刘先峰 教授



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学科:交通运输. 土木水利. 道路与铁道工程








当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究
  • [1]    国家高层次青年人才项目,2017-2020.

    [2]    国家重点研发计划项目,长大交通廊道灾情立体侦测与结构灾变快速检测全息评估技术及装备(2023YFB2604001),2023-2026

    [3]    国家重点研发计划项目,高陡边坡多排框架式支挡结构与建造技术(2021YFB2301206-3),2022-2024.

    [4]    国家自然科学基金面上项目,膨胀土地基胀缩循环作用下高铁桩网结构路基土拱效应退化失效机理研究(52078432),2021-2024.

    [5]    国家自然科学基金面上项目,新疆地区高铁路基荷载作用下坎儿井暗渠塌陷机理及稳定性评价方法研究(52168066),2022-2025.

    [6]    国家外国专家项目,西部山区高速铁路特殊土路基长期服役性能评估与灾害诊治技术研究(110000207520238002,2023-2025.

    [7]    四川省科技厅项目,膨胀土区高铁路基服役性能智能评估及灾害诊治技术研究(2019YFSY0015),2019-2022.

    [8]    中央高校专题研究项目,新疆地区特殊土动力变形特性及本构关系多尺度研究,2020-2022.

    [9]    科技横向课题(新疆交通规划勘察设计研究院有限公司技术服务项目),伊犁河谷生态敏感区高速公路边坡生态修复关键技术研究(R110123H01013),2022-2024.

    [10]    科技横向课题(新疆工程学院技术服务项目),基于新一代信息技术的露天矿智能边坡监测技术体系研究,2023-2024.

    [11]    科技横向课题(中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司技术服务项目),川藏铁路危岩落石风险防控与治理措施研究(R110120H01452),2020-2022.

    [12]    科技横向课题(中国建筑西南勘察设计研究院有限公司技术服务项目),轨道交通荷载作用下不同隔震措施效果试验 (R110121H01237),2021-2021.

    [13]    科技横向课题(中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司技术服务项目),黔张常铁路危岩落石防护棚洞-拦石墙关键技术研究(R110119H01011),2019-2020.

    [14]    科技横向课题(中国建筑西南勘察设计研究院有限公司技术服务项目),基于物联网和微振动无线传感技术的地下结构健康检测(R110120H01450),2019-2020.

    [15]    科技横向课题(中国地质环境监测院技术服务项目),青川县李家地滑坡振动台物理模拟试验(R110119H01009),2019-2019.

    [16]    科技横向课题(中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司技术服务项目),高速铁路坎儿井地基塌陷机理及加固关键技术研究(2018H010401),2018-2021.

    [17] 科技横向课题(中交路桥建设有限公司技术服务项目),崩解性软岩高填深挖路基填筑与开挖支护关键技术研究,2023-2024.

  • 2023

    [1]      Pan G, Yuan S, Zheng Y, Tian M, Wang Y, Liu X. Experimental investigation on the effect of initial structure on the water retention behavior of Mile clay[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 401: 133000. (SCI, EI

    [2]      Liu X*, Xiao J, Cai D, et al. Recent advances in subgrade engineering for high-speed railway[J]. Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure, 2023, 2: liad001.

    [3]      Sun D, Liu X*, Yuan S, et al. Three-dimensional characterization of cracks in undisturbed Mile expansive soil using X-ray computed tomography[J]. Soils and Foundations, 2023, 63(3): 101282. (SCI, EI

    [4]      Zhang Y, Liu X*, Yuan S, et al. Probabilistic stability analysis of qanat tunnels in c-φ soil considering soil spatial variability[J]. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2022: 1-21. (SCI, EI

    [5]      Zhang Y, Liu X*, Yuan S, et al. A two-dimensional experimental study of active progressive failure of deeply buried Qanat tunnels in sandy ground[J]. Soils and Foundations, 2023, 63(3): 101323. (SCI, EI

    [6]      陈锋,杨杰,张冲,余祯,刘先峰*.注浆渗透扩散的多物理场耦合数值分析[J/OL].西南交通大学学报:1-10[2023-09-25]. (EI

    [7]      张冲,田凯元,袁胜洋,翟伟,闵琦,宋瑾阳,陈伟志,刘先峰*.循环荷载作用下浅埋坎儿井地基的稳定性研究[J/OL].铁道科学与工程学报:1-10[2023-09-25]. (EI

    [8]      王通,刘先峰*,侯召旭等.碎裂状顺层岩质边坡地震动力响应与破坏模式[J].工程科学与技术,2023,55(02):39-49. (EI

    [9]      刘奇,刘先峰*,李建国等.锚索肋板式拦石墙结构稳定性及动力响应研究[J].振动工程学报,2023,36(02):427-434. (EI

    [10]   张炎飞,刘先峰*,陈伟志等.坎儿井特征、勘察技术及与新建高速铁路相互影响[J].中国铁道科学,2023,44(04):1-16. (EI

    [11]   张炎飞,刘先峰*,袁胜洋等.过渡型细粒土击实特性及基质吸力试验研究[J].应用基础与工程科学学报,2023,31(04):935-945. (EI

    [12]   马杰,刘先峰,续嘉航等.压实全风化红层泥岩填料力学特性及其影响因素[J].中国铁道科学,2023,44(05):1-10.


    [13]   Pan G, Liu X*, Yuan S, et al. A Field Study on the Arching Behavior of a Geogrid-Reinforced Floating Pile-Supported Embankment[J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 2022, 37: 100795. (SCI, EI

    [14]   Yuan S, Liu X*, Wang Y, et al. X-Ray microtomography of mercury intruded compacted clay: An insight into the geometry of macropores[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2022, 227: 106573. (SCI, EI

    [15]   Chen K, Liu X F*, Yuan S Y, et al. Shakedown behavior of saturated weathered red mudstone[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 162: 107497. (SCI, EI

    [16]   Chen W, Min S, Chala A T, Zhang Y, Liu X*. Assessing compaction of existing railway subgrades using dynamic cone penetration testing[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering, 2022, 175(4): 439-450. (SCI, EI

    [17]   潘高峰,刘先峰*,袁胜洋等.超固结膨胀土地基桩网结构路基承载特性现场试验研究[J].铁道学报,2022,44(10):131-141. (EI

    [18]   刘先峰,潘申鑫,袁胜洋*.压实红层泥岩填料强度与刚度软化和衰减特性研究[J].铁道科学与工程学报,2022,19(09):2629-2636. (EI

    [19]   刘先峰,马杰,袁胜洋*.干密度和含水率对压实红层泥岩路基填料强度特性的影响研究[J].铁道科学与工程学报,2022,19(10):2910-2918. (EI

    [20]   刘先峰*,张炎飞,袁胜洋等.交角对路基斜跨坎儿井暗渠临界深度的影响[J].铁道工程学报,2022,39(03):26-31. (EI

    [21]   王通,刘先峰*,袁胜洋等.振动波在红层泥岩中传递规律及典型隔振措施效果研究[J].铁道科学与工程学报,2022,19(11):3246-3255. (EI

    [22]   陈康,刘先峰*,袁胜洋等.饱和红层泥岩填料累积变形特性及安定界限研究[J].岩土力学,2022,43(05):1261-1268. (EI

    [23]   王通,刘先峰*,郑立宁等.城市地铁典型隔振措施隔振效果的模型试验研究[J].地震工程与工程振动,2022,42(05):119-126. (CSCD)

    [24]   陈康,刘先峰*,蒋关鲁等.饱和红层泥岩填料动力及耗散能特性试验研究[J].岩土工程学报,2023,45(03):571-579. (EI

    [25]   刘先峰*,阳剑,张炎飞等.德伊高铁地基土变异性分析与概率分布研究[J].铁道学报,2022,44(07):154-162. (EI

    [26]   张炎飞,刘先峰*,袁胜洋等.高速铁路路基跨越坎儿井暗渠的稳定性分析[J].地下空间与工程学报,2022,18(S1):202-208. (CSCD)


    [27]   Yuan S, Liu X, Buzzi O*. A microstructural perspective on soil collapse[J]. Géotechnique, 2021, 71(2): 132-140. (SCI, EI

    [28]   Liu Q, Liu X F*, Huang W, et al. Study on the Combination Measurement of Rockfall Embankments and Rock Shed on Steep Slopes[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering, 2021: 1-14. (SCI, EI

    [29]   张炎飞,刘先峰*,袁胜洋等.下伏坎儿井暗渠对高速铁路路基稳定性影响[J].中国铁道科学,2021,42(03):13-20. (EI

    [30]   袁胜洋,刘先峰*,潘高峰等.压实膨胀土压实特性试验研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2021,40(S1):2913-2922. (EI

    [31]   徐子超,何宗弈,王一博,田茂成,郑亦轩,潘高峰,刘先峰*.膨胀土区桩承式路基土拱效应退化的数值模拟研究[J].铁道建筑,2021,61(04):79-83. (北大核心)


    [32]   Jin Y F, Yin Z Y*, Zhou W H, Liu X F. Intelligent model selection with updating parameters during staged excavation using optimization method[J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2020, 15: 2473-2491. (SCI, EI

    [33]   Yang J, Yin Z Y*, Liu X F, et al. Numerical analysis for the role of soil properties to the load transfer in clay foundation due to the traffic load of the metro tunnel[J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 2020, 23: 100336. (SCI, EI

    [34]   Yuan S, Liu X*, Romero E, et al. Discussion on the separation of macropores and micropores in a compacted expansive clay[J]. Géotechnique Letters, 2020, 10(3): 454-460. (SCI, EI


    [35]   Yuan S Y, Liu X F, Buzzi O. Effects of soil structure on the permeability of saturated Maryland clay[J]. Géotechnique, 2019, 69(1): 72-78. (SCI, EI

    [36]   Yuan S, Buzzi O, Liu X, et al. Swelling behaviour of compacted Maryland clay under different boundary conditions[J]. Géotechnique, 2019, 69(6): 514-525. (SCI, EI


    [37]   Xiao D, Jiang G L*, Liao D, Hu Y F, Liu X F. Influence of cement-fly ash-gravel pile-supported approach embankment on abutment piles in soft ground[J]. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2018, 10(5): 977-985. (SCI, EI

    [38]   Yuan S, Liu X*, Buzzi O. Technical aspects of mercury intrusion porosimetry for clays[J]. Environmental Geotechnics, 2019, 8(4): 255-263. (SCI, EI

    [39]   Jiang G, Chen W, Liu X*, et al. Field study on swelling-shrinkage response of an expansive soil foundation under high-speed railway embankment loads[J]. Soils and Foundations, 2018, 58(6): 1538-1552. (SCI, EI

    [40]   Momenzadeh L*, Moghtaderi B, Buzzi O, Liu X, et al. The thermal conductivity decomposition of calcite calculated by molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2018, 141: 170-179. (SCI, EI

    [41]   Wu L, Jiang G, Liu X*, et al. Performance of geogrid-reinforced pile-supported embankments over decomposed granite soil[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering, 2018, 171(1): 37-51. (SCI, EI

    [42]   Zhang C, Jiang G, Liu X, et al. Centrifuge modelling and analysis of ground reaction of high-speed railway embankments over medium compressibility ground[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018, 22: 4826-4840. (SCI, EI


    [43]   Yuan S, Liu X*, Buzzi O. Calibration of a Coupled Model to Predict the Magnitude of Suction Generated by Osmotic Technique With PES Membranes and Temperature Effect[J]. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2017, 40(1): 144-149. (SCI, EI


    [44]   Liu X, Buzzi O*, Yuan S, et al. Multi-scale characterization of retention and shrinkage behaviour of four Australian clayey soils[J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2016, 53(5): 854-870. (SCI, EI

    [45]   Liu X, Hicher P, Muresan B, et al. Heavy metal retention properties of kaolin and bentonite in a wide range of concentration and different pH conditions[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 119: 365-374. (SCI, EI

    [46]   Hubert J, Liu X F*, Collin F. Numerical modeling of the long term behavior of Municipal Solid Waste in a bioreactor landfill[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 72: 152-170. (SCI, EI

    [47]   Liu X F, De Carteret R, Buzzi O P*, et al. Microstructural effects of environmental salinity on unbound granular road pavement material upon drying[J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2016, 11: 445-451. (SCI, EI

    [48]   Zhang C, Jiang G, Liu X*, et al. Arching in geogrid-reinforced pile-supported embankments over silty clay of medium compressibility: Field data and analytical solution[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 77: 11-25. (SCI, EI

    [49]   Yuan S, Liu X*, Sloan S W, et al. Multi-scale characterization of swelling behaviour of compacted Maryland clay[J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2016, 11: 789-804. (SCI, EI

    [50]   Liu X, Yuan S, Sieffert Y, et al. Changes in mineralogy, microstructure, compressive strength and intrinsic permeability of two sedimentary rocks subjected to high-temperature heating[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49: 2985-2998. (SCI, EI

    [51]   Liu X, Zhang C, Yuan S, et al. Effect of high temperature on mineralogy, microstructure, shear stiffness and tensile strength of two Australian mudstones[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49: 3513-3524. (SCI, EI

    [52]   Pineda J A, Liu X F, Sloan S W. Effects of tube sampling in soft clay: a microstructural insight[J]. Geotechnique, 2016, 66(12): 969-983. (SCI, EI


    [53]   Zhang C, Jiang G*, Liu X, et al. Lateral displacement of silty clay under cement-fly ash-gravel pile-supported embankments: Analytical consideration and field evidence[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22: 1477-1489. (SCI, EI

    [54]   Zhang C, Jiang G*, Liu X, et al. Deformation performance of cement-fly ash-gravel pile-supported embankments over silty clay of medium compressibility: a case study[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2015, 8: 4495-4507. (SCI, EI

    [55]   Yang C*, Liu X, Liu X, et al. Constitutive modelling of Otaniemi soft clay in both natural and reconstituted states[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 70: 83-95. (SCI, EI


    [56]   Liu X, Buzzi O*. Use of hand-spray plaster as a coating for soil bulk volume measurement[J]. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2014, 37(3): 1-6. (SCI, EI

    [57]   Buzzi O, Sieffert Y, Mendes J, Liu X, et al. Strength of an Australian coal under low confinement[J]. Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 2014, 47: 2265-2270. (SCI, EI