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王胡军,工学博士,西南交通大学机械工程学院 副研究员,主要研究方向为:高端机械装备表界面设计与制造、机械仿生摩擦学、仿生超滑(宏观摩擦系数0.001量级或更低,超低磨损)。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、博士后科学基金面上项目和中央高校基本科研业务费。研究成果已在摩擦学及其他SCI检索刊物,包括Friction (IF: 6.8)、Tribology International (IF: 6.2)、Wear (IF: 5.0)、International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing (IF: 14.7)、Chemical Engineering Journal (IF: 15.1)、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF: 9.5)等发表SCI检索论文15篇。
[9] Hujun Wang, Xiuyuan Zhao, Zhengcan Xie, Biao Yang, Jing Zheng*, Kai Yin*, Zhongrong Zhou. Bioinspired directional structures for inhibiting wetting on super-melt-philic surfaces above 1200 °C. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 2024.
[8] Hujun Wang, Yue Tang, Haonan Qiu, Jingyang Hu, Yuan Su, Jing Zheng*, Zhongrong Zhou. Enamel matrix proteins in promoting saliva lubrication. Friction, DOI: 10.1007/s40544-024-0873-8.
[7] Hujun Wang, Haonan Qiu, Wei Liu, Lulin Tian, Jing Zheng*, Zhihui Zhang, Zhongrong Zhou. Anti-wear properties of multi-bioinspired textures with hierarchical and superhydrophobic structures under water lubrication. Wear, 2023, 532-533, 205124.
[6] Jing Zheng, Biao Yang, Hujun Wang*, Liucheng Zhou, Zhihui Zhang, Zhongrong Zhou. Temperature-responsive, femtosecond laser-ablated ceramic surfaces with switchable wettability for on-demand droplet transfer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 13740-13752.
[5] Hujun Wang, Lulin Tian, Jing Zheng*, Dan Yang, Zhihui Zhang. The synergetic effects of laser texturing and super-hydrophobic coatings on improving wear properties of steel. Tribology International, 2022, 173, 107657.
[4] Jing Zheng, Guochen Qu, Biao Yang, Hujun Wang*, Liucheng Zhou, Zhongrong Zhou. Facile preparation of robust superhydrophobic ceramic surfaces with mechanical stability, durability, and self-cleaning function. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 576, 151875.
[3] Hujun Wang, Zhihui Zhang*, Jing Zheng, Jie Zhao, Yunhong Liang, Xiujuan Li, Luquan Ren. Multifunctional superhydrophobic surface with dynamically controllable micro-nanostructures for droplet manipulation and friction control. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 417, 127944.
[2] Hujun Wang, Zhihui Zhang*, Zuankai Wang, Jie Zhao, Yunhong Liang, Xiujuan Li, Luquan Ren. Improved dynamic stability of superomniphobic surfaces and droplet transport on slippery surfaces by dual-scale re-entrant structures. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 394, 124871.
[1] Hujun Wang, Zhihui Zhang*, Zuankai Wang, Yunhong Liang, Zhenquan Cui, Jie Zhao, Xiujuan Li, Luquan Ren. Multistimuli-responsive microstructured superamphiphobic surfaces with large-range, reversible switchable wettability for oil. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(31), 28478-28486.