Paper Publications
Analysis of the resonance frequencies of multiple wheels–track coupled system based on the wave approach.Journal of Sound and Vibration,2023,568:117956.
Qinghua Guan, Changlong Li, Shijie Xu, Zefeng Wen, Wenjiao Lu, Xuesong Jin. Formation mechanism of the double contact bands on the wheel and rail treads of a metro system.Wear,2023,532-533:205122.
Qinghua Guan, Xing Du, Zefeng Wen, Shulin Liang, Maoru Chi. Vibration characteristics of bogie hunting motion based on root loci curves.Acta Mechanica Sinica,2022,38:521447.
关庆华,温泽峰,池茂儒,梁树林. 轮对蛇行运动的相位同步模态分析..机械工程学报,2021,57(24):279-288.
关庆华, 李昌隆, 张斌, 李伟, 温泽峰, 梁树林. 基于非经典阻尼模态的车辆滚摆振动分析.中南大学学报,2023,54(12):4956-4967.
Vibration Behaviour of Railway Track under High Speed Moving Load.JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,2022,58(14):296-307.
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