

主要任职:金属材料系系主任 教工党支部书记

其他任职:国家钒钛产业联盟理事 四川省钒钛钢铁产业协会副秘书长







当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究

    [26] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52371143):FeMnCrCo高熵合金位错/界面耦合弛豫本构关系与复合阻尼单元调控机理,主持;

    [25] XXX重大项目:钒钛稀土国家先进制造业集群实施,主持;

    [24] 中国工程院(地方院重大)战略咨询项目:面向攀西战略资源综合利用的轨道交通储能示范应用战略研究,主研;

    [23] 四川省经信厅项目:四川关键基础材料发展模式研究,主持;

    [22] 企业横向项目:攀枝花钢城集团优特钢产品规划,主持;

    [21] 英特尔资助联合科研项目:课程联合开发,主持;

    [20] GF项目:宇航级钛合金设计制造与产品开发,主持;

    [19] 中国金属学会项目课题:钢铁钒钛伴生发展行业碳中和实施研究,主持;

    [18] 四川省重大研究课题:四川推进钢铁行业“双碳”战略示范研究,主持;

    [17] 企业横向项目:高品质高温合金相关新材料与新技术开发,主持;

    [16] 国家重点研发计划“核安全与先进核能技术”重点专项,“严重事故下堆芯熔融物行为与现象研究” 项目子课题,主持;

    [15] GF项目:航空发动机叶片XXXX研究,主持;

    [14] GF项目(总装预研重点实验室基金):高熵合金阻尼行为及其调控机理,主持;

    [13] 部省联席重大项目非高炉冶炼钒钛磁铁矿调研报告,主持;

    [12] 部省联席重大项目:攀西地区钒钛、钢铁产业统筹发展与钒钛新材料研究,主持;

    [11] Itel校企联合项目:Dicing tape to wafer frame delamination,主持;

    [10] 西南交大GF培育项目:多主元合金的阻尼界面调控研究,主持;

    [9] 国家重点研发计划子课题:《激光增材合金粉体凝固相场模拟及应力应变预测》(2016YFB1100202-6)主持

    [8] 国家自然科学基金:《喷射成形高钒钢复合轧辊修复及摩擦行为研究》(51301143)主持

    [7] 四川省高新技术领域重点研发项目:《熔丝增材用清洁高精度钛合金丝材开发及应用》(20ZDYF0490)主持

    [6] 四川省高新技术领域重点研发项目:《增材制造用高性能球形金属粉末等离子体雾化设备研制及工艺技术开发》(20ZDYF0236)主持

    [5]  四川省国际合作与交流研发项目:“高熵合金纳米相结构调控及其耐磨减摩机理”,主持

    [4]  四川省科技支撑计划:《超音速气体雾化制备超细高温合金粉末技术》(2015GZ0228)主持

    [3] 中国博士后基金:《喷射成形9V6Cr2Mo合金再制造界面凝固特征与温度场模拟》(2014M560727)主持







    29) Xinghua Zhu, Yutian He, Qingguo Feng, Ning Wang, Changchun Ge, Yi Xu*Deformation mechanism of L12-type multicomponent intermetallics: The generalized stacking fault energy and chemical bonds. Materials & Design 228 (2023) 111824. 

    28) Xinghua Zhu, Zheliang Jiang, Zhou Liu, Ning Wang, Yi Xu*Trace Y for as-cast Ti6Al4V to simultaneous enhance strength-ductility. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 948 (2023) 169757.

    27) 张成阳 , 何思逸 , 郭双全 , 王 宁 , 徐 轶. Y2O3弥散强化 TC4 钛合金粉末及其激光熔覆组织性能研究. 钢铁钒钛, 2023.  https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail//51.1245.TF.20221215.1609.004.html. 

    26) Yutian He, Xinghua Zhu, Changxin Zhang, Zhongqing Liu, Baobao Cao, Liyuan Sheng, Yang Yang, Qingguo Feng, Ning Wang, Jian Zhen Ou,* and Yi Xu*Self-Circulating Adsorption-Desorption Structure of Non-Noble High-Entropy Alloy Electrocatalyst Facilitates Efficient Water Splitting. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2023, https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c06888. 

    25) Xinghua Zhu, Zhou Liu, Qingguo Feng, Zhiyong Huang, Xiaoyang Zhu, Lei Xiao, Jianguo He, Ning Wang and Yi Xu*.  First Principles Study of Atomic Oxygen Adsorption on Austenitic Stainless Steels Surfaces: A Theoretical Study. Coatings 2023, 13, 455. https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings13020455. 24) Xinghua Zhu, Bowen Chen, Qingguo Feng, Lei Xiao, Xiaoyang Zhu, Zhiyong Huang, Jianguo He, Yi Xu*.  First-Principles Study on the Effect of H, C, and N at the Interface on Austenite/Ferrite Homojunction. Metals 2023, 13, 317. https://doi.org/10.3390/met13020317. 

    23)  Yi Xu*, Zhou Liu, Xinghua Zhu, Zheliang Jiang, Hui Chen, Ning Wang. Effect of rare earth Ce addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. Materials Letters 330 (2023) 133244. 22) Yi Xu*, Wangwen Xiong, Tao Luo, Ruirui Liu, Siyi He, Xinghua Zhu, Shunping Li, Zhaohua Huang, Zhihai Liao. Twinning damping interface design and synergistic internal friction behavior in FeMnCrCo high-entropy alloys. Materials Science & Engineering A 857 (2022) 144040.21) Siyi He, Shuangquan Guo,  Yi Xu*Anisotropic Stress Rupture Properties-Microstructure Relationships in SLM Inconel 718 Alloy. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-022-06872-220) Changxin Zhang, Dan Li, Yi Xu*Mn‑doped NiP: Facile synthesis and enhanced electrocatalytic activity for hydrogen evolution. Journal of materials research, 2022, DOI:10.1557/s43578-021-00479-w.

    19) Tao Luo, Hongling Zhang, Ruirui Liu, Peinan Du, Zhaohua Huang, Qianfu Pan, Zhihai Liao, Yi Xu*. Mechanical and damping properties of the multi-layer graphenes enhanced CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy composites produced by powder metallurgy. Materials Letters, 293 (2021) 129682.

    18) Wanxin Wang, Qiang Chen, Ruirui Liu, Tao Luo, Peinan Du, Zhaohua Huang, Qianfu Pan, Zhihai Liao, Yi Xu*. Synergistic damping effect mechanism of magneto-mechanical hysteresis and dislocations energy dissipation in FeMnCrCo high entropy alloys. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2021, 818 (2021) 141412.
    17) Xinyu Liu, Yi Xu*, Hangboce Yin, Lei Guo, Xinggang Li. Microstructural evolution of a titanium- and cobalt-modified nickel-based repair alloy during exposure to high temperatures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 726: 779-786.
    16) Qiang Chen, Hongling Zhang, Shuqiang Zhou, Yuntao Cai, Xinggang Li, Yi Xu*. A novel high-entropy alloy with excellent damping property toward a large strain amplitude environment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 802: 493-501.
    15) Liming Sang, Yi Xu*. Amorphous behavior of ZrxFeNiSi0.4B0.6 high entropy alloys synthesized by mechanical alloying. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2020, 530: 119854, 1-7.
    14) Dan Li, Wei Lan, Zhongqing Liu*,Yi Xu*. Powder sintered Ni-P/CNTs composites as three-dimensional selfsupported efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 825, 153920: 1-9.
    13) Hangboce Yin, Yi Xu*, Xinggang Li, Weirong Chang, Yan Zhou. Design of friction and wear resistant titanium- and cobalt-modified nickel-base repair alloys by spray forming. Materials and Design, 2017, 116: 403-410.
    12) ShuQiang Zhou, XinYu Liu,Yi Xu*. Microstructure, mechanical properties and tribological properties of NiAl composites reinforced by CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy. Materials, 2018, 11, 1850: 1-13.
    11) Xinyu Liu, Shuqiang Zhou, Yi Xu*. Microstructure and tribological performance of Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 high-entropy alloy based self-lubricating composites. Materials Letters, 2018, 233: 142-145.
    10) Xinyu Liu, Lei Zhang, Yi Xu*. Microstructure and mechanical properties of graphene reinforced Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 high-entropy alloy composites synthesized by MA and SPS. Applied Physics A, 2017, 123:567.
    9) Xinyu Liu, Hangboce Yin, Yi Xu*. Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of oxide dispersion strengthened high-entropy alloys. Materials, 2017, 10, 1312: 1-11.
    8) Hongling Zhang, Lei Zhang, Xinyu Liu, Qiang Chen, Yi Xu*. Effect of Zr addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiMn high-entropy alloy synthesized by spark plasma sintering. Entropy, 2018, 20, 0810: 1-12.
    7) Yuntao Cai, Pengjun Fang, Xinggang Li, Yi Xu*. Phase field simulation of dendrite growth in gas atomized binary Al-Ni droplets. Particuology, 2020, 50: 43-52.
    6) Lei Zhang, Yi Xu*, LI Xinggang. First-principles study of intermentallic compounds in CrMnFeCoNiZr system high entropy alloy. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2017, 31: 1744007.
    5) Liming Sang, Yi Xu*, Pengjun Fang, Honglin Zhang, Yuntao Cai, Xinyu Liu. The influence of cooling rate on the microstructure and phase fraction of gas atomized NiAl3 alloy powders during rapid solidification. Vacuum, 2018, 157: 354-360.
    4) Dan Li, Wanxin Wang, Changxin Zhang, Zhongqing Liu, Yi Xu*. Porous nickel powder supported Ni-P/CNTs: an efficient catalyst for hydrogen production via water splitting. Journal of Porous Materials, 2021, 28: 543-554.
    3) Wei Lan, Dan Li, Wanxin Wang, Zhongqing Liu, Hui Chen, Yi Xu*. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes reinforced nickel phosphide composite: As an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction by one-step powder sintering. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45: 412-423.
    2) Pengjun Fang, Yi Xu*, Xinggang Li, Ya Chen. Influence of atomizing gas and cooling rate on solidification characterization of nickel-based superalloy powders. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2018, 47(2): 0423-0430.
    1) Yi Xu*, N. Ellendt, Xinggang Li, V. Uhlenwinkel, U. Fritshing. Characterization of cooling rate and microstructure of CuSn melt droplet in drop on demand process. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2017, 27: 1636-1644








