胡路 副教授


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当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果


  1. Jun Zhang, Lu Hu*, Yan Li, Weiyao Xu, Yangsheng Jiang. Dynamic joint decision of matching parameters and relocation strategies in ride-sourcing systems interacting with traffic congestion [J]. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2023. (Under Review, JCR一区顶级SCI,仿真优化+共享交通).

  2. Aoping Wu, Lu Hu*, Pan Shang, Juanxiu Zhu. A Queue-SEIAR Model: Revealing the Transmission Mechanism of Epidemics in a Metro Line from a Meso Level [J]. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2023. (Under Review, JCR一区顶级SCI,排队论+传染病模型+轨道交通).

  3. Yangsheng Jiang, Yue Yang, Hao Li, Lu Hu*Simulation and optimization of dynamic-hybrid parking reservation strategies for one-way vehicle-sharing systems [J]. Transportation Letters, 2023. (SCI仿真优化+共享停车+共享出行)

  4. Jie Yang, Michael W. Levin, Lu Hu, Li H, Yangsheng Jiang*. Fleet sizing and charging infrastructure design for electric autonomous mobility-on-demand systems with endogenous congestion and limited link space [J]. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2023. (JCR一区顶级SCI,仿真优化+自动驾驶+新能源汽车+共享交通). 

  5. Jie Yang, Lu Hu*, Yangsheng Jiang. An overnight relocation problem for one-way carsharing systems considering employment planning, return restrictions, and ride sharing of temporary workers [J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2022. (JCR一区顶级SCI,运筹优化+时空网络模型+共享交通). 

  6. Shuiwang Chen, Lu Hu*, Zhihong Yao, Juanxiu Zhu. Efficient and environmentally friendly operation of intermittent dedicated lanes for connected autonomous vehicles in mixed traffic environments [J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022. (SCI,排队论+高速公路+智能网联+自动驾驶)

  7. Juanxiu Zhu, Lu Hu*, Zikang Chen, Han Xie. A queuing model for mixed traffic flows on highways considering fluctuations in traffic demand [J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2022. (SCI,排队论+高速公路智能网联自动驾驶)

  8. Juanxiu Zhu, Lu Hu*, Han Xie, Kehong Li. A PH/PH/C/C queuing model in randomly changing environments for traffic circulation systems [J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2022. (SCI排队论+城市道路交通流)

  9. Li Hao, Lu Hu*, Yangsheng Jiang. Dynamic pricing, vehicle relocation and staff rebalancing for station-based one-way electric carsharing systems considering nonlinear charging profile [J]. Transportation Letters, 2022. (SCI仿真优化+电动汽车+共享交通)

  10. Jiayuan Wu, Lu Hu*, Yangsheng Jiang. Collaborative strategic and tactical planning for one-way station-based carsharing systems with trip selection and vehicle relocation [J]. Transportation Letters, 2022. (SCI运筹优化+共享交通)

  11. Yan Li, Shuiwang Chen, Lu Hu*, Zhimei Liang. A simulation-optimization framework of vehicle relocation for one-way electric carsharing systems [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021. (JCR一区SCI仿真优化+电动汽车+共享交通)

  12. Jun Liu, Lu Hu*, Xinpei Xu, Jiayuan Wu. A queuing network simulation optimization method for coordination control of passenger flow in urban rail transit stations [J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 2021, DOI:10.1007/s00521-020-05580-5.(JCR一区SCI仿真优化+城市轨道交通)

  13. Lu Hu*, Bin Zhao, Juan Xiu Zhu, Yang Sheng Jiang. Two time-varying and state-dependent fluid queuing models for traffic circulation systems [J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 275: 997-1019.(JCR一区顶级SCI流体排队论+道路交通/行人交通)

  14. Lu Hu, Juan Xiu Zhu*, Yuan Wang, Loo Hay Lee. Joint design of fleet size, hub locations, and hub capacities for third-party logistics networks with road congestion constraints [J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2018, 118: 568-588.(JCR一区顶级SCI运筹优化+物流配送网络)

  15. Lu Hu, Yang Liu*. Joint design of parking capacities and fleet size for one-way carsharing system with road congestion constraints [J]. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2016, 93: 268-299.(JCR一区顶级SCI排队论+共享交通)

  16. Lu Hu, Yangsheng Jiang*, Juanxiu Zhu. A PH/PH(n)/C/C state-dependent queuing model for metro corridor width design [J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2014, 6, 10: 1-18.(JCR一区顶级SCI,排队论+城市轨道交通/行人交通)

  17. Lu Hu*, Yangsheng Jiang, Juanxiu Zhu. Hybrid of the scatter search, improved adaptive genetic, and expectation maximization algorithms for phase-type distribution fitting [J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013, 219(10): 5495-5515.(JCR一区顶级SCI排队论)

  18. Juanxiu Zhu, Lu Hu*, Yangsheng Jiang, Afaq Khattak. Circulation network design for urban rail transit station using a PH (n)/PH (n)/C/C queuing network model [J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 260(3): 1043-1068.(JCR一区顶级SCI排队论+城市轨道交通/行人交通)

  19. Yangsheng Jiang, Lu Hu*, Juanxiu Zhu, Yanru Chen. PH fitting of the arrival interval distribution of the passenger flow on urban rail transit stations [J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013, 225: 158-170.(JCR一区SCI排队论+城市轨道交通/行人交通)

  20. Juanxiu Zhu, Yangsheng Jiang, Lu Hu*, Xi Lin, Afaq Khattak. A G/G(n)/C/C state-dependent simulation model for metro station corridor width design [J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2015, 50(3): 273-295.(SCI仿真优化+城市轨道交通)

  21. Yuan Wang, Dongxiang Zhang*, Lu Hu. A Data-driven and optimal bus scheduling model with time-dependent traffic and demand [J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, 18(9): 2443-2452.(JCR一区顶级SCI,运筹优化+公共交通)

  22. Liu Yang*, Yuanyuan Li, Lu Hu. Departure time and route choices in bottleneck equilibrium under risk and ambiguity [J].Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2018, 117: 774-793.(JCR一区顶级SCI,排队论+交通分配)

  23. Lu Hu, Yang Liu*. One-way carsharing systems design in congested queuing networks [C]. TRB 2017 Annual Meeting, Washington, 2017.(A类会议,排队论+共享交通)

  24. Yangsheng Jiang, Lu Hu*, Juanxiu Zhu. Phase-type distribution fitting of passenger flow arrival interval on urban railway transit stations [C]. TRB 2013 Annual Meeting, Washington, 2013. (A类会议,排队论+城市轨道交通)

  25. 蒋阳升,张俊,胡路*. 大规模场景下网约车与城市交通拥堵交互影响仿真研究[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2022.(EI)

  26. 蒋阳升,俞高赏,胡路*,李衍. 基于聚类站点客流公共特征的轨道交通车站精细分类[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2022.(EI)

  27. 胡路*,梁志梅,蒋阳升. 拥挤传播对汽车共享系统运行影响仿真分析[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2022.(EI)

  28. 蒋阳升,韩佳哲,朱娟秀,胡路*,罗然. 考虑新冠疫情扩散规律的医疗物资动态配送优化研究[J]. 安全与环境学报, 2022.(EI)

  29. 蒋阳升,吴佳媛 , 胡路*. 考虑车辆调度和调度员分配的共享汽车混合车队规模优化[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2021.(EI)

  30. 马舒予, 胡路*,吴佳媛,刘珺. 共享电动汽车系统车队规模与停车泊位数优化[J]. 交通运输工程与信息学报, 2021.

  31. 蒋阳升, 李衍,李皓,胡路,唐优华*. 基于模块化仿真的共享汽车联合调度优化[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2021.(EI)

  32. 胡路*, 蒲云, 蒋阳升, 朱娟秀. 城市轨道交通车站出入口到达客流时间间隔分布的拟合[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2014.(EI)

  33. 胡路*, 彭博, 蒋阳升. 随机需求下的 CDL 系统多目标优化[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2011, 46(4): 688-694.(EI)

  34. 蒋阳升, 胡路*, 卢果. 基于排队论的地铁人行通道宽度取值方法[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2010, 10(3): 67-71.(EI)

  35. 蒋阳升, 胡路*. 随机到达车辆信号交叉路口的 Markov 链排队模型[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2010, 45(4): 621-626.(EI)

  36. 蒲云, 胡路*, 蒋阳升, 朱娟秀, 彭博. 高速公路主线收费站可变限速控制[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2012, 12(5): 119-126.(EI)

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