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[2] 国家重点研发专项项目子课题(2022YFB3206703-3):智能刀具结构设计与适应性优化方法及智能超精密车刀研制,2022.12—2025.11,250万元,在研
[1] 智能制造装备与技术全国重点实验室开放课题(IMETKF2024004):刀具磨损反馈下航空薄壁件加工颤振分析与参数优化研究,2024.01—2025.12,8万元,在研
[9] 国家自然科学基金重点项目(52335010):曲面基底光学微结构的“5+X”架构六轴联动加工与在机测量技术研究,2024.01—2028.12,230万元,在研
[8] 国家重点研发专项项目(2022YFB3403300):大规模微细阵列结构超精密加工技术与装备,2022.12—2025.11,3721万元,在研
[7] 上海市科委高新技术领域重大项目(22511102100):纳米级精度五轴联动超精密加工机床研制及应用,2022.09—2024.08,3093万元,在研
[6] 中国电子科技集团公司第十研究所外协项目(SSJ-2243-XY-0003):图像变换区域及弱小伪装目标快速检测技术,2022.08—2023.12,20万元,结题
[5] 上海飞机制造有限公司外协项目(COMAC-SFGS-2021-725):商用飞机复合材料制孔刀具磨损识别系统开发,2021.01—2021.12,62.8万元,结题
[4] 中国工程物理研究院机械制造工艺研究所外协项目(S20H1363):柔性垫层自动裁剪、裱贴一体化装置样机研制外协,2020.01—2021.12,155.93万元,结题
[3] 四川省重点研发计划项目(2020YFN0062):自动摘取葡萄机器人研发与示范,2020.01—2022.12,200万元,结题
[2] 四川省重点研发计划项目(2019YFG0353):刀具状态监测与寿命预测系统应用研究,2019.01—2020.12,20万元,结题
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51775452):考虑数控机床性能退化条件的立铣刀服役寿命在线预测关键技术研究,2018.01—2021.12,60万元,结题
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52175486):五轴机床运动轴热误差完整测量辨识及工作空间综合热误差建模方法,2022.01—2025.12,在研
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52175472):基于异构关联信息多源融合的机床组件系统智能热设计方法,2022.01—2025.12,在研
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(61801402):基于磁致伸缩/压电多场耦合效应的瞬态磁场传感机理及技术研究,2019.01—2021.12,结题
Selected Papers
[30] Ao Cao, Hongli Gao, Shuwei Fan, Liang Guo, Zhichao You, Yuncong Lei, Yi Sun, Jigang He. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2025, 222: 111807. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区, TOP期刊, A类, IF: 8.4)
[29] Huan Liu, Shuhao Kang, Ziteng Li, Chao Long, Zhichao You, Xi Wang, Duo Li. A threshold-based and neural network approach for multi-tooth milling cutter tool breakage monitoring. Seventh Global Intelligent Industry Conference (GIIC 2024). SPIE, 2024, 13278: 378-383. (EI会议)
[28] Huan Liu, Chao Long, Ziteng Li, Shuhao Kang, Zhichao You, Xi Wang, Duo Li. Dataset augmentation method for milling tool breakage monitoring based on auxiliary classifier generative adversarial networks. Seventh Global Intelligent Industry Conference (GIIC 2024). SPIE, 2024, 13278: 201-206. (EI会议)
[27] Zhichao You, Ziteng Li, Huan Liu, Shuhao Kang, Chao Long, Duo Li. A physical guided data-driven tool condition monitoring model for high-speed vertical milling of carbon fiber reinforced polymer. Seventh Global Intelligent Industry Conference (GIIC 2024). SPIE, 2024, 13278: 278-283. (EI会议)
[26] Yixuan Meng, Zhichao You, Xiangyuan Wang, Zhiwei Zhu, XinQuan Zhang, Mingjun Ren, LiMin Zhu. An atomic force microscope-like dual-stage force controlled fast tool servo for in-process inspection of micro-structured surfaces. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2024, 219: 111605. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区, TOP期刊, A类, IF: 8.4)
[25] Peng Gu, Honghao Zhang, Zhichao You, Zhuoqi Shi. Surface roughness prediction of magnesium aluminum spinel in single-point oblique axis ultra-precision grinding. Ceramics International, 2024, 50(8): 13125-13136. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院二区, TOP期刊, IF: 5.1)
[24] Ziteng Li, Xinnan Lei, Zhichao You, Tao Huang, Kai Guo, Duo Li, Huan Liu. Tool Wear Prediction Based on Residual Connection and Temporal Networks. Machines, 2024, 12(5): 306. (SCI, JCR Q3, 中科院三区, IF: 2.1)
[23] Pengyue Zhao, Ziteng Li, Zhichao You, Zhigao Chen, Tao Huang, Kai Guo, Duo Li. SE-U-Lite: Milling Tool Wear Segmentation based on Lightweight U-Net Model with Squeeze-and-Excitation Module. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2024, 73: 1-8. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF: 5.6)
[22] Zhichao You, Yixuan Meng, Duo Li, Zhe Zhang, Mingjun Ren, Xinquan Zhang, Limin Zhu. Adaptive detection of tool-workpiece contact for nanoscale tool setting based on multi-scale decomposition of force signal. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2024, 208, 111000. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区, TOP期刊, A类, IF: 8.4)
[21] Zhichao You, Yixuan Meng, Zhe Zhang, Mingjun Ren, Xinquan Zhang, Limin Zhu. Normalized variational auto-encoder with the adaptive activation function for tool setting in ultra-precision turning. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024, 20(4): 5592-5600. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区, TOP期刊, A类, IF: 12.3)
[20] 刘岳开, 高宏力, 郭亮, 由智超, 李世超. 基于轻量级卷积网络的铣削粗糙度在机监测研究. 西南交通大学学报, 2024, 59(1): 193-200. (EI)
[19] 由智超, 高宏力, 郭亮, 陈昱呈, 刘岳开. 基于改进信息熵的直接刀具状态监测设备部署. 西南交通大学学报, 2024, 59(1): 160-167. (EI)
[18] 高宏力, 孙弋, 郭亮, 由智超, 刘岳开. 机械加工质量预测研究现状与发展趋势. 西南交通大学学报, 2024, 59(1): 121-141. (EI)
[17] Yi Sun, Canyu Cai, Hongli Gao, Zhichao You. Online Tool Condition Monitoring Using Unreliable Pseudo-Labels. 2023 Prognostics and Health Management Conference (PHM), Paris, France, 2023, 293-299. (EI会议)
[16] Canyu Cai, Zhichao You*, Changgen Li, Yi Sun, Shichao Li, Hongli Gao. An improved UNet model based on adaptive activation function and squeeze-and-excitation module for milling tool wear segmentation. 2023 Prognostics and Health Management Conference (PHM), Paris, France, 2023, 272-277. (EI会议)
[15] Yaoxiang Yu, Liang Guo, Hongli Gao, Yichen He, Zhichao You, Andongzhe Duan. FedCAE: a new federated learning framework for edge-cloud collaboration based machine fault diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023, 71(4): 4108-4119. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF: 7.5)
[14] Changgen Li, Yuncong Lei, Zhichao You*, Liang Guo, Enrico Zio, Hongli Gao. Vision-based defect measurement of drilled cfrp composites using double-light imaging. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72: 1-9. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院二区, TOP期刊, A类, IF: 5.6)
[13] Zhichao You, Shichao Li, Changgen Li, Hongli Gao, Liang Guo, Yuekai Liu. A novel evaluation metric based on dispersion of wear distance for in situ tool condition monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72: 1-10. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院二区, A类, IF: 5.6)
[12] Junhua Liang, Hongli Gao, Shoubing Xiang, Liang Chen, Zhichao You, Yuncong Lei. Research on tool wear morphology and mechanism during turning nickel-based alloy GH4169 with PVD-TiAlN coated carbide tool. Wear, 2022, 508: 204468. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF: 5.0)
[11] Zhichao You, Hongli Gao, Liang Guo, Yuekai Liu, Jingbo Li, Changgen Li. Machine vision based adaptive online condition monitoring for milling cutter under spindle rotation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 171: 108904. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区, TOP期刊, A类, IF: 8.4)
[10] Wenxin Wu, Liang Guo, Hongli Gao, Zhichao You1, Yuekai Liu, Zhiqiang Chen. YOLO-SLAM: A semantic SLAM system towards dynamic environment with geometric constraint. Neural Computing and Applications, 2022, 34: 6011-6026. (SCI, JCR Q2, 中科院三区, IF: 6.0)
[9] Yuekai Liu, Liang Guo, Hongli Gao, Zhichao You, Yunguang Ye, Bin Zhang. Machine vision based condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of machine tools using information from machined surface texture: A review. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 164: 108068. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区, TOP期刊, A类, IF: 8.4)
[8] Zhichao You, Hongli Gao, Shichao Li, Liang Guo, Yuekai Liu, Jingbo Li. Multiple activation functions and data augmentation based light weight network for in-situ tool condition monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 69(12): 13656-13664. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区, TOP期刊, A类, IF: 7.7)
[7] Shichao Li, Zhichao You1, Hongli Gao, Qingchao Wang, Guang Wu, Guilin Ma. Force measurement and support integrated device in hypersonic wind tunnel. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 71: 1-9. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院二区, IF: 5.332)
[6] Zhiqiang Chen, Liang Guo, Hongli Gao, Yaoxiang Yu, Wenxin Wu, Zhichao You, Xun Dong. A fault pulse extraction and feature enhancement method for bearing fault diagnosis. Measurement, 2021, 182: 109718. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院二区, IF: 5.131)
[5] Changgen Li, Liang Guo, Hongli Gao, Junhao Yang, Xun Dong, Zhichao You. A Transfer Learning Based Method for Incipient Fault Detection. 2021 4th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), Victoria, BC, Canada, 2021, 661-666. (EI会议)
[4] Zhichao You, Hongli Gao, Liang Guo, Yuekai Liu, Jingbo Li. On-line milling cutter wear monitoring in a wide field-of-view camera. Wear, 2020, 460: 203479. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院三区, A类, IF: 3.892)
[3] Aoping Qin, Liang Guo, Zhichao You, Hongli Gao, Xiangdong Wu, Shoubing Xiang. Research on automatic monitoring method of face milling cutter wear based on dynamic image sequence. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 110: 3365-3376. (SCI, JCR Q3, IF: 2.633)
[2] Yuekai Liu, Hongli Gao, Liang Guo, Aoping Qin, Canyu Cai, Zhichao You. A data-flow oriented deep ensemble learning method for real-time surface defect inspection. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2019, 69(7): 4681-4691. (SCI, JCR Q1, A类, IF: 3.658)
[1] Qi Liu, Hongli Gao, Zhichao You, Hongliang Song, Li Zhang. Gcforest-based fault diagnosis method for rolling bearing. 2018 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM-Chongqing), Chongqing, China, 2018, 572-577. (EI会议)
Guest Editors
[2] Duo Li, Zhichao You, Guoyu Yu, Special Issue "Smart Tools in Advanced Machining", Machines, 2024. (SCI)
[1] Hongli Gao, Zhichao You, Special Issue "Machinery Condition Monitoring and Intelligent Fault Diagnosis", Machines, 2022. (SCI)
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