Fang Xiuyang
Lecturer (higher education)
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Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Master Tutor
- Gender:Male
- Date of Employment:2016-03-30
- Education Level:PhD graduate
- Degree:Doctor of engineering
- Business Address:No.306,railway vehicle engineering building
- Professional Title:Lecturer (higher education)
- Status:在岗
- Alma Mater:Xi’an Jiaotong University
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:School of Mechanical Engineering

- PostalAddress:
- Profile
- Research Focus
- Honors & Awards
- Social Affiliations
PhD, Xi’an Jiaotong University Materials Science and Engineering (2011-2016)
M.A., Lanzhou University of Technology, Materials Processing Engineering (2008-2011)
B.S., Lanzhou University of Technology, Materials Processing Engineering (2004-2008)
Academic Appointments
Lecturer, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2016-present)
Research Interests
Strength assessment and lifetime prediction for the components of railway vehicle
Fatigue fracture mechanism and reliability assessment of metal materials
Welding technology and strength assessment for the joints
Principal Publications of the Last Five Years
Fang XY, Huang W, Yang XF, Wang JG. Effects of temperature on fatigue cracks initiation and propagation for a high-speed railway wheel rim steel. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, 109:104376 (SCI; EI).
Fang XY, Cai ZB, Wang JG, Yang XF. Evaluation of temperature-sensitive fatigue crack propagation of a high-speed railway wheel rim material. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures.2019, 42(8):1815-1825 (SCI; EI).
Fang XY, Zhao YX, Liu HW. Study on fatigue failure mechanism at various temperatures of a high-speed railway wheel steel[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 696:299–314 (SCI; EI).
Fang XY, Zhang JX. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties in laser beam welds of Ti-2Al-1.5Mn titanium alloy with transversal pre-extrusion[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 85(5-8):337-343 (SCI; EI).
Fang XY, Liu H, Zhang JX. Reducing the underfill rate of pulsed laser welding of titanium alloythrough the application of a transversal pre-extrusion load[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 220:124-134 (SCI; EI).
Fang XY, Zhang JX. Effects of microstructure and concavity on damage behavior of laser beam welded Ti-2Al-1.5Mn titanium alloy joints[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 79(9-12):1557-1568 (SCI; EI).
Fang XY, Liu H, Zhang JX. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Pulsed Laser Beam Welded Ti-2Al-1.5Mn Titanium Alloy Joints[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2014, 23(6):1973-1980 (SCI; EI).
Fang XY, Zhang JX. Effect of underfill defects on distortion and tensile properties of Ti-2Al-1.5Mn welded joint by pulsed laser beam welding[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 74(5-8):699-705 (SCI; EI).
方修洋, 黄伟. 基于全场法的航空Ti-2Al-1.5Mn钛合金疲劳裂纹扩展各向异性研究,稀有金属材料与工程,2020, 49(10): 3439-3444.( SCI; EI).
方修洋, 曹睿,李广,江峰,陈剑虹. 16MnR钢不同晶粒尺寸及第二相尺寸对低温冲击韧度的影响,机械工程学报, 2011, 47(16):40-44,( EI).
Primary Teaching areas
Strength assessment and lifetime prediction for the components of railway vehicle
Manufacturing technology of railway vehicle
Current Courses
Strength assessment of railway vehicle
Manufacturing technology of railway vehicle
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西南交通大学 | 机械工程学院机车车辆系

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