Ye Y*, Shi D, Krause P, Hecht M. A data-driven method for estimating wheel flat length[J]. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2019, 58(9): 1329–1347.
Release time:2022/03/28
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- Previous:Ye Y*, Shi D, Krause P, Tian Q, Hecht M. Wheel flat can cause or exacerbate wheel polygonization[J]. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2019, 58(10): 1575–1604.
- Next:Ye Y, Ning J*. Small-amplitude hunting diagnosis method for high-speed trains based on the bogie frame’s lateral–longitudinal–vertical data fusion, independent mode function reconstruction and linear local tangent space alignment[J]. Proc. IMechE, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2019, 233(10): 1050–1067.