zhang kai
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Master Tutor
- Gender:Male
- Date of Employment:2021-06-29
- Education Level:PhD graduate
- Degree:Doctor of engineering
- Business Address:西南交通大学(九里校区)机械工程学院2348办公室
- Professional Title:Associate Professor
- Status:在岗
- Alma Mater:Chongqing University
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:Southwest Jiaotong University
- Discipline:Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems
Machinery Manufacturing and Automation
- Telephone:
- Email:
- Profile
- Research Focus
- Honors & Awards
- Social Affiliations
Dr. Kai Zhang, Assistant Professor, is a teacher in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, and a recipient of the Chongqing Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award. He is a member of the IEEE International Standards Working Group, Member of IEEE, the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, the Chinese Vibration Engineering Society, and the Intelligent Manufacturing Branch of Chinese (Artificial Intelligence Association). He is mainly engaged in the research of intelligent operation and maintenance of complex equipment (wind turbines, high-speed trains, etc.), presiding over the Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), one sub-project of the National Key Research and Development Program, two projects of the Basic Research Funds of the Central Universities, one transversal project of Sinotruk, and one key R&D project of Sichuan Province. He has participated in 8 projects at the provincial and ministerial level and above. Up to 2023/2/3, he has published 12 academic papers, 8 of which are published as a first/correspondence author (7 SCI papers in JCR Q1 and 1 EI paper). Among them is one highly cited SCI paper, two SCI papers published in the top journal MSSP, and four papers published in internationally renowned significant influence SCI source journals such as IEEE TIM, EAAI, and Measurement. These studies have a cumulative impact factor of 47.149 and 257 cumulative citations, the highest single citation being 60. He has been invited as a reviewer of NSFC and SCI journals (such as MSSP, IEEE TII, CII, and ADVEI).
No content
- 中国图学学会第八届数字孪生专业委员会委员
- IEEE TII (SCI,中科院一区TOP)审稿人
- MSSP (SCI,中科院一区TOP)审稿人
- Computers In Industry(SCI,中科院一区TOP) 审稿人
- RESS(SCI,中科院一区TOP) 审稿人
- IEEE TSTE(SCI,中科院一区TOP) 审稿人
- Advanced Engineering Informatics (SCI, 中科院一区TOP) 审稿人
- EAAI (SCI, 中科院二区TOP) 审稿人
- IEEE 国际标准P3413工作组秘书
- Viser机械工程专家委员会专家
- Measurement (SCI, 中科院二区TOP) 审稿人
- 国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审专家
- IEEE TIM (SCI, 中科院二区TOP) 审稿人
- ISA Transactions (SCI, 中科院二区TOP) 审稿人
- MST (SCI, 中科院三区,仪器仪表领域T1)审稿人
- PIME Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture (SCI)审稿人
- Signal, Image and Video Processing (SCI) 审稿人
- 《振动与冲击》(EI)审稿人
- 《自动化学报》(EI)审稿人
- Global Energy Interconnection 审稿人
重庆大学 | 机械电子工程 | Doctor's degree | PhD graduate
西南交通大学 | 机械制造及其自动化 | A master's degree | Graduate student (master)
太原理工大学 | 机械设计制造及其自动化 | Bachelor's degree | Undergraduate (bachelor)
西南交通大学 | 副教授 | 机械工程学院 | 副教授 | 张楷
西南交通大学 | 博士后(在职) | 牵引动力国家重点实验室 | 博士后 | 在站
西南交通大学 | 助理教授(讲师) | 机械工程学院 | 助理教授(讲师) | 在职
1.Name of Research Group:复杂装备智能制造与工业软件团队
Description of Research Group:复杂装备智能制造与工业软件团队专注于轨道交通等复杂装备智能制造解决方案和工业软件研发的专业团队。团队现有教授7名(含海外教授1名,双聘院士1名,博士生导师4名),副教授6名,助理教授及讲师10名,在读研究生近100人。团队依托西南交通大学先进设计与制造技术研究所、轨道交通运载系统全国重点实验室、轨道交通运维技术与装备四川省重点实验室,自主研发出建模与仿真、智能排程、制造执行系统、工艺流程管控系统、智能运维系统等多项软件产品,并在多个行业的龙头企业开展应用。