Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Master Tutor
- Gender:Male
- Education Level:PhD graduate
- Degree:Doctor of engineering
- Business Address:Southwest Jiaotong University, No.111, 1st North Section, 2nd Rind Road, Chengdu, 610031 P.R.China
- Professional Title:Associate Professor
- Academic Titles:西南交通大学归国华侨联合会副主席
- Other Post:成都市金牛区归国华侨联合会常务委员、副主席
- Alma Mater:Kyushu University
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:School of Civil Engineering
- Discipline:Civil Engineering
Contact Information
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- Paper Publications
- Affiliation of Author(s):西南交通大学
- Journal:工业建筑
- Abstract:为探明纤维增强复材(FRP)网格-工程水泥基复合材料(ECC)复合加固钢筋混凝土梁在其受剪过程中的加固作用机理和破坏模式,对7根试验梁进行了四点弯曲静力加载试验,研究FRP网格-ECC加固的微观力学性能和FRP横、纵网格筋在抗剪过程中的贡献大小,最后将三种既有计算模型的计算值与试验值进行对比分析。研究结果表明:试验梁发生了三种形式的破坏:剪压区混凝土受压破坏、FRP网格-ECC复合层剥离破坏、支座混凝土被压溃破坏;与普通混凝土梁相比,FRP网格-ECC加固梁的抗剪承载力有大幅提高,幅度可达35%~45%;在三种计算模型中,FRP网格材计算模型与实际吻合程度最高,可用来更为准确地预测FRP网格-ECC加固RC梁的抗剪极限承载力。
- Note:中文核心
- Co-author:任宇,顾天宇
- First Author:GUO Rui
- Indexed by:Journal articles
- Discipline:Civil Engineering
- Document Type:J
- Volume:49
- Issue:9
- Page Number:145-151+17
- Translation or Not:no
- Date of Publication:2019-09-19
- Links to published journals:,CDFD,CMFD,CPFD,IPFD,CCND,CCJD