ocean Engineering. 2023, 281: 114839. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Fang Qiu, Kai Wei, Qiqi Xiang, Zhenxiong Jiang. Effects of local scour and caisson geometry on the drag force of bridge foundations under steady flow. Applied Ocean Research. 2023, 133: 103506. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Kai Wei, Daimeng Shang, Xi Zhong, Shunquan Qin. Integrated Approach for Estimating Extreme Hydrodynamic Loads on Elevated Pile Cap Foundation using Environmental Contour of Simulated Typhoon Wave, Current and Surge Conditions. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 2023, 145(2): 021702. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
魏凯, 胡楷宇, 周聪. 波流耦合作用下矩形截面高桩承台迎浪面压力分布特性. 中国公路学报. 2023, 36(10): 357-367. (EI 收录, 通讯作者)
魏凯, 赵文玉, 洪杰, 秦顺全. 卷破波斜向作用下方形桥墩砰击荷载研究. 工程力学. 2023, 40(5): 41-48. (EI 收录, 通讯作者)
肖海珠, 魏凯, 胡楷宇, 李小珍. 西堠门公铁两用大桥高桩承台基础波流荷载特性研究. 桥梁建设, 2023, 53(02): 27-35. (EI 收录, 通讯作者)
魏凯, 裘放, 向琪芪. 基于机器学习的圆柱桥墩局部冲刷深度预测方法对比研究. 铁道技术标准(中英文), 2023, 5(6), 42-50. (通讯作者)
魏凯, 徐洪权, 钟茜. 台风下杭州湾跨海铁路大桥嘉甬通道海域风浪流特性分析. 铁道标准设计. 2023, 67(8): 97-102. (通讯作者)
Yutao Pang, Kai Wei, Jianguo Wang, Shengbin Zhang. An efficient and accurate fragility approach for seismic performance assessment of structures. Earthquake Engineering and Resilience. 2023, 2(4): 403-417. (EI 收录)
周远洲, 遆子龙, 张明金, 魏凯. 跨海桥梁大尺度基础波浪荷载计算方法对比研究. 防灾减灾工程学报. 2023, 43(02): 387-394+404.
Kai Wei, Jie Hong, Yongle Li. Characterizing breaking wave slamming loads on bridge piers with probabilistic models of slamming maxima, rise and decay times. Ocean Engineering. 2022, 266: 113097. (SCI 收录)
Jian Zhong, Wei Xu, Xinzhi Dang, Kai Wei. Effect of near-fault vertical ground motions on failure mode of long-span sea-crossing cable-stayed bridges. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 266: 113005. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Kai Wei, Xueshuang Yin. Numerical study into configuration of horizontal flanges on hydrodynamic performance of moored box-type floating breakwater. Ocean Engineering. 2022, 266: 112991. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Jingxi Qin, Xiongxin Yang, Kai Wei, Fang Qiu. Cross-Sectional Blockage Effect on the Drag Force of a Scaled Round-Ended Pier Model under Directional Flow. Ocean Engineering. 2022, 264: 112532. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Kai Wei, Cong Zhou, Bo Xu. Numerical Simulation of Wave Loads on Elevated Pile Cap of Pile Group Foundation for Sea-crossing Bridges. Applied Ocean Research. 2022, 125: 103245. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Kai Wei, Fang Qiu, Shunquan Qin. Experimental and Numerical Investigation into Effect of Skirted Caisson on Local Scour around the Large-scale Bridge Foundation. Ocean Engineering. 2022, 250: 111052. (SCI 收录)
Kai Wei, Feng Zhang, Mingjin Zhang, Dapeng Mei. Influence of sag to span ratio on the dynamic response of a suspension bridge supported by floating towers under wind and wave loadings. Ships and Offshore Structures. 2022, 17(5): 1023-1041. (SCI收录, Corresponding author)
Yutao Pang, Kai Wei, Haifeng He, Weixiong Wang. Assessment of Lifetime Seismic Resilience of a Long-span Cable-stayed Bridge Exposed to Structural Corrosions. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2022, 157: 107275. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Kai Wei, Xiang Liao, Shunquan Qin. Forecasting Current Velocity and Profile in a Strait Water using Warped Gaussian Process. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 2022, 144(3): 031201. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Kai Wei, Jiarui Zhang, Shunquan Qin. Experimental and numerical assessment into frequency domain dynamic response of deep water rigid-frame bridge. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 26(1): 307-330. (SCI 收录)
Jiarui Zhang, Kai Wei, Jianzhong Li. Integrated assessment of the hydrodynamic added mass of the deep-water pile-cap foundation considering pile group - pile cap interaction. Ocean Engineering. 2022, 244: 110418. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Pengfei Liu, Daimeng Shang, Qiang Liu, Zhihong Yi, Kai Wei. Kriging Model for Reliability Analysis of the Offshore Steel Trestle Subjected to Wave and Current Loads. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022, 10(1): 25. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Shaolin Yang, Wanli Yang, Chuanjiang Zhang, Shunquan Qin, Kai Wei, Jiarui Zhang. Experimental and Numerical Study on the Evolution of Wave Front Profile of Dambreak Waves. Ocean Engineering. 2022, 247: 110681. (SCI 收录)
Xiaoluo Lu, Lueqin Xu, Kai Wei, Lihan Xu. Transverse Seismic Damage Mode Identification of Deteriorating Simply-Supported Highway Bridges. Structures. 2022, 38(7):1529-1541. (SCI 收录)
Kai Wei, Jie Hong, Mochen Jiang, Wenyu Zhao. A Review of Breaking Wave Force on the Bridge Pier: Experiment, Simulation, Calculation and Structural Response. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition). 2022. (EI 收录, Corresponding author)
Xiaoluo Lu, Kai Wei, Haifeng He, Shunquan Qin. Life-cycle seismic fragility of a cable-stayed bridge considering chloride-induced corrosion. Earthquake Engineering and Resilience. 2022, 1: 60-72. (Corresponding author)
魏凯, 张枫, 廖翔, 秦顺全. 张力腿基础刚度对大跨浮式悬索桥风-浪动力响应的影响. 土木工程学报. 2022, 55(6): 47-61+101. (EI 收录, 通讯作者)
钟茜, 魏凯, 沈忠辉, 遆子龙. 台风"玛莉亚"风场WRF模拟及最大风速半径的非对称特性. 工程力学. 2022, 39(S): 389-396. (EI 收录, 通讯作者)
尚黛梦, 魏凯, 钟茜, 秦顺全. 台风浪-潮-流相关性对桥梁群桩基础波流力的影响. 工程力学. 2022, 39(S): 187-194. (EI 收录, 通讯作者)
黄国庆, 赵晨旭, 周绪红, 魏凯, 吴凤波, 张诗宜. 改进的台风下单桩海上风机易损性分析方法及应用. 振动工程学报, 2022, 35(2): 331-341. (EI 收录)
魏凯, 殷雪霜, 何畏等. 基于“五育并举”的土木工程大学生科创团队建设——以美国土木工程师学会混凝土轻舟竞赛为例. 高教学刊, 2022, 8(32): 47-50+55.
Zhonghui Shen, Kai Wei. Stochastic model of tropical cyclones along China coast including the effects of spatial heterogeneity and ocean feedback. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2021, 216: 108000. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Jie Hong, Kai Wei, Shunquan Qin. Numerical and Analytical Assessment of Hydraulic Pressure on the Inner Wall of the Deep-water Caisson under Sudden Flooding Risk. Measurement and Control. 2021, 54(5-6): 1043-1054. (SCI收录, Corresponding author)
Kai Wei, Haifeng He, Jiarui Zhang, Cancan Yang, Shunquan Qin. An endurance time method-based fragility analysis framework for cable-stayed bridge systems under scour and earthquake. Ocean Engineering. 2021, 232, 109128. (SCI 收录)
Jiarui Zhang, Kai Wei, Libao Gao, Shunquan Qin. Effect of V-shape canyon topography on seismic response of deep-water rigid-frame bridge based on simulated ground motions. Structures. 2021, 33, 1077-1095. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Jie Hong, Kai Wei, Zhonghui Shen, Bo Xu, Shunquan Qin. Experimental Study of Breaking Wave Loads on Elevated Pile Cap with Rectangular Cross-section. Ocean Engineering. 2021, 227, 108878. (SCI收录, Corresponding author)
Kai Wei, Hasan Imani, Shunquan Qin. Parametric wave spectrum model for typhoon-induced waves in nearshore strait waters. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 2021, 143(5), 051201. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Jiarui Zhang, Kai Wei, Jingxi Qin. Resilience and economic loss assessment of highway bridge in deep reservoir under near-fault ground motions. Journal of Bridge Engineering. 2021, 26(3), 04021007. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Kai Wei, Zhonghui Shen, Zilong Ti, Shunquan Qin. Trivariate joint probability model of typhoon-induced wind, wave and time lag for sea-crossing bridges based on the numerical simulation of historical typhoons. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 2021, 35(2), 325-344. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
魏凯, 钟茜, 沈忠辉, 秦顺全. 台风作用下风-浪-潮三维环境等值面模型. 工程力学, 2021, 38(11): 189-198. (通讯作者, EI 收录)
魏凯, 王顺意, 裘放, 向琪芪, 沈忠辉. 海上风电单桩基础海流局部冲刷及防护试验研究. 太阳能学报. 2021, 42(9): 338-344. (通讯作者, EI 收录)
刘强, 魏凯. 考虑环境腐蚀的海上风电导管架结构可靠度分析. 太阳能学报. 2021, 42(8): 394-400. (通讯作者, EI 收录)
叶庆旱, 刘强, 尚黛梦, 刘鹏飞, 魏凯. 考虑环境腐蚀的海上施工栈桥承载性能分析. 桥梁建设. 2021, 51(4): 31-37. (通讯作者, EI 收录)
魏凯, 姜沫臣, 洪杰. 破碎波作用下圆端形桥墩受力特性数值模拟. 海洋工程. 2021, 39(5): 111-118. (通讯作者)
何海峰, 魏凯, 何成. 考虑冲刷影响的川藏线连续梁桥地震易损性分析. 防灾减灾工程学报. 2021, 41(3): 441-447. (通讯作者)
Kai Wei, Qiang Liu, Shunquan Qin. Nonlinear Assessment of Offshore Steel Trestle Subjected to Wave and Current Loads. Ships and Offshore Structures. 2020, 15(5), 479-491. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Qiqi Xiang, Kai Wei, Yadong Li, Mingjin Zhang, Shunquan Qin. Experimental and Numerical Study of Local Scour Characteristics for a Suspended Square Caisson under Steady Current. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2020, 24 (9): 2682-2693. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Yutao Pang, Kai Wei, Wancheng Yuan. Life-cycle seismic resilience assessment of highway bridges with fiber-reinforced concrete piers. Engineering Structures. 2020, 222, 111120. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Haifeng He, Kai Wei, Jiarui Zhang, Shunquan Qin. Application of endurance time method to seismic fragility evaluation of highway bridges considering scour effect. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2020, 136, 106243. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Jiarui Zhang, Kai Wei, Shunquan Qin. Bayesian updating model for structural vibration-induced hydrodynamic added mass of rectangular pile cap submerged in water. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 2020, 146 (9), 04020096. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Yi Zhang, Kai Wei, Zhonghui Shen, Xiwen Bai, Xinzheng Lu. Economic Impact of Typhoon Induced Wind Disasters to Port Operations: A Case Study of Ports in China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2020, 50, 101719. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Zhonghui Shen, Kai Wei, Peng Deng, Xi Zhong, Shunquan Qin. Probability modeling of horizontal wave-in-deck loads on a square concrete deck. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 2020, 142 (5), 051702. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Bo Xu, Kai Wei, Shunquan Qin, Jie Hong. Experimental Study of Wave Loads on Elevated Pile Cap of Pile Group Foundation for Sea-crossing Bridges. Ocean Engineering. 2020, 197, 106896. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Zilong Ti, Kai Wei, Yongle Li, Bo Xu. Effect of Wave Spectral Variability on the Stochastic Response of a Long-span Bridge Subjected to Random Waves during Tropical Cyclones. Journal of Bridge Engineering. 2020, 25(1), 04019118. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Shunquan Qin, Kai Wei, Jingxi Qin, Renan Yuan, Leiping Xu, Qilian Dan. Stress-free-state Based Structural Analysis and Construction Control Theory for Staged Construction Bridges. Advances in Bridge Engineering. 2020, 1(1): 1.
Jingyu Zhang, Mingjin Zhang, Yongle Li, Jiaxin Yu, Jingxi Qin, Kai Wei, Lili Song. Analysis of wind characteristics and wind energy potential in complex mountainous region in southwest China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 274: 123036. (SCI 收录)
Mingjin Zhang, Jingyu Zhang, Yongle Li, Jiaxin Yu, Jingxi Qin, Kai Wei, Lili Song. Multi-site measurement for energy application of small distributed wind farm in complex mountainous areas. Energy Reports. 2020, 6, 1043-1056. (SCI 收录)
Kai Wei, Cong Zhou, Mingjin Zhang, Zilong Ti, Shunquan Qin. Review of the hydrodynamic challenges in the design of elevated pile cap foundations for sea-crossing bridges. Advances in Bridge Engineering. 2020, 1: 21. (Corresponding author)
魏凯, 周聪, 徐博. 跨海桥梁高桩承台波浪冲击荷载概率模型. 工程力学, 2020, 37(6): 216-224. (EI 收录)
魏凯, 杨雄欣, 刘强, 姜沫臣, 周聪. 大型桥梁沉井下沉过程中的水流力数值模拟. 铁道标准设计. 2020, 64(11). (通讯作者)
沈忠辉, 魏凯, 杨绍林. 孤立波作用下不同长宽比圆端形桥墩受力特性数值分析. 防灾减灾工程学报. 2020, 40(6), 945-951. (通讯作者)
张枫, 魏凯, 洪杰, 吴联活. 船行波作用下桥梁浮式施工平台动力响应分析. 水利水电技术. 2020, 51(8): 123-129. (通讯作者)
王顺意, 牟力, 魏凯, 秦朗, 向琪芪. 不同水力条件下圆柱桥墩局部冲刷试验研究. 防灾减灾工程学报. 2020, 40(3): 425-431. (通讯作者)
Shunquan Qin, Kai Wei, Jingxi Qin, Renan Yuan, Leiping Xu, Qilian Dan. Stress-free-state Based Structural Analysis and Construction Control Theory for Staged Construction Bridges. Advances in Bridge Engineering. 2020, 1: 1.
秦顺全, 谭国宏, 陆勤丰, 傅战工, 郭明伟, 魏凯. 超大沉井基础设计及下沉方法研究. 桥梁建设, 2020, 50(05): 1-9. (EI 收录)
Jiarui Zhang, Kai Wei, Shunquan Qin. An efficient numerical model for hydrodynamic added mass of immersed column with arbitrary cross - section. Ocean Engineering. 2019, 187, 106192. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Yongle Li, Chen Fang, Kai Wei, Guanghao Zhai, Haojun Tang. Frequency Domain Dynamic Analyses of Freestanding Bridge Pylon under Wind and Waves using a Copula Model. Ocean Engineering. 2019, 183, 359-371. (SCI 收录)
Jiarui Zhang, Kai Wei, Yutao Pang, Mingjin Zhang, Shunquan Qin. Numerical Investigation into Hydrodynamic Effects on the Seismic Response of Complex Hollow Bridge Pier Submerged in Reservoir: Case Study. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering. 2019, 24(2), 05018016. (SCI 收录, Corresponding author)
Zilong Ti, Mingjin Zhang, Kai Wei, Yongle Li. Numerical Study on the Stochastic Response of a Long-span Sea-crossing Bridge Subjected to Extreme Nonlinear Wave Loads. Engineering Structures. 2019, 196, 109287. (SCI 收录)
Chen Fang, Yongle Li, Kai Wei, Jingyu Zhang, Chunming Liang. Vehicle-Bridge Coupling Dynamic Response of Sea-Crossing Railway Bridge under Correlated Wind and Wave Conditions. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2019. 22(4), 893-906. (SCI 收录)
魏凯, 沈忠辉, 吴联活, 秦顺全. 强台风作用下近岸海域波浪-风暴潮耦合数值模拟. 工程力学. 2019, 36 (11), 139-146. (EI 收录)
魏凯, 林静, 李明阳. 基于外海环境预报的近岸岛礁桥址区波高ANN推算模型. 土木与环境工程学报. 2019, 41(6): 89-94.
魏凯, 张家瑞, 梁春明. 基于波面分解的圆柱桥墩波浪荷载计算方法. 铁道标准设计. 2019, 63(05): 87-92.
徐博, 魏凯. 基于RANS的跨海桥梁高桩承台波浪作用数值模拟. 铁道标准设计. 2019, 63(12): 79-84. (通讯作者)
刘强, 魏凯. 极端波浪作用下海上施工栈桥承载性能评估. 海洋工程, 2019, 37(4): 137-144. (通讯作者)
何海峰, 魏凯, 张明金. 波浪作用下跨海桥梁群桩基础方案研究. 铁道建筑. 2019, 59(4): 48-52. (通讯作者)
但启联, 秦顺全, 魏凯, 邓鹏, 苑仁安. 基于无应力状态量的平面梁节段预制构形计算方法. 土木与环境工程学报, 2019, 41(4): 86-91.
向琪芪, 李亚东, 魏凯, 王顺意, 姚昌荣. 桥梁基础冲刷研究综述. 西南交通大学学报. 2019, 54(2): 235-248. (EI 收录)
吴联活, 张明金, 李永乐, 魏凯. 复杂山区地形桥址区风特性数值模拟研究. 西南交通大学学报. 2019, 54(05): 915-922. (EI 收录)
Zilong Ti, Kai Wei, Shunquan Qin, Dapeng Mei, Yongle Li. Assessment of Random Wave Pressure on the Construction Cofferdam for Sea-crossing Bridges under Trop- ical Cyclone. Ocean Engineering. 2018, 160, 335-345. (SCI 收录,Corresponding author)
Zilong Ti, Kai Wei, Shunquan Qin, Yongle Li, Dapeng Mei. Numerical simulation of wave conditions in nearshore island area for sea-crossing bridge using spectral wave model. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2018. 21(5), 756-768. (SCI 收录,Corresponding author)
Spencer Hallowell, Andrew T Myers, Sanjay R Arwade, Weichiang Pang, Prashant Rawal, Eric M Hines, Jerome F Hajjar, Chi Qiao, Vahid Valamanesh, Kai Wei, Wystan Carswell, Casey M Fontana. Hurricane Risk Assessment of Offshore Wind Turbines. Renewable Energy. 2018, 125, 234-249. (SCI 收录)
Zilong Ti, Mingjin Zhang, Lianhuo Wu, Shunquan Qin, Kai Wei, Yongle Li. Estimation of the significant wave height in the nearshore using prediction equations based on the Response Surface Method. Ocean Engineering. 2018, 153, 143-153. (SCI 收录)
魏凯, 徐博, 李义强. 基于实测水压力的跨海桥梁围堰波浪力计算. 桥梁建设. 2018, 48(3): 50-54. (EI 收录)
张家瑞, 魏凯, 秦顺全. 基于贝叶斯更新的深水桥墩波浪动力响应概率模型. 工程力学. 2018 (EI 源刊, 在线, 通讯作者)
魏凯, 梁春明, 徐博. 台风灾害下复杂海域桥址区波高特性研究. 防灾减灾工程学报. 2018, 38(1), 60-68. (通讯作者)
Kai Wei, Andrew T. Myers, Sanjay R. Arwade. Dynamic effects in the response of offshore wind turbines supported by jackets under wave loading. Engineering Structures. 2017, 142(0), 36-45. (SCI 收录)
Kai Wei, Sanjay R. Arwade, Andrew T Myers, Vahid Valamanesh, Weichiang Pang. Effect of wind and wave directionality on the structural performance of offshore wind turbines supported by jackets during hurricanes. Wind Energy. 2017, 20(2), 289-303. (SCI收录)
Jingyu Wang, Wancheng Yuan, Xun Wu, Kai Wei. Dynamic performance of girder bridges with explosion-proof and aseismic system. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 2017. 61(3), 419-426. (SCI收录)
但启联, 秦顺全, 魏凯, 许磊平. 基于平面梁单元的分阶段成形结构线形控制方程. 桥梁建设. 2017, 47(4): 42-47. (EI 收录)
Kai Wei, Sanjay R Arwade, Andrew T Myers, Spencer Hallowell, Jerome F Hajjar, EricM Hines, Weichiang Pang. Toward Performance-based Evaluation for Offshore Wind Turbine Jacket Support Structures. Renewable Energy. 2016, 97(0), 709-721. (SCI 收录)
Kai Wei, Sanjay R Arwade, Andrew T Myers, Vahid Valamanesh. Directional effects on the reliability of non-axisymmetric support structures for offshore wind turbines under extreme wind and wave loadings. Engineering Structures, 2016, 106(0), 68-79. (SCI 收录)
Han Li, Shengze Tian, Xinzhi Dang, Wancheng Yuan, Kai Wei. Performance of steel mesh reinforced elastomeric isolation bearing: Experimental study. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 121(0), 60-68. (SCI收录)
Kai Wei, Najib Bouaanani, Wancheng Yuan. Simplified methods for efficient seismic design and analysis of water-surrounded composite axisymmetric structures. Ocean Engineering, 2015. 104(0), 617-638. (SCI 收录)
Yutao Pang, Kai Wei, Wancheng Yuan, Guoyu Shen. Effects of Dynamic FluidStructure Interaction on Seismic Response of Multi-Span Deep Water Bridges Using Fragility Function Method. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2015. 18(4), 525-542.(SCI 收录)
Kai Wei, Sanjay R Arwade, Andrew T Myers. Incremental wind-wave analysis of the structural capacity of offshore wind turbine support structures under extreme loading. Engineering Structures, 2014, 79(0), 58-69. (SCI 收录)
Kai Wei, Wancheng Yuan, Najib Bouaanani. Experimental and numerical assessment of the three-dimensional modal dynamic response of bridge pile foundations submerged in water. Journal of Bridge Engineering , 2013, 18(10), 1032–1041.(SCI 收录)
魏凯, 袁万城, 伍勇吉, 游科华. 深水桥梁群桩桁架组合基础抗震性能分析. 同济大学学报(自然科学版). 2013, 41(10): 1463-1469. (EI收录)
游科华, 魏凯, 袁万城. 承台几何参数对高桩承台地震动水效应的影响. 地震工程与工程振动. 2013, (04): 189-194.
Kai Wei, Wancheng Yuan. Seismic analysis of deep water pile foundation based on three-dimensional potential-based fluid elements. Journal of Construction Engineering, 2013, 2013: Article ID 874180, 10 pages.
魏凯, 袁万城. 深水高桩承台基础地震动水效应数值解析混合算法. 同济大学学报(自然科学版). 2013, 41(3): 336-341. (EI 收录)
Kai Wei, Wancheng Yuan, Najib Bouaanani, Chih-chen Chang. An improved HSFR method for natural vibration analysis of an immersed cylinder pile with a tip mass, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2012, 02(2):Article ID 023002, 4 pages.
魏凯, 伍勇吉, 徐灿, 庞于涛, 袁万城. 桥梁群桩基础-水耦合系统动力特性数值模拟. 工程力学. 2011, 28(SI): 195-200. (EI 收录)
魏凯, 袁万城, 曹新建. 组合结构桥梁抗震潜力及性能研究. 工程力学. 2010, 27(SI): 275-279. (EI 收录)
殷雪霜, 魏凯, 周聪. 考虑浮式防波堤影响的圆柱桥墩波浪作用数值模拟[C]. 第30届全国结构工程学术会议论文集(第Ⅱ册), 2021: 113-116.
尚黛梦, 魏凯. 考虑浪-潮-流相关性的桥梁群桩基础波流力分析[C]. 第30届全国结构工程学术会议论文集(第Ⅱ册),2021: 68-71.
赵文玉, 魏凯, 姜沫臣, 洪杰. 破碎波荷载对比分析及计算研究[C]. 第30届全国结构工程学术会议论文集(第Ⅱ册), 2021: 145-148.
钟茜, 魏凯, 沈忠辉, 遆子龙. 基于WRF模式的台风“玛利亚”期间风场模拟[C]. 第30届全国结构工程学术会议论文集(第Ⅱ册), 2021: 172-175.
Wei K, Zhang J. Bayesian updating based model for the hydrodynamic added mass of the rectangular pile cap. 3rd International Bridge Seismic Workshop, Seattle USA. October, 2019.
沈忠辉, 魏凯, 邓鹏. 海上风电导管架平台塔架转接段波浪抨击试验及荷载概率模型. 第三十届全国水动力学研讨会文集. 安徽合肥, 2019.
Wei K, Shen Z, Qin S. Numerical Simulation of Wind, Wave and Storm Surge in Sea-Crossing Bridge Site under Typhoons, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE15), Beijing, China, September 1-6, 2019.
Wei K, Riaz S, Zhu J. Zhang J. Numerical Study into Site-Specific Effect on The Response of Sea-Crossing Bridge Under Correlated Wind And Wave Loadings, Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Glasgow, Scotland June 2019.
Zhang F, Wei K, Zhang JR, Liu Q. Seismic Responses of Deep-water Continuous Rigid-frame Bridge Supported by Lattice Piers, 2018 International Conference on Smart City and Systems Engineering, Xiamen, Fujian 2018.
Wang S, Wei K, Xiang Q, et al. Experimental Study on Local Scour of Cylindrical Pier and Comparative Analysis under Different Hydraulic Conditions. The 15th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Hangzhou China 2018. 10.
Zhang J, Wei K, He H. Effect of the valley slope on the seismic response of deepwater rigid-frame bridge. IABSE Symposium Nantes 2018, Nantes France 2018. 9.
Xu B, Wei K, Ti Z, Li Y. Numerical simulation of wave loads on sea-crossing bridge cofferdam during typhoons. 2018 International Bridge Conference, Washington D. C. United States 2018.
刘强, 魏凯. 基于波浪增量分析的海上栈桥极限承载力及破坏模式研究. 第二十九届全国水动力学研讨会文集. 江苏镇江, 2018
何海峰, 魏凯, 张明金. 河床冲刷对藏区高速梁桥地震响应的影响. 中国工程科技论坛暨第十届全国防震减灾工程学术研讨会论文集. 中国成都, 2018
Liu Q, Zhang JR, Qin SQ, Wei K. Assessment of Dynamic Effect on the Response of Rectangular Bridge Pier under Wave Loading, 2017 International Conference on Smart City and Systems Engineering, Changsha, Hunan 2017: 1-5. (EI 收录)
梁春明, 魏凯, 张家瑞. 基于实测波面数据的波浪力计算方法. 第26届全国结构工程学术会议论文集. 中国长沙, 2017.
洪杰, 魏凯, 张明金, 杨绍林. 翻砂涌水过程中沉井内壁受力模拟. 第26届全国结构工程学术会议论文集. 中国长沙, 2017.
Ti Z, Qin S, Li Y, Mei D, Wei K. Extreme Wave Monitoring and In Situ Wave Pressure Measurement for the Cofferdam Construction of the Pingtan Strait Bridge. ASCE 2017 Structures Congress, Denver, Colorado 2017. (EI 收录)
Li H, Tian S, Yuan W, Wei K. Performance Evaluation of High-Performance Isolation Rubber Bearing for the Seismic Mitigation of Bridge Structures. ASCE 2017 Structures Congress, Denver, Colorado 2017. (EI 收录)
Dan Q, Wei K, Deng P, Yin Z. The Unstressed Pre-camber Setting Method for Steel Truss Bridge. 2017 International Conference on Engineering Simulation and Intelli- gent Control (ESAIC2017), Changsha, China 2017: 391-394. (EI 收录)
Wei K, Myers AT, Arwade SR, Hajjar JF. Performance-based Design and the Ductility of Welded Tubular Connections in Offshore Jacket Support Structures. AISC Connection Conference, Boston, Massachusetts 2016.
Wei K, Arwade SR, Myers AT, Hallowell S, Hajjar JF, Hines EM. Performance Levels and Fragility for Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures during Extreme Events. ASCE 2015 Structures Congress, Portland, Oregon 2015. (EI 收录)
Valamanesh V, Wei K, Myers AT, Arwade SR, Pang W. Hurricane Risk Considerations for Offshore Wind Turbines on the U.S. Atlantic Coast. ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2015), Newfoundland, Canada 2015. (EI 收录)
Pang YT, Wei K, Zhong J, Yuan WC and Shen GY. Seismic fragility analysis of multispan deep water bridges. 7th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Shanghai, China, 2014. (EI 收录)
Zhong J, Yuan W, Wei K. Combinatorial innovation in bridge seismic research. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, ISSE 2012. 2012, 1093-1098. (EI 收录)
Wei K, Yuan WC, Zhang YY, Chang CC. Innovation strategy for bridge seismic research. International conference on economic, education and management, Macao, China. 2011, 209-212. (ISTP 收录)
Wei K, Zhang YY, Yuan WC. Application of combinatorial innovation philosophy in earthquake resistant research for bridge. IMSCI 2011. Orlando, Florida, USA. 2011. (EI 收录)
Wei K, Xiong YG, Fu Y, Cao XJ, Yuan WC. 2010, Seismic analyses of long span steelconcrete composite bridge. The 5th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region and Australasian Structural Engineering Conference. Sydney, Australia. 2010.
Wei K. Efficient numerical calculation method of earthquake induced added mass on the substructure of deep water bridges. 2019 International Conference on Engineering Innovation and Seismic Mitigation of Bridges, Hanzhou, 2019-12. (presenter and session chair)
魏凯. 常泰长江大桥沉井基础冲刷试验及结构选型. 第四届海洋岩土工程学术交流会, 舟山. 2019-12.
魏凯. 深水大跨桥梁水动力学问题研究进展. 2019年中国(武汉)国际桥梁科技论坛, 武汉. 2019-11.
魏凯. 深水大跨桥梁水动力灾害研究进展. 桥梁建设的传承与发展研讨会暨钱冬生教授诞生一百周年纪念会, 成都. 2018-12.
Wei K, Advanced design methods for offshore wind turbines supported by jackets under extreme conditions, 2016 Wind Energy Research Workshop, Lowell, Massachusetts, 2016.03.15-03.17.
魏凯. 基于耐震时程法的连续梁桥易损性分析. 2018年桥梁结构防震减灾与工程创新会议, 厦门. 2018-12.
魏凯. 圆柱桥墩局部冲刷及防护装置试验研究. 第三届海洋岩土工程学术交流会, 上海. 2018-12.
Wei K. Experimental Study of Wave Slamming Loads on Elevated Pile Cap Of Pile Group Foundation for Sea-crossing Bridge. 1st IABSE Young Engineers Colloquium in East Asia, Shanghai, China. 24th October 2018.
魏凯. 破碎波浪冲击桥墩试验研究进展. 第二届土木工程海外华人青年学者学术交流与联谊会- 第六届中美桥梁可持续发展论坛, 南京. 2018-7.
魏凯. 跨海桥梁下部结构极端波浪冲击作用试验研究. 2018 深水大跨桥梁新进展研讨会, 成都. 2018-5.
魏凯. 跨海桥梁极端波浪作用与结构动力灾变研究进展. 第二届土木工程赣江论坛, 南昌. 2018-4.
魏凯. 基于平潭海峡公铁两用大桥现场实测的研究进展与思考. 波流-海床-结构相互作 用专题研讨会, 南京. 2017-12.
Wei K, Zhang J and Qin S. Effect of surface gravity waves on the seismic response of deep-water cylindrical bridge piers. The Second International Bridge Seismic Workshop, Shanghai, China 2017-11.
魏凯. 跨海桥梁海洋极端灾害与结构动力灾变. 第三届土木工程防灾减灾青年学者学术会议, 成都. 2017-11.
魏凯. 海洋桥梁波浪作用及结构响应研究进展. 第五届中美桥梁可持续发展研究研讨会, 成都. 2017-6.
魏凯. 随机波浪作用下圆柱形桥墩动力响应分析. 第十届全国随机振动理论与应用学术会议, 福州. 2016.
魏凯. 深水桥墩在非规则波浪作用下的随机动力响应. 第四届中美桥梁可持续发展研究研讨会, 西安. 2016.
Wei K, Arwade SR, Myers AT, Valamanesh V and Pang W. Impact of hurricane wind/wave misalignment on the analyses of fixed-bottom jacket type offshore wind turbine. The North American Wind Energy Academy 2015 Symposium, Blacksburg, Virgini 2015.
Wei K, Arwade SR and Myers AT. Performance-based wind and wave analysis of offshore wind turbine structures under hurricane metocean environments of United States east coast. ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Stanford, California, 2015.
Wei K, Arwade SR, Myers AT and Valamanesh V. Assessment of jacket-type offshore wind turbine under directional extreme loads by incremental wind-wave analysis. ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Hamilton, Ontario, 2014.
You KH, Wei K and Yuan WC. An alternative approach for the hydrodynamic effect of pile caps considering influence of complicated corner geometries. ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Evanston, Illinois, 2013.
Wei K, Yuan WC and Chang CC. Free vibration analyses of bridge pile foundation considering water-structure interaction. ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, 2011.
[1] 魏凯, 台风条件下跨海桥梁波浪作用特性及荷载计算方法, 中国地质大学(武汉), 线上讲座, 2022.11.04
[2] 魏凯, 极端环境下跨海桥梁波浪作用及结构响应研究, 浙大城市学院, 线上讲座, 2022.06.09
[3] 魏凯, 深水大跨桥梁波流作用及基础冲刷研究进展, 宁波工程学院, 中国, 宁波, 2020.11.14
[4] 魏凯, 深水大跨桥梁水动力试验及数值模拟技术, 中南大学, 中国, 长沙, 2019.11.14
[5] 魏凯, 极端风、浪作用下海上风电导管架结构性能评估, 重庆大学, 中国, 重庆, 2019.07.11
[6] 魏凯, 海上风电固定式平台抗极端海况研究, 石家庄铁道大学, 中国, 石家庄, 2016.01.13
[7] 魏凯, 深水基础抗震及海洋极端灾害关键问题研究, 西南交通大学创源大讲堂, 中国, 成都, 2016.01.08
[8] 魏凯, 海上风电固定式基础在极端风浪条件下的风险评估, 华南理工大学海内外优秀青年学者论坛, 中国, 广州, 2016.01.05
[9] Kai Wei, Risk Assessment of Jacket-Type OffshoreWind Turbine under ExtremeWind & Wave Conditions. Structural Group Seminar, Northeastern University, Boston MA, United States, 2015.10.15
[9] Kai Wei, Incremental wind-wave analysis of the structural capacity of offshore wind turbine support structures under extreme loading. Structural Group Seminar, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst MA, United States, 2014.09.26
[1] 王顺意, 魏凯, 张明金, 向琪芪, 吴联活. 桥墩的防护装置, 2019.01.11, 中国实用新型, ZL201820153999.7
[2] 刘强, 魏凯, 张家瑞. 浮动式深水基础桥梁施工平台, 2019.01.11, 中国实用新型, ZL201820866829.3
[3] 魏凯, 梁春明, 张家瑞, 徐博, 洪杰, 吴联活, 等. 基于实测波面的波浪荷载计算程序V1.0, 2018.03.23, 中国计算机软件著作权, 2018SR200105.
[4] 魏凯, 李永林, 张明金, 袁飞云, 孙家升, 马松华, 王顺意, 向琪芪. 桥墩防冲刷装置, 2017.12.12, 中国实用新型, ZL201721724154.0.
[5] 吴联活, 魏凯, 王顺意. 切向运动耗能的围堰防波装置, 2017.10.23, 中国实用新型, ZL201721363531.2.
[6] 王顺意, 魏凯, 吴联活. 用于桥墩围堰的防波装置, 2017.10.23, 中国实用新型, ZL201721363460.6.
[7] 党新志, 魏凯, 宋德琴, 杨浩林, 王征南, 袁万城. 复合橡胶球桥梁减震支座, 2013.07.03, 中国发明, ZL201310275702.6.
1. 跨海桥梁波浪作用及结构响应
2. 深水桥梁流固耦合
3. 近岸海域台风灾害及极端环境特性研究
4. 桥梁深水基础结构选型
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