个人信息Personal Information
[1] 国家重点研发计划课题:高强耐热 SiCp 增强铝基复合材料及其在轨道交通的应用(铝基复合材料制动盘/合成闸片服役安全评价方法研究)(2023YFB3710604),2023.11-2026.10,主持
[2] “两机”重大专项课题:XXXXXXXX(XXXXXXX),2023.09-2025.06,主持
[3] 国家自然科学基金(区域创新发展联合基金):高海拔长大坡道下机车车辆制动性能退化机理及抑制方法 (U22A20181),2023.01-2026.12,主持
[4] 国家自然科学基金(优秀青年):机械表面/界面科学(51822508),2019.01-2021.12,主持
[5] 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):基于摩擦界面优化的低噪声高速列车盘形制动闸片的设计(51675448),2017.01-2020.12,主持
[6] 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):织构化表面处理降低高速列车制动尖叫噪声的研究(51375408),2014.01-2017.12,主持
[7] 国家自然科学基金(青年基金):表面织构控制摩擦振动噪声的机理研究(51005191),主持,2011.01-2013.12,主持
[8] 四川省科技厅:轨道车辆制动系统关键技术四川省青年科技创新研究团队(2020JDTD0012),2020.01-2022.12,主持
[9] 牵引动力国家重点实验室自主课题:基于新型阻尼的高速列车制动系统减振降噪设计(2020TPL-T06),2020.01-2022.12,主持
[10] 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划基金:表面处理对界面摩擦振动噪声控制机理的研究(NCET-13-0974),2014.01-2016.12,主持
[11] 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金:转动微动运行和损伤机理的基础研究(20100184120003),2011.01-2013.12,主持
[12] 国铁集团科技研究开发计划重点课题(揭榜挂帅):高速列车气动力作用下接触网附加导线疲劳损伤机理与安装方案研究,2022.12-2014.12,主研 (西南交大方负责)
[13] 国铁集团科技研究开发计划重点课题:普速铁路接触网简统化方案深化研究,2022.12-2014.12,主研 (西南交大方负责)
[14] 中国铁路总公司科技研究开发计划课题(重大):牵引供电及通信信号设备运维关键技术研究-高铁250km/h、350km/h接触网技术与装备简统化研究(2017J005-B),2017.09-2019.12,主研(西南交大方负责)
[15] 国家重点研发计划:激光强化技术在航空航天和轨道交通领域的工业示范应用(2016YFB1102600),2016.07-2020.12,主研
[16] 四川省科技重点研发项目:面向川藏铁路复杂地质岩层的长寿命高可靠智能TBM刀具研发及示范(21ZDYF3658),2021.04-2023.03,主研
[17] 成都市重大科技创新项目:基于摩擦学仿生设计的高耐磨性TBM刀具研发(2019-YF08-00100-GX),2019.09-2021.8,主研
[18] 企业委托课题:精密仪器振动噪声机理及抑制方法研究,2023.10-2024.12,主持
[19] 企业委托课题:洞渣机制骨料和改性石粉生产技术研究,2023.08-2025.10,主持
[20] 企业委托课题:制动系统快速接头技术开发,2023.03-2024.12,主持
[21] 企业委托课题:变桨轴承损伤监测技术,2023.08-2023.12,主持
[22] 企业委托课题:高速列车制动摩擦副振动噪声特性及紧固件服役性能研究,2022.01-2023.12,主持
[23] 企业委托课题:列车制动系统关键气动阀性能仿真分析,2022.09-2023.12,主持
[24] 企业委托课题:机制砂加工技术与石粉代替粉煤灰工艺技术研究,2022.11-2023.02,主持
[25] 企业委托课题:服役过程中基础制动装置随机激励研究(KYL202105-0068),2021.5-2021.12,主持
[26] 企业委托课题:高速列车粉末冶金闸片散热及摩擦噪声研究(R110221H01044),2021.4-2021.12,主持
[27] 高校委托课题:摩擦噪声机理的有限元模拟研究(R110220H01021),2020.03-2021.08,主持
[28] 制造过程测试技术教育部重点实验室开放性课题:机械设备中阻尼调控摩擦界面对摩擦自激动振动特性的研究(2019S270009),2019.03-2021.3,主持
[29] 企业委托课题:压裂泵液缸仿真与疲劳分析及优化项目(R110220H01187),2020.12-2021.08,主持
[30] 企业委托课题:阻尼吊弦有限元仿真分析与试验验证(R110220H01103),2020.9-2021.06,主持
[31] 企业委托课题:XX线棘轮补偿装置磨损分析(R110220H01126),2020.9-2020.12,主持
[32] 企业委托课题:XX线接触网零部件检测分析(R110220H01113),2020.8-2020.12,主持
[33] 企业委托课题:激光熔覆层耐磨性能评价试验分析(R110220H01087),2020.7-2020.11,主持
[34] 企业委托课题:XX线接触网零部件检测分析(R110220H01063),2020.06-2020.10 ,主持
[35] 企业委托课题:XX线分段绝缘器吊篮检测分析(R110220H01062),2020.06-2020.10,主持
[36] 企业委托课题:盾构机主轴承状态监测和损伤失效分析研究(2019H010103),2019-2021,主持
[37] 企业委托课题:XX线电连接跳线腐蚀检测分析(2019H010682),2019.6-2019.9,主持
[38] 企业委托课题:接触线电连接压接模具断裂检测分析(2019H010683),2019.05-2019.06,主持
[39] 企业委托课题:XX线电连接跳线腐蚀检测分析(2019H010684),2019.5-2019.8,主持
[40] 企业委托课题:缸孔涂层摩擦磨损性能分析(2019H010153),2019.1-2019.3,主持
[41] 企业委托课题:矿卡制动噪声数据诊断及抑制方法研究(R110220H01025),2017-2018,主持
[42] 企业委托课题:矿卡制动噪声产生机理及抑制方法研究(2017208),2016-2017,主持
[43] 企业委托课题:XX线现场返回吊弦线检测分析(2018H010117),2018.03-2018.04,主持
[44] 企业委托课题:XX线现场返回定位管斜拉线检测分析(2018H010319),2018.07-2018.09,主持
[45] 企业委托课题:XX线棘轮裂纹检测分析(2018H010574),2018.08-2018.10,主持
[46] 企业委托课题:接触网智能预配平台研究与开发—吊弦智能预配平台研究与开发(2014H01234),2013,主持
[47] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金:表面织构对摩擦噪声影响的研究(SWJTU09CX015),2011.01-2013.12,主持
[48] 中国铁路总公司科技研究开发计划课题(重点):牵引供电系统装备技术研究—新型高速铁路接触网装备技术研究(2015J005-D),2015.06-2016.12,主研
[49] 国家自然科学基金高铁联合基金:高速列车盘形制动噪声的机理及预测方法的研究(U1134103),2012.01-2014.12,主研
[50] 教育部创新团队科学基金:高速轮轨系统理论及技术(IRT1178),2012.01-2014.12,团队主要成员
[51] 国家自然科学基金:无渣轨道扣件系统松动的摩擦学机理研究(51005192),2011.01-2013.12,主研
[52] 国家自然科学基金:摩擦诱导构造纳米凸结构的原理及应用研究(90923017),2010.01-2012.12,主研
[53] 西南交通大学青年教师科研起步项目:车轴钢转动微动损伤行为研究(2008Q042),2009.01-2010.01,主持
[54] 973项目:高速列车安全服役关键基础问题研究-多模式耦合复杂微动失效机制及防护(2007CB714704),2007.01-2011.12,主研
[55] 四川省重点攻关项目:钛合金切削刀具纳米超点阵涂层膜系设计及其产业化研究(04CN032-009)2005.01-2007.01,主研
Q.X. Zhang, Z. Yu, H. Liu, J.L. Mo*, Z.Y. Xiang, S. Zhu, W.W. Jin. Analysis of friction-induced vibration and wear characteristics during high-speed train friction braking process[J]. Tribology International, 2024, 196:109701. (IF: 6.2, JCR Q1)
M. Zhang, S.H. Xu, J.L. Mo*, Z.Y. Xiang, Z.R. Zhou. Effect of uneven wear on the stability of friction braking system in high-speed train[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, 158:108009. (IF: 4.0, JCR Q1) (WOS: 001171566700001)
M. Zhang, R.H. Hu, J.L. Mo*, Z.Y. Xiang, Z.R. Zhou. A cross-domain state monitoring method for high-speed train brake pads based on data generation under small sample conditions[J]. Measurement, 2024, 226:114074. (IF: 5.6, JCR Q1) (WOS: 001154420300001)
W. Chen, J.L. Mo*, H.J. Ouyang, Z.Y. Xiang, J. Zhao. A bistable energy harvester for friction-induced stick–slip vibration[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024, 112(1): 353-378. (IF: 5.6, JCR Q1) (WOS: 001099640400001)
Z.W. Wang, L. Zhang, Z.Y. Ren, J.L. Mo*, L.C. Yang, K.Y. Wang. Friction and vibration behaviours of high-speed train brake system excited by wheel flats[J]. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 2024, 12(3): 458-475. (IF: 4.0, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000939484800001)
Z.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, K.Y. Wang, Z.R. Zhou. A novel vehicle-track coupled dynamics model with disc brake systems: modelling and validation[J]. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2024, 62(4): 789-812. (IF: 3.6, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000970833100001)
H.P. Wang, M.Q. Zhang, R.X. Sun, S.J. Cui, J.L. Mo*. Residual stress prediction for a coated tunnel boring machine cutter considering the effects of heat treatment and laser cladding[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2023, 319: 118078. (IF: 6.3, JCR Q2) (WOS: 001148308000001)
H.P. Wang, M.Q. Zhang, R.X. Sun, S.J. Cui, J.L. Mo*. Performance improvement strategy of the TBM disc cutter ring material and evaluation of impact-sliding friction and wear performance, Wear, 2023, 526: 204943. (IF: 4.804, JCR Q1) (WOS:001031386100001)
Q.X. Zhang, J.L. Mo*, Z.Y. Xiang, Q. Wang, Z. Yu, C.Z. Zhai, S. Zhu, Effect of surface micro-grooved textures in suppressing stick-slip vibration in high-speed train brake systems, Tribology International, 2023. (IF: 6.105, JCR Q1)
Q.X. Zhang, J.L. Mo*, Z.Y. Xiang, Q.A. Liu, B. Tang, W.W. Jin, S. Zhu, The influence of interfacial wear characteristics on stick-slip vibration, Tribology International, 2023, 185: 108535. (IF: 6.105, JCR Q1)
Q. Wang, Q.X. Zhang , Z.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, W.W. Jin , S. Zhu. Identification of Stribeck model parameters to accurately reveal stick–slip characteristics of a disc–block friction system [J]. Tribology Transactions, 2023.(IF: 2.089, JCR Q3)
Q. Wang, Z.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, Z.R. Zhou, Modelling and stability analysis of a high-speed train braking system, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 250: 108315. (IF: 7.266, JCR Q1) (WOS:000952074100001)
Q. Wang, Z.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, A hybrid friction-induced vibration form: Experimental measurement and mechanism discussion, Tribology International, 2023,183: 108397. (IF: 6.105, JCR Q1) (WOS:000957400200001)
Z.W. Wang, L.C. Yang, J.L. Mo*, S. Zhu, W.W. Jin, A trailer car dynamics model considering brake rigging of a high-speed train and its application. Railway Engineering Science, 2023, 31, 269-280. (IF: 6.3) (WOS:000960996600002)
Q.A. Liu, Z.Y. Xiang, J.L. Mo*, A study on the differences in tribological behavior of friction pairs under decoupling and coupling of frictional interface and system structure, Tribology International, 2023, 188: 10886. (IF: 6.105, JCR Q1)
C. Lu, J.C. Shen, J.L. Mo*, J.M. Martinez-Esnaola, Influence of braking sequence on railway brake disc's radial crack propagation behavior, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2023, 46(6): 2029-2373. (IF: 3.7, JCR Q2) (WOS:000949219500001)
C. Lu, J.C. Shen, Q. Fu, J.L. Mo*, Research on radial crack propagation of railway brake disc under emergency braking conditions, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2023, 143: 106877. (IF: 3.935, JCR Q1) (WOS:000896983500003)
C.L. Lu, Q. Wang, Z.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, S. Zhu, W.W. Jin, Stick-Slip Characteristic Analysis of High-Speed Train Brake Systems: A Disc-Block Friction System with Different Friction Radii. Vehicles. 2023; 5(1):41-54. (WOS:000958016500001)
M. Zhang*, X.J. Lin, X.J. Zhang, J.L. Mo*, Z.Y. Xiang, S.H. Xu,Diagnosis of brake friction faults in high-speed trains based on 1DCNN and GraphSAGE under data imbalance, Measurement, 2023, 207: 112378. (IF: 5.6, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000916569200001)
K.M. Gong, X. Zhou, J.L. Mo*. Continuously tuneable acoustic metasurface for high order transmitted acoustic vortices. Smart Materials and Structures, 2022, 31(11): 115001 (IF: 4.131, JCR Q2) (WOS:000857793700001)
C. Lu, X.C. Jiang, X.T. Chen, J.L. Mo*. Experimental study on the evolution of friction and wear behaviours of railway friction block during temperature rise under extreme braking conditions. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 141: 106621. (IF: 3.634, JCR Q2) (WOS:000853688400001)
Q.A. Liu, Z.Y. Xiang, J.L. Mo*, Q.X. Zhang, Y.G. Zhu. The effects of the structural stiffness of vibration transfer path on friction-induced vibration and noise. Tribology International, 2022, 173: 107687. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS:000811971500003)
H.P. Wang, R.X. Sun, M.Q. Zhang, B. Gou, J.L. Mo*. Impact-sliding behavior of Ni-based coating prepared on tunnel boring machine disc cutter material produced using a plasma transferred arc welding process. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2022, 442: 128186. (IF: 4.865, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000822944100004)
M. Zhang*, X.J. Zhang, J.L. Mo*, Z.Y. Xiang, P.W Zheng. Brake uneven wear of high-speed train intelligent monitoring using an ensemble model based on multi-sensor feature fusion and deep learning. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 137: 106219. (IF: 3.634, JCR Q2)
R.X. Sun, J.L. Mo*, M.Q. Zhang*, W.J. Duan, L.G. Zhang, Z.R. Zhou. Effect of Impact-Sliding Angle on the Wear Performance of the H13 Steel of a Tunnel Boring Machine Cutter. Tribology Transactions, 2022, 65(4): 762-776. (IF: 2.056, JCR Q3) (WOS:000823641400001)
Y.G. Zhu, R.L. Wang, Z.Y. Xiang, J.L. Mo*, H.J. Ouyang. The effect of dynamic normal force on the stick-slip vibration characteristics. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, DOI: 10.1007/s11071-022-07614-0. (IF: 5.741, JCR Q1) (WOS:000817047000003) (Published online)
C. Lu, J.B. Yin, J.L. Mo*, J.Y. Wang. Accumulated wear degradation prediction of railway friction block considering the evolution of contact status, Wear, 2022, 494-495: 204251. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS:000754374800002)
X.D. Lu, R.L. Wang, J.L. Mo*, H.J. Ouyang, Z.Y. Fan, Y.F. Zhang, J. Zhao. Effect of Damping Components with Slotted Structures on the Instability Induced by Sliding Friction. Tribology Transactions, 2022, 65(1): 164-179. (IF: 2.056, JCR Q3) (WOS:000732601300001)
X.C. Wang, R.L. Wang, B. Huang, J.L. Mo*, H.J. Ouyang*. A Study of Effect of Various Normal Force Loading Forms on Frictional Stick-Slip Vibration. Journal of Dynamics, Monitoring and Diagnostics, 2022, 1(1), 46–55. https://doi.org/10.37965/jdmd.v2i2.48. (ISTP)
Q. Wang, Z.W. Wang*, J.L. Mo*, L. Zhang. Nonlinear behaviors of the disc brake system under the effect of wheel-rail adhesion. Tribology International, 2022, 165: 107263. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000703566500003)
Z.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, M.Y. Gebreyohanes, K.Y. Wang, J.Y. Wang, Z.R. Zhou. Dynamic response analysis of the brake disc of a high-speed train with wheel flats. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2021, DOI: 10.1177/09544097211031723. (IF: 1.87, JCR Q3) (WOS: 000677315500001)
W. Chen, J.L. Mo*, Z.Y. Xiang, A.Y. Wang, Q.A. Liu, H.H. Qian. A new concept of frequency-excitation-up conversion to improve the yield of linear piezoelectric generators. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2021, 325: 112712. (IF: 4.291, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000641357200002)
J.B. Yin, Y.K. Wu, C. Lu*, W. Chen, J.L. Mo*, Z.R. Zhou. The Influence of Friction Blocks Connection Configuration on High‑Speed Railway Brake Systems Performance. Tribology Letters, 2021, 69: 122. (IF: 3.327, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000687689100004)
D.Q. Tan*, R. Li, Q. He, X.Q. Yang, C.C. Zhou, J.L. Mo*. Failure analysis of the joint bearing of the main rotor of the Robinson R44 helicopter: A case study. Wear, 2021, 477: 203862. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000675488200003)
Z.Y. Xiang, J.L. Mo*, H.H. Qian, S. Zhu, W. Chen, L.Q. Du. The effect of the friction block installation direction on the tribological behavior and vibrational response of the high-speed train brake interface. Wear, 2021, 484–485: 204049. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000683575200001)
Z.Y. Xiang, J.L. Mo*, H.H. Qian, W. Chen, D.B. Luo*, Z.R. Zhou. Friction-induced vibration energy harvesting of a high-speed train brake system via a piezoelectric cantilever beam. Tribology International, 2021, 162: 107126. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000672572700005)
A.Y. Wang, J.L. Mo*. H.H. Qian, Y.K. Wu, Z.Y. Xiang, W. Chen, Z.R. Zhou. The effect of a time-varying contact surface on interfacial tribological behaviour via a surface groove and filler. Wear, 2021, 478–479: 203905. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000663415900003)
H.P. Wang, J.L. Mo*, S. Mu, M.Q. Zhang, W.J. Duan, J.B. Li*, Z.R. Zhou. Effects of interfacial trapezoidal grooves on the mechanical properties of coatings by laser cladding. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2021, 421: 127425. (IF: 4.865, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000666583900056)
K.M Gong, X. Zhou, H.J. Ouyang, J.L. Mo*. Continuous manipulation of acoustic wavefront using a programmable acoustic metasurface. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021, 54: 305302. (IF: 3.409, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000655402900001)
C. Lu, J.L. Mo*, R.X. Sun, Y.K. Wu, Z.Y. Fan. Investigation into multiaxial character of thermomechanical fatigue damage on high‐speed railway brake disc. Vehicles, 2021, 3: 287–299. (WOS: 000668543100001)
Z.Y. Fan, Z.Y. Xiang, W. Chen, H.H. Qian, J.L. Mo*, Z.R. Zhou. Effect of surface modification on the tribological properties of friction blocks in high-speed train brake systems. Tribology Letters, 2021, 69(1): 27. (IF: 3.327, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000617974700004)
Z.Y. Xiang, H.H. Qian, J.L. Mo*, W. Chen, D.Q. Tan, Z.R. Zhou. Improving the tribological behavior of the brake interface of high-speed trains via a cantilever beam structure. Tribology International, 2021, 155: 106783. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000612134700004)
Z.Y. Xiang, W. Chen, J.L. Mo*, Q.A. Liu, Z.Y. Fan, Z.R. Zhou. The effects of the friction block shape on the tribological and dynamical behaviours of high-speed train brakes. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 194: 106184. (IF: 6.772, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000636790100004)
H.H. Qian, J.L. Mo*, Z.Y. Xiang, Z.Y. Fan, Z.R. Zhou. The effect of the macroscopic surface morphology caused by the uneven wear on friction induced vibration. Tribology International, 2021, 154: 106672. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000598668000001)
Y.K. Wu, J.W. Xu, X.C. Wang, W. Chen, C. Lu, J.L. Mo*. The effect of damping components on the interfacial dynamics and tribological behavior of high-speed train brakes. Applied Acoustics, 2021, 178: 107962. (IF: 3.614, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000640183600007)
Y.K. Wu, B. Tang, Z.Y. Xiang, H.H. Qian, J.L. Mo*, Z.R. Zhou. Brake squeal of a high-speed train for different friction block configurations. Applied Acoustics, 2021, 171: 107540. (IF: 3.614, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000580649900006)
X.F. Wang, J.L. Mo*, H.J. Ouyang, Z.Y. Xiang, W. Chen, Z.R. Zhou. Simultaneous energy harvesting and tribological property improvement. Friction, 2021, 9: 1275-1291. (IF: 4.924, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000622227700002)
D.Q. Tan*, X.Q. Yang, Q. He, J.L. Mo*, W.H. Zhuang, J.F. He. Impact-sliding wear properties of PVD CrN and WC/C coatings. Surface Engineering, 2021, 37(1): 12-23. (IF: 2.451, JCR Q3) (WOS: 000492807000001)
D. Chen*, S. Wang, M.L. Shen, Q.T. Qian, Q. Su, J.L. Mo*, Z.R. Zhou*, T. Girmay. Aggregate micro tribological properties of sponge city permeable pavement base layer under vehicle loading. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 261: 120424. (IF: 7.693, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000582529400087)
Z.Y. Xiang, J.L. Mo*, H.J. Ouyang, F. Massi, B. Tang, Z.R. Zhou. Contact behaviour and vibrational response of a high-speed train brake friction block. Tribology International, 2020, 152: 106540. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000613509600016)
W. Chen, Z.Y. Xiang, J.L. Mo*, Z.Y. Fan, H.H. Qian, J.Y. Wang. Energy harvesting and vibration reduction by sandwiching piezoelectric elements into elastic damping components with parallel-grooved structures. Composite Structures, 2020, 241: 112105. (IF: 6.603, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000522793200024)
X.C. Wang, B. Huang, R.L. Wang, J.L. Mo*, H.J, Ouyang*. Friction-induced stick-slip vibration and its experimental validation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, 142: 106705. (IF: 8.934, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000529085600008)
X.D. Lu, J. Zhao, J.L. Mo*, Y.K. Wu, J.W. Xu, Y.F. Zhang, Z.R. Zhou. Suppression of friction-induced stick–slip behavior and improvement of tribological characteristics of sliding systems by introducing damping materials. Tribology Transactions, 2020, 63: 222-234. (IF: 2.056, JCR Q3) (WOS: 000494420000001)
X.C. Wang, J.L. Mo*, H.J. Ouyang, B. Huang, X.D. Lu, Z.R. Zhou. An investigation of stick-slip oscillation of Mn–Cu damping alloy as a friction material. Tribology International, 2020, 146: 106024. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000526117600002)
X. Quan, J.L. Mo*, B. Huang, B. Tang, H.J. Ouyang, Z.R. Zhou. Influence of the friction block shape and installation angle of high-speed train brakes on brake noise. Journal of Tribology-transactions Of The Asme, 2020, 142(3): 1-18. (IF: 1.891, JCR Q3) (WOS: 000525370300004)
Y.K. Wu, J.L. Mo*, B. Tang, J.W. Xu, B. Huang, Z.Y. Xiang, Z.R. Zhou. Tribological and dynamical analysis of a brake pad with multiple blocks for a high-speed train. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2020, 234: 1771-1788. (IF: 1.818, JCR Q3) (WOS: 000507207500001)
K.M. Gong, X.F. Wang, H.J. Ouyang, J.L. Mo*. Tuneable gradient Helmholtz-resonator-based acoustic metasurface for acoustic focusing. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52: 385303. (IF: 3.409, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000475636400003)
D.Q. Tan, J.L. Mo*, J.F. He, J. Luo, Q. Zhang, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. Effect of structural stiffness on impact-sliding wear behavior of aluminium alloy. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2019, 233: 1844-1856. (IF: 1.818, JCR Q3) (WOS: 000486006700006)
B. Tang, J.L. Mo*, J.W. Xu, Y.K. Wu, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. Effect of perforated structure of friction block on the wear, thermal distribution and noise characteristics of railway brake systems. Wear, 2019, 426-427: 1176-1186. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000464585200028)
D.Q. Tan, J.L. Mo*, W.F. He, J. Luo, Q. Zhang, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. Suitability of laser shock peening to impact-sliding wear in different system stiffnesses. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2019, 358: 22-35. (IF: 4.865, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000456762300003)
B. Tang, J.L. Mo*, Y.K. Wu, X. Quan, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. Effect of the friction block shape of railway brakes on the vibration and noise under dry and wet conditions. Tribology Transactions, 2019, 62: 262-273. (IF: 2.056, JCR Q3) (WOS: 000467845700012)
X.C. Wang, J.L. Mo*, H.J. Ouyang, X.D. Lu, B. Huang, Z.R. Zhou. The effects of grooved rubber blocks on stick-slip and wear behaviours. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2019, 233: 2939-2954. (IF: 1.828, JCR Q3) (WOS: 000484945100019)
Z.L. Li, X.C. Wang, Q. Zhang, Z.Q. Guan, J.L. Mo*, H.J. Ouyang*. Model reduction for friction-induced vibration of multi-degree-of-freedom systems and experimental validation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 145: 106-119. (IF: 6.772, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000444664600009)
D.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, X.F. Wang, H. Ouyang, Z.R. Zhou*. Experimental and numerical investigations of the piezoelectric energy harvesting via friction-induced vibration. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 171: 1134-1149. (IF: 11.533, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000449247500005)
J.Y. Xu, J.L. Mo*, B. Huang, X.C. Wang, X. Zhang, Z.R. Zhou. Reducing friction-induced vibration and noise by clearing wear debris from contact surface by blowing air and adding magnetic field. Wear, 2018, 408-409: 238-247. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000436482000025)
Q. Zhang, J.L. Mo*, X.D. Lu, J. Zhao, D.W. Wang, Z.R. Zhou. Grooved-structure design for improved component damping ability. Tribology International, 2018, 123: 50-60. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000431161600007)
D.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, H. Ouyang, Z.R. Zhou. Improving dynamic and tribological behaviours by means of a Mn-Cu damping alloy with grooved surface features. Tribology Letters, 2018, 66: 67. (IF: 3.327, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000433167000003)
Z.Y. Zhu, J.L. Mo*, D.W. Wang, J. Zhao, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. Study on the correlation between dynamical behavior and friction/wear mechanism under the effect of grooves. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27(6): 2875-2884. (IF: 2.036, JCR Q4) (WOS: 000435416000037)
X. Zhou, J.L. Mo*, Y.Y. Li, J.Y. Xu, X. Zhang, S. Cai, Z.M. Jin*. Correlation between tactile perception and tribological and dynamical properties for human finger under different sliding speeds. Tribology International, 2018, 123: 286-295. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000431161600028)
X.D. Lu, J. Zhao, J.L. Mo*, Q. Zhang, X. Zhang, Z.R. Zhou. Improvement of dynamical and tribological properties of friction systems by introducing parallel-grooved structures in elastic damping components. Composite Structures, 2018, 192: 8-19. (IF: 6.603, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000428688700002)
A.Y. Wang, J.L. Mo*, X.C. Wang, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. Effect of surface roughness on friction-induced noise: Exploring the generation of squeal at sliding friction interface. Wear, 2018, 402-403: 80-90. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000429077100010)
X. Zhang, J.L. Mo*, Y.F. Si, Z.G. Guo. How does substrate roughness affect the service life of a superhydrophobic coating? Applied Surface Science, 2018, 441: 491-499. (IF: 7.392, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000427816400060)
D.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, Z.Y. Zhu, H. Ouyang, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. Debris trapping and space-varying contact via surface texturing for enhanced noise performance. Wear, 2018, 396-397: 86-97. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000422803000009)
J.Y. Xu, J.L. Mo*, X.C. Wang, X. Zhang, D.W. Wang, Z.R. Zhou. Effects of a horizontal magnetic field on unstable vibration and noise of a friction interface with different magnetic properties. Tribology International, 2018, 120: 47-57. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000428102900006)
M.Q. Liu, J.L. Mo*, D.W. Wang, J.X. Li, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. The influence of the angular distribution of a grooved surface texturing on the generation of friction-induced vibration and noise. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2018, 232: 1036-1045. (IF: 1.818, JCR Q3) (WOS: 000439112400010)
B. Tang, J.L. Mo*, X. Zhang, Q. Zhang, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. Experimental investigation of the squeal characteristics in railway disc brakes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2018, 232: 1437-1449. (IF: 1.818, JCR Q3) (WOS: 000448087700009)
D.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, Q. Zhang, J. Zhao, H. Ouyang, Z.R. Zhou. The effect of the grooved elastic damping component in reducing friction-induced vibration. Tribology International, 2017, 110: 264-277. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000398871700028)
D.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, M.Q. Liu, J.X. Li, H. Ouyang, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. Improving tribological behaviours and noise performance of railway disc brake by grooved surface texturing. Wear, 2017, 376: 1586-1600. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000403902000073)
X. Zhang, Y.F. Si, J.L. Mo*, Z.G. Guo*. Robust micro-nanoscale flowerlike ZnO/epoxy resin superhydrophobic coating with rapid healing ability. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 313: 1152-1159. (IF: 16.744, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000394723200116) (ESI热点论文)
M. Zhang, J.L. Mo*, J.Y. Xu, X. Zhang, D.W. Wang, Z.R. Zhou. The effect of changing fingerprinting directions on finger friction. Tribology Letters, 2017, 65(2): 60. (IF: 3.327, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000401437000030)
D.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, Z.Y. Zhu, H. Ouyang, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. How do grooves on friction interface affect tribological and vibration and squeal noise performance. Tribology International, 2017, 109: 192-205. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000395611500021)
D.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, X.H. Ge, H. Ouyang, Z.R. Zhou. Disc surface modifications for enhanced performance against friction noise. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 382: 101-110. (IF: 7.392, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000376819600014)
D.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, M.Q. Liu, H. Ouyang, Z.R. Zhou. Noise performance improvements and tribological consequences of a pad-on-disc system through groove-textured disc surface. Tribology International, 2016, 102: 222-236. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000383931100024)
X.C. Wang, J.L. Mo*, H.J. Ouyang, D.W. Wang, G.X. Chen, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. Squeal noise of friction material with groove-textured surface: an experimental and numerical analysis. Journal of Tribology-transactions of the Asme, 2016, 138(2): 021401. (IF: 1.891, JCR Q3) (WOS: 000371388800008)
D.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, H. Ouyang, G.X. Chen, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. Experimental and numerical studies of friction-induced vibration and noise and the effects of groove-textured surfaces. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2014, 46: 191-208. (IF: 8.934, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000335637700001)
J.L. Mo*, Z.G. Wang, G.X. Chen, T.M. Shao, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. The effect of groove-textured surface on friction and wear and friction-induced vibration and noise. Wear, 2013, 301: 671-681. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000322555500087)
J.L. Mo, M.H. Zhu, A. Leyland, A. Matthews*. Impact wear and abrasion resistance of CrN, AlCrN and AlTiN PVD coatings. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2013, 215: 170-177. (IF: 4.865, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000315659600025)
D.W. Wang, J.L. Mo*, Z.G. Wang, G.X. Chen, H. Ouyang, Z.R. Zhou. Numerical study of friction-induced vibration and noise on groove-textured surface. Tribology International, 2013, 64: 1-7. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000320418300001)
J.L. Mo, M.H. Zhu*. Tribological investigation of WC/C coating under dry sliding conditions. Wear, 2011, 271: 1998-2005. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000294590200101)
J.L. Mo, M.H. Zhu*, J.F. Zheng, J. Luo, Z.R. Zhou. Study on rotational fretting wear of 7075 aluminum alloy. Tribology International, 2010, 43: 912-917. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000276290000009)
J.L. Mo, M.H. Zhu*. Tribological characterization of chromium nitride coating deposited by filtered cathodic vacuum arc. Applied Surface Science, 2009, 255: 7627-7634. (IF: 7.392, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000266567400027)
J.L. Mo, M.H. Zhu*. Sliding tribological behaviors of PVD CrN and AlCrN coatings against Si3N4 ceramic and pure titanium. Wear, 2009, 267: 874-881. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000267580700028)
J.L. Mo, M.H. Zhu*. Tribological oxidation behaviour of PVD hard coatings. Tribology International, 2009, 42: 1758-1764. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000271542600027)
J.L. Mo, M.H. Zhu*. Sliding tribological behavior of AlCrN coating. Tribology International, 2008, 41(12): 1161-1168. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000263852800004)
J.L. Mo, M.H. Zhu*, B. Lei, Y.X. Leng, N. Huang. Comparison of tribological behaviours of AlCrN and TiAlN coatings-deposited by physical vapor deposition. Wear, 2007, 263: 1423-1429. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000249754500071)
§ 非第一/通讯作者的英文论文
S.L. Xie, Z.Y. Xiang*, J.K. Zhang, Q.X. Zhang, J.L. Mo, D.Q. He. The correlation between structural deformation of friction system and friction-induced stick-slip vibration[J]. Tribology International, 2024, 196:109688. (IF: 6.2, JCR Q1)
J.K. Zhang, Q.X. Zhang, Z.Y. Xiang*, S.L. Xie. J.L. Mo, D.Q. He. Modification of friction block connection for improving the tribological behavior of high-speed train braking interface[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, 161:108308. (IF: 4.0, JCR Q1)
Y.X. Hu, R.Y. Sun, S. Li, C. Liu, J. Zhao*, J.L. Mo, D.B. Luo, Y.J. Pan. Optimizing raindrop energy harvesting: Exploring water droplet spreading effects on IDE-based TENG for sustainable power generation[J]. Nano Energy, 2024, 123:109358. (IF: 17.6, JCR Q1) (WOS: 001184147400001)
X.T. Chen, C. Lu*, X.Q. Liu, T.L. Sun, J.L. Mo. The influence of competition between thermal expansion and braking parameter on the wear degradation of friction block[J]. Tribology International, 2024, 192:109246. (IF: 6.2, JCR Q1) (WOS: 001166365800001)
J.B. Yin, C. Lu*, J.L. Mo. Comprehensive modeling strategy for thermomechanical tribological behavior analysis of railway vehicle disc brake system[J]. Friction, 2024, 12(1): 74-94. (IF: 6.8, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000977091000002)
Q. Wang, Z.W. Wang*, J.L. Mo, G.Z. Zhai, Q.B. Gou, Z.R. Zhou. Dynamic response analysis of a train braking system with time-varying coefficient of friction excitations, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 204: 110806. (IF: 8.4, JCR Q1) (WOS: 001149971000001)
C. Liu, R.Y. Sun, J. Zhao*, Y.X. Hu, J.L. Mo. Enhancement of water collection efficiency by optimizing hole size and ratio of hydrophilic-superhydrophobic area on hybrid surfaces[J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11(5): 111082. (IF: 7.7, JCR Q1) (WOS: 001095871400001)
R.Y Sun, J. Zhao*, J.L. Mo, N.K Yu, Z.R. Zhou, Study of the drag reduction performance on steel spheres with superhydrophobic ER/ZnO coating, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2023, 288: 116144. (IF: 3.563, JRC Q2) (WOS:000892271900001)
R.X. Sun, J.L. Mo, M.Q. Zhang*, Z.R. Zhou, Interaction between partial-worn TBM cutters and rocks: experimental and numerical investigation. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2023, 82(4): 111. (IF: 4.212, JRC Q1) (WOS:000945812500001)
X. Zhou, M.A.A. Masen*, J.L. Mo, X.Y. Shi, Y.S. He, Z.M. Jin*, Investigation of Experimental Devices for Finger Active and Passive Tactile Friction Analysis, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2023, 36: 38 1-11.(IF: 4.2, JRC Q1) (WOS:000949404500001)
C.H. Zhou, Z.Y. Ren*, Y.X. Lin*, Z.H. Huang, L.W. Shi, Y. Yang, J.L. Mo, Hysteresis dynamic model of metal rubber based on higher-order nonlinear friction (HNF), Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 189: 110117. (IF: 8.284, JCR Q1) (WOS:000920425300001)
Q. Wang, Z.W. Wang*, J.L. Mo, R.C Wang, K.Y Wang, Effect and mechanism of wheel–rail adhesion on torsional vibration and stability of the braking system, Tribology International, 2023, 179: 108182. (IF: 6.105, JCR Q1) (WOS:000920540000001)
Q. Wang, Z.W. Wang*, J.L. Mo, S. Zhu, Q.B. Gou, Evaluation of the dynamic behaviors of a train braking system considering disc–block interface characteristics, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 192: 110234. (IF: 8.284, JCR Q1) (WOS:000948490600001)
J.B. Yin, C. Lu*, J.L. Mo, Comprehensive modeling strategy for thermomechanical tribological behavior analysis of railway vehicle disc brake system. Friction, 2023. (IF: 6.813, JCR Q1) (WOS:000977091000002)
Z.Y. Xiang*, J.K. Zhang, S.L. Xie, J.L. Mo, S. Zhu, C.Z. Zhai, Friction-induced vibration and noise characteristics, and interface tribological behavior during high-speed train braking: The effect of the residual height of the brake pad friction block, Wear, 2023, 516–517: 204619. (IF: 4.804, JCR Q1) (WOS:000989326900001)
L. Zhang, Z.W. Wang*, Q. Wang, J.L. Mo, J. Feng, K.Y. Wang. The effect of wheel polygonal wear on temperature and vibration characteristics of a high-speed train braking system. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 186: 109864. (IF: 8.934, JCR Q1) (WOS:000880460500006)
Z.Y. Xiang*, P.W. Zheng, D.Q. He, J.L. Mo, S Zhu, Q.B. Gou, L.Q. Du. Tribological improvement of a high-speed train brake system and friction-induced vibration energy harvesting via a sandwich damping piezoelectric structure. Tribology International, 2022, 176: 107878. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS:000854966700001)
R.X. Sun, J.L. Mo, M.Q. Zhang*, Y.M. Su, Z.R. Zhou. Cutting performance and contact behavior of partial-wear TBM disc cutters: A laboratory scale investigation. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 137: 106253. (IF: 3.634, JCR Q2) (WOS:000800065900002)
Q. Wang, Z.W. Wang*, J.L. Mo, M.Y. Gebreyohanes, R.C. Wang, P. Allen. A novel dynamics model of a trailer bogie brake system and its application in stability analysis. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 172: 108966. (IF: 8.934, JCR Q1) (WOS:000806372600004)
J. Zhao*, R.Y. Sun, C. Liu, J.L. Mo. Application of ZnO/epoxy resin superhydrophobic coating for buoyancy enhancement and drag reduction. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 651: 129714. (IF: 5.518, JCR Q2)
X.W. Wu*, C.X. Xie, K.C. Liu, S.C. Wu, Z.F. Wen, J.L. Mo. Study on high frequency vibration-induced fatigue failure of antenna beam in a metro bogie. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 133: 105976. (IF: 3.634, JCR Q2) (WOS:000790167700002)
R.H. Hu, M. Zhang*, Z.Y. Xiang, J.L. Mo. Guided deep subdomain adaptation network for fault diagnosis of different types of rolling bearings. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2022, DOI 10.1007/s10845-022-01910-7. (IF: 7.136, JCR Q1) (WOS:000754165900002) (Published online)
Q. Wang, Z.W. Wang*, J.L. Mo, L. Zhang, L.Q. Du, Q.B. Gou. Coupled dynamic behaviours of the brake system considering wheel-rail interactions. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 2021, DOI 10.1080/23248378.2021.2014996. (IF: 2.759, JCR Q3) (WOS:000730974000001) (Published online)
R.Y. Sun, J. Zhao*, C. Liu, N.K. Yu, J.L. Mo, Y.J. Pan, D.B. Luo. Design and optimization of hybrid superhydrophobic–hydrophilic pattern surfaces for improving fog harvesting efficiency. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2022, 171: 107016. (IF: 6.206, JCR Q1)
X.J.Zhang, M. Zhang*, Z.Y. Xiang, J.L. Mo. Research on diagnosis algorithm of mechanical equipment brake friction fault based on MCNN-SVM. Measurement, 2021, 186: 110065. (IF: 3.927, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000704917600007)
R.Y. Sun, N.K. Yu, J. Zhao*, J.L. Mo, Y.J. Pan, D.B. Luo. Chemically stable superhydrophobic polyurethane sponge coated with ZnO/epoxy resin coating for effective oil/water separation. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 611(23): 125850. (IF: 4.539, JCR Q2) (WOS:000606527800004)
W.J. Duan, L.G. Zhang, M.Q. Zhang*, Y.M. Su, J.L. Mo, Z.R. Zhou. Numerical and Experimental Studies on the Effects of the TBM Cutter Profile on Rock Cutting. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022, 26(1): 416-432. (IF: 2.115, JCR Q3) (WOS:000705743000001)
Y. Zhou, Z.Z. Gui*, J.L. Mo, J.F. Peng, Z.B. Xu, M.H. Zhu*. Slippage effects on the crack behavior of pearlitic steel induced via rolling-sliding friction. Wear, 2021, 482–483: 203959. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000683458500002)
X.T Liu, X. Mi, J.H. Liu*, L.H. Long, Z.B. Cai, J.L. Mo, J.F. Peng, M.H. Zhu. Axial load distribution and self-loosening behavior of bolted joints subjected to torsional excitation. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2021, 119: 104985. (IF: 3.634, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000598587900004) (WOS:000598587900004)
R.Y. Sun, J. Zhao*, Z. Li, N. Qin*, J.L. Mo, Y.J. Pan, D.B. Luo. Robust superhydrophobic aluminum alloy surfaces with anti-icing ability, thermostability, and mechanical durability. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2020, 147: 105745. (IF: 6.206, JCR Q1) (WOS: 000568708300012)
X. Zhou, J.L. Mo, Y.Y. Li, Z.Y. Xiang, D. Yang, M.A. Masen, Z.M. Jin*. Effect of Finger Sliding Direction on Tactile Perception, Friction and Dynamics. Tribology Letters, 2020, 68: 85. (IF: 3.327, JCR Q2) (WOS: 000557908700001)
Y. Zhou, J.L. Mo, Z.B. Cai, C.G. Deng, J.F. Peng*, M.H. Zhu*. Third-body and crack behavior in white etching layer induced by sliding–rolling friction. Tribology International, 2019, 140: 105882. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS:000487565100048)
J.L. Liu*, H.J. Ouyang, Z.Q. Feng, Z.B. Cai, J.L. Mo, J.F. Peng, M.H. Zhu. Dynamic behaviour of a bolted joint subjected to torsional excitation. Tribology International, 2019, 140: 105877. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS:000487565100034)
C.L. Dong, J.L. Mo, C.Q. Yuan, X.Q. Bai, Y. Tian*. Vibration and noise behaviors during stick–slip friction. Tribology Letters, 2019, 67: 103. (IF: 3.327, JCR Q2) (WOS:000484448100001)
R.Y. Sun, J. Zhao*, Z. Li, J.L. Mo, Y.J Pan, D.B. Luo. Preparation of mechanically durable superhydrophobic aluminum surface by sandblasting and chemical modification. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2019, 133: 77-84. (IF: 6.206, JCR Q1) (WOS:000475998000009)
X. Zhang, J. Zhao*, J.L. Mo, R.Y. Sun, Z. Li, Z.G. Guo. Fabrication of superhydrophobic aluminum surface by droplet etching and chemical modification. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019, 567: 205-212. (IF: 5.518, JCR Q2) (WOS:000459826400023)
Y. Zhou, J.F. Peng*, M.J. Wang, J.L. Mo, C.G. Deng, M.H. Zhu*. Tribochemical behavior of pure magnesium during sliding friction. Metals, 2019, 9: 311. (IF: 2.695, JCR Q3) (WOS:000464289600001)
X.Y. Liu, J.F. Peng*, D.Q. Tan, Z.B. Xu, J.H. Lia, J.L. Mo, M.H. Zhu. Failure analysis and optimization of integral droppers used in high-speed railway catenary system. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2018, 91: 496-506. (IF: 3.634, JCR Q2) (WOS:000434390500037)
W.H. Zhuang, X.Q. Fan*, W. Li, H. Li, L, Zhang, J.F. Peng, Z.B. Cai, J.L. Mo, G.G. Zhang, M.H. Zhu. Comparing space adaptability of diamond-like carbon and molybdenum disulfide films toward synergistic lubrication. Carbon, 2018, 134: 163-173. (IF: 11.307, JCR Q1) (WOS:000433244900019)
J. Luo, Z.B. Cai, J.L. Mo, J.F. Peng, M.H. Zhu*. Friction and wear properties of high-velocity oxygen fuel sprayed WC-17Co coating under rotational fretting conditions. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 29(3): 515-521. (IF: 2.964, JCR Q2) (WOS:000375513300008)
G.X. Chen*, W.J. Qian, J.L. Mo, M.H. Zhu. Influence of the rail pad stiffness on the occurrence propensity of rail corrugation. Journal of Vibration Engineering & technologies, 2016, 4(5): 455-458. (IF: 2.333, JCR Q3) (WOS:000387246900008)
M.X. Shen, Z.B. Cai, J.L. Mo, X.D. Peng, M.H. Zhu. Local fatigue and wear behaviours of 7075 aluminium alloy induced by rotational fretting wear. International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 2015, 9(6): 520-537. (IF: 0.944, JCR Q4) (WOS:000366053600004)
J. Luo*, Z.B. Cai, J.L. Mo, J.F. Peng, M.H. Zhu. Torsional fretting wear behavior of bonded MoS2 solid lubricant coatings. Tribology Transactions, 2015, 58(6): 1124-1130. (IF: 2.056, JCR Q3) (WOS:000360666600016)
M.X. Shen, Z.B. Cai, J.F. Peng, C. Song, J.L. Mo, H.M. Shen, M.H. Zhu*. Dual-rotary fretting wear of 7075 alloy in media of oil and water. Wear, 2013, 301(1-2): 540-550. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS:000322555500071)
J. Yang, J.L. Mo, Z.B. Cai, X.B. Xiao, M.H. Zhu*. Identification between rotational fretting and rotational wear of PMMA/steel by means of tribo-noise and tribo-vibration signals. Tribology International, 2013, 59: 1-9. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS:000315243000001)
X.Z. Lin, M.H. Zhu*, J.L. Mo, G.X. Chen, X.S. Jin, Z.R. Zhou. Tribological and electric-arc behaviors of carbon/copper pair during sliding friction process with electric current applied. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2011, 21(2): 292-299. (IF: 3.752, JCR Q1) (WOS:000288451200011)
J.F. Zheng, S. Yang, M.X. Shen, J.L. Mo, M.H. Zhu*. Study on rotational fretting wear under a ball-on-concave contact configuration. Wear, 2011, 271(9-10): 1552-1562. (IF: 4.695, JCR Q1) (WOS:000294590200045)
J. Luo, M.H. Zhu*, Y.D. Wang, J.F. Zheng, J.L. Mo. Study on rotational fretting wear of bonded MoS2 solid lubricant coating prepared on medium carbon steel. Tribology International, 2011, 44(11): 1565-1570. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS:000297485400040)
X.Z. Lin, M.H. Zhu, J.F. Zheng, J. Luo, J.L. Mo. Fretting wear of micro-arc oxidation coating prepared on Ti6Al4V alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20(4): 537-546. (IF: 3.752, JCR Q1) (WOS:000278013200001)
V. Clement, J.L. Mo, M.H. Zhu*, M.X. Shen, Z.R. Zhou. Research on the rotational fretting wear of Ti6Al4V alloy against Silicon Nitride. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2010, 224: 1181-1187. (IF: 1.818, JCR Q3) (WOS:000283711600003)
J.F. Zheng, J. Luo, J.L. Mo, J.F. Peng, X.S. Jin, M.H. Zhu*. Fretting wear behaviors of a railway axle steel. Tribology International, 2010, 43(5-6): 906-911. (IF: 5.62, JCR Q1) (WOS:000276290000008)
§ 第一/通讯作者的中文论文
王志伟, 莫继良*, 王开云, 朱松, 金文伟. 考虑摩擦块形状及轮轨蠕滑的列车制动黏滑振动行为分析 [J/OL]. 摩擦学学报, 1-15 [2024-05-28]. https://doi.org/10.16078/ j.tribology.2023133.
项载毓,李苏杰,高睿恒,董鹏,李贞,莫继良*,高速铁路接触网整体吊弦力学性能的改善[J]. 振动.测试与诊断, 1-8 [2024-05-28]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/ 32.1361.V.20231023.0854.002.html.
樊翔翔, 项载毓, 孙瑞雪, 张敏, 莫继良*. 基于小波时频分析和Inception-BiGRU模型的盾构滚刀偏磨故障诊断[J]. 振动与冲击, 2023, (15): 232-240.
江志伟, 王志伟, 楚明, 莫继良*, 赵婧. 考虑温度的高速列车轴箱轴承内部接触特性分析[J]. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学), 2023, (08): 109-118.
唐斌, 项载毓, 范志勇, 陈伟, 张棋翔, 吴道刚, 莫继良*. 沙粒介入高速列车制动界面对摩擦块摩擦磨损行为的影响[J/OL]. 摩擦学学报: 1-15 [2023-10-21]. DOI:10.16078/j.tribology.2023082.
张蒙祺, 勾斌, 邓雨, 段文军, 莫继良*, 周仲荣. 新型TBM螺旋槽滚刀破岩性能及接触行为研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2023, 59(05): 259-270.
崔少杰, 王好平, 莫继良*, 蒙树立, 段文军, 冯鉴. 基于残余应力分布优化的TBM滚刀刀圈激光熔覆涂层制备工艺研究[J]. 表面技术, 2023, (08): 413-423.
邓雨, 张蒙祺, 莫继良*, 周仲荣. 复合地层中不同刃形滚刀与岩石接触行为研究[J]. 表面技术,2023,(08):329-339.
项载毓, 莫继良*, 朱松, 陈伟, 杜利清. 高速列车制动界面摩擦自激振动抑制及其能量收集. 机械工程学报, 2022. (已录用)
王志伟, 张亮, 莫继良*, 王开云. 车轮多边形激励下高速列车制动界面摩擦学行为分析. 摩擦学学报: 1-19 [2022-08-03]. DOI: 10.16078/j.tribology.2022092.(在线发表)
王好平, 张蒙祺, 莫继良*. 盾构/TBM滚刀刀圈性能强化研究现状. 材料导报, 2022, 36(07): 49-57.
MICHEALE YIHDEGO GEBREYOHANES, 莫继良*, 楚明, 张亮, 王志伟. 制动条件下高速列车轮轨动态响应特性分析. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学): 1-8 [2022-08-03]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/50.1205.T.20220524.1138.004.html. (在线发表)
江泽鹏, 王志伟, 段文军, 江志伟, 莫继良*. 回转支承局部故障动力学建模及仿真分析. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学): 1-10 [2022-08-03]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/ 50.1205.T.20220303.2339.008.html. (在线发表)
钱泓桦, 王东伟, 莫继良*. 阻尼参数对摩擦系统稳定性及粘滑运动特征的影响. 振动、测试与诊断, 2021, 41(05):1021-1027+1040.
王安宇, 吴元科, 项载毓, 孙瑞雪, 莫继良*. 时变接触特性表面对界面摩擦学行为的影响. 摩擦学学报, 2022, 42(01): 104-112.
陈伟, 项载毓, 钱泓桦, 莫继良*. 基于摩擦自激振动升频效应的超低频振动能量收集. 机械工程学报,2021, 57(15): 160-167.
张蒙祺, 王一博, 章龙管, 段文军, 苏叶茂, 莫继良*, 周仲荣. 刃形对滚刀破岩性能影响的数值和实验研究. 西南交通大学学报: 1-8 [2022-08-03]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/51.1277.u.20220629.1814.002.html. (在线发表)
段文军,李贞,王好平, 莫继良*, 章龙管, 李建斌, 周仲荣. 盾构滚刀材料表面镍基碳化钨涂层摩擦学性能研究. 表面技术, 2021, 50(01): 313-321+365.
项载毓, 范志勇, 刘启昂, 吴元科, 莫继良*,周仲荣. 高速列车制动闸片摩擦块形状对制动界面摩擦学行为的影响. 摩擦学学报, 2021, 41(01): 95-104.
唐斌, 范志勇, 项载毓, 吴元科, 黄博, 莫继良*. 高速列车制动摩擦块切入端特征对制动界面特性的影响. 中国机械工程, 2021, 32(04): 412-419.
黄博, 吴元科, 项载毓, 范志勇, 欧阳华江, 莫继良*, 制动界面初始温度对制动系统不稳定振动的影响. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学), 2020, 已录用待发表.
吴元科, 唐斌, 范志勇, 项载毓, 莫继良*. 摩擦块孔结构对高速列车制动振动噪声及热分布的影响. 振动、测试与诊断, 2020, 已录用待发表.
黄博, 吴元科, 王润兰, 王晓翠, 欧阳华江, 莫继良*. 基于Stick-slip振动试验的Stribeck摩擦模型参数研究. 安徽工程大学学报, 2020, 35(2): 1-8.
范志勇, 项载毓, 谭德强, 唐斌, 李贞, 莫继良*, 周仲荣. CRH380A型高速动车组制动闸片摩擦损伤分析. 摩擦学学报, 2020, 40(02): 185-194.
全鑫, 莫继良*, 王安宇, 唐斌, 吴元科, 欧阳华江. 高速列车制动片摩擦块尺寸对制动噪声特性的影响. 润滑与密封, 2019, 44(09): 50-55.
王安宇, 王东伟, 范志勇, 吴元科, 项载毓, 莫继良*. 表面沟槽与润滑剂协同作用对摩擦振动和噪声特性的影响. 表面技术, 2019, 48(8): 16-22.
莫继良, 王东伟, 李建熹, 李贞, 朱旻昊, 周仲荣. 摩擦热对界面磨损及制动系统稳定性的影响. 上海交通大学学报, 2018, 52(05): 624-630.
谭德强, 莫继良*,罗健,张琦,朱旻昊,周仲荣. 高速铁路接触网定位钩和定位支座失效分析. 中国铁道科学, 2018, 39(05): 111-118.
刘铭倩, 王东伟, 李建熹, 朱章杨, 莫继良*. 带沟槽表面的制动盘界面摩擦磨损及振动噪声特性. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(1): 236-239.
王东伟, 莫继良*, 张琦, 朱章扬, 周仲荣. 沟槽表面填充材料对界面摩擦振动噪声的影响. 摩擦学学报,2017, 37(05): 647-655.
李建熹, 莫继良*, 王东伟, 朱章杨, 盖小红, 陈光雄. 制动力对制动尖叫噪声及磨损特性的影响. 润滑与密封, 2017, 03: 49-53.
顾华锋, 王阳, 张琦, 李建熹, 王东伟, 莫继良*. 重型汽车盘式制动器制动噪声试验及有限元分析. 重庆理工大学学报,2017,31(4): 27-33.
朱章杨, 莫继良*, 王东伟, 李建熹, 陈光雄, 朱旻昊. 沟槽对界面振动及摩擦磨损特性的影响. 摩擦学学报,2017, 37: 551-557.
朱章杨, 王东伟, 刘铭倩, 唐斌, 李建熹, 莫继良*. 沟槽型织构表面对界面摩擦学行为的作用机制. 润滑与密封, 2017, 42: 38-42.
李科, 莫继良*, 罗健, 赵婧, 朱旻昊. 预应力下接触网腕臂结构动态特性研究. 铁道科学与工程学报, 2017, 06: 1294-1300.
张猛, 莫继良*, 徐敬业, 周仲荣. 一种分析手指接触摩擦的新型试验装置. 摩擦学学报, 2016, 36(06): 776-780.
胡利鸿, 莫继良*, 王东伟, 阳江舟, 陈光雄, 朱旻昊. 沟槽和圆坑织构抑制摩擦尖叫噪声研究. 中国机械工程, 2016, 27(09): 1158-1164.
阳江舟, 莫继良*, 盖小红, 陈光雄, 朱旻昊. 制动盘材料表面织构化处理对摩擦噪声影响的试验分析. 摩擦学学报, 2015, 35(03): 322-327.
盖小红, 莫继良*, 刘铭倩, 阳江舟, 陈光雄, 朱旻昊. 织构化表面处理抑制界面摩擦尖叫噪声. 中国表面工程, 2015, 28(03): 102-107.
王晓翠, 莫继良*, 阳江舟, 胡利鸿, 陈光雄, 朱旻昊. 织构表面影响制动盘材料尖叫噪声的试验及有限元分析. 振动与冲击, 2015, 34(24): 182-187.
莫继良. 织构化表面处理降低高速列车制动尖叫噪声的研究. 学术动态, 2014(03): 27-31.
王东伟, 莫继良*, 陈光雄, 朱旻昊. 滑动摩擦振动噪声的非线性显式动力学分析. 中国机械工程, 2014, 10: 1395-1399.
王安宇, 莫继良*, 盖小红, 陈光雄, 朱旻昊. 表面粗糙度对摩擦尖叫噪声特性的影响. 摩擦学学报,2014,04: 400-407.
王正国,莫继良*,王安宇,陈光雄,朱旻昊. 沟槽型表面织构对界面摩擦振动噪声特性的影响. 振动与冲击, 2013, 32(23): 175-179.
王东伟, 莫继良*,王 正国, 王晓翠, 陈光雄, 朱旻昊. 沟槽织构化表面影响摩擦振动噪声机理. 机械工程学报, 2013, 49(23): 112-116.
王安宇, 莫继良*, 王正国, 阳江舟, 陈光雄, 朱旻昊. 喷砂表面处理控制滑动摩擦尖叫噪声. 中国表面工程, 2013, 26(04): 44-49.
王正国, 莫继良*, 陈光雄, 朱旻昊. 沟槽型织构化表面摩擦噪声特性试验研究. 摩擦学学报, 2013, 33(03): 304-310.
单欢乐, 莫继良*, 陈光雄, 邵天敏, 周仲荣. 沟槽形表面织构对摩擦噪声的影响. 中国机械工程, 2012, 23(18): 2233-2237.
任元, 莫继良*, 朱旻昊, 周仲荣. AlCrN涂层转动微动摩擦学行为. 中国表面工程, 2011, 24(03): 33-37.
莫继良, 任元, 朱旻昊. TiAlN涂层高速钢刀具的制备及钻削性能研究. 中国表面工程, 2010, 23(02): 26-29.
莫继良, 朱旻昊, 廖正君, 姚崇跃, 周仲荣. 转动微动的模拟与试验研究. 中国机械工程, 2009, 20(06): 631-635.
莫继良, 陈龙, 朱旻昊. WC/C固体润滑涂层的滑动摩擦磨损性能研究. 材料工程, 2008, 08: 13-16.
莫继良, 朱旻昊. AlCrN涂层的滑动摩擦学特性研究. 中国表面工程, 2008, 03: 12-16.
莫继良, 朱旻昊. 物理气相沉积法制备的CrN涂层的摩擦学性能. 西南交通大学学报, 2008, 02: 280-284.
§ 非第一/通讯作者的中文论文
楚明,杨林川,王志伟*, 王权,莫继良. 制动条件下高速列车轴箱轴承振动与接触特性研究 [J/OL]. 振动工程学报, 1-9 [2024-05-28]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/ 32.1349.TB.20231110.0906.002.html.
张皓诣, 张蒙祺*, 莫继良, 段文军, 周仲荣. 不同刃型TBM滚刀载荷与振动特性实验研究 [J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 55(04): 1340-1350.
江志伟,王志伟*,莫继良,赵婧,江泽鹏,盾构主轴承径向滚子局部故障的接触与振动特性,机械设计与研究,2023. (已录用)
楚明, 杨林川, 王志伟,* 江志伟, 王权, 莫继良. 曲线几何参数及制动工况对列车轴箱轴承动态特性影响研究[J/OL].机械工程学报: 1-12 [2023-10-21]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2187.TH.20231018.1105.018.html
张亮, 王志伟*, 王权, 莫继良, 冯鉴, 王俊勇. 考虑车辆振动的高速列车制动系统动态响应[J]. 振动. 测试与诊断, 2023, (04): 800-808+835-836.
鲁昌霖, 王志伟*, 王权, 莫继良. 考虑轮轨蠕滑的高速列车制动非线性振动行为研究[J]. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学), 2023, (06): 10-19.
胡怡先, 孙若愚, 赵婧*, 刘创, 莫继良. 用于水滴能量收集的叉指电极摩擦纳米发电机. 电子元件与材料, 2023, 42(06): 659-665.
项载毓*, 莫继良, 贺德强, 朱松, 翟财周, 杜利清. 基于三明治阻尼结构的高速列车制动摩擦振动噪声抑制[J/OL]. 机械工程学报: 1-13[2023-04-21]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/ 11.2187.TH.20230224.0920.002.html (在线发表)
陈孝婷, 卢纯*, 莫继良, 张庆贺, 赵婧. 考虑摩擦升温的铁路列车制动摩擦块高温磨损机制演变[J]. 中国表面工程, 2023, (03): 142-151.
张庆贺, 卢纯*, 吴元科, 赵婧, 莫继良. 基于接触压力分布和非均匀热流密度的列车制动盘热机耦合分析[J]. 机械工程学报, 2023, 59(03): 165-175.
蒋鑫池, 卢纯*, 莫继良, 陈孝婷, 张庆贺, 赵婧. 考虑磨损率随温度变化的列车制动摩擦块高温磨损仿真分析[J/OL]. 机械工程学报: 1-8 [2023-04-21]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/ 11.2187.TH.20230201.0951.019.html (在线发表)
段文军, 张蒙祺*, 勾斌, 莫继良, 周仲荣. 刃形对硬岩地层中TBM滚刀磨损行为的影响研究. 摩擦学学报, 2023, 43(07): 738-749.
王权, 王安宇*, 吴元科, 尹家宝, 项载毓, 莫继良. 基于界面调控的摩擦系统减振降噪方法. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(15): 146-152.
许文鑫, 张敏*, 莫继良, 胡若晖. 基于CBAM-CNN的高速列车制动闸片摩擦块偏磨状态监控. 摩擦学学报: 1-16 [2022-08-03]. DOI:10.16078/j.tribology.2021264. (在线发表)
张亮, 王志伟*, 王权, 莫继良, 冯鉴, 王俊勇. 考虑车辆振动的高速列车制动系统动态响应. 振动、测试与诊断, 2021, (已录用).
付强, 卢纯*, 莫继良. 考虑残余应力和制动工况的制动盘热机耦合仿真分析. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学), 2022, 36(04): 120-130.
勾斌, 段文军, 莫继良, 张蒙祺*. TBM滚刀刃形对刀-岩接触损伤行为影响机理研究. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学): 1-12 [2022-08-03]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/ 50.1205.t.20220303.2034.004.html. (在线发表)
孙瑞雪, 段文军, 牟松, 王好平, 张蒙祺*, 莫继良. 盾构滚刀刀圈材料的冲滑复合磨损性能研究. 摩擦学学报, 2022, 42(02): 314-325.
尹家宝, 卢纯*, 全鑫, 莫继良. 列车制动块磨损行为动态演变数值分析. 机械工程学报, 2021, 57(18): 204-213.
范志勇, 项载毓, 莫继良, 钱泓桦, 陈伟, 周仲荣*. 摩擦粒子填充材料对高速列车闸片制动性能的影响. 摩擦学学报: 1-10 [2021-09-03]. http: //kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/ 62.1095.o4.20210819.1207.005.html. (在线发表)
王东伟*, 吴霄, 项载毓, 莫继良. 高速列车盘形制动系统热机耦合特性分析. 西南交通大学学报, 2021, 56(02): 428-436.
胡华民, 李涛, 张挺, 刘建华*, 蔡振兵, 莫继良, 彭金方, 朱旻昊. 横向交变载荷下TiCN/MoS2涂层螺栓的防松性能研究. 摩擦学学报, 2020, 40: 569-578.
蒋先国*, 古晓东, 邓洪, 张琦, 莫继良. 基于微动理论的整体吊弦损伤机理及优化研究. 铁道学报, 2019, 41(06): 40-45.
罗健*, 莫继良, 韩凌青, 闫军芳, 张琦. 新型高速铁路接触网腕臂与定位装置研究. 铁道学报, 2018, 40(10): 36-42.
谭德强, 莫继良, 彭金方, 罗健, 陈维荣, 朱旻昊*. 高速接触网零部件失效问题研究现状及展望. 西南交通大学学报, 2018, 53(03): 610-619.
罗军*, 蔡振兵, 莫继良, 彭金方, 朱旻昊. 离子渗硫层在油润滑条件下的转动微动摩擦磨损性能. 润滑与密封, 2017, 42(07): 72-77.
华彩虹*, 莫继良, 彭金方, 朱旻昊. 铁路货车车钩缓冲装置的磨损分析. 失效分析与预防, 2015, 10(04): 231-237.
罗军*, 蔡振兵, 莫继良, 彭金方, 岳文, 朱旻昊. 离子渗氮/渗硫层转动微动摩擦学行为研究. 润滑与密封, 2015, 40(06): 19-24.
罗军*, 蔡振兵, 莫继良, 彭金方, 朱旻昊. 超音速火焰喷涂WC-27CrNi涂层转动微动摩擦学行为. 材料热处理学报, 2015, 36(04): 210-214.
黄盼盼*, 陈光雄, 莫继良. 基于瞬态分析法的轮盘制动系统摩擦自激振动研究. 润滑与密封, 2014, 39(08): 63-67.
左孔成, 蔡振兵, 宋川, 彭金方, 莫继良, 沈火明, 朱旻昊*. 纤维取向对炭纤维织物复合材料扭动微动摩擦学性能的影响. 材料工程, 2014, 04: 79-84.
陈光雄*, 钱韦吉, 莫继良, 朱旻昊. 轮轨摩擦自激振动引起小半径曲线钢轨波磨的瞬态动力学. 机械工程学报, 2014, 50(09): 71-76.
杨莎, 蔡振兵, 沈明学, 肖新标, 莫继良, 朱旻昊*. 有机玻璃扭动微动磨损的实时观测与摩擦振动分析. 机械工程学报, 2013, 49(09): 69-74.
肖祥龙, 陈光雄*, 莫继良, 朱旻昊. 摩擦调节剂抑制钢轨波磨的机理研究. 振动与冲击, 2013, 32(08): 166-170.
沈明学*, 周琰, 宋川, 莫继良, 蔡振兵, 朱旻昊. 转动微动磨损条件下7075铝合金的局部疲劳行为研究. 航空材料学报, 2013, 33(02): 46-50.
罗军, 王运动, 蔡振兵, 莫继良, 彭金方, 朱旻昊*. 粘结MoS2固体润滑涂层的转动微动磨损特性. 机械工程学报, 2012, 48(17): 100-105.
罗军, 蔡振兵, 莫继良, 彭金方, 朱旻昊*. LZ50钢离子渗氮层的转动微动磨损行为. 材料热处理学报, 2012, 33(S1): 81-85.
沈明学, 谢兴源, 蔡振兵, 莫继良, 朱旻昊*. 扭转复合微动模拟及其试验研究. 机械工程学报, 2011, 47(15): 89-94.
沈明学, 彭金方, 郑健峰, 宋川, 莫继良, 朱旻昊*. 微动疲劳研究进展. 材料工程, 2010(12): 86-91.
雷斌*, 莫继良, 朱旻昊. TiAlN涂层硬质合金刀具铣削35CrMoSiV钢的切削性能研究. 工具技术, 2010, 44(11): 15-18.
王运动*, 罗军, 莫继良, 刘家浚, 朱旻昊. LZ50钢低温离子渗硫转动微动摩擦学性能研究. 中国表面工程, 2010, 23(04): 44-47.
廖正君, 莫继良, 郑健峰, 杨皎, 周仲荣, 朱旻昊*. LZ50车轴钢转动微动摩擦学特性研究. 机械强度, 2010, 32(04): 566-569.
杨皎, 莫继良, C. VERRIER, 郑健峰, 廖正君, 朱旻昊*. PMMA转动微动摩擦学行为的研究. 材料工程, 2010, 07: 1-5.
罗军, 郑健峰, 莫继良, 何莉萍, 朱旻昊*. 钢表面多元共渗改性层的微动磨损行为研究. 中国表面工程, 2009, 22(02): 15-19.
张爽, 钱林茂*, 莫继良. 氮化铬薄膜的径向纳动损伤机制研究. 摩擦学学报, 2008, (04): 316-321.
雷斌*, 朱旻昊, 莫继良, 徐轶, 周仲荣. TiAlN涂层往复滑动的摩擦学性能研究. 润滑与密封, 2006, (06): 64-66+73.
徐轶, 朱旻昊*, 莫继良, 雷斌, 周仲荣. 两种TiAlN涂层的往复滑动摩擦学性能研究. 中国表面工程, 2006, (02): 13-16+20.
赵婧, 孙若愚, 刘创, 胡怡先, 莫继良, 潘亚嘉, 罗大兵, 一种具有水上水下减阻性能的超疏水涂层的制备方法,2023.05.30,中国发明专利,ZL202211254080.4
1. 莫继良,周鑫,龚柯梦,欧阳华江,一种基于微控制器设计的可调节声学超表面的装置,2021.04.02,中国发明专利,申请号:202110359429.X
1. 郭鹏,汪世杰,莫继良,王梓鹏,韩梓漩,项载毓,周士祺,杨俊城,王云帆,江文谦,熊焱灵,一种基于卷积神经网络和多线程并行控制的多功能智能物流小车,2021.05.07,中国发明专利,申请号:202110493063.5
2. 赵婧,孙若愚,余能凯,莫继良,潘亚嘉,罗大兵, 一种超疏水不锈钢表面及其制备方法,2021.02.06,中国发明专利,申请号:202110171923.3
3. 莫继良,刘启昂,项载毓,范志勇,周仲荣,一种基于振动解耦的多模式界面摩擦学行为模拟试验台,2020.03.09,中国发明专利,申请号:202010155243.8
4. 莫继良,项载毓,范志勇,刘启昂,周仲荣,一种隔离振动传递的往复式摩擦学行为研究试验台,2020.03.09,中国发明专利,申请号:202010155250.8
5. 莫继良,钱泓桦,项载毓,黄博,王润兰,周仲荣,一种考虑界面不确定性和时变性的摩擦振动噪声预测方法,2019.12.31,中国发明专利,申请号:201911411319.2
6. 莫继良,勾斌,章龙管,段文军,王好平,龙腾,李贞,范志勇,周仲荣,一种TBM滚刀多功能试验台,2019.12.31,中国发明专利,申请号:201911414481.X
7. 段文军,章龙管,李恒,周鸿雏,戴亚辉,罗鸿,李才洪,郭涛,莫继良,勾斌,周仲荣,一种可模拟TBM刀盘偏载工况的试验装置,2019.12.31,中国发明专利,申请号:201911414559.8
8. 段文军,章龙管,戴亚辉,高旭东,罗鸿,郑军,罗红梅,罗怀钱,莫继良,龙腾,周仲荣,一种用于TBM试验台的缩比滚刀及刀座,2019.12.31,中国发明专利,申请号:201911421653.6
9. 章龙管,段文军,梅元元,周鸿雏,郑军,戴亚辉,罗怀钱,郭涛,莫继良,孙瑞雪,周仲荣,一种卧式直线结构的盾构TBM破岩试验台,2019.12.31,中国发明专利,申请号:201911413365.6
10. 莫继良,曹伟,段文军,章龙管,范志勇,李开富,郑钧,李恒,项载毓,罗大兵,周仲荣,一种盾构主轴承损伤模拟试验系统及方法,2019.10.25,中国发明专利,申请号:201911021105.4
11. 莫继良,段文军,章龙管,曹伟,王好平,冯赟杰,张成帆,何海波,刘绥美,杨鹏,周仲荣,一种多类型轴承损伤模拟试验系统,2019.10.25,中国发明专利,申请号:201911021065.3
12. 段文军,莫继良,章龙管,李恒,曹伟,范志勇,杨鹏,冯赟杰,张成帆,王好平,周仲荣,一种盾构主轴承温度场测试系统及方法,2019.10.25,中国发明专利,申请号: 201911021122.8
13. 郭世伟,刘仕铭,段文军,莫继良,郑钧,范志勇,李才洪,章龙管,李恒,刘启昂,周仲荣,一种盾构机刀具磨损检测系统及方法,2019.10.25,中国发明专利,申请号:201911021120.9
14. 莫继良,陈伟,王东伟,汪小凡,范志勇,周仲荣,一种回收摩擦自激振动能量的装置及方法,2019.5.17,中国发明专利,申请号:201910409842.5
15. 莫继良,项载毓,吴元科,唐斌,许锦文,钱泓桦,朱旻昊,周仲荣,一种模拟恶劣环境的汽车全尺寸盘式制动性能测试试验台,2019.3.15,中国发明专利,申请号:201910197656.X
16. 莫继良,项载毓,唐斌,吴元科,范志勇,钱泓桦;朱旻昊,周仲荣,一种模拟复杂极端环境工况的列车制动性能测试试验台,2019.3.15,中国发明专利,申请号:201910197653.6
17. 莫继良,项载毓,范志勇,唐斌,吴元科,朱旻昊,周仲荣,一种用于试验测试的列车盘式卡钳制动模块,2019.3.15,中国发明专利,申请号:201910198016.0
18. 莫继良,唐斌,项载毓,范志勇,许锦文,钱泓桦,朱旻昊,周仲荣,一种具有刚度可调结构的列车盘式卡钳制动试验台,2019.3.15,中国发明专利,申请号:201910198022.6
19. 莫继良,李贞,范志勇,项载毓,朱旻昊,周仲荣, 一种用于研究弹性体材料摩擦振动噪声的试验装置,2019.2.11,中国发明专利,申请号:201910109715.3
20. 彭金方,朱旻昊,刘曦洋,贺继樊,蔡振兵,刘建华,莫继良,张林,一种高速铁路接触网吊弦弯曲微动疲劳试验装置,2018.12.11,中国发明专利,申请号:201811507801.1
21. 周雪,莫继良,石心余,靳忠民,多功能手指摩擦试验设备,2018.11.27,中国发明专利,申请号:201810836987.9
22. 莫继良,龚柯梦,冷子珺,汪小凡,徐敬业,周仲荣,一种基于亥姆霍兹共振腔的声学超颖表面装置,2018.02.28,中国发明专利,申请号:201810165514.0
23. 莫继良,龚柯梦,钱泓桦,汪小凡,徐敬业,周仲荣,一种基于仿生设计的高效发声器,2018.02.28,中国发明专利,申请号:201810165521.0
24. 莫继良,汪小凡,王东伟,张琦,周仲荣,一种用于研究摩擦振动能量回收效率的试验,2017.02.08,中国发明专利,申请号:201810125925.7
25. 朱旻昊,刘曦洋,彭金方,莫继良,蔡振兵,徐志彪,章武林,吕泽楷,金潇,一种精确控制铁路弓网系统吊弦压入量的压接装置,2016.11.30,中国发明专利,申请号:201611077161.6
26. 莫继良,张猛,徐敬业,王晓翠,朱旻昊,周仲荣,手指摩擦试验装置,2016.10.17,中国发明专利,申请号:201610903211.5
27. 莫继良,王东伟,张琦,盖小红,陈光雄,朱旻昊,周仲荣,一种用于汽车盘式制动器的集屑装置,2015.12.22,中国发明专利,申请号:201510969976.4
28. 莫继良,张琦,卢小东,赵婧,王东伟,周仲荣,一种沟槽结构的橡胶减振阻尼垫片,2017.11.13,实用新型专利,申请号:201721504306.6