阳恩慧 教授



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学科:土木水利. 交通运输工程. 道路与铁道工程










当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果


[1]  Yang E, Li J, Liu H et al. Introduction of new salt storage fiber to achieve sustainable deicing in asphalt pavements [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2023, 已录用.(SCI检索,IF:3.651)

[2]  Yang E, Du Y, Wang Y, et al. Nonlinear Rheological Characterizations of Reactive Elastomeric Terpolymer-Modified Asphalt Binder Based on Large-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Test[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2023,35(12):4023482. (SCI检索,IF:3.651)

[3]  Yang E, Pang C, Luo L, et al. Analysis of Hydrothermal Coupling Effect of Asphalt Pavement between Tunnels in Seasonally Frozen Area[J]. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2023,51(6). (SCI检索,IF:1.2)

[4]  Yang E, Peng J, Luo L, et al. Analysis on influencing factors of asphalt pavement icing and establishment of icing prediction model[J]. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2023:1-17. (SCI检索,IF:3.7)

[5]  YANG E, TANG Y, ZHANG A A, et al. Policy Gradient–Based Focal Loss to Reduce False Negative Errors of Convolutional Neural Networks for Pavement Crack Segmentation [J]. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 2023, 29(1): 04023002.(SCI检索,IF:3.462)

[6]  YANG E, YANG Q, LI J, et al. Establishment of icing prediction model of asphalt pavement based on support vector regression algorithm and Bayesian optimization [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 351: 128955. (SCI检索,IF:7.693)

[7]  YANG E, XU J, LUO H, et al. Performance comparison of warm mix asphalt for plateau area [J]. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2022, 23(1): 211-21. (SCI检索,IF:3.805)

[8]  YANG E, TANG Y, LI L, et al. Research on the recurrent neural network-based fatigue damage model of asphalt binder and the finite element analysis development [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 267: 121761. (SCI检索,IF:7.693).

[9] Yu D, Yang E, Zhang M, et al. Chemical modification of sustainable bagasse fiber and its absorption mechanism on SBS-modified emulsified bitumen[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023,409:133983. (SCI检索,IF:7.693)

[10]  DI H, ZHANG H, YANG E, et al. Usage of Nano-TiO 2 or Nano-ZnO in Asphalt to Resist Aging by NMR Spectroscopy and Rheology Technology [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2023, 35(1): 04022391. (SCI检索,IF:3.651)

[11]  Abdelmagid A A, Qiu Y, Yang E. Using agricultural residue sustainably: Enhancing asphalt properties with rice husk ash and analyzing its mixture performance using response surface methodology[J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2023,19:e2476. (SCI检索,IF:6.2)

[12]  Abdelmagid A A, Qiu Y, Yang E. Laboratory investigation of the impact of peanut husk ash as an asphalt binder modifier on physical and rheological properties[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023,401:132920. (SCI检索,IF:7.693)

[13]  XU J, YANG E, LUO H, et al. Effects of warm mix additives on the thermal stress and ductile resistance of asphalt binders [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 238: 117746. (SCI检索,IF:7.693)

[14]  TANG Y, QIAN Y, YANG E. Weakly supervised convolutional neural network for pavement crack segmentation [J]. Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure, 2022, 1.

[15]  DING S, WANG K C, YANG E, et al. Influence of effective texture depth on pavement friction based on 3D texture area [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 287: 123002. (SCI检索,IF:7.693)

[16]  ZHAN Y, DAI X, YANG E, et al. Convolutional neural network for detecting railway fastener defects using a developed 3D laser system [J]. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 2021, 9(5): 424-44. (SCI检索,IF:2.759)

[17]  ZHANG A, WANG K C, YANG E, et al. Pavement lane marking detection using matched filter [J]. Measurement, 2018, 130: 105-17. (SCI检索,IF:5.131)

[18]  DING S, YANG E, WANG K C, et al. Texture Measurement Based on 3D Pavement Surface Images at Sub-mm Resolution; proceedings of the International Conference on Transportation and Development 2018: Airfield and Highway Pavements, F, 2018 [C]. American Society of Civil Engineers Reston, VA.

[19]  阳恩慧, 陈强, 李杰, et al. 沥青路面表面纹理重构与构造深度预测模型 [J]. 中国公路学报, 2023: 1-12. (EI检索)

[20]  阳恩慧, 丁海波, 邱延峻. 行业性高校培养跨行业研究生的国际化路径[J]. 教育教学论坛, 2023(09):21-27.

[21]  邱延峻, 阳恩慧, 战友. 高等教育后发优势的国际经验与四川省“对标竞进”大战略的新时代实践[J]. 高教学刊, 2023,9(13):15-18.

[22]  阳恩慧, 马博男, 李奥, et al. 短期老化对伸缩缝胶结料高温性能的影响 [J]. 市政技术, 2022, 40(05): 181-8.

[23]  阳恩慧, 李雨枭, 吕荣华, et al. 典型高速公路路线运营油耗模型——以四川雅康高速为例 [J]. 交通科技与经济, 2022, 24(06): 39-44.

[24]  张文居, 阳恩慧, 李莉, et al. 典型川藏高速公路路线动力学分析与运行速度评价 [J]. 交通科技与经济, 2021, 23(04): 39-44+72.

[25]  战友, 阳恩慧, 马啸天, et al. 无砟轨道板裂缝三维激光检测系统研发与算法验证 [J]. 铁道学报, 2021, 43(07): 114-20. (EI检索)

[26]  杨钦隆, 阳恩慧, 马博男, et al. 沥青填充式桥梁无缝伸缩缝材料黏弹性试验研究 [J]. 市政技术, 2021, 39(11): 139-45.

[27]  阳恩慧, 徐加秋, 唐由之, et al. 温拌剂对沥青断裂和老化性能的影响 [J]. 吉林大学学报 (工学版), 2021, 51(2): 604-10. (EI检索)

[28]  唐由之, 阳恩慧, 徐加秋, et al. 沥青混合料的循环神经网络本构模型构建探讨 [J]. 中外公路, 2021, 41(03): 295-9.

[29]  徐加秋, 阳恩慧, 王世法, et al. Sasobit温拌沥青的低温性能评价指标研究 [J]. 公路交通科技, 2020, 37(02): 8-14+39.

[30]  徐加秋, 阳恩慧, 罗浩原, et al. 基于温度应力的温拌沥青胶结料低温力学性能 [J]. 建筑材料学报, 2020, 23(01): 70-6. (EI检索,IF:2.424)

[31]  徐加秋, 阳恩慧, 李奥, et al. 沥青胶结料低温临界开裂温度计算的改进方法 [J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2020, 52(09): 92-100. (EI检索,IF:1.936)

[32]  邱延峻, 王国龙, 阳恩慧, et al. 基于多特征检验的三维沥青路面裂缝检测 [J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2020, 55(03): 518-24. (EI检索,IF:2.277)

[33]  丁世海, 战友, 阳恩慧, et al. 基于高精度激光断面高程的沥青路面MTD测量 [J]. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 50(01): 137-42. (EI检索,IF:1.585)

[34]  丁世海, 阳恩慧, 王郴平, et al. 沥青路面表面纹理三维高精度激光非接触式检测 [J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2020, 55(04): 758-64. (EI检索,IF:2.277)

[35]  阳恩慧, 张傲南, 杨荣山, et al. 高速铁路无砟轨道表面裂缝三维图像自动识别算法 [J]. 铁道学报, 2019, 41(11): 95-9. (EI检索,IF:2.453)

[36]  丁世海, 阳恩慧, 代先星, et al. 三维激光路面多功能检测系统的技术研究 [J]. 交通科技, 2019, (06): 1-4+25.

[37]  邱延峻, 罗浩原, 欧阳铖霏, 王世法, 闫红光, 阳恩慧. 不同温拌剂对于沥青性能改性效果的流变分析 [J]. 中外公路, 2020, 40(02): 233-8.

[38]  罗浩原, 欧阳铖霏, 徐加秋, 郑鹏飞, 阳恩慧. 一种SBS改性沥青黏度测试新方法——旋转平板黏度法 [J]. 建筑材料学报, 2020, 23(03): 724-32. (EI检索,IF:2.424)

[39]  冷慧康, 黄兵, 程起光, 阳恩慧, et al. 高速公路平曲线半径设置合理性数值仿真 [J]. 中外公路, 2020, 40(06): 7-12.

[40]  邱延峻, 余孝丽, 黄兵, 唐承平, 程起光, 阳恩慧. 基于SIMPACK仿真的高速公路连续反向曲线行驶速度探讨 [J]. 交通运输工程与信息学报, 2019, 17(03): 1-7+16.