翁杰 教授



  • 学历:博士研究生毕业
  • 学位:工学博士学位
  • 办公地点:西南交通大学 九里校区3号楼3423办公室
  • 毕业院校:荷兰 莱顿大学
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果


[1]    Zhao J, Duan K, Zhang JW, Guo LY, Weng J*, Preparation of highly interconnected porous hydroxyapatite scaffolds by chitin gel-casting, Mater Sci

        Engr C 31(2011)697-701

[2]    Peng Q, Jiang FX, Huang P, Zhou SB, Weng J*, C. R. Bao, C. Zhang, H. Y. Yu, A novel porous bioceramics scaffold by accumulating hydroxyapatite    

        spherules for large bone tissue engineering in vivo. I: preparation and Characterization of scaffold, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A


[3]    Zhao J, Duan K, Zhang JW, Lu X, Weng J*, The influence of polymer concentrations on the structure and mechanical properties of porous

        polycaprolactone-coated hydroxyapatite scaffolds, Applied Surface Science 256(2010)4586-4590

[4]    Zhao JLu XDuan KGuo LYZhou SB, Weng J*Improving mechanical and biological properties of macroporous HA scaffolds through composite

        coatingsColloids And Surfaces B-Biointerfaces 74(2009)159-166

[5]    Zhao J, Guo LY, Yang XB, Weng J*, Preparation of bioactive porous HA/PCL composite scaffolds. Applied surface science 255(2008)2942-2946

[6]    Deng CWeng J*, Lu X, Zhou SB, Wang JX, Qu SX, Feng B, Li XH, Cheng QY, Mechanism of ultrahigh elongation rate of poly(D,L-lactide)-matrix

        composite biomaterial containing nano-apatite fillers, Materials Letters 62(2008)607-6106.

[7]    Deng C, Weng J*, Lu X, Zhou SB, Wang JX, Qu SX, Feng B, Li XH, Prparation and in vitro bioactivity of poly(D,L-Lactide) composite containing

        hydroxyapatite nanocrystals, Mater Sci Engr C 28(2008)1340-1310

[8]    Weng J, WANG M, CHEN JY, Plasma-sprayed calcium phosphate particles with high bioactivity and their use in bioactive scaffolds,

        Biomaterials 23(2002)2623-2629

[9]    Weng J, Liu Q, Wolke JGC, Zhang X, de Groot K, Formation and characteristics of apatite layer on plasma-sprayed hydroxyapatite coatings in simulated

        body fluid, Biomaterials 18(1997)1027-1035

[10]  Weng J, Liu X, Zhang X, de Groot K, Integrity and thermal decomposition of apatite in coatings influenced by underlying titanium during plasma-spraying and post-heat-treatment, J Biomed Mater Res 30(1996)5-11




  This graph shows the number of times the articles on the publication list have been cited in each of the last 20 years.   Note: Only articles from Web of Knowledge with citation data are included in the calculations.      Total Articles in Publication List:  142  Articles With Citation Data:  126  Sum of the Times Cited:  1651  Average Citations per Article:  13.10  h-index:  22  Last Updated:  03/20/2012 07:18 GMT






