
万国江 教授



Materials Properties(in English)

Materials Properties(in English)



Materials   Properties


B. Eng. (Biomedical engineering)


BE Core Course (Major Curriculum, BE)


College of Medicine

Course code:







 to be announced (Classroom X???, Xipu Campus)


Prof. Dr. Guojiang Wan

Contact Information:


Tencent QQ

To be announced (Course Group Number)


Course Description:


This course covers the fundamental   concepts that determine the properties of materials including metals,   semiconductors, ceramics and polymers. It discloses the relationships   between the structure and their properties as the underlying core   mechanism; namely, the roles of composition, bonding, crystalline, defect,   energy band and microstructure in influencing and controlling their   mechanical, electrical, optical and magnetic properties.  Also included are case studies drawn from a   variety of applications: advanced structural components, semiconductor   diodes, superconductor, maglev and optical detectors, sensors, biomaterials,   and others.

Course   Objectives:

This course is one major core course   taught in English for students pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering.   By introducing the basic knowledge and principle, this course helps students   understand the general and individual characteristics of properties for   various materials as well as their selection and applications. It lays a theoretical   foundation of materials for the students, so as to facilitate them to study the   follow-up courses and engage in the related research, design and development   of products in Biomedical Engineering fields.

Learning   Outcomes:

Upon   completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1.    Determine the basic laws of   material properties and understand their underlying mechanisms,

2.    Explore the relationship   between materials’ structure and properties, in considering as well their   processing and applications,

3.    Analyze quantitatively or semi-quantitatively   material properties in scientific ways,

4.    Grasp the technical English   and describe materials properties in both written and spoken English. 

Instructional   Methods:

Lecture, Class Discussion,   Multimedia or instant messaging platform (Tencent QQ), Assignments.

Texts   or Materials:

1.      William D. Callister,   Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering (Fifth Edition, Authorized   Reprint of the edition published by John Wiley & Sons INC., New York),   Chemical Industry Press, 2019.1, Beijing. (Chap 1, 7, 8, 9, 12, 18, 19)

2.      Mary Anne White, Physical   Properties of Materials (Third Edition, eBook), 2018, CRC Press.

DOI:   https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429468261

3.      You are encouraged to find more   electronic resources online such as: https://material-properties.org/


1.      Attend. &   Participation/Quizzes/Homework/Presentations        30%

2.      Experiments (Required)                                10%

3.      Final Exam                                         60%

How  to learn well this course(tips ABCD...), 

o   Attend and lesson the lectures 

o   Bilingual attention/participation

o   Comprehend the key points 

o   Devote your time to read and think more 

o   E-learn &-teach yourself





Class   Periods


Unit   I

Chapter 1: Introduction



Unit   II

Chapter 2: Mechanical Properties

Chapter 3: Electrical Properties

Chapter 4: Magnetic Properties

Chapter 5: Optical Properties



Unit   III







1st Assignment_Chapter 0 (Introduction):

1.  What’s the definition for Materials Properties (MPs)? Please list at least three examples of Materials Properties that you have learned about so far, and try to describe them respectively according to the definition of MPs in a specific way.  

2.  Do you agree biocompatibilities are materials properties?  Please briefly explain why?  For a biomaterial, what are the most desirable properties do you think it needs to have? Please describe it using specific examples.

3.  What’s the determining factor for a material’s properties? How do you define the determining factor?  


2nd: Assignment (Chapter 1. Mechanical Properties):

1. Someone say the Elastic/Young’s Modulus of materials is independent upon its microstructure, so the stiffness of a materials is not determined by its structure. Do you agree or not?  Why?

2. What's the definition of strength for a material. Please list the four strengthening strategies for metals and describe the underlying mechanisms respectively. 

3. Why might some metals fracture under an applied stress even lower than their Yield strengths at which they should just start to deform plastically? In such case, what's the most important mechanical property we should consider for these materials?  Can you define this property? 

4. Please describe the difference in appearance of fracture morphology between brittle and ductile fractures and explain why they present such difference.

5.  Based on what you've learned on mechanical properties of materials, please seek one example of biomaterials and list what mechanical properties it requires to meet the actual clinical requirements, and simply justify it.  Further, could you please define the mechanical properties involved and describe the influencing factors on every one of the related properties?


3rd Assignment (Chapter 2. Electrical Properties Part 1):


1. Based on electron energy band structure/model, could you explain briefly to others the reasons for difference in electrical conductivity between metals, semiconductors, and insulators? Please list at least three examples for each kind of metals, semiconductors and insulators respectively, and their electrical/electronic applications.

2. Can your describe how a metal responds to an increasing of temperature in terms of conductivity?  Does a semiconductor behave the same way as a metal? Why?

3. How can you determine the magnitude of a semiconductor’s band gap by an experimental method?  Briefly explain the principle of this method please. 


4th Assignment (Chapter 2. Electrical Properties Part 1I):

1.    Someone holds that insulating materials do not have any electrical properties. Do you agree her/him? Why?

2.    What’s the definition for dielectric material? Please list more than three applications of dielectric materials and describe briefly the underlying principles.

3.    How many types of polarization are there in dielectric materials? Please describe briefly their characteristics, respectively.

4.    Can you search online an example of biomaterials that serve for the clinical purpose partly by the electrical properties? What is(are) the specific electrical property(properties) in question and how does that work?   


5th Assignment (Chapter 3. Magnetic Properties):

1. Is there a net magnetic moment associated with each atom for both paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials? Why?  And explain why ferromagnetic materials can be permanently magnetized whereas paramagnetic ones cannot.

2. Someone observes repeatedly dropping a permanent magnet on the floor will cause it to demagnetized. Can you interpret the underlying mechanism for this phenomenon?  Please list the other ways to demagnetize the magnets.

3. In fact, all materials would respond more or less to an applied magnetic field, but why only limited number of materials can be classified as magnetic material? Compare the characteristics of soft magnetic and hard magnetic materials, and explain what contribute to their differences.

4. Search online for some examples of the hardest magnetic materials used nowadays and cite their fabricating routes/processes and their underlying principles. 


6th Assignment (Chapter 4. Optical Properties):

1. Briefly explain why metals are opaque to electromagnetic radiation having photon energies within the visible region of the spectrum, and why metals show always luster bright. Why could any insulator (sometimes called dielectric material) be made transparent in principle? But in practice, why so many dielectric materials appear translucent or even opaque?

2. The pigment zinc white (ZnO) is white at room temperature (i.e., colorless with a white appearance due to scattering from the powder) and bright yellow when heated. Explain the color change.

3. Pure diamond is an insulator and has a band gap of ca.5.4 eV. 

a.  What’s the color of a pure diamond? Explain your reasoning.

b. Diamonds that are synthesized in laboratory conditions are often very strongly colored yellow. Can you explain why?

c.Blue color can be created in diamond by addition of boron as a dopant, or by irradiation to create lattice defects. Please describe the principles underlying, respectively?

4. a. Can a material have an index of refraction less than unity? Why or why not?

   b. In order to transmit a light through a material or medium along a smooth curve pathway, how can you design the material/medium? Explain your reasoning.

  c. Compute the velocity of light in calcium fluoride (CaF2), which has a dielectric constant Ɛr of 2.056 (at frequencies within the visible range) and a magnetic susceptibility of -1.43×10^-5.