Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Personal Information

  • Education Level: PhD graduate
  • Degree: Doctor of philosophy
  • Status: 在岗
  • Academic Titles: 扬华学者
  • Other Post: 特聘研究员
  • Alma Mater: 伦敦帝国理工学院
  • School/Department: 前沿科学研究院

    Other Contact Information:

    ZipCode : 610031

    PostalAddress : 西南交通大学九里校区1号综合楼

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    于立扬,西南交通大学扬华学者(B),特聘研究员,博士研究生导师。主要研究领域包括有机太阳能电池、有机场效应晶体管、有机传感器以及有机热电器件等新型光电功能器件。发表学术论文近百篇,以第一或通讯作者Sci. Adv., Nat. Commun., Adv. Mater., Angew. Chem. Int. ed.等期刊发表多篇论文,引用6000余次,h-index为40。获授权国际发明专利2项,实用新型专利2项,是多个专业协会会员并长期担任多个期刊杂志评审。获评四川省天府峨眉青年人才,获评英国皇家化学学会J. Mater. Chem. C期刊2021年度新锐科学家(Emerging Investigator),是期刊Frontiers in Electronic Materials编委。





    [1] Liyang Yu, Muhammad R. Niazi, Guy O. Ngongang Ndjawa, Ruipeng Li, Ahmad R. Kirmani, Rahim Munir, Ahmed H. Balawi, Frédéric Laquai and Aram Amassian* Sci. Adv., 3, e1602462 (2017)

    “Programmable and coherent crystallization of semiconductors”

    [2] Weili Yu, Feng Li, Liyang Yu, Muhammad R. K. Niazi, Yuting Zou, Daniel Corzo, Aniruddha Basu, Chun Ma, Sukumar Dey, Max L. Tietze, Ulrich Buttner, Xianbin Wang, Zhihong Wang, Mohamed N. Hedhili, Chunnel Guo, Tom Wu and Aram Amassian* Nat. Commun., 9, 5354 (2018) (共同第一作者)

    “Single-crystal hybrid perovskite field-effect transistors”

    [3] Min Deng, Xiaopeng Xu,* Yuwei Duan, Liyang Yu,* Ruipeng Li, and Qiang Peng* Adv. Mater. 2308216 (2024)

    “19.32% Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells Enabled by Fine-Tuning Stacking Modes of Y-Type Molecule Acceptors: Synergistic Bromine and Fluorine Substitution of the End Groups”

    [3] Sheng Hao, Xiaopeng Xu, Liyang Yu,* Shaoqian Peng, Jianlong Xia, Yuan Xie, Chunhui Duan,* Hongbin Wu, Ruipeng Li, Qiang Peng* Adv. Mater. 35, 2301732 (2023)

    “Saddle-Shaped Third Component with Out-of-Plane Electrostatic Dipole for Realizing High-Performance Photovoltaic Donor Terpolymers”

    [4] Liyang Yu,* Egon Pavlica, Ruipeng Li, Yufei Zhong, Carlos Silva, Gvido Bratina, Christian Müller, Aram Amassian, and Natalie Stingelin* Adv. Mater., 34, 2103002 (2022)

    “Conjugated polymer mesocrystals with structural and optoelectronic coherence and anisotropy in three dimensions”

    [5] Xiaopeng Xu, Guangjun Zhang, Liyang Yu,* Ruipeng Li and Qiang Peng* Adv. Mater., 31, 1906045, (2019)

    "P3HT-based polymer solar cells with 8.25% efficiency enabled by a matched molecular acceptor and smart green-solvent processing technology"

    [6] Min Deng, Xiaopeng Xu, Yuwei Duan, Liyang Yu,* Ruipeng Li, and Qiang Peng* Adv. Mater. 2210760 (2023)

    “Y-Type Non-Fullerene Acceptors with Outer Branched Side Chains and Inner Cyclohexane Side Chains for 19.36% Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells”

    [7] Jie Tang, Chentong Liao, Yuwei Duan, Xiaopeng Xu, Min Deng, Liyang Yu,* Ruipeng Li, Qiang Peng* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 61, 50, e202213252 (2022)

    " Wide Band-gap Polymer Donors Functionalized with Unconventional Carbamate Side Chains for Organic Solar Cells”

    [8] Tongyan Yang, Chentong Liao, Yuwei Duan, Xiaopeng Xu, Min Deng, Liyang Yu,* Ruipeng Li and Qiang Peng* Adv. Funct. Mater., 32, 51, 2208950 (2022)

    “Tradeoff between intermolecular interaction and backbone disorder by high molecular dipole block for improving blend morphology of polymer solar cells”

    [9] Tong Shan, Kui Ding, Liyang Yu,* Xin Wang, Yi Zhang, Xiaoyang Zheng, Chun-Chao Chen, Qiang Peng and Hongliang Zhong* Adv. Funct. Mater., 31, 2100750 (2021)

    “Spatially orthogonal 2D sidechains optimize morphology in all-small-molecule organic solar cells”

    [10] Min Deng, Xiaopeng Xu, Yuwei Duan, Liyang Yu,* Ruipeng Li,* and Qiang Peng* Adv. Funct. Mater., 2212290 (2023)

    “Smartly Optimizing Crystallinity, Compatibility, and Morphology for Polymer Solar Cells by Small Molecule Acceptor with Unique 2D-EDOT Side Chain

    伦敦帝国理工学院  |  材料研究  |  Doctor of philosophy

    伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院  |  材料科学与工程  |  Bachelor of engineering

    北京航空航天大学  |  材料科学与工程  |  Bachelor of engineering

    2019.5  to  2024.2

    2015.11  to  2019.4

    2013.3  to  2015.11

    2012.3  to  2013.3

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