博士生导师 硕士生导师
Jianping Xu(许建平) and J.Yu, "Equivalent circuit models of switches for SPICE simulation", IEE Electronics Letters, Vol.24, No.7, pp. 437-438, March, 1988.
Jianping Xu and J.Yu, "Time averaging equivalent circuit analysis of a resonant switching converter", International Journal of Electronics, Vol.67, No.6, pp.937-948, 1989. (EI AN: 1990040163733)
Jianping Xu, "Modeling of switching DC-DC converters by time averaging equivalent circuit approach: Part I. Continuous conduction mode", International Journal of Electronics, Vol.74, No.3, pp.465-475, 1993 (EI AN: 1993070798067)
Jianping Xu, "Modeling of switching DC-DC converters by time averaging equivalent circuit approach: Part II. Discontinuous conduction mode", International Journal of Electronics, Vol.74, No.3, pp.477-488, 1993 (EI AN: 1993070798068)
Jianping Xu and M.Grotzbach, "Time-domain analysis of half-wave zero-current-switch quasi-resonant-converters by using SPICE", IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol.40, No.6, pp.577-579, 1993 (EI AN: 1994031200342)
Jianping Xu and C.Q.Lee, "Generalized state space averaging approach for a class of periodically switched networks," IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems, I – Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol.44, No.11, pp.1078-1081, Nov., 1997 (EI AN: 1998053958330)
Jianping Xu and C.Q.Lee, "A unified averaging technique for the modeling of quasi-resonant converters," IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol.13, No.3, pp.556-563, May 1998 (EI AN: 1998284211197)
Wen Shi and Jianping Xu, “Active clamp dual-end convertor”, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 34, No.18, pp.1715-1717, Sept. 1998. (EI AN: 1998484403717)
Mingzhi He, Jianping Xu, "Elimination of time delay in digital control loop of switching DC-DC converters," Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers,Vol.17, Issue 3, June 2008, pp.525-537
Bao Bo-Cheng, Li Chun-Biao, Xu Jian-Ping, Liu Zhong,“New robust chaotic system with exponential quadratic term”,Chinese Physics B,Vol.17, No 11, Nov. 2008, pp.4022-4026 (EI Accession number: 20091311987739)
包伯成,康祝圣,许建平,胡文,“含指数项广义平方映射的分岔和吸引子”,物理学报,2009, 58(3): pp.1420-1431
包伯成,胡文,刘中,康祝圣,许建平,“DOG小波映射伸缩和平移的动力学分析”,物理学报,2009, 58(4): pp.2240-2247
包伯成,许建平,刘中,“具有两个边界的Boost变换器的分岔行为和斜坡补偿的镇定控制”, 物理学报,2009, 58(5): pp.2949-2956
秦明,许建平,“开关变换器多级脉冲序列控制研究”,物理学报,2009, 58(11): pp.7603-7612
Jianping Xu, Guohua Zhou, Mingzhi He, “Improved Digital Peak Voltage Predictive Control for Switching DC-DC Converters”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol.56, No. 8, Aug. 2009, pp.3222-3229
Guohua Zhou and Jianping Xu,“Digital Peak Current Control for Switching DC-DC Converters with Asymmetrical Dual-edge Modulation”,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II,Express Briefs, 2009, 56(11), 815-819 (EI AN: 20094912524062)
Bao Bo-Cheng, Xu Jian-Ping, Liu Zhong, “Mode shift and stability control of a current mode controlled buck-boost converter operating in discontinuous conduction mode with ramp compensation”, Chinese Physics B,2009, 18(11): 4742-4747 (EI AN: 20094812504342)
Bocheng Bao, Zhong Liu, Jianping Xu. “New chaotic system and its hyperchaos generation,” Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2009, 20(6), 1179-1187.
Bao Bo-Cheng, Liu Zhong, Jianping Xu,“Steady Periodic Memristor Oscillator with Transient Chaotic Behaviors”, IET Electronics Letters, Feb. 2010, 46(3): 237-238
Bao Bo-Cheng, Liu Zhong, Jianping Xu,“Transient chaos in smooth memristor oscillator”,Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19(3): 030510-1~030510-6
Guohua Zhou and Jianping Xu, “Digital Average Current Controlled Switching DC-DC Converters with Single-Edge Modulation”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2010, 25(3), 786-793
Jianping Xu,Ming Qin, “Multi Pulse Train Control Technique for Buck Converter in Discontinuous Conduction Mode”, IET Power Electronics, 2010, 3(3), pp. 391–399
Guohua Zhou, Bocheng Bao, Jianping Xu, and Yanyan Jin,“Dynamical Analysis and Experimental Verification of Valley Current Controlled Buck Converter”, Chinese Physics B. 2010, 19(5):(2010) 050509-1-050509-7.
Bocheng Bao, Jianping Xu and Zhong Liu, “Initial state dependent dynamical behaviors in memristor based chaotic circuit”, Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27(7): (2010) 070504
包伯成,刘中,许建平,“基于Colpitts振荡器模型生成的多涡卷超混沌吸引子”,物理学报,2010, 59(3): 1540-1548
包伯成,周国华,许建平,刘 中,“斜坡补偿电流模式控制开关DC-DC变换器的动力学建模与分析”,物理学报,2010, 59(6): 3769-3777
包伯成,刘中,许建平,“忆阻混沌振荡器的动力学分析”,物理学报, 2010, 59(6): 3785-3793
周国华,包伯成,许建平,“峰值/谷值电流型控制开关DC-DC变换器的对称动力学现象分析”,物理学报,2010, 59(4): 2272-2280.
Guohua Zhou, Jianping Xu, Bocheng Bao, Yanyan Jin. Symmetrical dynamics of peak current-mode and valley current-mode controlled switching dc-dc converters with ramp compensation. Chinese Physics B. 2010, 19(6):(2010) 060508.
Bocheng Bao, Guohua Zhou, Jianping Xu, Zhong Liu,“Multi-scroll chaotic attractors from a modified colpitts oscillator model”, Int. Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2010,20(7):2203-2211
Guahua Zhou, Jianping Xu, Yanyan Jin, “Elimination of Subharmonic Oscillation of Digital Average Current Controlled Switching DC-DC Converters”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 2010, 57(8), pp. 2904-2907
Guohua Zhou, Jianping Xu, Bocheng Bao, Fei Zhang, Xueshan Liu, “Fast-Scale and Slow-Scale Subharmonic Oscillation of Valley Current-Mode Controlled Buck Converter”, Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27(9), (2010) 090504
Qin Ming, Jianping Xu, “Multi Duty Ratio Modulation Technique for Switching DC-DC Converters Operating in Discontinuous Conduction Mode”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 2010, 57(10), 3497-3507
Bocheng Bao, Zhong Liu, Jianping Xu and Qiang Zhao. “Generating Multi-Scroll Chaotic Attractor from a Linear System Driven by Saturated Function Series”, Int. Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2010, pp.747-75
Bocheng Bao, Guodong Shi, Jianping Xu, Zhong Liu, Saihu Pan, “Dynamical analysis of chaotic circuit with two memristors”, SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2011, Vol.54, No.1, 2180-2187
Jianping Xu,Jinping Wang, “Bifrequency Pulse-Train Control Technique for Switching DC-DC Converters operating in DCM”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics,2011, 58(8), pp.3658 – 3667
包伯成,史国栋,许建平,刘中,潘赛虎,“含两个忆阻器混沌电路的动力学分析”,中国科学:技术科学,2011,41(8):1135 ~ 1142
Fei Zhang, Jianping Xu, “A Novel PCCM Boost PFC Converter With Fast Dynamic Response”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 2011, 58(9), pp.4207–4216
Bocheng Bao, Guohua Zhou,Jianping Xu, and Zhong Liu,“Unified Classification of Operation State Regions for Switching Converters with Ramp Compensation”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics (accepted), IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2011, 26(7), 1968-1975
Jinping Wang, Jianping Xu, Bocheng Bao, “Analysis of Pulse Bursting Phenomenon in Constant On-time Controlled Buck Converter”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 2011, 58(12), 5406-5410
Yu Ni, Jianping Xu, Li Sun, “Study of Discrete Global Sliding Mode Control for Switching DC-DC Converter”, Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, Vol. 20, No. 6 (2011), 1197-1209
Guohua Zhou, Jianping Xu, Yanyan Jin, “Improved Digital Peak Current Predictive Control for Switching DC-DC Converters”, IET Power Electronics, Vol.4, No.2, 2011, 227-234
Bao Bo-Cheng, Xu Jianping, Zhou Guo-Hua, Ma Zheng-Hua, and Zou Ling,“Chaotic Memristive Circuit: Equivalent Circuit Realization and Dynamical Analysis”,Chinese Physics B, Vol. 20, No. 12 (2011) 120502
Bocheng Bao, Jianping Xu, Zhong Liu, Henghua Ma, “Hyperchaos from an Augmented Lü System”, Int. Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 20, No. 11 (2010) 3689–3698
周国华,许建平,包伯成,王金平,金艳艳,“电流源负载峰值电流控制Buck变换器的复杂次谐波振荡现象”,物理学报, 2011,60(1), 010503-1~010503-8
王金平, 许建平, 周国华, 米长宝, 秦明, “脉冲序列控制CCM Buck变换器低频波动现象分析”, 物理学报, 2011,60(4),048402-1~048402-11
王金平,许建平,徐杨军,“恒定导通时间控制Buck变换器多开关周期振荡现象分析”,物理学报, 2011,2011, 60(5): 058401
Jinping Wang, Jianping Xu, “Peak Current Mode Bi-Frequency Control Technique for Switching DC-DC Converters in DCM with Fast Transient Response and Low EMI”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, 2012, 27(4), 1876-1884
Guohua Zhou, Jianping Xu, Bocheng Bao, “Symmetrical Dynamics of Current-Mode Controlled Switching DC-DC Converters”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2012, 22(1): 1250008-1-11.
Guohua Zhou, Jianping Xu, Bocheng Bao, “Comments on “Predictive Digital-Controlled Converter With Peak Current-Mode Control and Leading-Edge Modulation”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 2012, 59(12), 4851-4852
沙金,包伯成,许建平,高玉,“脉冲序列控制电流断续模式Buck变换器的动力学建模与边界碰撞分岔”,物理学报,2012,61(12), 120501
Shungang Xu, Jinping Wang, Jianping Xu,“A Current Decoupling Parallel Control Strategy of Single Phase Inverter with Voltage and Current Dual Closed-loop Feedback”,IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 2013, 60(4), 1306-1313
B.C. Bao, X. Zhang, Jianping Xu, Jinping Wang,“Critical ESR of output capacitor for stability of fixed off-time controlled buck converter”, IET Electronics Letters,Feb. 2013, 49 (4), 287-288
Qin Ming, Jianping Xu, “Improved Pulse Regulation Control Technique for Switching DC-DC Converters Operating in DCM”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 2013,60(5),1819-1830
Jinping Wang, Bocheng Bao, Jianping Xu, Guohua Zhou, Wen Hu, “Dynamical Effects of Equivalent Series Resistance of Output Capacitor in Constant On-Time Controlled Buck Converter”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 2013, 60(5), 1759-1768
Guohua Zhou, Jianping Xu, Fei Zhang, “Unified Pulse-Width Modulation Scheme for Improved Digital-Peak-Voltage Control of Switching DC-DC Converters”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 42(7), pp 671-686, 2014/7
Guohua Zhou, BoCheng Bao, Jianping Xu, “Complex Dynamics and Fast-Slow Scale Instability in Current-mode Controlled Buck Converter with Constant Current Load”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2013, 23(4): 1350062-1~15.
杨平、包伯成、沙金、许建平,“开关变换器斜坡补偿动力学机理研究”,物理学报,2013,62(1), 010504
何圣仲,周国华,许建平,包伯成,杨平,“V2控制Buck变换器等效建模与分岔分析”,物理学报,2013,62(11), 110503
沙金,许建平,“脉冲序列控制开关变换器的脉冲组合规律及其多周期态研究”,物理学报,2013, 62(21): 218402
杨平,许建平,何圣仲,包伯成,“电流控制二次型Boost变换器的动力学研究”,物理学报,2013, 62(16): 160501
吴松荣,何圣仲,许建平,周国华,王金平,“电压型双频率控制开关变换器的动力学建模与多周期行为分析”,物理学报,2013, 62(21): 218403
Jinping Wang, Jianping Xu, Guohua Zhou, and Bocheng Bao,“Pulse Train Controlled CCM Buck Converter with Small ESR Output Capacitor”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics 2013, 60 (12): 5875–5881
Mingzhi He, Fei Zhang, Jianping Xu, Ping Yang, Tiesheng Yan, “High Efficiency Two-Switch Tri-State Buck-Boost PFC Converter With Fast Dynamic Response and Low Inductor Current Ripple”, IET Power Electronics, Vol. 6, No.8, Aug. 2013, pp.1544-1554
Jin Sha, Jianping XU, Bocheng Bao, Tiesheng Yan, “Effects of Circuit Parameters on Dynamics of Current-Mode Pulse Train Controlled Buck Converter”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(3): 1562-1573
Guohua Zhou, Jianping Xu, and Jinping Wang, “Constant-Frequency Peak-Ripple-Based Control of Buck Converter in CCM: Review, Unification and Duality”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol.61, No.3, Mar. 2014, pp.1280-1291
吴松荣,周国华,王金平,许建平,何圣仲,“多频率控制开关变换器的自相似和混频现象分析”,物理学报,2014, 63(2): 028401
何圣仲,周国华,许建平,吴松荣,陈利,“输出电容时间常数对V2控制Buck变换器的动力学特性的影响”,物理学报,2014,63(13),130501-1~ 130501-12
沙金,许建平,刘姝晗,钟曙,“谷值电流型脉冲序列控制开关变换器及其能量建模研究”,物理学报,2014,63(9), 098401-1~098401-9
钟曙,沙金,许建平,许丽君,周国华,“脉冲跨周期调制连续导电模式Buck变换器低频波动现象研究”,物理学报,2014,63(19) ,198401-1~198401-9
沙金,许建平,钟曙,许丽君,“电流型脉冲序列控制Buck变换器工作在电感电流连续导电模式时的多周期行为研究”,物理学报,2014,63(24),pp 404-412
B.C. Bao, J. Yang, J.P. Xu, X. Zhang, and G.H. Zhou, “Effect of output capacitor ESR on dynamic performance of voltage-mode hysteretic controlled buck converter”, Electronics Letters, vol. 49, no. 20, pp. 1293-1294, Sep. 2013.
Jin Sha, Jianping Xu, Shu Zhong, Shuhan Liu, “Valley Current Mode Pulse Train Control Technique for Switching DC-DC Converters”, Electronics Letters, 50(4), 2014, pp.311 - 313
Zhangyong Chen, Jianping Xu, “High boost ratio DC-DC converter with ripple-free input current”, Electronics Letters, 2014, 50(5): 353-355.
Zhangyong Chen, Qun Zhou, Jianping Xu, Xiang Zhou, “Asymmetrical Pulse-Width -Modulated Full-Bridge Secondary Dual Resonance DC-DC Converter”, Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 1224-1232, Nov. 2014
Tiesheng Yan, Jianping Xu, Fei Zhang, Jin Sha, and Zheng Dong,“Variable On-Time Controlled Critical Conduction Mode Flyback PFC Converter”,IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics,2014,61(11), pp.6091 – 6099
Tiesheng Yan, Jianping Xu, Xueshan Liu, Guohua Zhou, Jianlong Gao, “Flicker-free transformerless LED driving circuit based on quadratic buck PFC converter ”, Electronics Letters, vol. 50, no. 25, pp. 1972-1973, Dec. 2014.
Jin Sha, Jianping Xu, Lijun Xu, Shu Zhong, “Capacitor Current Feedback Pulse Train Control Technique for Switching DC-DC Converters”, Electronics Letters, 2014, 50(15), pp.1088 – 1090
Bao Bo-Cheng,Hu Feng-Wei,Liu Zhong,Xu Jianping,“Mapping equivalent approach to analysis and realization of memristor-based dynamical circuit”, Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23(7), 070503-1~070503-8
Zhangyong Chen, Qun Zhou, Jianping Xu, “Coupled-inductor boost integrated flyback converter with high-voltage gain and ripple-free input current”, IET Power Electronics, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 213-220, Feb. 2015.
Jin Sha, Jianping Xu, Shu Zhong, Shuhan Liu and Lijun Xu, “Control Pulse Combination Based Analysis of Pulse Train Controlled DCM Switching DC-DC Converters”
,IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 246-255, Jan. 2015.
Xueshan Liu, Jianping Xu, Zhangyong Chen, Nan Wang, "Single-Inductor Dual-Output Buck-Boost Power Factor Correction Converter",IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 943-952, Feb. 2015
沙金,许建平,陈一鸣,“离散移相控制全桥DC-DC变换器的能量迭代建模及多周期态研究”,物理学报,Vol. 64, No. 10, pp. 108401, May. 2015.
Junpeng He, Jianping Xu, Tiesheng Yan, “Peak current-controlled CRM flyback PFC converter with square of line voltage compensated primary current envelope”, Electronics Letters, vol. 51, no. 9, pp. 684-685, Apr. 2015.
Yaping Cai, Jianping Xu, Zhangyong Chen and Xiang Zhou, “High-efficiency high step-up PWM resonant converter”, Electronics Letters, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 512-513, Mar. 2015
He Shengzhong, Xu Jianping, Zhou Guohua, Bao Bocheng, and Yan Tiesheng,“Stability Control and Mode Shift of Ramp Compensation in V2 Controlled Buck Converter”,Chinese Journal of Electronics,vol. 24, no. 2, pp.295-299,April, 2015
Ping Yang, Chi K. Tse, Jianping Xu, and Guohua Zhou, “Synthesis and Analysis of Double-Input Single-Output DC/DC Converters” IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 62(10), pp 6284-6295, Oct. 2015
Xueshan Liu, Duo Xu, Qi Yang, Jianping Xu, “A resonant two-string LED driver with power factor correction and passive current sharing”, Electronics Letters, 2015, 51(23), pp. 1904-1906.
Shu Zhong, Jianping Xu, Xuejian Chen, Xiang Zhou, “Battery powered high efficiency single-stage switching amplifier”, Electronics Letters, 2016, 52(12):1052-1054.
Xiang Zhou, Jianping Xu, Xuejian Chen, Shu Zhong, “Soft-switching step-up/down DC-DC converter with bipolar outputs” , Electronics Letters, 2016, 50(16): 1404-1406
Shu Zhong, Jianping Xu, Xuejian Chen, Xiang Zhou, “High efficiency two-channel single-stage switching amplifier with power switches multiplexing”, Electronics Letters, 2016, 52(17):1499-1501
Xuefeng Lin, Jianping Xu, Xiang Zhou, Guohua Zhou, “ZVZCS DC/DC converter with high step-up and high efficiency”, Electronics Letters, 2016, 52(14),pp.: 1250 – 1252
Xueshan Liu, Jianping Xu, Qi Yang, Duo Xu, “A high-efficiency multi-string LED driver based on constant current bus with time-multiplexing control”, Electronics Letters, 2016, 52(9), pp. 746 - 748
Jin Sha, Duo Xu, Yiming Chen, Jianping Xu, Barry Williams, “A Peak Capacitor Current Pulse-Train Controlled Buck Converter with Fast Transient Response and a Wide Load Range”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol.63, No.3, pp.1528-1538, March, 2016
Xi Zhang, Jianping Xu, Bocheng Bao and Guohua Zhou, “Asynchronous-Switching Map Based Stability Effects of Circuit Parameters in Fixed Off-Time Controlled Buck Converter”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, 2016, 31(9):6686-6697
Zhengge Chen, Ping Yang, Guohua Zhou, Jianping Xu, Zhangyong Chen, “Variable Duty Cycle Control for Quadratic Boost PFC Converter", IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 2016, 63(7), pp. 4222 – 4232
Shu Zhong, Jianping Xu, Sheng Zhao, Xiang Zhou, “Bi-frequency control for LLC resonant converter with fast transient response”, Electronics Letters, 2016, 52(12): 1499-1501
Yao Wang, Jianping Xu, and Guohua Zhou, “A cross regulation analysis for single-inductor dual-output CCM buck converters,” Journal of Power Electronics, 2016,16(5), pp. 1802- 1812
Xi Zhang, Jianping Xu, Jiahui Wu, Bocheng Bao, Guohua Zhou, and Kaitun Zhang, “Reduced-Order Mapping and Design-Oriented Instability for Constant On-Time Current- Mode Controlled Buck Converter with PI Compensator”, Journal of Power Electronics, vol.17, no. 5, pp. 1298-1307, 2017
Xueshan Liu, Qi Yang, Qun Zhou, Jianping Xu, Guohua Zhou, “Single-Stage Single-Switch Four-Output Resonant LED Driver with High Power Factor and Passive Current Balancing”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 32, No.6, pp. 4566 - 4576, 2017
Yaping Cai, Jianping Xu, Gao Liu, Zhanhui Yao, Guohua Zhou, “Effect of loop gain of ripple cancellation converter on twice-line-frequency voltage ripple in PFC converter”, Electronics Letters, vol. 53, no. 13, pp. 873-875, 2017
Yiming Chen, Jianping Xu, Jing Cao, Leiming Lin and Hongbo Ma,“PWM-PFM Hybrid Controlled LCC Resonant Converter with Wide ZVS Range and Narrow Switching Frequency Variation”, Electronics Letters, vol. 53, no. 17, pp. 1218-1220, 2017
Leiming Lin, Jianping Xu, Yiming Chen, Xiaoqiang Wang, Jing Cao, “Asymmetrical hybrid controlled half-bridge LCC resonant converter with low conduction loss and wide ZVS operation range”, Electronics Letters, vol. 53, no. 21, pp. 1422-1424, 2017
Xiaolong Li, Jianping Xu, Shungang Xu, Shengxian Zhuang and Fuban Qin, “Two-switch equalizer for series-connected battery stack using Zeta type converter and symmetrical capacitor-diode circuit”, Electronics Letters, vol. 53, no. 24, pp. 1600-1602, 2017
Yao Wang, Jianping Xu, Duo Xu, “Effect of Circuit Parameters on the Stability and Boundaries of Peak Current Mode Single-Inductor Dual-Output Buck Converters”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 65(07), pp. 5445-5455, 2018
Qun Zhou, Chenqiong Liu, Xueshan Liu, Xi Zhang, Jianping Xu, Keyu Cao, “Effect of intermediate capacitance on slow-scale instability of Cuk PFC converter operating in discontinuous capacitor voltage mode”, IET Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 14, pp. 1975- 1981, 2017
Hongbo Ma, Gang Chen, Junhong Yi, Qingwei Meng, Lanhua Zhang, Jianping Xu, “A Single-Stage PFM-APWM Hybrid Modulated Soft-Switched Converter with Low Bus Voltage for High-Power LED Lighting Applications”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol.64, No.7, pp. 5777-5788, 2017
Xueshan Liu, Qun Zhou, Jianping Xu, Yong Lei, Peng Wang and Yingwei Zhu, “High-Efficiency Resonant LED Backlight Driver with Passive Current Balancing and Dimming”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, 65(07), pp. 5476-5486, 2018
Hongbo Ma, Yuan Li, J.S. Lai, C. Zheng, Jianping Xu, “An Improved Bridgeless SEPIC PFC Converter without Circulating Losses and Input Voltage Sensing”, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1447-1455, 2018
Hongbo Ma, Yuan Li, Qiang Chen, Lanhua Zhang, Jianping Xu, “A Single-Stage Integrated Boost-LLC AC-DC Converter with Quasi-Constant Bus Voltage for Multi-channel LED Street-Lighting Applications”, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol 6, No.3, 1143-1153, 2018
Xiang Zhou, Jianping Xu, Shu Zhong, “Single-Stage Soft-Switching Low-Distortion Bipolar PWM Modulation High-Frequency-Link DC-AC Converter with Clamping Circuits”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 10, 7719-7729, 2018
Shu Zhong, Jianping Xu, Xiang Zhou, “2.1-Channel Switching Amplifier with DC/ High-Frequency-AC Mixed Power Supply for Efficiency Improvement and Bus Voltage Pumping Elimination”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol.33, No.11, pp. 9110-9115, 2018
Shu Zhong, Jianping Xu, Xiang Zhou, “High Efficiency Zero Voltage Switching Single-Stage Switching Amplifier with Half Bridge Active Clamping Circuit”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 65, No. 11, pp. 8574-8584, Nov. 2018
Xueshan Liu, Xuewen Li, Qun Zhou, Jianping Xu, “Flicker-Free Single-Switch Quadratic Boost LED Driver Compatible with Electronic Transformers”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 66, No. 5, 3458-3467, 2019
Yiming Chen, Jianping Xu, Yao Wang, Leiming Lin, Jing Cao, “A Dual Carrier Modulation Technique for Half-Bridge Resonant Converter with Wide Soft Switching Range”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol.66, No.1, pp.223-232, 2019
Yao Wang, Jianping Xu, “Cross Regulation Suppression and Stability Analysis of Capacitor Current Ripple Controlled SIDO CCM Buck Converter”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol.66, No.3, pp.1770-1780, 2019
Yaping Cai, Jianping Xu, Ping Yang, Jiahui Wu and Jin Sha, “Evaluation and Suppression of Low-Frequency Output Voltage Rippe of Single-Stage AC/DC Converter Based on Output Impedance Model”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 66, No.4, pp. 2803-2813, April 2019
Huan Luo, Jianping Xu, Yiwen Luo, Jin Sha, “A Digital Pulse Train Controlled High Power Factor DCM Boost PFC Converter over Universal Input Voltage Range”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 66, No.4, pp. 2814-2824, April 2019
Yiming Chen, Jianping Xu, Jin Sha, Leiming Lin, Jing Cao, “An Improved Fundamental Harmonic Approximation to Describe Filter Inductor Influence on Steady-State Performance of Parallel-Type Resonant Converter”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 34, No.3, pp. 2467-2478, March 2019
Xueshan Liu, Xuewen Li, Qun Zhou, Jianping Xu, “Flicker-Free Single Switch Multi-String LED Driver with High Power Factor and Current Balancing”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 34(7), 6747-6759, July 2019
Xiang Zhou, Jianping Xu, Shu Zhong, Yanfei Liu, “Soft Switching Symmetric Bipolar Outputs DC-Transformer (DCX) for Eliminating Power Supply Pumping of Half Bridge Class-D Audio Amplifier”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 34(7), 6440-6455, July 2019
Yaping Cai, Jianping Xu, Ping Yang, and Gao Liu, “Design of Double-Line-Frequency Ripple Controller for Quasi-Single-Stage AC/DC Converter with Audio Susceptibility Model”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol.66(12), 9226-9237, Dec. 2019
Xiaolong Li, Jianping Xu, Shungang Xu, Fuban Qin and Shengxian Zhuang, “Modularised non-isolated two-switch equaliser using full-wave voltage multiplier for series-connected battery/super-capacitor”, IET Power Electronics, 12(4), 2019, pp.869-877
Ping Yang, Jin Cao, Zerong Shang, Yaping Cai, Jianping Xu, "Double-line-frequency ripple suppression of A Quasi-Single-Stage AC-DC Converter", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 67(10), 2074-2078, Oct. 2020
Yiming Chen, Jianping Xu, Yanan Gao, Leiming Lin, Jing Cao, Hongbo Ma, “Analysis and Design of Phase-Shift Pulse-Frequency Modulated Full Bridge LCC Resonant Converter”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol.67, No.2, pp. 1092-1102, Feb. 2020
Xiaoqiang Wang, Jianping Xu, Hongbo Ma, Yan Zhang, “A Reconstructed S-LCC Topology with Dual-Type Outputs for Inductive Power Transfer Systems”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 35, No. 12, pp.12606-12611, Dec. 2020
Huan Luo, Jianping Xu, Daying He, Jin Sha, “Pulse Train Control Strategy for CCM Boost PFC Converter with Improved Dynamic Response and Unity Power Factor”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol.67, No.12, pp.10377-10387, Dec. 2020
Xiaoqiang Wang, Jianping Xu, Hongbo Ma, Ping Yang, “A High Efficiency LCC-S Compensated WPT System with Dual Decoupled Receive Coils and Cascaded PWM Regulator”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 67, No. 12, pp.3142-3146,Dec. 2020
Xiaobin Li, Hongbo Ma*, Junhong Yi, Song Lu, Jianping Xu, “A Comparative Study of GaN HEMT and Si MOSFET-Based Active Clamp Forward Converters”, Energies, 2020, 13, 4160; doi:10.3390/en13164160
Hongbo Ma, Xiaobin Li, Bin Zhang, Junhong Yi, Xiaoqiang Wang, Jianping Xu, “Design and optimization of 3-kW inductive power transfer charging system with compact asymmetric loosely coupled transformer for special applications”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Appl. 2020;1–17.
Qiang Chen, Jianping Xu, Zhuangyi Tao, Hongbo Ma, Cheng Chen, “Analysis of Sector Update Delay and its Effect on Digital Control Three-phase Six-Switch Buck PFC Converters with Wide Ac Input Frequency”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp.931- 946, Jan.2021
Duo Xu, Shu Zhong, Jianping Xu, “Bipolar Phase Shift Modulation Single-Stage Audio Amplifier Employing a Full Bridge Active Clamp for High Efficiency Low Distortion”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 68, No.2, 1118-1129, Feb. 2021
Qiang Chen, Jianping Xu, Rui Huang, Weisu Wang, Lei Wang, “A Digital Control Strategy with Simple Transfer Matrix for Three-Phase Buck Rectifier under Unbalanced AC Input Conditions”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol.36, No. 4, 3661-3666, April, 2021
Qiang Chen, Jianping Xu, Lei Wang, Rui Huang, and Hongbo Ma, “Analysis and Improvement of the Effect of Distributed Parasitic Capacitance on High Frequency High Density Three-Phase Buck Rectifier”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol.36, No. 6, 6415-6428, June 2021
Qiang Chen, Jianping Xu, Fei Zeng, Rui Huang, and Lei Wang, “An Improved Three-Phase Buck Rectifier with Low Voltage Stress on Switching Devices”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 36, No.6, 6168-6174, June 2021
Xiaoqiang Wang, Jianping Xu, Mengchuan Mao, Hongbo Ma, “An LCL-Based SS Compensated WPT Converter with Wide ZVS Range and Integrated Coil Structure”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 68, No. 6, 4882-4893, June 2021
Ping Yang, Xi Chen, Rongqian Chen, Yusheng Peng, Songrong Wu, Jianping Xu,"Stability Improvement of Pulse Power Supply With Dual-Inductance Active Storage Unit Using Hysteresis Current Control", IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems,Vol.11, No.1, 111-120, Mar. 2021
Xiaoqiang Wang, Jianping Xu, Minrui Leng, Hongbo Ma, Shuze He, “A Hybrid Control Strategy of LCC-S Compensated WPT System for Wide Output Voltage and ZVS Range with Minimized Reactive Current”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol.68, No. 9, 7908- 7920, Sept. 2021
Xueshan Liu, Wenhan Liu, Mingzhi He, Wei Wang, Qun Zhou, Jianping Xu, “Boost-Type Single-Stage Step-Down Resonant Power Factor Correction Converter”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 68, No.9, 8081-8092, Sept. 2021
Junhong Yi, Hongbo Ma, Xiaobin Li, Sone Lu, Jianping Xu, “A Novel Hybrid PFM/IAPWM Control Strategy and Optimal Design for Single-Stage Interleaved Boost-LLC AC-DC Converter with Quasi-Constant Bus Voltage”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol.68, No. 9, 8116-8127, Sept. 2021
Xiaoqiang Wang, Jianping Xu, Hongbo Ma, Shuze He, “Inductive Power Transfer Systems with Digital Switch-Controlled Capacitor for Maximum Efficiency Point Tracking”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 68, No.10, 9467-9480, Oct. 2021
Xiaoqiang Wang, Jianping Xu, Minrui Leng, Hongbo Ma, and Tomislav Dragicevic, “Individually Regulated Dual-Output IPT System Based on Current-Mode Switching Cells”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 68, No. 12, 12930-12934, Dec. 2021
Yao Wang, Jianping Xu, Fuban Qin, Dalin Mou, "A Capacitor Current and Capacitor Voltage Ripple Controlled SIDO CCM Buck Converter with Wide Load Range and Reduced Cross Regulation", IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 69, No. 1, 270 - 281, Jan. 2022
Xiaoqiang Wang, Jianping Xu, Song Lu, Sheng Ren, Minrui Leng, Hongbo Ma, “Single- Receiver Multi-Output Inductive Power Transfer System with Independent Regulation and Unity Power Factor”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics,Vol. 37, No.1, 1159-1171, Jan. 2022
Rui Huang, Duo Xu, Feiming Liu, Jin Sha, Jianping Xu, “Embedded Bidirectional Buck- Boost Converter in Half Bridge Class-D Audio Amplifier for Suppressing Bus Voltage Pumping", IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 69, No. 2, 1454-1464, Feb. 2022
Xinghai Geng, Jianping Xu, Lei Wang, Zhengge Chen, Rui Huang, “Performance Analysis and Improvement of PI-Type Current Controller in Digital Average Current Mode Controlled Three-Phase Six-Switch Boost PFC Rectifier”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No. 7, 7871-7882, July 2022
Zhengge Chen, Jianping Xu, Pooya Davari, Huai Wang, “A Mixed Conduction Mode Controlled Bridgeless Boost PFC Converter and Its Mission Profile Based Reliability Analysis”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No. 8, 9674-9686, Aug. 2022
Lei Wang, Jianping Xu, Qiang Chen, Zhengge Chen, Rui Huang, “An Improved Trapezoidal Voltage Method for Dead-time Compensation in Three-phase Voltage Source Converter”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No. 8, 8785-8789, Aug. 2022
Zhengge Chen, Jianping Xu, Xueshan Liu, Pooya Davari, Huai Wang, “High Power Factor Bridgeless Integrated Buck-Type PFC Converter with Wide Output Voltage Range”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No.10, 12577-12590, Oct. 2022
Lei Wang, Jianping Xu, Qiang Chen, Zhengge Chen, Xinghai Geng, and Kai Lin, “Improved PWM Strategies to Mitigate Dead-Time Distortion in Three-phase Voltage Source Converter”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No.12, 14692-14705, Dec. 2022
Rui Huang, Jianping Xu, Qiang Chen, Xia Guo, Chenli Zhou, "An Optimized Asymmetric Modulation Scheme for Three-Phase Buck Rectifier Without Input Current Distortion at the Sector Boundaries", IEEE Trans on Power Electronics,Vol.37, No. 12, 14040-14044, Dec. 2022
Rui Huang, Jianping Xu, Qiang Chen, Lei Wang, Xinghai Geng, “Independent Current Control with Differential Feedforward for Three-Phase Boost PFC Rectifier in Wide ac Input Frequency Application”, IEEEJournal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2022
Xiaoqiang Wang, Liangxi He, Jianping Xu, Chi Kwan Lee, “Widening the Operating Range of a Wireless Charging System using Tapped Transmitter Winding and Bi-frequency Pulse-Train Control”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics (Accept)
Feiming Liu, Jianping Xu, Zhengge Chen, Rui Huang, and Xin Chen, “A Constant Frequency ZVS Modulation Scheme for Four-Switch Buck-Boost Converter with Wide Input and Output Voltage Ranges and Reduced Inductor Current”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics (Accept)
Xiaoqiang Wang, Liangxi He, Jianping Xu, Chi Kwan Lee, Chi K. Tse, “Power Spilt Based Wireless Charging System with Communication-Free Coordination Control”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics (Accept)
Rui Huang, Jianping Xu, Qiang Chen, Xia Guo, Haibin Cao, “Reconstructed Phase Voltages Based Power Following Control for Three-phase Buck Rectifier Under Unbalanced Phase Voltages and Wide ac Input Frequency", IEEE Trans on Power Electronics (Accept)
Jian Chen, Jianping XU, Wensheng Sone, et al, “A Suppression Method for Gate-Source Voltage Oscillation with Clamping Function for GaN Devices”, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics (Accept)