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(8)Yiqing Guo, Hongbo Hu, Liu Cheng , Zhou Xunxiu, Search for (10,100) GeV GRB with double shower front events from ARGO-YBJ, Proc. 31th ICRC , Łódź, 0683-0686, 2009.
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(10)周勋秀,王新建,黄代绘,贾焕玉,吴超勇,近地雷暴电场与羊八井地面宇宙线关联的模拟研究,物理学报, 64:149202,2015.
(11) Yu Zhang, Xunxiu Zhou, Yiqing Guo, Qingqi Zhu, Huanyu Jia, Daihui Huang,Lowering the ARGO-YBJ Energy Threshold to a Few Tens of GeV by Using the Double Front Shower Events, ICRC, 720, 2015.
(12) Xinjian Wang, Xunxiu Zhou, Daihui Huang, Huanyu Jia,Effects of the near-earth thunderstorms electric field on intensity of the ground cosmic ray electron at YBJ, ICRC, 233, 2015.
(13)X.X. Zhou, X.J. Wang, D.H. Huang , H.Y. Jia, Effect of near-earth thunderstorms electric field on the intensity of ground cosmic ray positrons/electrons in Tibet, Astroparticle Physics, 84:107-114, 2016.
(14) XunXiu Zhou, LanLan Gao, Yu Zhang, YiQing Guo,Qing-Qi Zhu, Huan-Yu Jia, Dai-Hui Huang, Sensitivity study of (10,100) GeV gamma-ray bursts with double shower front events from ARGO-YBJ, Chinese Physics C, 40: 7, 2016.
(15)周勋秀,王新建,黄代绘,贾焕玉,雷暴电场对宇宙线次级粒子中电子的影响, 空间科学学报,36(1):49-55, 2016.
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(17)通讯作者 (for the ARGO-YBJ Collaboration), Observation of the thunderstorm-related ground cosmic ray flux variations by ARGO-YBJ, PRD, 97, 042001, 2018.
(18) Kegu Axi, Xunxiu Zhou, Bing Zhao, Daihui Huang, Huanyu Jia for the ARGO-YBJCollaboration, The effect of near-earth thunderstorm electric field on the rate of the shower events detected by ARGO-YBJ, ICRC, 495, 2019.
(19) 闫瑞瑞,赵兵,高兰兰,周勋秀,LHAASO 实验中宇宙线次级粒子特性的模拟研究, 四川大学学报, 56(3), 481-486, 2019.
(20) 闫瑞瑞,黄代绘,赵兵,阿西克古,周勋秀,雷暴电场对LHAASO探测面宇宙线次级粒子能量的影响,空间科学学报, 40(1): 65-71,2020.
(21) 黄志成, 周勋秀, 黄代绘等,高海拔宇宙线观测实验中scaler模式的模拟研究,物理学报,70:199301,2021
(22) Lin Chen, KeGu AXi, Xunxiu Zhou,et al., Lateral distribution of vertical and inclined showers during thunderstorms, ICRC, 285, 2021