[1] 实用新型专利:波浪作用下海床动力响应试验设备 (专利号:ZL201820134153.9)
[2] 发明专利:波流-结构物-海床’动力耦合实验模拟方法及其装置(专利号:ZL200410033634. 3),授予日期:2006.05.24(总人数6人,本人负责装置的设计与加工,排名第四)
[3]实用新型专利:模拟地基用大型砂样制作装置 (专利号:ZL200410048475X)
[4]发明专利:渗透变形诱导海底管道地基悬空的模拟方法及装置(专利号:ZL 2005 1 0102995.3) 授权日期:2007.8.22(总人数4人,本人负责模拟方法的构思,排名第三)
1. “地震荷载作用下边坡动力行为及加固措施研究”,教育部中央高校科技创新基金, 主持,2014-2015;
2. “基于PFC颗粒流理论的边坡动力响应研究”,西南交通大学引进人才特别资助项目,主持,2010-2012;
3. “川藏交通干线环境灾害演化规律与工程风险”,国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题,主研,2010-2014;
4. “京沪高速铁路复合地基关键技术试验研究”,铁道部重大科技项目,主研,
5. “港珠澳大桥大直径钢管复合桩试验研究”,国家重大建设科技项目,子题负责,2010-2012;
6. “秦巴山区高速公路滑坡综合防治技术研究”,中铁西北科学研究院重大项目,主持,2013-2014;
7. “达州加筋土挡墙监测”,中铁二局技术创新资助项目,主持,2012-2014;
8. “单向水流作用下近壁面管道涡激振动行为及机理的实验研究”, 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,主持,2009-2011;
9. “海流作用下海底管道局部冲刷与涡激振动动力耦合行为及机理研究”, 国家自然科学青年基金项目,主持,2010-2012;
10. “深水海底管道和立管检测技术”,国家科技重大专项,子题负,2008-2011;
11. “海洋工程流固土耦合多物理参数同步测试与实时监控系统”, 中国科学院重大科研装备研制项目,主研,2007-2009;
12. “海底管线稳定性分析”, 中国科学院‘十一五’知识创新工程重要方向性项目,主研,2006-2010;
1. Yang Bing, Gao Fuping, Jeng Dongsheng. Failure mode and dynamic response of a double-sided slope with high water content of soil. Journal of Mountain Science, 2018, 15(4): 859-870. (SCI)
2. Bing Yang, Yang Luo, Dongsheng Jeng, Jun Feng, Aode Huhe. Experimental studies on initiation of current-induced movement of mud. Applied Ocean Research, 2018, 80:220-227.(SCI)
3. 杨兵,杨翔,杨 涛,王润民,周德培. 地震荷载作用下震裂–溃滑型边坡破坏过程及动力响应振动台模型试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2018, 37(supp):3279-3290.(EI)
4. 杨兵,孙明祥,王润民,杨 涛,冯君,周德培.土体含水量对边坡动力破坏及响应的振动台试验研究. 岩土工程学报,2018, 40(4):759-766.(EI)
刘一飞,,杨兵,祝兵,孙明祥. 粒径及 级配特性对土体渗透系数影响的细观模拟研究. 岩土力学,2018 (in press)(通讯作者)(EI)
段 伦 良,郑 东 生,张 启 博,杨 兵. 波浪荷载作用下桥梁桩基周围海床响应研究. 中国力学大会-2017 暨庆祝中国力学学会成立 60 周年大会, 2017年8月。
杨 兵,刘一飞,万奋涛,杨 涛,冯 君, ,. 级配特性对砂土渗透系数影响试验研究. 西南交通大学学报,2016, 51(5): 855-861.(EI)
Yang tao, Man-chu Ronald Yeung. Yang Bing, Liu yongjiang, Yang Yanxin. Three-dimensional stability of landslides based on local safety factor. Journal of Mountain Science, 2016, 13(9): 1515-1526. (通讯作者)(SCI)
B. Liu, D.S. Jeng, G.L. Ye, B.Yang. Laboratory study for pore pressures in sandy deposit under wave loading. Ocean Engineering, 2015,106: 207-219.(SCI)
杨涛,刘涌江,杨兵,陈伟明. 应用点安全系数分析基坑边坡三维稳定性. 岩土力学,2014, 35(6):1756-1761. (EI)
严秋荣, 乔东华, 杨 兵, 杨 涛, 冯 君. 考虑抗滑桩及挡土墙支护结构影响的降雨诱导边坡失稳模型试验研究. 重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 1: 66-69.
Bing Yang, Tao Yang, Jian-Lin Ma, Jin-Sheng Cui. The experimental study on local scour around a circular pipe undergoing vortex-induced vibration in steady flow. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2013, 21(3): 250-257. (SCI)
Bing Yang, Chong Wang, Fengtao Wan, Tao Yang, Qiurong Yan. The study on the influences of drainage way arrangements on the law of seepage flow in the slope. 2013, ASCE GSP (IACGE 2013), 178-187. (EI)
杨兵,蔡瑞卿,唐驰,马建林,呼和敖德. 单向流作用下淤泥质黏土起动试验研究.西南交通大学学报,2012,47(4):586-590. (EI)
Yang B., Ma J.L., Cui J.S., Xu W.H. Behavior of vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder near a deformable wall with two degrees of freedom in steady flow. China Ocean Engineering, 2011, 25(4): 549-564. (SCI,EI)
T.L.Lee, M. Lin, D.S.Jeng, M.H.Chen, B.Yang. Waves-induced soil response around breakwater heads. The Proceedings of the 21th (2011) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Maui, Hawaii, USA, June 19-24, 2011. (EI, ISTP)
Fu-Ping Gao, Shu-Ming Yan, Bing Yang, Cheng-Cai Luo. Steady flow-induced instability of a partially embedded pipeline: Pipe-soil interaction mechanism. Ocean Engineering, 2011, 38, 934-942. (SCI,EI)
Xiao-Jun Li, Fu-Ping Gao, Bing Yang, Jun Zang. Wave-induced Pore Pressure Responses and Soil Liquefaction Around Pile Foundation. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2011, 21(3), 233-239.(SCI,EI)
杨兵,崔金声,马建林,万云. 利用超声波测量沙床表面冲刷形貌的方法. 2011, 水利水电科技进展,31(suplus),1, 78-80.
Xiaojun Li, Bing Yang, Fuping Gao, Jun Zang. A fem model for wave-induced pore pressure response around a pile foundation. The Proceedings of the 20th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Beijing, China, 2010, 674-679. (EI, ISTP)
杨兵,高福平.单向流作用下近壁面圆柱的流向振动. 水动力学研究与进展, 2010,25(1):119-125. (EI)
Yang, B., Gao, F. P., Jeng, D.S., Wu, Y. X. Experimental study of vortex-induced vibrations of a cylinder near a rigid plane boundary in steady flow. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2009, 25:51-63. (SCI, EI)
Yang, B., Gao, F.P., Li, D.H., Wu, Y.X. Physical modelling and parametric study on two-degree-of-freedom viv of a cylinder near rigid wall. ChinaOcean Engineering, 2009, 23(1):119-132. (SCI, EI)
Yang, B., Gao, F. P., Wu, Y. X. Flow-induced Vibrations of a Cylinder with Two Degrees of Freedom near Rigid Plane Boundary. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2008, 18 (4), 302-307. (SCI, EI)
Yang, B., Gao, F. P., Jeng, D.S., Wu, Y. X. Experimental study of vortex-induced vibrations of a pipeline near an erodible sandy seabed. Ocean Engineering, 2008, 35: 301-309. (SCI, EI)
Yang, B. Jeng, D.S., Gao F.P., Wu, Y.X. Forces acting on the seabed around a pipeline in unidirectional ocean currents. The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2008,2, 148-155.
Fu-ping Gao, Bing Yang, Ying-xiang Wu, Shu-Ming Yan. Steady current induced seabed scour around a vibrating pipeline. 2007, Applied Ocean Research, 28:291-298.(SCI)
Fu-Ping Gao, Shuming Yan, Bing Yang, Yingxiang Wu. Ocean Currents Induces Pipeline Lateral Stability on Sandy Seabed. Journal of EnginneringMechanics, ASCE. 2007 vol.133, No.10, 1086-1092.(SCI)
YANG,B, GAO F.P., WU Y.X., LI D.H. Experimental Study on Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Submarine Pipeline Near SeaQbed Boundary in Ocean Currents. China Ocean Engineering. 2006, 20(1):113 -121.(SCI/EI)
YANG B, GAO F.P, WU Y.X.. Dimensional Analysis and Experimental Apparatus on Interaction between Ocean Current-Pipeline and Seabed. Journal of Ship Mechanics. 2006, 10(3):130-141.(EI)
Yang, B., Gao, F. P., Wu, Y.X. Experimental Study on Flow Induced Vibration of a Cylinder with Two Degrees of Freedom Near a Rigid Wall. The Proceedings of the 18th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2008, 469-474.
Fuping Gao, Bing Yang, Shuming Yan and Yingxiang Wu. Occurrence of spanning of a submarine pipeline with initial embedment. The Proceedings of the 17th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Lisbon,Portugal, 2007.
.Gao, F. P., Yang, B., Yan, S.M., Wu, Y.X. Physical Modeling of Current-Induced Seabed Scour around a Vibrating Submarine Pipeline, The Proceedings of the 16th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, San Francisco USA, 2006.
Gao, F.P., Yan, S.M., Yang, B., Li, Q., Wu, Y.X. Experimental Study of Submarine Pipeline Stability on Sandy Seabed under the Influence of Ocean Currents, The 7th Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium---ISOPE PACOMS-2006, Dalian, China, September 17-20, 2006
杨兵, 高福平, 吴应湘. 单向海流载荷下管道局部冲刷试验研究. 工程力学, 2008, 25(3): 206-210.
舒阳, 闫澍旺, 杨兵, 刘润. 爆炸法处理软土地基的回弹模量研究. 岩土力学,2007, 28(10): 2115-2117.
杨兵,高福平,吴应湘. 近壁管道在单向水流作用下的涡激振动实验研究. 中国海上油气,2006, 18(1): 52—57.
闫术明,高福平,吴应湘,杨 兵.管道沉降特性的数值模拟分析. 中国造船,2006,47(增刊):183-190.
高福平,吴应湘,杨 兵,闫术明.深水环境中管道与海床动力相互作用探讨.中国深水油气开发工程高技术论坛论文集.2005,56-61.
杨兵,高福平,吴应湘. 单向流引起管道悬空的数值模拟. 中国造船,2005,46(增刊):221-226.
杨 兵,高福平. 单向流作用下近壁面管道流向涡激振动。第九届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十二届全国水动力学研讨会文集,2009,133-140。
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