敬霖 研究员



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学科:力学. 车辆工程. 载运工具运用工程








当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究
  • 纵向课题

    [1] 中国国家铁路集团有限公司科技研究开发计划实验室基础项目,复杂服役条件下高速动车组轮轨黏着机理与调控方法研究,2024.11-2026.12,80万元,主持

    [2] 中国国家铁路集团有限公司科技研究开发计划重点课题子任务轮轨黏着标准化建模及应用研究,2024.11-2025.12,30万元,主持

    [3] 国家优秀青年科学基金项目,冲击动力学,2022.01-2024.12,200万元,主持

    [4] 国家重点研发计划子任务,轮轨黏着-阻力-升力协同参数匹配与优化,2020.12-2025.11,50万元,主持

    [5] 轨道交通安全协同创新中心科技领军人才团队项目, 高速列车服役安全与智能运维,2022,01-2024.12,159万元,主持

    [6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 热-力载荷下高速铁路车轮扁疤引起的轮轨冲击力学响应与滚动接触疲劳机理研究,2018.01-2021.12,56万元,主持

    [7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 高速车轮不圆顺的轮轨动态响应及损伤机理与规律研究,2015.01-2018.12,83万元,主持

    [8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 冲击载荷下高速铁路轨道钢渗碳体溶解机制与力学响应机理研究,2025.01.01-2028.12.31,52.39万元,参与

    [9] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 轻质梯度金属泡沫夹芯复合结构的爆炸冲击失效与能量吸收机理研究,2015.01-2017.12,28万元,主持

    [10] 国家自然科学基金专项项目,高速列车运行安全与冲击防护科普项目,2024.01-2024.07,10万元,主持

    [11] 科技部973课题,基于概率安全的轮轨材料服役性能评价体系研究, 2015.01-2019.12,1178万元,研究骨干

    [12] 西南交通大学双一流学科建设项目轨道交通车辆冲击影响研究及监控,2019.01-2020.12,1000万元,研究骨干

    [13] 四川省自然科学基金(重点项目),基于乘客冲击生物损伤的列车被动安全性设计方法研究,2022.01-2024.12,40万元,主持

    [14] 四川省自然科学基金(面上项目)藏铁路长大坡道制动对高速列车轮辋裂纹萌生与扩展的影响机理及控制研究,20万元,参与

    [15] 四川省科技计划项目(应用基础),高速轮轨冲击与滚动接触疲劳机理研究,2019.01-2020.12,10万元,主持

    [16] 牵引动力国家重点实验室自主课题,高速轮轨滚动接触温变特性跨尺度研究,2023.01-2024.12,20万元,主持

    [15] 牵引动力国家重点实验室自主课题疲劳-冲击交互载荷下高速轨道钢的动态强度、破坏机理及本构关系,2019.01-2021.12,30万元,主持

    [16] 牵引动力国家重点实验室自主课题高速轮轨系统的材料动态力学行为、冲击力学响应及损伤机理,2015.01-2017.12,25万元,主持

    [17] 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室开放课题,分层梯度泡沫铝夹芯结构的抗冲击性能与吸能机理,2017.01-2018.12,10万元,主持

    [18] 国家市场监管重点实验室(特种设备安全与节能)开放基金,公路运输油罐车撞击爆炸燃烧传播机理与防护设计,2024.08-2026.08,15万元,主持


    [1] 西南交通大学国防培育项目铁路XXX动力学设计与评估研究,2024.01-2025.12,10万元,主持

    [2] 中国工程物理研究院委托项目,超硬陶瓷材料动态试验研究,2024.05-2024.10,9.5万元,主持

    [3] 中国工程物理研究院委托项目,钛合金等材料本构测试及宏观模型研究,2023.10-2024.04, 29万元,主持

    [4] 国防科技大学委托项目,基于XXX爆炸冲击波威力评估试验,2020.05-2020.12,48万元,主持

    [5] 中国工程物理研究院委托项目,泡沫材料缓冲吸能特性试验研究,2017.12-2018.10,8.9万元,主持

    [6] 中国工程物理研究院委托项目泡沫铝夹层抗冲击性能仿真与优化设计,2021.12-2022.01,9.8万元,主持


    [1] 国家自然科学基金专项项目高速列车运行安全与冲击防护科普项目,2024.01-2024.07,10万元,主持

    [2] 四川省天府科技云科普创作行动项目,重大科技资源科普化示范项目,2023.12-2024.12,50万元,主持

    [3] 中国科学技术协会科学技术普及项目,组织实施全国科普教育基地服务教育“双减”试点项目,2022.06-2022.12,10万元,主持

  • 工程结构材料力学行为研究方向(部分):

    [1] Y. Liu, S. Zhang, C. Feng, X.Y. Su, Y. Chen, L. Jing*. Dynamic mechanical behaviors of pearlitic U71MnG rail steel: deformation mechanisms and constitutive model. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2024, 897: 146353.

    [2] Y. Liu, X.B. Liu, C. Feng, C.C. Koch*, L. Jing*. Mechanical properties and microstructure of the heterogeneous DZ2 axle steel under high-strain-rate compression at ambient temperature. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 26: 8456-8471.

    [3] L. Jing*, X.Y. Su, C. Feng, L. Zhou. Strain-rate dependent tensile response of railway wheel/rail steels with initial equivalent fatigue damage: experiment and constitutive modeling. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2022, 275: 108839.

    [4] Su X.Y., Zhou L., Deng G.D., Zhao L.M., Jing L*Compressive mechanical properties of styrene-butadiene rubber under medium-low strain rates: Experiments and modeling. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2024, 131: 104454.

    [5] Liu K., Jing L.*, Li Q.M. Dynamic crushing failure and energy absorption of natural bamboo-culms under axial low-velocity impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2024, 193: 105056.

    [6] 敬霖*,冯超,苏兴亚,刘颖. 高速动车组D2车轮钢的率温耦合变形机理与本构关系. 科学通报,2022,67 (34): 4068-4079.


    [1] J.N. Wang, X.F. Zhou, K. Liu*, K.Y. Wang, L. Jing*. Wheel-rail dynamic interaction induced by tread spalling integrating with pre-fatigue damage of materials. Computers & Structures, 2025, 308: 107640.

    [2] J.N. Wang, L. Jing*, X.F. Zhou, K. Liu. Influence of material properties on the high-speed wheel-rail rolling contact behaviour. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2024, 62(7): 1686-1712.

    [3] C.X. Huang, X.F. Zhou, Y. Chen, L. Jing*, K.Y. Wang. Multi-objective optimisation of wheel-rail adhesion for high-speed trains with aerodynamic lift wings. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2025, 63(2): 375-397.

    [4] L. Jing, X.F. Zhou, K.Y. Wang*. An elastic-plastic theoretical analysis model of wheel-rail rolling contact behaviour. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2023, 39: 422465.

    [5] X.F. Zhou, S. Li, J.N. Wang, K.Y. Wang, L. Jing*. Fatigue crack growth in wheel-rail rolling-sliding contact: A perspective of elastic-plastic fracture mechanics criterion. Wear, 2023, 530-531: 205069.

    [6] X.F. Zhou, J.N. Wang, L. Jing*. Coupling effects of strain rate and fatigue damage on wheel-rail rolling contact behavior: a dynamic finite element simulation. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 2023, 11(3): 317-338.

    [7] 周雄飞, 王金能, 敬霖*, 王开云. 三维轮轨法向接触力学行为弹塑性理论分析. 固体力学学报, 2022, 43(4): 434-445.

    [8] 王金能, 郭鑫, 敬霖*, 王开云.高速列车车轮踏面剥离引起的轮轨冲击力学响应有限元模拟. 爆炸与冲击, 2021, 42(4): 045103.


    [1] S.D. Zheng, L. Jing*, K. Liu, Z.H. Yu, Z. Zhao, K.Y. Wang. Crash energy management optimization of high-speed trains by machine learning methods. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 270: 109108.

    [2] K. Liu, L. Jing*; K.Y. Wang, Q.M. Li. Design optimization of the bamboo-inspired foam-filled tube for high-speed train collision energy absorption. International Journal of

    Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 271: 109128.

    [3] Z.H. Yu, L. Jing*. Head injury mechanisms of the occupant under high-speed train rear-end collision. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2024, 14(5): 100537.

    [4] Z.H. Yu, S.D. Zheng, K. Liu, Z.P. Gao, L.M. Zhao, L. Jing*A modified finite element dummy model of Chinese adult male used for train collision simulations. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 2024, 12(4): 709-732.

    [5] 敬霖*,刘凯,王成全. 列车碰撞被动安全性与司乘人员冲击生物损伤研究进展. 爆炸与冲击,2021,41 (12): 121405.

    [6] 于振浩,敬霖*,黄志辉. 高速列车追尾事故头颈部损伤的机械响应及风险评估. 应用力学学报,2024, 41 (1): 77-89.


    [1] Zhou X.F., Jing L*Low-velocity impact response of sandwich panels with layered-gradient metal foam cores.  International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2024, 184: 104808.

    [2] Zhou X.F., Jing L*. Large deflection response of sandwich beams with layered-gradient foam cores subjected to low-velocity impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2023, 172: 104429.

    [3] Zhou X.F., Jing L*. Deflection analysis of clamped square sandwich panels with layered-gradient foam cores under blast loading. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 157: 107141.

    [4] Yu Z.H., Liu K., Zhou X.F., Jing L*. Low-velocity impact response of aluminum alloy corrugated sandwich beams used for high-speed trains. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 183: 110375.

    [5] Chen D., Jing L*., Yang, F. Optimal design of sandwich panels with layered-gradient aluminum foam cores under air-blast loading. Composites Part B, 2019, 166: 169-186.

    [6] Jing L*, Su XY, Chen D, Yang F, Zhao LM. Experimental and numerical study of sandwich beams with layered-gradient foam cores under low-velocity impact. Thin-Walled Structures, 2019, 135: 227-244.

    [7] Jing L*, Su XY, Chen D, Yang F, Zhao LM. Experimental and numerical study of sandwich beams with layered-gradient foam cores under low-velocity impact. Thin-Walled Structures, 2019, 135: 227-244.

    [8] Jing L*, Yang F, Zhao LM. Perforation resistance of sandwich panels with layered gradient metallic foam cores. Composite Structures; 2017, 171: 217-226.

    [9] Jing L*, Wang ZH, Zhao LM. The dynamic response of sandwich panels with cellular metal cores to localized impulsive loading. Composites Part B; 2016, 94: 52-63.

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