个人信息Personal Information
学科:流体力学. 工程力学. 飞行器设计
1.低速空气\流体动力学;2.流固耦合及气动弹性建模理论;3. CFD+CSD耦合求解技术
已展开的主要研究内容:1. 气动弹性模型设计;2. 气动弹性失稳实验方法研究
1. 动力学系统分岔理论;2. 非线性气动弹性系统复杂响应;3.混沌运动及其控制和反控制
1. 复杂动力学系统建模策略研究;2. 附水结构的振动声辐射计算理论;3. 流-固-声耦合计算理论;4.工程(流致)振动计算软件开发
[46] Coming soon....
[45] Guo, H., Li, P.(*), Wang L.Z., et. al.. Numerical simulation on the effects of jet in crossflow on the wake uniformity of the submarine, Ocean Engineering, 139(2025)120193.
[44] Ma, Z.H., Li, P.(*), Yang Y.R.. Performance and mechanism of the hydrodynamic noise reduction for biomimetic trailing-edge serrations of a submarine, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 133(2025)104256.
[43] Chen, K.F., Xu, J.H., Li, P.(*), Yang Y.R.. Bilinear Hysteresis in PWR Fuel Assemblies under Quasi-Static Loading: Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Validation, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 432(2025)113784.
[42] Hu, H., Li, P.(*), Wang, Q.J., Wang J.. An entropy measure-based study on flow pattern of gas-liquid two-phase flow in a U-Tube, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 212(2024)201-206.
[41] Huang, H., Li, P.(*), Fan, C.G.. Performance of a hydraulic buffer for PWR fuel assemblies: Mathematical modeling, numerical solutions, and experimental comparison, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 429(2024)113619.
[40] Chen, H.R, Li, P.(*), Zhang, D.C., Chen L.. On the vibration of an underwater shell with interior sub-structures: Modeling and power flow analysis, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 13(2025)186.
[39] Huang, H., Li, P.(*), Liu T., Yang Y.R.. An enhanced mathematical model for evaluating grid-to-rod fretting wear under complex boundary, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 176(2024)105380.
[38] Ma, Z.H., Li, P.(*), Wang L.Z., Lu J., Yang Y.R.. Mechanistic study of noise source and propagation characteristics of flow noise of a submarine, Ocean Engineering, 302(2024)117667.
[37] Cui, J.Z., Li, P.(*) , Yin H., Zhang D.C., Yang Y.R.. Towards the effect of cracks on the instability of a plate loaded by low-speed axial flow, Thin-Walled Structures, 198(2024)111685.
[36] Zhang, D.C., Li, P.(*), Chen, H.R., Yin H., Yang Y.R.. A refined mode superposition method for dynamical responses of an underwater cylindrical shell with substructures, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 238(4)(2024)968-981.
[35] Li, P.(*), Zhang, D.C., Cui J.Z., Yang Y.R.. Static instability of an inverted plate in channel flow: State-space representation and solution approximation, Archive of Mechanics, 75(6)(2023)695-727.
[34] Huang, H., Liu, T., Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R.. A coupled vibration model of double-rod in cross flow for grid-to-rod fretting wear analysis, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 56(2024)1407-1424.
[33] Xu, J.H., Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R.. Effects of imperfections on the instability of a pipe conveying fluid: data-driven modeling and instability transition, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 40(5)(2023)1195-1227.
[32] Zhang, D.C., Yin H., Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R.. On the frequency and dynamic analyses of complex cylindrical shells submerged in fluid: an axisymmetric FEM/BEM method. Ocean Engineering, 287(2023)115752.
[31] Xu, J.H., Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R.. Application of data-driven modeling for hydroelasticity of an elastically supported semi-circluar pipe conveying fluid. Engineering Computations, 40(2023)1195-1227.
[30] Zhang, D.C., Li, P.(*), Yin H., Peng W., et. al. Instability and its prediction of an inverted inhomogeneous plate loaded by a subsonic airflow: theory and experiment. Thin-walled Structures, 189(2023)110863.
[29] Chen, K.F., Li, P.(*), Fan C.G., Yang, Y.R., et. al. A mathematical modeling in applying hydraulic element method for a hydraulic buffer and its performance analysis. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 186(2023)109754.
[28] Zhang, D.C., Li, P.(*), Wang Q.J., et al. A numerical approach in applying panel method for the added mass of a group of sections in fluids. Archive of Mechanics, 75(2023)151-168.
[27] Li, P.(*), Zhang, D.C., Yin H., et al.. On the static aeroelastic instability of an inverted plate in wall effect: a continuum model and its solution approximation. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 93(2023)1825-1840.
[26] Zhang, D.C., Li, P.(*), Lu J., et al.. Stability analysis of cylindrical shell in axial flow: A DQ-based approach and an instability prediction formula. Ocean Engineering, 267(2023)113198.
[25] Li, P.(*), Zhang, D.C., Peng W., et al.. Static aeroelastic instability analysis of an inverted plate in ground effect and comparison with a wind-tunnel test. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 116(2023)103790.
[24] Huang, H., Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R.. Towards modeling of Grid to Rod and the effect of its nonlinear dynamic behaviors on grid-to-rod fretting wear. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 180(2023)109481.
[23] Zhang, D.C., Li, P.(*), Zhu, Y.Z., Yang, Y.R.. Aero-elastic instability of an inverted cantilevered plate with cracks in axial subsonic airflow. Applied Mathematical Modelling,107(2022)782-801.
[22] Li, P.(*), Zhang, D.C., Peng W., Yang, Y.R.. Static aeroelastic instability of an inverted cantilevered plate in inviscid channel flow. Thin-walled Structures, 173(2022) 108995.
[21] Li, P.(*), Zhu, Y.Z., Zhang, D.C., Yang, Y.R.. A numerical study of instability transition of a beam-like plate with imperfections loaded by a steady axial airflow. Meccanica, 57(2022)507-521.
[20] Zhang, D.C., Li, P.(*), Wang Q.J., Yang, Y.R.. A note on added mass of a group of sections in a confined fluid: a general conclusion. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 91(2021)4433-4439.
[19] Li, P.(*), Wang Z.X., Zhang, D.C., Yang, Y.R.. On bifurcations and chaos of a forced rectangular plate with large deflection loaded by subsonic airflow. Thin-walled Structures, 161(2021)104721.
[18] Zhang, D.C., Liang, S., Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R.. A numerical and experimental study on the divegergence instability of an inverted cantilevered plate in wall effect. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 90(2020)1509-1528.
[17] Li, P.(*), Dai C.D., Zhang, D.C. , Zhu, Y.Z., Yang, Y.R.. The instability of a plate fixed at both end in an axial flow revisited: an application of the DQ-BE method. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 118(2019)43-61.
[16] Li, P.(*), Liang S., Zhang, D.C., Yang, Y.R.. Imperfect bifurcation in an initially curved plate loaded by incompressible axial airflow. Nonlinear Dynamics, 99(2019)1379-1402.
[15] Li, P.(*), Zhang, D.C., Dai, C.D., Yang, Y.R.. Bifurcations and post-critical behaviors of a nonlinear curved plate in subsonic airflow. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 89(2019)343-362.
[14] Liu S., Li, P.(*), Dai, C.D., Yang, Y.R.. On the design of an electromagnetic aeroelastic energy harvester from nonlinear flutter. Meccanica, 53(2018)2807-2831.
[13] Li, P.(*), Li, Z.W., Dai, C.D., Yang, Y.R.. On the non-linear dynamics of a forced plate with boundary conditions correction in subsonic flow. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 64(2018)15-46.
[12] Li, P.(*), Li, Z.W., Liu, S., Yang, Y.R.. Non-linear limit cycle flutter of a plate with Hertzian contact in axial flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 81 (2018)131–160.
[11] Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R.. On double stable limit cycle flutter of a plate with motion constraints in subsonic flow. Meccanica, 51:5(2016)1257-1273.
[10] Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R.. Hopf and two-multiple semi-stable limit cycle bifurcations of a restrained plate subjected to subsonic flow. Journal of Sound and Vibration,2015(335)286-303.
[09] Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R., Dong Y. Bifurcation structure and scaling property of a subsonic periodically driven thin panel with geometric nonlinearity. ZAMM-Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,2015(2)173-183.
[08] Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R.. Analysis of limit cycle flutter of a restrained plate induced by subsonic flow. Nonlinear Dynamics,2015(79)119-138.
[07] Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R.. Nonlinear flutter behavior of a plate with motion constraints in subsonic flow. Meccanica, 2014, 49(12) 2797-2815.
[06] Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R.. On the stability and chaos of a plate with motion constrains subjected to subsonic flow. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2014(59)28-36.
[05] Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R., Xu, W., Chen G.. Stochastic analysis of a nonlinear forced panel in subsonic flow with random pressure fluctuations. Journal of Applied Mechanics- Transactions of the ASME, 2013, 80/041005-9.
[04] Zheng, G.Y., Li, P., Zhao C.Y.. Analysis of nonlinear consolidation of soft clay by differential quadrature method. Applied Clay Science, 2013(79)2-7.
[03] Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R., Xu, W.. Nonlinear dynamics analysis of a two-dimensional thin panel with an external forcing in incompressible subsonic flow. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012, 67(4)2483-2503.
[02] Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R., Xu, W., et al.. On the aeroelastic stability and bifurcation structure of subsonic nonlinear thin panels subjected to external excitation. Archive of Applied Mechanics,2012,82(9)1251-1267.
[01] Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R., Zhang, M.L.. Melnikov’s method for chaos of a two-dimensional thin panel in subsonic flow with external excitation. Mechanics Research Communications,2011, 38:524-528.
[09] Coming soon.....
[08] 张德春, 陈浩然,李鹏(*),刘桂祥, 杨翊仁. 动水中带封板圆柱壳振动的轴对称有限元-边界元耦合计算方法. 振动工程学报, 2023, 出版中.
[07] 张德春,梁森,李鹏(*),杨翊仁. 受限亚音速气流中倒置悬臂壁板气动弹性稳定性的理论及实验研究. 力学学报, 2020, 52(2):431-441.
[06] 唐怀平,李鹏(*), 杨翊仁. 运动约束亚音速二维粘弹性壁板的非线性颤振. 西南交通大学学报, 2014,50(2):388-392.
[05] 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁, 鲁丽. 外激励作用下亚音速二维壁板粘弹性壁板系统的混沌运动. 西南交通大学学报, 2013,48(1):11-14.
[04] 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁, 鲁丽. 外激励作用下亚音速二维壁板的分叉及响应研究. 力学学报, 2011,43(4):746-754.
[03] 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁, 鲁丽. 外激励作用下亚音速二维壁板的复杂响应研究. 计算力学学报, 2011,28(6):864-871.
[02] 李鹏, 杨翊仁, 鲁丽. 随机载荷作用下亚音速2维壁板的稳定性分析. 四川大学学报(工程科学版), 2011,43(4):238-243.
[01] 李鹏, 杨翊仁, 鲁丽. 气动力作用下高速列车的横向稳定性分析. 振动与冲击, 2010,29(11):135-138.
[32] Coming soon.....
[32]马智豪, 李鹏(*), 陈克非,杨翊仁. 水下航行器围壳结构尾缘锯齿流动噪声控制与机理研究. 空气动力学学报, 2024, 录用待发表.
[31]李磊, 李鹏(*). 参数不确定性下压水堆燃料棒非线性流致振动磨损研究. 核技术, 2024, 录用待发表.
[30] 俞振兴, 李鹏(*). 一种改进的声学边界元方法及其求解器开发. 计算机辅助工程, 2024, 录用待发表.
[29] 胡浩, 李鹏(*), 张天奕, 廖快. 竖直U型管气水两相流流致振动的数值模拟研究.管道技术与设备, 2024, 录用待发表.
[28] 孙滨, 李鹏(*), 陈浩然, 张德春. 水下薄壳结构低频声辐射快速预报方法研究. 船舰科学与技术, 2024, 录用待发表.
[27] 石乔木, 石先杰, 李鹏(*), 张德春. 薄壁截锥壳气动弹性响应分岔研究. 空气动力学学报, 2024, 录用待发表.
[26] Chen L., Li, P.(*), Chen H.R..Vibro-acoustic analysis of an underwater cylindrical shell with internal structures and a comparison with experiment. International Journal of Modern Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 2023,10: 161-176.
[25] 张程翔, 张德春, 李鹏(*), 卢军, 朱弈嶂. 基于有限差分法的端部约束同轴 圆柱壳的流致失稳分析. 动力学与控制学报, 2023,21(9):59-66.
[24] 王麒均, 张德春, 李鹏(*), 王骏. 刚性截面族附加质量系数的面元计算方法及其在燃料组件中的应用. 应用数学与力学, 2023, 44(2):133-140.
[23] 彭伟, 李鹏(*), 张德春. 轴向气流中两端简支薄板静气弹失稳的风洞实验研究. 四川轻化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 35(2)31-36.
[22] 张德春, 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁. 基于算子理论的流道中板的发散失稳分析. 第十七届全国空气弹性学术交流会, 2021,沈阳
[21] 朱弈嶂, 李鹏(*), 彭伟, 杨翊仁. 水下双层圆柱壳结构的全频段振动响应和辐射噪声分析. 第十七届全国空气弹性学术交流会, 2021,沈阳.
[20] 王卓勋, 代成栋, 黎昭文, 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁. 空气中快堆堆芯单组件的非线性动力学响应分析. 四川轻化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 33(05):69-75.
[19] 杨石芪, 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁. 带有负刚度装置的超音速壁板稳定性分析. 四川轻化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2020,33(05):57-62.
[18] 朱弈嶂, 李鹏(*), 梁森, 杨翊仁. 轴向气流中悬臂壁板颤振的理论及风洞实验研究. 四川轻化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 33(05):63-68.
[17] 张德春, 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁. 受限亚音速气流中壁板的失稳特性分析. 全国固体力学大会论文集, 2019.10. 哈尔滨.
[16] 李鹏(*), 张德春, 杨翊仁. 受限亚音速气流中悬臂板的颤振分析. 全国固体力学大会论文集, 2019.10. 哈尔滨.
[15] 黎昭文, 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁. 亚音速壁板弱非线性动力学模型响应预测.成都大学学报(自然科学), 2018,37(4)412-415.
[14] 李晋, 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁. 轴向气流中曲壁板的稳定性及分岔分析. 动力学与控制学报, 2018,16:506-513.
[13] 刘少文, 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁. 亚音速气流中曲壁板的分岔研究. 四川理工学院学报(自科版), 2016,29(5):57-62..
[12] 刘胜, 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁. 一种新型水力缓冲器的缓冲特性研究. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学), 2015,29(10):68-71.
[11] Tang, H.P. Li, P.(*), Yang Y.R. Chaos suppression of a subsonic panel with geometric nonliniearity based on Melnikov's method. International Journal of Dynamics and Contronl, 2-3(2013) 395-403.
[10] 李鹏(*), 刘彤, 周跃民,等. 落棒过程中的流体-结构横向耦合作用分析. 核技术, 2013,36(4):040616-1-9.
[09] 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁. 列车系统在无界气流中的动力学模型.西南交通大学学报(增刊), 2013,48(2):87-91.
[08] 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁, 鲁丽. 微分求积发分析二维亚音速壁板的失稳问题. 动力学与控制学报, 2012,10(1):11-14.
[07] 李鹏(*), 杨翊仁. 亚音速气流中二维粘弹性壁板系统的失稳问题研究.第十二届全国空气弹性学术会议论文集, 2011, 598-603.
[06] Li, P.(*), Yang, Y.R.. Instability analysis of fluid and elastic panel system based on the differential quadrature method. 2011 second international conference on mechanic automation and control engineering, 2011: 2258-2262.
[05] 李鹏, 杨翊仁. Possion方程的微分求积法求解.西南交通大学学报(增刊), 2009, 44:136-139.
[04] 李鹏, 杨翊仁. 喷流管流动的微分求积法求解.中国力学学会学术大会, 2009,240.
[03] 李鹏, 杨翊仁,郑国勇. 软粘土非线性固结方程的微分求积方法求解.2009全国土木工程博士生学术论坛, 2009, 468-473.
[02] 李鹏, 杨翊仁. 微分求积法及其在流体力学中的应用.断裂与疲劳及结构安全性评定, 2009, 79-86.
[01] 李鹏, 杨翊仁. 气动力作用下列车横向稳定性分析. 四川大学学报(工程科学版)(增刊), 2008, 40(1):1-3.
[11] 新型控制棒驱动机构关键技术研究. 四川省重大科技专项子课题,2025-2028,主持.
[10] 燃料棒非线性流致振动-磨蚀耦合演化机理及关键技术研究. 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点类项目(编号:U24B2004),2025-2028,主持.
[09] 含缺陷亚音速壁板气动弹性系统的分岔及响应特性研究. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:12072298),2021-2024,主持.
[08] 亚音速曲壁板气固耦合振动研究. 四川省科技厅应用基础计划项目(编号:2015JY0083),2015-2016,主持.
[07] 亚音速壁板气动弹性系统复杂响应研究. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(编号:11302183),2014-2016,主持.
[06] Power Generation from Fluid-Structure Interaction using Mathematical, Computational and Experimental Modeling. U.S National Science Foundation(No:1306436),2014-2015,参研.
[05] 基于气动弹性理论的弓网系统动力学研究. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:11372258),2014-2017,主研.
[04] 亚音速壁板气动弹性系统动力特性研究. 西南交通大学科技创新项目(编号:2682013CX026),2013-2014,主持.
[03] 高速列车流固耦合基础力学问题研究. 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金资助项目 (No:2010Z707),2011-2012,主研.
[02] 高速列车气动弹性系统响应研究. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:10972185),2010-2012,主研.
[01] 亚音速壁板气固耦合系统建模研究. 西南交通大学博士创新基金项目,2009-2011,主持.
[19] 洽谈中.....
[18] 考虑横向流的燃料组件流固耦合分析方法研究. 先进核能技术全国重点实验室,2024-2026,主持.
[17] 除氧器给水支管水平管线空管流动影响分析. 华东电力设计院有限公司,2023,主持.
[16] 低频振动及声学性能评估系统软件开发. 中国核动力研究设计院/上海索辰科技公司,2023,主持.
[15] 薄壁结构气弹特性实验研究. 中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所,2022-2023,主持.
[14] 白鹤滩水电站水轮机顶盖动力学特性计算项目. 东方电气-东方电机,2022-2023,主持.
[13] 秦山核电方家山汽水分离再热器模拟建模项目. 中核核电-秦山核电有限公司,2022,主持.
[12] 声学测试数字孪生模型开发项目. 中国核动力设计研究院,2022,主持.(编制复杂结构水声学计算软件1套)
[11] 控制棒驱动落棒时间计算软件验证及测试服务项目. 中广核工程设计公司,2022,主持.
[10] xxx型控制棒缓冲器性能分析技术研究. 中国核动力设计研究院,2020-2021,主持.(编制新型连杆式水力缓冲器计算软件1套)
[09] 泵组流致振动响应计算. 中国核动力设计研究院,2020,主持.
[08] ATF燃料燃料棒瞬态分析软件开发. 中广核研究院公司,2019-2020,主持.(编制ATF燃料棒物性计算软件1套)
[07] 燃料组件事故分析程序ORCHID技术开发. 中广核研究院公司,2019-2020,主持.(编制燃料组件横向振动计算软件1套)
[06] 燃料组件LOCA+SSE事故分析程序开发研究. 中广核研究院公司,2016-2018,主持.(编制燃料组件横向振动计算软件1套)
[05] 地震工况下控制棒落棒时间分析研究专题技术开发. 中科华核电技术研究院有限公司,2016-2017,主持.(编制含驱动线结构落棒计算计算软件1套)
[04] 一种新型缓冲器性能分析及软件编制. 中国核动力设计研究院,2013-2014,主持.(编制水力缓冲器计算软件1套)
[03] 紧急工况下核反应堆控制棒组件落棒过程分析及软件编制. 中科华核电技术研究院有限公司,2011-2012,主持.(编制落棒计算软件计算软件1套)
[02] 核反应堆控制棒组件落棒过程算法初步分析. 中科华核电技术研究院有限公司,2010,主持.(编制落棒计算软件1套)
[01] 海马汽车某车身模态及力学性能试验分析. 海马汽车集团,2009,主研.
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