个人信息Personal Information
(1) 严余松.双线自动闭塞区段组合货物列车对区间通过能力的影响,西南交通大学学报, 1987年04期
(2) 严余松.双线铁路的计算机图解法,计算机应用,1990年02期
(3) 严余松.铁路改革与发展的若干思考,铁道运输与经济,1993年09期
(4) 严余松.单线铁路平行运行图区间通过能力的整数规划法,西南交通大学学报,1994年01期
(5) 严余松.双线自动闭塞区段组合列车提高运能的效果分析,系统工程, 1994年02期
(6) 严余松.单线区段旅客列车扣除系数计算方法的探讨,铁道运输与经济, 1996年04期
(7) 严余松.提高铁路分界口通过能力的整数规划法,铁道运输与经济, 1996年04期
(8) 严余松.席位公平分配的0-1规划模型,系统工程, 1996年05期
(9) 严余松.既有双线提高旅客列车速度对起停附加时分及追踪列车间隔的影响,西南交通大学学报, 1997年01期
(10) 严余松.双线自动闭塞区段旅客列车扣除系数计算方法的探讨,西南交通大学学报, 1997年01期
(11) 严余松.既有双线旅客列车提速对通过能力的影响分析,系统工程, 1998年05期
(12) 严余松.Study on the Organization Model of Wagon Flows in Railway Terminal, Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2000年01期
(13) 严余松.路长不大于给定值的所有路径之递归算法,管理科学与系统科学进展——全国青年管理科学与系统科学论文集(第4卷)1997 年
(14) 严余松.铁路枢纽车流组织模型研究,全国青年管理科学与系统科学论文集第5卷,1999 年
(15) 严余松.单线铁路成对非追踪平图通过能力的遗传算法,1999中国控制与决策学术年会论文集, 1999年
(16) 严余松.计算机编制列车运行图系统运用管理若干设想,中国铁路, 1999年 12期
(17) 严余松,杜文.单线铁路平行运行图通过能力的遗传算法,西南交通大学学报, 2000年03期
(18) 严余松,唐莉,严余伟,罗平.枢纽小运转列车0-1规划模型及其遗传算法,系统工程, 2000年06期
(19) Yan Yusong,Zhu Songnian.Desires on Chinese intelligent railway system,Proceedings of the Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, ICTTS, p865-870, 2000
(20) 严余松.发展中国智能铁路系统的若干思考,交通运输工程学报,2001年04期
(21) 严余松,朱松年,杜文.枢纽小运转列车运行组织的网络流优化模型,西南交通大学学报, 2001年02期
(22) 严余松,朱松年.铁路枢纽车流调度决策模型研究,铁道学报, 2001年01期
(23) Yan Yusong, Shi Qingyun.Universal high performance arithmetic encoder,Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development, v36,p1477-1483, Dec 1999
(24) Yan Yusong.Progressively and lossless encoding for color image,Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development, v37, p559-563, May 2000
(25) Yan Yusong,Shi Qingyun.Desires on Chinese Intelligent Railway System,Proceedings of the Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, ICTTS, p865-870, 2000
(26) 严余松, 朱松年.中国智能铁路系统的若干设想,交通运输系统工程与信息, 2002年03期
(27) Yan Yusong.Genetic-Combinatorial Algorithm of 0-1 Programming,Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, PDCAT Proceedings, p698-701, 2003
(28) Yan Yusong,Jiang Gefum.The influences of speed-raising passenger trains on carrying capacity and traveling speed in single railway lines, Proceedings of the Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, ICTTS, p550-555, 2002
(29) 严余松, 李文新.客运站高峰期运输组织优化仿真,计算机仿真,2004年11期
(30) Yan Yusong, Hu Zuoan, Qiu Zhongquan. Mode of transport organization of mixed passenger and freight trains railway speed-up 200KM/H, ICTE 2007, p2271-2276
(31) Yan Yusong, Zhang Yan.Basic frameworks of a closed supply chain for green agricultural products,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals - Logistics: The Emerging Frontiers of Transportation and Development in China, p1615-1622, 2008
(1) 张秋艳, 严余松, 王伟. 面向电子商务的物流系统研究, 中国西部现代物流研讨会论文集, 2001年
(2) 王多宏,严余松, 张蓉. 我国现代农业物流体系的构建及其运作, Abstracts of Bi-Annual Conference of Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
(3) 户佐安,严余松.基于IRTS枢纽主动车流动态调度决策优,Proceedings of 2010 The 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application
(4) 张秋艳, 严余松,王伟.日本列车控制系统发展及对我国铁路建设的启示, 铁道运输与经济,2002年03期
(5) 李相勇, 严余松,蒋葛夫. Grey-Markov Model for Road Accidents Forecasting, 西南交通大学学报,2003年02期
(6) 王伟,严余松,兰建华, 赵楠.铁路冷藏运输网络营销系统研究,铁道经济研究,2003年01期
(7) 王伟,严余松,赵楠,王勇.单线旅客列车提速对车站股道配置的影响研究,计算机仿真, 2003年04期
(8) 兰建华,严余松, 常军乾,张鹏举.铁路物流园区规划研究,铁道运输与经济,2003年10期
(9) Li Xiangyong,Jiang Gefu,Yan Yusong. Research on comprehensive prediction method of road accidents based on BP neural network, Proceedings of the International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering, p636-640, 2004
(10) 王伟,严余松,王勇,赵楠.铁路局请求车审批优化,西南交通大学学报, 2004年05期
(11) 赵楠,严余松,李相勇.青藏线运输能力适应性综合评价分析, 铁道运输与经济,2004年04期
(12) 赵楠,严余松,户佐安.铁路枢纽内部集装箱货流输送方案的研究, 铁道货运,2004年02期
(13) Xu Zhigen, Yan Yusong, Chen Jim X. Opengl programming in Java Computing in Science and Engineering, v7, p51-55, January/February 2005
(14) 周亚军,严余松,赵强.TDCS车站终端与TTRSIDS整合研究及系统实现,铁道运输与经济,2005年08期
(15) 刘福华,严余松.相邻客运专线维修天窗对列车开行的影响分析,铁道运输与经济, 2005年08期
(16) Yi Beifang, Harris Jr., Frederick C.; Wang Ling, Yan Yusong. Real-time natural hand gestures Computing in Science and Engineering, v7, p92-97, May/June 2005
(17) 牟颖, 郑秀清,严余松,唐聃.客车开行方案效益分析系统的设计与实现,微计算机信息, 2006年36期
(18) 兰建华,严余松,靳银屏.集装箱中心站的规划设计,铁道运输与经济, 2006年06期
(19) 何迪,严余松,郭守儆.提高城市轨道交通工程监理水平的探讨,铁道运输与经济, 2006年01期
(20) 户佐安,严余松,张焱.铁路平交道口交通安全管理研究,中国安全科学学报, 2007年10期
(21) 王多宏,严余松.现代农业物流运作模式比较与构建,安徽农业科学,2007年 35期
(22) 王多宏,严余松.立足现实 借鉴经验 建设和发展我国农业物流基础设施,商业研究,2007年10期
(23) 付月朋,严余松. 朱仲忠基于SMS城市公交线路查询系统的设计与实现,科技咨询导报, 2007年27期
(24) 何迪, 严余松.基于矩阵分析的公共交通网络最优路径算法,西南交通大学学报, 2007年03期
(25) 户佐安,严余松, 杨娜.铁路客运专线基本管理模式研究,铁道运输与经济,2007年02期
(26) 王多宏,严余松.现代农业物流主体的探析,现代农业,2007年02期
(27) Li Ye,Yan Yusong.Fuzzy logic based handoff decision algorithm in GSM-R network, IET Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Sensor Networks, p505-508, 2007
(28) Hu Zuoan, Yan Yusong, Liu Yiquan, Sun Qingme. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of inter-city passenger train operation plan,ICTE2007, p711-716, 2007
(29) 邱忠权, 严余松, 何迪, 户佐安.现代农产品物流中心信息化建设研究,安徽农业科学, 2008年30期
(30) Liao Xuehua, Yan Yusong, Wang Ling, Zhu Zhousen. The design and implementation of logistics monitoring system on food safet, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals - Logistics: The Emerging Frontiers of Transportation and Development in China, p2206-2212, 2008
(31) Zhang Yan, Yan Yusong, Yang Jia. Reliability of freshness-based logistics service for fresh agricultural products, ICICTA 2008, v2, p651-653, 2008
(32) Guo Tao,Yan Yusong, Wang Ling, Li Guiyang. Use of the EAN.UCC system in tracking and tracing of agricultural logistics in supply chain, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals - Logistics: The Emerging Frontiers of Transportation and Development in China, p1657-1662, 2008
(33) He Di, Yan Yusong, Wang Maokui, Qiu Zhongquan. Research on the regional bus dispatching problem, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals - Logistics: The Emerging Frontiers of Transportation and Development in China, p4713-4719, 2008
(34) Chen Jiaxiang, Yan Yusong, Ye Haiyan, Zhang Chi. Study on vital edges of delivery path under terminal uncertainty, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals - Logistics: The Emerging Frontiers of Transportation and Development in China, p4672-4677, 2008
(35) Wang Duohong, Yan Yusong, Zhang Rong. Establishment and operation of modern agricultural logistics systems in China, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals - Logistics: The Emerging Frontiers of Transportation and Development in China, p102-107, 2008
(36) Hu Zuoan, Yan Yusong, Qiu Zhongquan. Research on optimization model of making inter-city passenger train operation plan and ticket price, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Management, ICIII 2008, v3, p45-48, 2008
(37) Zhang Chi, Yan Yusong. Accounting model for green logistics cost based on the environmental value theory, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals - Logistics: The Emerging Frontiers of Transportation and Development in China, p554-560, 2008
(38) 户佐安, 严余松, 邱忠权.我国铁路客运专线运输组织模式决策,统计与决策, 2008年08期
(39) 邱忠权, 刘健平,严余松.铁路客运段安全生产管理信息系统的开发与实现,铁道运输与经济,2008年03期
(40) 黄虎,严余松,蒋葛夫.基于支持向量回归机的公路货运量预测模型,计算机应用研究,2008年22期
(41) 周荣征,严余松.绿色农产品封闭供应链构建研究,科技进步与对策, 2009年22期
(42) 王绍清,严余松,杨德友.校园公共信息服务系统研究,西南民族大学学报,2009年03期
(43) 何迪,严余松,户佐安, 邱忠权.基于区域协同的公交发车时刻表模型,计算机应用研究,2009年04期
(44) Zhang Chi,Yan Yusong. The composition of green logistics cost for the enterprises, ICTE 2009, v345, p374-379, 2009
(45) Wang Duohong,Yan Yusong, Zhang Rong. The closed supply chain systems of green agricultural product in China,ICTE 2009, v345, p1158-1163, 2009
(46) Zhou Rongzheng, Yan Yusong, Qiu Zhongquan. A multi-objective programming model of railway network planning,ICTE 2009, v345, p3338-3343, 2009
(47) Hu Zuoan, Yan Yusong. Optimization of dynamic dispatching decisions of local wagon-flows in terminal with IRTS,ICCTP 2009, v358, p425-432, 2009
(48) Li Ye, Yan Yusong. Random number generation by rejection method for excess life of cell residence time,ISCIT 2009, p707-709, 2009
(49) Hu Zuoan, Yan Yusong, Wang Maokui. Optimization of dynamic dispatching decision of transferring wagon-flows in terminal with IRTS based on uncertainties, ICIII 2009, v3, p259-262, 2009
(50) He Di, Yan Yusong. Real-time scheduling strategy of bus company based on dynamic fuzzy comprehensive decision, ICTE 2009, v345, p3621-3626, 2009
(50) Wang Maokui, Yan Yusong, He Di, Wu Libin. Fuzzy evaluation of traffic integration on urban and rural harmoniously developing region, ICTE 2009, v345, p3555-3560, 2009
(52) Hu Zuoan, Yan Yusong. Dynamic dispatching decision of transferring wagons-flow in railway hub,ICTE 2009, v345, p3742-3747, 2009,
(53) Qiu Zhongquan,Yan Yusong, He Di. The model of logistics network design based on the quality of green agricultural products closed supply chain, ICLEM 2010, v387, p4447-4454, 2010
(54) Wang Hongwei,Yan Yusong. A model for measuring the relative efficiency of logistics park, ICLEM 2010, v387, p268-274, 2010
(55) Chen Jiaxiang, Yan Yusong, Ye Zuoliang. Study on vital node of distribution networks, ICLEM 2010, v387, p2902-2907, 2010
(56) Wang Duohong, Yan Yusong. Optimization model on close supply chain of green agricultural products in China, ICLEM 2010,v387, p4155-4160, 2010
(57) 郑秋宁, 严余松.基于SOA的开放式车务综合信息平台架构研究,铁路计算机应用, 2010年12期
(58) 李晔, 严余松.GSM-R小区内列车驻留时间分布模型,西南交通大学学报, 2010年06期
(69) 张玉召,严余松, 江南, 张红伟.基于DEA的城市轨道交通规划线网综合评价研究,铁道工程学报, 2010年08期
(60) 张玉召, 严余松.客运专线跨线列车合理始发范围的确定方法研究,兰州交通大学学报, 2010年03期
(61) 张驰, 严余松.企业物流成本的构成研究,铁道运输与经济, 2011年 12期
(62) 陈兰军, 严余松,牟琳.面向服务的城市交通综合信息服务平台应用研究,浙江交通职业技术学院学报, 2011年02期
(63) 李佳,严余松.基于图像的交通拥堵状态识别系统的实现,计算机工程与设计,2011年 04期
(64) 王宏伟, 严余松, 周荣征.基于数据包络分析的铁路物流中心运营效率评价,铁道运输与经济, 2011年03期
(65) 李晔, 严余松,覆盖客运专线车站的GSM-R小区内列车驻留时间分布模型,中国铁道科学, 2011年01期
(66) Wang Duohong, Yan Yusong. Operating analysis of the closed supply chain of green agricultural products based on logistics center, ICTE 2011 ,p2365-2370, 2011
(67) Qiu Zhongquan,Liu Fuhua, Yan Yusong, Hu Zuoan. Logistics network layout of green agricultural products closed supply chain based on logistics loss,ICTE 2011, p2400-2405, 2011
(68) Yan Pengfei, Yan Yusong. Description and calculation about comprehensive capacity of railway junction terminals, ICTE 2011, p1162-1167, 2011 ICTE 2011
(79) Wang Hongwei, Yan Yusong, Hu Zuoan, Zhang Yuzhao. Consumer acceptance of IOT technologies in China: An exploratory study, ICTE 2011, p2430-2435, 2011
(70) Wang Hongwei, Gao Lingling, Yan Yusong. Intelligent service-integrated software framework based on mobile RFID technology for railway industry, ICTE 2011, p1039-1044, 2011
(1) 智能铁路系统及枢纽车流组织优化,西南交通大学出版社,2001年5月,严余松、蒋葛夫编著
(2) 物流信息与技术,西南交通大学出版社,2006年9月,严余松编著
(3) 基于ITS-R的枢纽车流组织优化,科学出版社,2010年,严余松、户佐安、王明慧编著