Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Master Tutor
- Gender:Male
- Education Level:PhD graduate
- Degree:Doctor of engineering
- Business Address:Southwest Jiaotong University, No.111, 1st North Section, 2nd Rind Road, Chengdu, 610031 P.R.China
- Professional Title:Associate Professor
- Academic Titles:西南交通大学归国华侨联合会副主席
- Other Post:成都市金牛区归国华侨联合会常务委员、副主席
- Alma Mater:Kyushu University
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:School of Civil Engineering
- Discipline:Civil Engineering
Contact Information
- ZipCode:
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- Paper Publications
- Affiliation of Author(s):西南交通大学
- Journal:土木与环境工程学报(中英文)
- Funded by:国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0802205); 四川省科技计划资助项目(2019YJ0222)
- Key Words:铁路站房; 健康监测; 结构安全; 施工阶段; 运营阶段
- Abstract:铁路站房作为大型公共建筑,具有结构体系复杂、人流高度密集、使用年限长等特点,一旦结构失效,将会造成严重的社会影响。为了有效监测站房结构的健康状况,及时发现站房结构的损伤,最大程度地保障铁路站房的结构安全,有必要对铁路站房结构进行健康监测。结合大型铁路站房的工程案例,总结大型铁路站房的组成和结构特点,介绍站房健康监测系统的组成,考虑施工和运营两个阶段,从屋面层、无柱雨棚和承轨层3个部分,分析大型铁路站房主要的监测对象和监测内容,并指出健康监测在铁路站房结构的应用中有待解决的问题,以期促进健康监测在大型铁路站房结构上的发展。
- Note:中文核心
- Co-author:刘扬良,黄晨,沈磊,鲍华
- First Author:panyi
- Indexed by:Journal articles
- Correspondence Author:GUO Rui
- Document Code:2096-6717 (2020) 01-0070-11
- Discipline:Civil Engineering
- Document Type:J
- Volume:42
- Issue:1
- Page Number:70-80
- ISSN No.:2096-6717
- Translation or Not:no
- CN No.:50-1218/TU
- Date of Publication:2020-02-15
- Links to published journals: