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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Doctoral Supervisor
- Master Tutor
- Education Level:PhD graduate
- Degree:Doctor of engineering
- Business Address:Southwest Jiaotong University School of Mechanical Engineering Institute of Railway Vech. Reliab.& Saf. Chengdu 610031,P.R. China
- Professional Title:Professor
- Alma Mater:Southwest Jiaotong University
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:School of Mechanical Engineering

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- Profile
- Research Focus
- Honors & Awards
- Social Affiliations
PhD, Southwest Jiaotong University, Solid Mechanics (Oct 1998)
M.A., Same University above, Engineering Machinery (Jun 1993)
B.S., Same University above, Mechanical Theory and Design (Jun 1989)
Academic Appointments
Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China (Jul 2001-present)
Associate Professor, Same to the above (Jul 1999-Jun 2001)
Lecturer, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Jul1995
Research Interests
Fatigue, Fracture, Reliability of Rail Transit
Principal Publications of the Last Five Years
Zhao YX, Zhang Y, He HW. Improved measurement on probabilistic fatigue limits/strengths by test data from staircase test method. Int J Fatigue, 2017, 94: 58-80.
Zhang RT, Zhao YX, Cai Hui. Skewed loading effect on the probabilistic lives of journal bearing of railway wagon. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 51(20): 177–183 (in Chinese).
Yang JP, Zhao YX, Cai Hui. Reasonable loadsets for design assessment on journal/axlebox bearings of railway vehicles related to probabilistic lives. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 51(20): 191–197 (in Chinese).
Zhao YX, Liang HQ. Modeling of the probabilistic fatigue S-N curves using the two parameter weibull distribution. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 51(20): 208–212 (in Chinese).
Zhao YX, Cai H, Jing L. Integral finite modeling for the powered wheelset of HXD2 locomotive. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 50(14): 21–26 (in Chinese).
Zhao YX, Liu HB. Weibull modeling of the probabilistic S–N curves for rolling contact fatigue. International Journal of Fatigue, 2014, 66: 47–54.
Zhao YX. A fatigue reliability analysis method including super long life regime. Int J Fatigue, 2012, 35: 79-90.
Selected Awards and Honors
First Prize of 2009 Sichuan Province Science and technology Award (2009)
Second Prize of 2003 Sichuan Province Science and technology Award (2003)
National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award(2002)
Professional Activities
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Fatigue (2005–)
Vice Chairman, Reliability Engineering Branch of Chinese society of Mechanical Engineering (2018–)
Current Research
Study on the mechanism of multi-axis fatigue damage and brittleness of structural constraints of wheel materials in complex environment. National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (2015CB654801).
High-speed locomotive wheels low-temperature service failure mechanism and reliability. High speed railway Jointly of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (U1334204).
Research on random rolling contact fatigue strength theory of bearing. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (51175439).
Research Group
JunGuo WANG, Vice Professor
Doctorial students: Que WU, Zhiming ZHU, Shan LI, Gaoyuan HE, Qiang WANG, Juping YANG
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1.Name of Research Group:西南交通大学,轨道车辆可靠性安全性及维修性研究团队