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教师英文名称:XU George
毕业院校:Louisiana State University
学科:结构工程. 防灾减灾工程及防护工程. 桥梁与隧道工程
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入选美国斯坦福大学与爱思唯尔(Elsevier)发布的《全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单2024》(World's Top 2% Scientists 2024)“2024年度科学影响排行榜”。完整榜单:https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/7
学术兼职 (Professional Activities)
Member, ASCE
Member, COPRI (Coasts, Oceans, Ports & Rivers Institute), ASCE
Committee Member, EMI (Engineering Mechanics Institute), Fluid Dynamics Committee, ASCE
Engineering Editor (ECEB, Early Career Editorial Board), Natural Hazards Review, ASCE (2020-2021)
Editorial Board (ECEB), Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE (2020- )
Young Academic Editor (YAE), Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (JTTE) (2020- )
青年编委,《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》(2020- )
编辑委员会委员(第九届), 《华东交通大学学报》(2021- )
Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue "Advances in Sea-crossing Bridge and Submerged Floating Tunnel" on Applied Ocean Research
Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue "Intelligent Bridge Engineering" on Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure
Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue "Complex Wind Field and Bridge Aerodynamics" on JTTE
Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue "Load Evaluation and Condition Assessment for Coastal Bridges" on Advances in Bridge Engineering
Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue "Disaster Prevention and Mitigation for Coastal Bridges" on Advances in Bridge Engineering
Guest Editor, Special Issue "Reliability-based Service-life Assessment of Aging Bridges" on Infrastructures
Related Profiles
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Guoji_Xu
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=RstmTr8AAAAJ&hl=En
Google Sites: https://sites.google.com/view/guoji-xu
6. 省重点项目,近海桥梁多极端动力灾害作用及防护,2024.01-2026.12,主持
5. 面上项目,跨海桥梁风-浪-船撞作用机理及防护研究,2024.01-2027.12,主持
4. 面上项目,近海岸桥梁在畸形波作用下的受荷机理及减荷措施研究,2021.01-2024.12,主持
3. NSF, CMMI 1612843, Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure: Computational Modeling and Simulation Center, $10, 900, 000. 2016-2021, 参研
2. NSF, CCF 1539567, CyberSEES: A Coastal Resilience Collaboratory: Cyber-enabled Discoveries for Sustainable Deltaic Coasts, $1, 199, 154. 2015-2019, 参研
1. NSF, CMMI 0927824, Investigation and Damage Mitigation of Low-lying Coastal Bridges under Hurricane-induced Wind and Wave Actions, $179, 000. 2009-2015, 参研
Structural Dynamics (Lectured in English) 2020 (Fall)
结构动力学 2020(秋季)
桥梁工程课程设计 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023(秋季)
桥梁抗风抗震设计 2020, 2021(秋季)
工程结构有限元分析 2024(春季)
Integrated Design Project (Bridge Design) 2024 (Spring)
Journal Reviewer
ASCE: International Journal of Geomechanics, Journal of Bridge Engineering, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Natural Hazards Review, Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
Elsevier: Applied Computing and Infomatics, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Coastal Engineering, Construction & Building Materials, Engineering Structures, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Measurement, Ocean Engineering, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Springer: China Ocean Engineering
Wiley: Engineering Reports
Other Publishers: Advances in Structural Engineering, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Journal of Coastal Research, Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Structural Engineering International, Smart Structures and Systems, Wind and Structures, World Journal of Engineering
中文期刊: 中国公路学报, 中南大学学报, 应用基础与工程科学学报, 铁道科学与工程学报, 西南交通大学学报, 建筑科学与工程学报
Journal Papers Published:
101. Hongyu Jia, Yikun Zhai, Jian Zheng, Li Xu, Shixiong Zheng, Guoji Xu* (2025). "Seismic response of a fault-crossing suspension bridge: Insights into fluid-solid interactions.” Structures, xxx, 108115.
100. Guoji Xu, Shuangjin Leng, Shihao Xue*, Yuanjie Jin, Jinsheng Wang*, Ahsan Kareem (2025). "Performance and mechanisms of a novel breakwater for protecting coastal box girder bridges form freak waves.” Ocean Engineering, 315, 119785.
99. Lianghao Zou, Faqiang Qiu, Guoji Xu*, Tianyi Shi, Ahsan Kareem (2025). "Contribution of the Second Mode to Wind-induced Response of Prismatic Tall Buildings.” Engineering Structures, 322, 119202.
98. Guoji Xu, Zexing Jiang, Jiaguo Zhou, Lele Xu, Zhengbowen Liao, Yong Xu* (2024). "Hydrodynamic optimization and performance verification of fairings for round-ended cofferdams using dam-break wave experiments and numerical simulations” Applied Ocean Research, 153, 104247.
97. Jamie F. Townsend, Guoji Xu*, Yuanjie Jin (2024). "Roughness constant selection for atmospheric boundary layer simulations using a k-w SST turbulence model within a commercial CFD solver” Advances in Wind Engineering, 1, 100005.
96. Jiaguo Zhou, Guoji Xu*, Zexing Jiang, Yongle Li, Jinsheng Wang* (2024). "Adaptive Kriging-based method with learning function allocation scheme and hybrid convergence criterion for efficient structural reliability analysis” Engineering with Computers, In press.
95. Mingjuan Li, Shuangjin Leng, Yifan Wang, Shihao Xue, Jinsheng Wang*, Guoji Xu, Stergios Aristoteles (2024). "Hydrodynamic analysis of sea-crossing bridge piers subjected to freak waves” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Bridge Engineering, In press.
94. Guoji Xu, Qinghong Wu, Zexing Jiang, Nalong Ma, Shihao Xue*, Changrong Yao*, Jialin Yang (2024). "Enhancing tsunami resilience for coastal bridge piers through seawall-integrated breakwaters: An experimental study” Ocean Engineering, 310, 118744.
93. Shuangjin Leng, Shihao Xue, Yuanjie Jin, Guoji Xu*, Weibo Xie (2024). "Wave dissipation effect of a new combined breakwater and its protective performance for coastal box girder bridges” Advances in Bridge Engineering, 5:18.
92. Guoji Xu, Xin Chen, Zhiyang Cao, Jian Dai, Jinsheng Wang (2024). "Probabilistic models of marine environmental variables and their impact on dynamic responses of a sea-crossing suspension bridge” Ocean Engineering, 308, 118210.
91. Guoji Xu, Qinghong Wu, Shihao Xue*, Jinsheng Wang, Maolin Tang (2024). "Experimental and numerical investigation of fairing countermeasure for tsunami forces on three different types of bridge superstructure” Ocean Engineering, 305, 117888.
90. Zhiyang Cao, Zhanhui Liu*,Guoji Xu*, Han Lin, Xiaolun Li, Nikolaos Nikitas (2024). "Risk assessment and prevention for typical railway bridge pier under rockfall impact” Structures, 62, 106178.
89. Guoji Xu, Weibo Xie, Yong Xu*, Shihao Xue, Xuebin Chen, Gangfeng Ma (2024). "Comparative study on hydrodynamic characteristics of T-deck and box-deck bridges under freak waves” Ocean Engineering, 299, 117301.
88. Pinhan Zhou, Lian Shen*, Yan Han*, Lihua Mi, Guoji Xu (2024). "A short-term wind speed prediction method utilizing rolling decomposition and time-series extension to avoid information leakage” Energy Sources, Part A: Recoery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 46(1), 3338-3362.
87. Guoji Xu, Shihao Xue*, Zexing Jiang, Jiaguo Zhou, Jinsheng Wang, Maolin Tang (2024). "A novel tri-semicircle shaped submerged breakwater for mitigating wave loads on coastal bridges Part II: Application perspective” Ocean Engineering, 288, 116152.
86. Guoji Xu, Xin Chen, Shihao Xue*, Jamie F. Townsend, Xuebin Chen, Maolin Tang (2023). "Numerical assessment of non-uniform terrain and inhomogeneous wave-current loading effects on the dynamic response of a submerged floating tunnel” Ocean Engineering, 288, 115942
85. Xiangjie Wang, C.S. Cai*, Peng Yuan, Guoji Xu, Chao Sun* (2024). "An efficient and accurate DSRFG method via nonuniform energy spectra discretization” Engineering Structures, 298, 117014
84. Jinsheng Wang, Guoji Xu*, Peng Yuan, Yongle Li, Ahsan Kareem (2024). "An efficient and versatile Kriging-based active learning method for structural reliability analysis” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 241, 109670.
83. 张静华*,李杰,蔡景毅,徐乐乐,徐国际 (2023). "基于PSO和ABAQUS二次开发的转体球铰耐磨板优化设计" 《公路工程》(已接收)
82. Shihao Xue, Guoji Xu*, Weibo Xie, Lele Xu, Zexing Jiang (2023). "Characteristics of freak wave and its interaction with marine structures: A review” Ocean Engineering, 287, 115764. (IF=4.372)
81. Jamie F. Townsend, Guoji Xu*, Yuanjie Jin, Enbo Yu, Huan Wei, Yan Han (2023). "On the development of a generalized atmospheric boundary layer velocity profile for offshore engineering applications considering wind-wave interaction" Ocean Engineering, 286, 115621.
80. Guoji Xu, Zhiyang Cao, Jinsheng Wang, Shihao Xue, Maolin Tang (2023). "A novel machine learning-based framework for predicting impact force in ship-bridge pier collisions" Ocean Engineering, 285, 115347.
79. Xuebin Chen*, Junhong Liang*, Guoji Xu, Qin Chen (2023). "A study on the interaction between circular or elliptical cross-section submerged floating tunnels and elevation internal solitary waves" Ocean Engineering, 285, 115291.
78. Hongxi Qin, Zexing Jiang, Yuanjie Jin, Jinsheng Wang*, Guoji Xu* (2023). "Active learning-based hydrodynamic shape optimization and numerical simulation of auxiliary structures for circular bridge piers" Ocean Engineering, 281, 114825.
77. Jamie F. Townsend, Jinsheng Wang, Tom-Robin Teschner, Guoji Xu* (2023). "Towards an optimized design for an elevated cyclonic home using numerical simulations and active learning framework" Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrail Aerodynamics. 239, 105445.
76. Changjiang Shao*, Wei Wang, Guoji Xu, Qiming Qi, Chunyang Wang (2023). "Assessment on effective stiffness of RC hollow columns based upon semi-static experiment" Structures, 53, 882-894.
75. Yong Xu, Lele Xu, Guoji Xu*, Shihao Xue, Jinsheng Wang (2023). "Numerical simulation and fragility analysis of coastal bridges with tension-compression bearings under extreme waves” Ocean Engineering, 276, 114265.
74. Guoji Xu, Chengjie Ji, Yong Xu, Enbo Yu, Zhiyang Cao, Qinghong Wu, Pengzhi Lin, Jinsheng Wang (2023). "Machine Learning in coastal bridge hydrodynamics: A state-of-the-art review” Applied Ocean Research, 134, 103511.
73. Peng Hu, Wei Cheng, Guoji Xu, Yan Han*, Naijie Yan, Ningning Wang (2023). "Prediction of buffeting responses of the thin plate under joint action of wave and wind using LSTM and transfer learning” Applied Ocean Research, 134, 103514.
72. Zhiyang Cao, Jinsheng Wang, Guoji Xu*, Changjiang Shao, Jian Yang (2023). "Dynamic Performance of Triple-column Bridge Pier under Barge Collision” Ocean Engineering, 271, 113763.
71. Xun Zhang Lidong Wang, Yan Han*, Guoji Xu, C.S. Cai, Hanyun Liu (2023). "An efficient method for predicting wheel-rail forces in coupled nonlinear train-track-bridge system using artificial neural networks” Advances in Structural Engineering, 26(7), 1228-1241. (https://doi.org/10.1177/13694332231156989)
70. Jinsheng Wang, Zhiyang Cao, Guoji Xu*, Jian Yang, Ahsan Kareem (2023). "An adaptive Kriging method based on K-means clustering and sampling in n-Ball for structural reliability analysis” Engineering Computations, 40(2), 378-410. (https://doi.org/10.1108/EC-12-2021-0705)
69. Qinghong Wu, Guoji Xu*, Shihao Xue, Jinsheng Wang, Yongle Li (2023). "Experimental and numerical investigation of combined countermeasure for mitigating tsunami forces on typical coastal T-girder bridge deck” Ocean Engineering, 268, 113419.
68. Yikang Liu, Jian Yang, Guoji Xu*, Huan Wei, E. Deng (2023). "Performance of UHPC Bridge Piers Subjected to Heavy Vehicle Collisions and Probability Analysis of Damage Level” Structures, 47: 212-232
67. Jamie F. Townsend, Tom-Robin Teschner, Guoji Xu*, Lianghao Zou, Yan Han, C.S. Cai (2023). "Experimental and Numerical Aerodynamic Analysis of an Elevated Beachfront House” Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrail Aerodynamics. 231, 105234.
66. Xuebin Chen, Guoji Xu, Zhiwu Chen, Ling Zhu, Shuqun Cai (2023). "A study of the interaction between depression internal solitary waves and submerged floating tunnels in stratified fluids” Applied Ocean Research, 132, 103455.
65. Lian Shen, Yan Han, Lihua Mi, Lei Xu, Guoji Xu, C.S. Cai (2023). "Assessment of the influences of post-construction facilities on pedestrain-level wind envrionment: An experimental study in Changsha, China” Urban Climate, 47, 101366.
64. Renda Zhao, Kaifeng Zheng, Xing Wei, Hongyu Jia, Xiaozhen Li, Qinghua Zhang, Guoji Xu, Yulin Zhan, Ruili Shen, Fang Zhang, Qianhui Pu, Hongye Gou and Chuanjin Yu (2022). "State-of-the-art and annual progress of bridge engineering” Advances in Bridge Engineering, 3:29.
63. Shuangjin Leng, Guoji Xu, Qinghong Wu (2022). "Review on tsunami-bridge interaction” Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure, 1, 1-13.
62. Guoji Xu, Huan Wei, Shihao Xue, Jinsheng Wang*, Yongle Li (2022). "Predicting Wave Loads on Coastal Bridges Using Genetic Algorithm Enhanced Ensemble Learning Framework” Ocean Engineering, 266, 112963. (IF=4.372)
61. Yong Xu, Guoji Xu*, Shihao Xue, Jinsheng Wang, Yongle Li (2022). "Failure mechanism and vulnerability assessment of coastal box-girder bridge with laminated rubber bearings under extreme waves.” Ocean Engineering, 266, 112834. (IF=4.372) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112834)
60. Guoji Xu, Chengjie Ji, Huan Wei, Jinsheng Wang*, Peng Yuan (2022). "A Novel Ensemble Model Using Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Wave Induced Forces on Coastal Bridge Decks.” Engineering with Computers (IF=7.555). (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-022-01745-z)
59. Enbo Yu, Yuanjie Jin, Guoji Xu*, Yan Han, Yongle Li (2022). "Aerodynamic Stability of Typical Sea-Crossing Bridge with Streamlined Box Girder under Wave-interfered Complex Wind Fields.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 228, 105101. (IF=4.437) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jweia.2022.105101)
58. Enbo Yu, Guoji Xu*, Yan Han, Yongle Li (2022). "An efficient short-term wind speed prediction model based on cross-channel data integration and attention mechanisms.” Energy, 256, 124569. (IF=8.857) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2022.124569)
57. Guoji Xu, Yuanjie Jin, Shihao Xue, Peng Yuan*, Jinsheng Wang (2022). "Hydrodynamic shape optimization of an auxiliary structure proposed for circular bridge pier based on a developed adaptive surrogate model.” Ocean Engineering, 259, 111869. (IF=4.372) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111869)
56. Guoji Xu, Huan Wei, Jinsheng Wang*, Xuebin Chen, Bing Zhu (2022). "A Local weighted Linear Regression (LWLR) Ensemble of Surrogate Models Based on Stacking Strategy: Application to Hydrodynamic Response Prediction for Submerged Floating Tunnel (SFT).” Applied Oean Research, 125, 103228. (IF=3.761) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2022.103228)
55. Shihao Xue, Weibo Xie, Guoji Xu*, Yan Han, Jinsheng Wang. (2022). "A Novel Combined Countermeasure of Fairing-Openings for Mitigating Extreme Wave Forces on Typical Coastal Low-Lying Bridges.” Ocean Engineering, 257, 111717. (IF=4.372) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111717)
54. Yan Han, Lihua Mi, Lian Shen*, C.S. Cai, Y Liu, K Li, Guoji Xu. (2022). "A short-term wind speed prediction method utilizing novel hybrid deep learning algorithms to correct numerical weather forecasting.” Applied Energy, 312, 118777.
53. Peng Yuan, D Zhu*, Y Dong, Guoji Xu. (2022). "Response-based bridge deck limit state considering component-level failure under extreme wave.” Marine Structures, 83, 103184.
52. Lei Wang, Ping Yuan, Guoji Xu, Yan Han*. (2022). "Quantification of non-uniform mechanical interlock and rotation in modelling bond-slip between strand and concrete.” Structures, 37:403-410.
51. Shihao Xue, Yong Xu, Guoji Xu*, Jinsheng Wang, Qin Chen. (2022). "A novel tri-semicircle shaped submerged breakwater for mitigating wave loads on coastal bridges Part I: Efficacy.” Ocean Engineering, 245, 110462. (IF=4.372) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.110462)
50. 魏凯,秦顺全,赵文玉,祝兵,徐国际. (2021). "桥梁水动力学2020年度研究进展.” 土木与环境工程学报(中英文), 43(S1):31-42. (DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.204)
49. Xiaowang Pan, Wenzhong Qu*, Lianghao Zou, Guoji Xu, Jie Song. (2021). "A practical combination method for wind-induced responses of high-rise buildings: based on the correlation of extremes.” Structures (Accepted)
48. Jinsheng Wang, Shihao Xue, Guoji Xu*. (2021). “A hybrid surrogate model for the prediction of solitary wave forces on the coastal bridge decks.” Infrastructures (Accepted)
47. Peng Hu, Fei Zhang, Yan Han*, Xuhui Zhou, Guoji Xu. (2021). “Dynamic Responses of the Rail Vehicle-bridge Coupling System Considering the Spanwise Correlation Functions in Vehicle Aerodynamic Forces.” Advances in Structural Engineering (Accepted)
46. Jinsheng Wang, Guoji Xu*, Yongle Li, Ahsan Kareem. (2021). “AKSE: A novel adaptive Kriging method combining sampling region scheme and error-based stopping criterion for structural reliability analysis.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety (Accepted)
45. Enbo Yu, Guoji Xu*, Yan Han, Peng Hu, Jamie F. Townsend, Yongle Li. (2021). “Bridge Vibration under Complex Wind Field and Corresponding Measurements: A Review.” Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (Accepted)
44. Jinsheng Wang, Chenfeng Li, Guoji Xu*, Yongle Li, Ahsan Kareem. (2021). “Efficient Structural Reliability Analysis based on Adaptive Bayesian Support Vector Regression.” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (Accepted)
43. Xuebin Chen, Guoji Xu, Chong Lin, et al. (2021). “A Comparative Study on Lateral Displacements of Movable T-Deck and Box-Deck under Solitary Waves” Structures (Accepted)
42. Wenzhang Wan, Jian Yang, Guoji Xu*, and Yikang Liu. (2021). “Determination and Evaluation of Holmquist-Johnson-Cook Constitutive Model Parameters for Ultra-High-Performance Concrete with Steel Fibers” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2:
41. 汪金胜,李永乐,杨剑,徐国际*. (2021). “基于贝叶斯支持向量回归机的自适应可靠度分析方法” 计算力学学报, 2:
40. Peng Yuan, Linfa Xiao*, Xiangjie Wang, and Guoji Xu. (2021). “Failure Mechanism of Corroded RC Beams Strengthened at Shear and Bending Positions” Engineering Structures, 2:
39. Peng Yuan, Dejian Li, C.S. Cai*, and Guoji Xu. (2021). “A Novel Decoupling Dynamic Method with Third-order Accuracy and Controllable Dissipation” Computers & Structures, 2:
38. Lian Shen, Yan Han*, Ying Yang, C.S. Cai, Guoji Xu, and Xugang Hua. (2021). “A Novel Canopy Drag Coefficient Model for Analyzing Urban Wind Environments Based on theLarge Eddy Simulation” Energies, 2:
37. Xin Chen, Ahsan Kareem, Guoji Xu, et al. (2021). “Optimal Tuned Mass Dampers for Wind Turbines Using a Sigmoid Satisfaction Function-based Multi-objective Optimization during Earthquakes ” Wind Energy,2:
36. Huan Li, Xuhui He*, Liang Hu, Guoji Xu. (2021). “Quantification of Aerodynamic Forces for Truss Bridge-girders based on Wind Tunnel Test and Kriging Surrogate Model ” Advances in Structural Engineering, 2:.
35. Enbo Yu, Huan Wei, Yan Han, Peng Hu, Guoji Xu*. (2021). “ Application of Time Series Prediction Techniques for Coastal Bridge Engineering.” Advances in Bridge Engineering, 2:.
34. Xuebin Chen, Zhiwu Chen, Guoji Xu*, et al. (2021). “ Review of Wave Forces on Bridge Decks with Experimental and Numerical Methods.” Advances in Bridge Engineering, 2:1.
33. Hua Bai, Naichuan Ji, Guoji Xu*, Ahsan Kareem (2021). “Aerodynamic performance of Π-shaped composite deck cable-stayed bridges including VIV mitigation measures.” Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrail Aerodynamics.
32. R.D. Zhao, Y. Yuan, et al. (2020). “ Review of annual progress of bridge engineering in 2019.” Advances in Bridge Engineering, 1:11.
31. Hua Bai, Naichuan Ji, Guoji Xu*, Jiawu Li (2020). “An alternative aerodynamic mitigation measure for improving bridge flutter and vortex induced vibration (VIV) stability: Sealed traffic barrier.” Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrail Aerodynamics, 206, 104302.
30. Xu Guoji, Kareem Ahsan, and Shen Lian* (2020). “Surrogate Modeling with Sequential Updating: Applications to Bridge Deck-wave and Bridge Deck-wind Interactions.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 34(4). (https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000904)
29. Yan Han, Ye Liu, Peng Hu, C.S. Cai*, Guoji Xu, and Jiaying Huang (2020). “Effect of unsteady aerodynamic loads on driving safety and comfort of trains running on bridges.” Advances in Structural Engineering, 23(13), 2898-2910.
28. Hu Peng, Xu Guoji, Han Yan*, Cai C.S., and Cheng Wei (2020). “Effects of inhomogeneous wind fields on the aerostatic stability of a long-span cable-stayed bridge located in the mountain-gorge terrain.” Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 33(3). (https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0001117)
27. Han Yan, Li Kai, Cai C.S., Wang Lei*, and Xu Guoji. (2020). “Fatigue reliability assessment of long-span steel-truss suspension bridges under combined random traffic and wind loads.” Journal of Bridge Engineering. 25(3). (https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001525)
26. Shen Lian, Han Yan*, Cai C.S., Xu Guoji, and Hua Xugang (2020). “Exceedance Probability Assessment of Pedestrian Wind Environment Based on Multiscale Coupling Numerical Simulation” Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 33(4). (https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0001126)
Prior to 2019
25. Yuan Peng, Cai C.S., Li Dejian, Xu Guoji*, and Li Chuanxi. (2019). “A novel method for determining the spatial responses of a cable-stayed bridge with four cable-planes”. Engineering Structures, 180, 223-233.
24. Yang Jian, Xu Guoji*, Cai C.S., and Kareem Ahsan. (2019). “Crash Performance Evaluation of a New Movable Median Guardrail on Highways.” Engineering Structures, 182, 459-472.
23. Xu Guoji*, Chen Q., and Chen J. (2018). “Prediction of Solitary Wave Forces on Coastal Bridge Decks Using Artificial Neural Networks” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 23(5): 04018023. (https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001215)
22. Yuan Peng, Xu Guoji*, Chen Q., and Cai C.S. (2018). “Framework of Practical Performance Evaluation and Interface Design for Bridge Deck-Wave Interaction.” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 23(7): 04018048. (https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001260)
21. Fan Fenghong, Liu Z.*, Xu Guoji, Peng H., and Cai C.S. (2018) “Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Fly Ash based Geopolymers.” Construction & Building Materials, 160, 66-81.
20. Han Y., Shen L., Xu Guoji, Cai C.S.*, Hu Peng., and Zhang J. (2018). “Multiscale simulation of wind field on a long-span bridge site in mountainous area”. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 177, 260-274.
19. Xu Guoji (2018). “Discussion of “Numerical Investigation of Connection Forces of a Coastal Bridge Deck Impacted by Solitary Waves” by Yalong Cai, A. Agrawal, Ke Qu, and H.S. Tang.” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 25(1), (https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001511)
18. Yuan Peng, Li Dejian, Cai C.S., and Xu Guoji*. (2018). “Time Integration Method with High Accuracy and Efficiency for Structural Dynamic Analysis”. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 145(3), (https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001574)
17. Yuan Peng, Li Dejian, Cai C.S., and Xu Guoji*. (2018). “An Efficient Decoupling Dynamic Algorithm for Coupled Multi-Spring-Systems”. Computers and Structures, 209, 44-56.
16. Xu Guoji*, Chen Q., Zhu L., and Chakrabarti A. (2018). “Characteristics of the Wave Loads on Coastal Low-lying Twin-deck Bridges.” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 32(1). (https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001128)
15. Xu Guoji*, and Cai C.S. (2017). “Numerical Investigation of the Lateral Restraining Stiffness Effect on the Bridge Deck-wave Interaction under Stokes Waves.” Engineering Structures, 130, 112-123.
14. Xu Guoji*, Cai C.S., Han Y., Wu C.L., and Xue F. (2017). “Numerical Assessment of the Wave Loads on Coastal Twin Bridge Decks under Stokes Waves.” Journal of Coastal Research, 34(3), 628-639.
13. Han Yan*, Chen Zhengqing, Hua Xugang, Feng Zhouquan, Xu Guoji (2017). “Wind Loads and Effects on Rigid Frame Bridges with Twin-legged High Piers at Erection Stages.” Advances in Structural Engineering, 20(10), 1586-1598.
12. Xu Guoji*, Cai C. S., and Chen Q. (2017). “Countermeasure of air venting holes in the bridge deck wave interaction under solitary waves.” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 31(1). (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000937)
11. Xu Guoji*, Cai C. S. and Deng L. (2017) “Numerical Prediction of Solitary Wave Forces on a Typical Bridge Deck with Girders.” Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 13(2), 254-272.
10. Hu Peng*, Li Yongle, Xu Guoji, Han Yan, Cai C.S., and Xue Fanrong. (2017) “Investigation of the Longitudinal Wind Power Spectra at the Gorge Terrain.” Advances in Structural Engineering, 20(11),1768-1783.
9. Hu Peng, Han Y.*, Xu Guoji, and Xue F. (2017). “Numerical Simulation of Wind Fields at the Bridge Site in Mountain-gorge Terrain by an updated Curved Boundary Transition Section.” Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 31(3): 04018008. (https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0000830)
8. Hu Peng*, Li Yongle, Han Yan, Cai C.S., and Xu Guoji. (2016) “Wind Tunnel Test on Wind Characteristics over a Simplified Gorge.” Advances in Structural Engineering, 20(10), 1599-1611. (https://doi.org/10.1177/1369433216680635)
7. Han Y., Chen H., Cai C.S.*, Xu Guoji, and Shen L. (2016). “Numerical analysis on the difference of drag force coefficients of bridge deck sections between the global force and pressure distribution methods”. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 159, 65-79.
6. Zou Lianghao, Xu Guoji*, C.S. Cai, and Liang Shuguo. (2016). “Wind Tunnel Tests of 3D Wind Loads on Tall Buildings Based on Torsional Motion-Induced Vibrations.” Wind and Structures. Vol. 23(3), 231-251.
5. Xu Guoji*, Cai C. S., Hu P., and Dong Z. (2016). “Component level based assessment of the solitary wave forces on a typical coastal bridge deck with girders and the countermeasure of air venting holes.” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, ASCE, 21(4). (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000291)
4. Xu Guoji, Cai C. S.*, and Han Y. (2015) “Investigating the Characteristics of the Solitary Wave-induced Forces on Coastal Twin Bridge Decks.” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 30(4). (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000821)
3. Xu Guoji, and Cai C. S.* (2015) “Numerical Simulations of Lateral Restraining Stiffness Effect on Bridge Deck-wave Interaction under Solitary Waves.” Engineering Structures, 101, 337-351.
2. Xu Guoji, and Cai C. S.* (2014) “Wave Forces on Biloxi Bay Bridge Decks with Inclinations under Solitary Waves.” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 29(6). (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000644)
1. Hu Peng, Li Yongle*, Cai C.S., Liao Haili and Xu Guoji. (2013) “Numerical Simulation of the Neutral Equilibrium Atmospheric Boundary Layer Using the SST k-w Turbulence Model.” Wind and Structures, Vol. 17(1), 87-105.
4. 一种兼具发电功能的新型浮式防波堤结构,发明专利,2022年
3. 一种减小桥梁上部结构波浪力的附属结构,实用新型,2022年
2. 一种兼具生态保护和波浪能发电功能的下潜式装配防波堤,发明专利,2021年
1. 一种模拟风浪流与桥梁耦合作用的动态响应试验系统,实用新型,2021年
Invited Talk/Lecture/Webnar
12. 典型铁路桥墩落石冲击风险评估及防护,第一届山区铁路建造与防灾学术研讨会,西南交通大学,成都,2023
11. 机器学习在桥梁水动力中的应用进展,第二届近海深水桥隧工程设计与研究进展学术研讨会,西南交通大学,成都,2023
10. 沿海桥梁风-浪-船撞作用及防护,第六届全国防灾减灾工程学术会议,北京工业大学,北京,2023
9. 沿海箱梁极端波浪作用下典型支座失效机理及易损性分析,第二届桥梁结构极端荷载与防护学术会议,石家庄铁道大学,石家庄,2023
8. 近海低矮桥梁水动力作用研究进展,第二届全国流动安全与控制研讨会,西南石油大学,成都,2021
7. 基于自适应代理模型的圆柱水动力外形优化研究,第一届近海深水桥隧工程设计与研究进展学术研讨会,浙江大学,杭州,2021
6. Wave Force Prediction Model for T Girdered Coastal Bridge Deck based on Ensemble Surrogate Models, 第二届全国车桥耦合振动及其应用学术研讨会,厦门大学,厦门,2021
5. Wave Force Prediction Models for Coastal Bridges, 2020深水大跨桥梁新进展研讨会,西南交通大学,成都,2020
4. Bridge Deck-wave Interaction and Prospective Insights, 第一届全国车桥耦合振动及其应用学术研讨会,哈尔滨工业大学,哈尔滨,2019
3. Application of Machine Learning in Bridge Deck-wave Interaction, 2019年度全国结构工程与防灾减灾优秀青年学者论坛,长沙理工大学,长沙,2019
2. Bridge Deck-wave Interaction and Engineering Perspectives on Wave-load Mitigation Methods, 第四届海洋岩土工程学术交流会,浙江大学,舟山,2019
1. Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in Structural/Coastal/Wind Engineering, TTU (Texas Tech University), Lubbock, TX, 2017
(Updated Jan. 3 2025)