宋冬利 正高级实验师



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学科:载运工具运用工程. 交通运输. 车辆工程. 机械









当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究
  • [16] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,轨旁声学-红外信息融合的高铁轴箱轴承特征增强与故障诊断研究(编号:52472368),2025/01-2028/12,主持。

    [15] 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,高速列车走行部关键部件检测及健康监测关键技术研究(编号:61960206010),2020/01-2024/12,参研。

    [14] 国家重点研发计划课题,轨道交通装备及关键零部件运行质量全流程检测评估与服务管理关键技术(编号:2019YFB1405401),2019/12-2022/11,主持。

    [13] 四川省科技计划项目,地铁列车走行部综合安全评估方法研究及安全保障系统研发(编号:2019YFG0295),2019/01-2020/12,主持。

    [12] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,载荷形式对铁道车辆关键部件材料疲劳短裂纹行为的影响(编号:51675446),2017/01-2020/12,参研。

    [11] 国家重点研发计划,高速列车系统安全保障技术-高速列车整车安全行为分析及综合安全度评估(编号:2016YFB1200401-102A),2016/10-2019/12,主持。

    [10] 中国铁路总公司科技研究开发计划,动车组运用维护技术研究——动车组健康管理及运维决策系统研究(编号:2016J007-B),2016/5-2018/6,主研。

    [09] 成都运达科技股份有限公司科技研发项目,轴承和齿轮传动系统的动力学及温度传导仿真研究,POW170095,2017/01-2017/12,主持。

    [08] 新加坡151AH项目第二列第4车(M2车)车下帽型梁剩余寿命预测,2016/03-2017/03,主持。

    [07] 国家科技支撑计划项目子任务,城轨交通互操作综合测试与认证平台关键技术——弓网互操作综合检测、评估、认证一体化平台研究(编号:2015BAG19B02-10),2015/01-2017/12,主持。

    [06] 上海地铁4号线增购车弓网受流动态试验,2015/01-2015/12,主持。

    [05] 中国铁路总公司重点课题,受电弓可靠性研究,2014/05-2015/12,主持。

    [04] 中国铁路总公司科技研究开发重大项目,高速列车安全服役技术研究—高速列车走行部运行综合安全评估,2013/5-2015/12,主研。

    [03] 国家自然科学基金项目,轨道交通安全性、环保性和经济性战略研究,2012/12-2014/11,主研。

    [02] 铁道部高速动车组转向架安全评估,参加现场评估,负责系统可靠性建模,兼任工作组秘书,2011/09-2011/10。

    [01] “十一五”国家科技支撑计划,中国高速列车关键技术研究与装备研制,V500受电弓静强度/疲劳强度可靠性分析,2009/12-2012/12,主研。

  • [33]  Dongli Song;Zejun Zheng; Weihua Zhang; Wei Zhang; Minming Zhao; Huanhuan Pan ;Research on the change in lubrication state and temperature control strategy of high-speed train axle box bearings using non-destructive testing, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation,2024,1-25(期刊论文)

    [32]  Lei Lei; Dongli Song; Ping He; Hanxiao Lin ; Research on Rapid Position of Axle Box inHigh-Noise Infrared Images Acquired by Trackside, IEEE Sensors .Journal, 2024,24(1):554-563(期刊论文)

    [31]  Zejun Zheng; Dongli Song; Weihua Zhang; Wei Zhang; Minming Zhao; Lei Lei ; Research ontemperature of high-speed train axle box bearing considering lubrication state evolution and vehicle dynamics response, Vehicle System Dynamics,2023, 1-31(期刊论文)

    [30]  宋冬利;李翔宇;郑则君;董俭雄;何平 ;多物理场耦合监测的高速列车转向架轴承实验台设计,实验技术与管理、2022,39(11):16-22(期刊论文)

    [29]  Bingyan Chen; Dongli Song; Weihua Zhang; Yao Cheng; Zhiwei Wang ; A performance enhancedtime-varying morphological filtering method for bearing fault diagnosis, leasurewent, 202l,176(1): 109163(期刊论文)

    [28]  曾元辰;宋冬利*;张卫华;胡泽耀;常振臣.Stochastic failure process of railway vehicle dampers and the effects on suspension and vehicle dynamics,Vehicle System Dynamics,2020,SCI检索.

    [27]  刘磊;宋冬利*;耿自林;郑则君.A Real-Time Fault Early Warning Method for a High-Speed EMU Axle Box Bearing.Sensors,2020,SCI检索.

    [26]  胡泽耀;宋冬利*;曾元辰;张卫华.Analysis of the service life of railway hydraulic dampers considering temperature and loading.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit.2020,SCI检索. 

    [25]  曾元辰;张卫华;宋冬利*.A new strategy for hunting alarm and stability evaluation for railway vehicles based on nonlinear dynamics analysis,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit,2020,SCI检索.

    [24]  李春昱;宋冬利*;张卫华.高速列车轴箱轴承载荷反演方法研究,噪声与振动控制,2020.

    [23]  曾元辰;张卫华;宋冬利*;常振臣;张海.Response Prediction of Stochastic Dynamics by Neural Networks: Theory and Application on Railway,Science & Engineering,2019,SCI检索.

    [22]  李佳元,宋冬利*,张卫华,王志伟,陈丙炎.基于形态分量分析的高速列车轴箱轴承故障诊断方法,铁道机车车辆,2019.

    [21]  王婷婷,王志伟,宋冬利,张卫华*,李佳元,陈德。Effect of track irregularities of high-speed

    railways on the thermal characteristics of the traction motor bearing,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit,2019,SCI检索。

    [20]  DongLi Song#, Huali Wu, Weihua Zhang, Tieyao Xu, Yanan Jiang, Qiaoyue Qi.Study on Evolvement rule of the polygonal wear of EMU wheels and its effect on the dynamic behavior of a vehicle system,the 25th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, IAVSD 2017 , Rockhampton, Queensland, .2017.08.14-08.18.

    [19]  Xiaoyue Qi#, Dongli Song*, Weihua Zhang, Yanan Jiang, Huali Wu.Study on Dynamic Performance of Long Term Service of EMUs Based on Stochastic Process Parameters, the 25th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, IAVSD 2017 , Rockhampton, Queensland.2017.08.14-08.18.

    [18]  Yuanchen Zeng#,Weihua Zhang*, Dongli Song. Full Dynamic Analysis of Active Suspension on Railway Vehicle,the 25th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, IAVSD 2017 , Rockhampton, Queensland, .2017.08.14-08.18.

    [17]  宋冬利#,江亚男,张卫华. 滑板磨耗对受电弓系统服役性能的影响研究[J] ,西南交通大学学报,2017.06

    [16]  吴华丽#,宋冬利*,张卫华,江亚男.高速动车组车轮多边形磨耗规律研究及其对车辆系统动力学的影响[J].科技创新与应用,2017,31:1-4.

    [15]  Zhang Wendong#, Zhang Fan, Chen Wei, Jiang Yongquan,Song Dongli. Fault State Recognition of Rolling Bearing Based Fully Convolutional Network[J]. Computing in Science & Engineering,2017.9:1-13

    [14]  宋冬利#, 江亚男, 张卫华, 梅桂明. 基于受电弓框架模型的部件危险点动应力计算方法[J].中国铁道科学,2016.11

    [13]  Song Dongli#,Jiang Yanan, Zhang Weihua. Dynamic performance of a pantograph–catenary system with consideration of the contact surface[J]. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART F-JOURNAL OF RAIL AND RAPID TRANSIT,2016.08. SCI检索.

    [12]  Dongli Song#,Weihua Zhang*, Huali Wu, Yanan Jiang. Research on Dynamic Performances of Long-servicing CRH Trains Based on Stochastic Process Parameters[C].2016 Italy 11TH WORLD CONGRESS ON RAILWAY RESEARCH.

    [11]  Dongli Song#,Weihua Zhang,Huali Wu,Yanan Jiang.Research on degradation Law of wheels Set 's geometric shape of EMU based on stochastic process theory,Seventh International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis,ICEFA2016,Leipzig, Germany,2016.07.03 - 07.06.

    [10]  Huali Wu#,Dongli Song*,Weihua Zhang.The Cause Analysis of Lateral Instability of High-speed Train Bogie,Seventh International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis,ICEFA2016,Leipzig, Germany,2016.07.03 - 07.06.

    [09]  曾元辰#,张卫华*,宋冬利. 基于车辆动力学和改进AGREE算法的高速列车稳定性综合可靠性分析[J].铁道机车车辆.

    [08]  SONG Dongli,LI Xuanmo,ZHANG Weihua. study on the rules of defects production and degradation in a high-speed wheels. The International Symposium on Speed-up and Sustainable Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems 2015.12

    [07]  Dongli Song, Weihua Zhang, Ning Zhou, and Guiming Mei. Fatigue Lifetime Design Method and Program Development of Pantograph V500 Based on Reliability[J]. Journal of Computers (JCP, ISSN 1796-203X), 2015,P1252-1259 EI检索

    [06]  吴华丽#,宋冬利*,张卫华,冯强.车轮退化对HXD3型电力机车动力学性能的影响.2015,轨道交通.

    [05]  Dongli Song#,Weihua Zhangh*,Ping He,Yanan Jiang,Ning Zhou.Reliability Analysis of TSG19-type pantograph based on time-dependent parameters[J].Engineering Failure Analysis.2013.12. SCI检索.

    [04]  Dongli Song, Weihua Zhang, Ping He, Yanan Jiang. Adjusting plate design method of pantograph based on envelope theory[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 427-429,2013,p241-245 EI检索

    [03]  宋冬利,张卫华,何平,周宁.多状态多模式机械系统可靠性分析模型[J].铁道学报,第34卷第9期,2012年9月,P1-7,EI检索

    [02]  Song Dongli, Zhang Weihua, He Ping. Fatigue lifetime design of pantograph V500 based on reliability[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol.135-136, 2012, P540-546 EI检索

    [01]  D.L. Song, W.H. Zhang, G.M. Mei and J.B. Wang. Static Reliability Analysis on Pantograph of V500 Type[C]. 2010 WASE 国际信息工程会议录用,EI检索





    [03] 高速列车受电弓数据管理系统V1.0,登记号:2016SR031420,中华人民共和国国家版权局,2016.02.

    [02] 动车组机械系统可靠性分析软件[简称:HighspeedTrainRA]V1.0,登记号:2016SR030992,中华人民共和国国家版权局,2016.02.

    [01] 高速列车走行部数据管理系统V1.0,登记号:2016SR030969,中华人民共和国国家版权局,2016.02.


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