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[1] 张家树,黄高勇,一种基于Laguerre结构的自适应非线性滤波器, 发明专利,授权号:ZL 200410040972.X
[2] 张家树, 陈存建, 一种具有光照鲁棒性的人脸特征提取方法, 发明专利,授权号:ZL 200710050970.2
[3] 张家树, 温长芝, 基于二维正交Log-Gabor滤波的高精度掌纹识别方法, 发明专利,授权号: ZL 200810044611.0
[4] 张家树, 基于Log-Gabor混合滤波相位特征加密的高精度掌纹安全识别方法,发明专利, 授权号: ZL 200810044795.0
[5] 张家树, 和红杰, 图像篡改内容可恢复的定位型认证水印的生成与认证方法, 发明专利,授权号:ZL200410081400.6
[6] 张家树, 和红杰,基于混沌散列函数的分块脆弱水印生成与认证方法,发明专利,授权号:ZL200510021193.X
[7] 张家树, 和红杰, 戴恒铭, 能区分图象和水印篡改的定位型脆弱生成与认证方法, 发明专利, 授权号:ZL200410040433.6
[8] 张家树, 谢 玲, 和红杰, 基于非均匀傅立叶变换的鲁棒性音频水印方法, 发明专利, 授权号:ZL 200610020236.7
[9] 张家树,王小敏, 基于复合非线性数字滤波器的混沌散列构造方法, 发明专利, 授权号:ZL 200510021190.6 6
[10] 张家树,黄文辉,基于独立匹配分数层融合的高精度掌纹识别算法,发明专利, 授权号:ZL 200910059271.3
[11] 张家树,王小敏, 网络环境下生物特征模板的安全隐匿传输方案, 发明专利, 授权号:ZL 200610021504.7
[12] 张家树,李恒建,基于多方向稀疏表示的掌纹图像压缩安全编码算法,发明专利,授权号:ZL 201010165909.4
[13] 张家树,张祖涛,基于光线感应的驾驶员眼动特征切换检测与跟踪方法,发明专利,授权号:ZL 201010172720.8
[14] 罗文峰, 张家树, 贾东立,吴学玲,曹雁龙, UM71移频补偿电容在线测试仪, 实用新型专利,授权号, ZL 200420033809.
[1] Direct Discriminant Locality Preserving Projection with Hammerstein Polynomial Expansion, IEEE Transaction On Image Processing, accepted for publication
[2] Performance Analysis of a Block-Neighborhood-Based Self-Recovery Fragile Watermarking Scheme, IEEE Transactions On Information Forensics and Security, 2012, 7(1), Part II: Page(s): 185- 196
[3] Pipelined Chebyshev functional link artificial recurrent neural network for nonlinear adaptive filter, IEEE Trans. On Systems, Man & Cybernetics, Part B, 2010, 40(1): 162 – 172
[4] Pipelined decision feedback recurrent neural network for nonlinear channel equalization, IEEE Transactions On Communications,2010, 58(8): 2193-2198
[5] A novel adaptive bilinear filter based on pipelined architecture, Digital Signal Processing ,2010, 20(1): 23-38
[6] Chaos and NDFT-based spread spectrum conceling of fingerprint-biometric data into audio signals, Digital Signal Processing, 2010,20(1): 179-190
[7] Adaptive reduced feedback FLNN nonlinear filter for active control of nonlinear noise processes, Signal Processing, 2010, 90 (3): 834-847
[8] A novel adaptive nonlinear filter-based pipelined feedforward second-order Volterra architecture, IEEE Trans. On Signal Processing, 2009, 57(1): 237-246
[9] Adaptively combined FIR and functional artificial link neural network equalizer for nonlinear communication channel, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 2009, 20 (4): 665-674
[10] Narrowband Interference Cancellation based on Set- membership Estimation in DCSK CommunicationSystem, Signal Processing,2009, 89(8):1661-1666
[11] Variable Step-Size Affine Projection Algorithm with Exponential Smoothing Factors, Electronics Letters, 2009, 45(17): 911-913
[12] Adjacent-block Based Statistical Detection Method for Self-Embedding Watermarking Techniques, Signal Processing, 2009, 89(8): 1557-1566
[13] (2D)2PCA-LDA : An efficient approach for face recognition, Applied Mathemtics and Compution,2009, 213(1):1-7
[14] A Novel Strong Tracking Finite-Difference Extended Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Eye Tracking, Science in China Series F-Information Science, 2009, 52(4): 688-694
[15] A secure and efficient entropy coding based on arithmetic coding, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Simulation, 14(2009): 4304-4318
[16] Maximum Variance Difference Based Embedding Approach for Facial Feature Extraction, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artifial Intelligence, 2010, Vol.24, No.7: 1047-1060
[17] 叠前三参数非高斯反演方法研究, 地球物理学报, 2012,55(1): 31-39
[18] A Novel nonlinear adaptive filter using pipelined second volterra recurrent neural network, Neural Networks, 2009, 22(10): 1471-1483
[19] Chaotic keyed hash function based on feedforward- feedback nonlinear digital filter,Physics Letters A, 2007,362 (5-6): 439-448
[20] Improving the security of 'a flexible biometrics remote user authentication scheme', Computer Standards & Interfaces, 2007, 29 (1): 82-85