Linchuan Yang
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Doctoral Supervisor
- Master Tutor
- Education Level:PhD graduate
- Business Address:犀浦校区建筑与设计馆(8号楼)8148室
- Academic Titles:Academic Editor of Journal of Environmental and Public Health; Associate Editor of Frontiers in Public Health
- Alma Mater:The University of Hong Kong
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:Department of Urban and Rural Planning, School of Architecture
- 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟
- Discipline:Urban and Rural Planning
Contact Information
- PostalAddress:
- Email:
- Student Information
- Degree:A master's degree
- Current Status:In the school
- Date of Registration:2021-09-01