* 恭喜2017级本科生郭XXX 等的论文“Lyapunov-type inequalities....” 被IJPAM 接收 (ESCI, EI), 2019年10月.
* Our paper titled “Aggregate Power Control of Heterogeneous TCL Populations...” has been accepted for publication by IEEE TCST.
* Dr Zheng gave a presentation on 58th IEEE CDC 2019, Nice, France, Dec. 11 -- 13, 2019.
* Workshop on Representation Theory and Related Topics, Emeishan, China, Oct. 31 - Nov. 3, 2019.
* Dr Zheng attended the 2nd Forum of young scholars on noise and vibration for rail transit, Chengdu, China, Sept. 28, 2019.
* Our conference paper titled "A Maximum Principle-based Approach..." has been accepted for presentation in 2019 IEEE CDC to be held in France.
* Dr. Zheng gave a presentation on ISS theory in the Institution of Mathematics at University of Wuerzburg, 10:15 - 12:00 am, July 12, 2019. * Our paper titled "The obstacle problem...with lower order term and $L^1$-data" has been accepted for publication by JIA, July, 2019.
* Invitied by Prof. Dashkovskiy, Dr. Zheng visited the Institution of Mathematics at University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany, July, 2019.
* Our paper titled "Continuity of solutions to the $G$-Laplace equation involving measures" has been published by EJQDE, June, 2019.
* Mr. H. Wang and Miss X. Guo, two of my undergradute students, participated ICPMS 2019 and gave a presentation titled "Lyapunov-type inequalities....differential equations" in Hangzhou, China, June, 2019.
* Congratulations! Four undergradute students from different schools obtained the support of a funding by SRTP, May, 2019! They will do research under Dr Zheng's supervision from 2019 to 2020.
* Dr. N. Fu from Xihua University visited JRGCEM, May, 2019.
* The educational/teaching paper "....a Problem of International Mathematics Competition for University Students" of two undergraduate students under my supervion has been accepted by College Mathematics, 2019.
* The educational/teaching paper "....two integral inequalities" of an undergraduate student under my supervion has been published by College Mathematics, Jan. 2019.
* Welcome Dr. N. Fu from Xihua University to visit JRGCEM, SWJTU, March, 2019.
* Our paper titled "The obstacle problem...with $L^1$-data " has been published in Boundary Value Problems, 2019.
* Our paper titled " Asymptotic tracking control... " has been published in International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2019.