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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Doctoral Supervisor
- Business Address:西南交通大学设计艺术学院
- Professional Title:Professor
- Academic Titles:西南交通大学设计艺术学院院长
- Alma Mater:西南交通大学
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:设计艺术学院
- Discipline:Mechanical Engineering

- PostalAddress:
- Profile
- Research Focus
- Honors & Awards
- Social Affiliations
Jinyi Zhi, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Associate Dean of School of Architecture and Design, Southwest Jiaotong University, Deputy Director of Human-Computer Environmental System Design Institution, Member of International Expert Committee of Railway Vehicle Industrial Design, Expert of Master Teaching Steering Committee in Arts Design, Expert of ISO "passenger seat in railway vehicle" working group.
Professor Zhi Mainly engaged in the theoretical research and design practice of rail transit equipment, and carried out many years of exploration and practice in the aspects of vehicle human factors engineering, passengers’ behavior, design aesthetic and design culture theory, and achieved a series of results. In recent years, she has participated in the design and research of China's standardized high-speed train "Fuhsing", Harmony CRH380A, high-speed detection vehicle CIT400, subway, inter-city train, and tram.
In addition, based on the academic advantages of Southwest Jiaotong University in rail transit field and the advantages of scientific research and talents in industrial design, she has participated in the establishment of a scientific research platform represented by the Human-Computer Environmental System Design Institution and the Modern Design and Cultural Research Center which was also called Sichuan Key Research Base of Philosophy and Social Sciences. In the teaching practice, the cooperative education model of "production, study and research" is implemented by her to explore how the development of design disciplines can be combined with school development and social needs, and she promoted the development of industrial design disciplines with the advantage of rail transit equipment design.
In recent years, she has hosted and participated in more than 10 national-level and provincial-level projects, and more than 40 other scientific research projects. She published the monograph "Research and Application of Design Color Matching", "Industrial Design Procedures and Methods", etc., more than 40 papers and authorized 5 patents. Some of her design works were selected in the 12th National Art Exhibition in 2014 and won the China Red Star Design Award in 2013. Her graduate students once won the Sichuan Excellent Master's Thesis Award (2013), some works of her students have won the Red Dot Award and the IF Award.
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- Cumulus(国际设计艺术院校联盟)成员,2023.4-Now
- 国际标准化组织铁路应用技术委员会“机车车辆”分委会专家,2018.8-Now
- 轨道交通装备工业设计中心专家委员会委员,2022.12-Now
- 教育部高校工业设计教学指导分委会委员,2018.1-2022.12
- 艺术设计专业硕士教学指导委员会专家,2018.1-2019.12
- 中国工业设计协会设计教育分会理事,2018.1-2022.12

1. 西南交通大学 | 工业设计 | Master graduate
2012年取得工业设计专业博士学位 -
2. 无锡轻工业大学 | 工业设计 | Bachelor of engineering | Bachelor degree

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1.Name of Research Group:人机环境系统设计研究所
Description of Research Group:西南交通大学人机环境系统设计研究所建立有我国专门从事交通工具造型、人因工程、空气动力学、美学和文化综合研究的设计平台。重点开展轨道交通装备人因工程研究、乘员行为研究、产品可用性分析、数字化设计研究、动画设计制作、设计美学及设计文化理论研究,致力于为现代装备注入文化与美学内涵,提升现代装备的市场竞争力。研究所建立了基于云计算的数字化工业设计平台和人机工程研究平台。数字化工业设计平台配备多套数字建模系统、图形及动画渲染集群系统、方案演示及输出系统,具备高效的数字化建模能力、空气动力学仿真分析能力、动画设计制作和渲染能力。研究所配备有人体测量及测试系统、人因工程分析、行为观察及分析系统、动作捕捉系统、表面数据测量系统等,可对内室布局、功能、美学等问题开展分析及评价研究。另外,研究所还配有三维打印机、自动数控雕刻机等快速成型设备。近年参与和完成的项目有:“十一五”国家科技支撑计划“中国高速列车关键技术研究及装备研制项目”、“基于技术、美学和文化的高速列车设计理论研究”、“新一代高速列车头型及内室设计研究”、“座椅舒适度研究”和“车内色彩和空间与舒适性研究”、“863计划——高速检测列车动车组技术项目”和“高速检测车车内环境(美学)及人因优化设计研究”等。通过校企合作,该团队还承担设计了300km/h、350km/h、380km/h、400km/h、500km/h的高速动车组,以及220km/h、160km/h、140km/h的城际列车,还有目前兴起的城市低地板有轨电车、机场快轨车、吊轨列车、独轨跨座车、低温超导磁悬浮车和虚拟轨道交通列车。该团队于2014年成为国际轨道交通工业设计联盟副理事单位,其研究成果深受有国际影响力的设计机构的好评和关注。主要从事轨道交通装备的设计研究与设计实践,具有丰富的实践和理论经验。