Song Jing
Associate Professor
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Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Master Tutor
- Education Level:PhD graduate
- Degree:Doctor of management
- Professional Title:Associate Professor
- Alma Mater:北京大学(Peking University)
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:经济管理学院
- Discipline:The Enterprise Management

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Dr. Jing Song is an associate professor of marketing at School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University. She served as a visiting scholar at Georgia State University (USA) and Carnegie Mellon University (USA). She was a research associate at the Center for International Business Education & Research of GSU (CIBER of GSU). Her current research interests include firm innovation performance, firm internationalization, marketing strategy, middle class consumers in emerging markets, etc. Her academic works have been published in peer-reviewed journals, such as Journal of Business to Business Marketing, International Business Review, and International Journal of Research in Marketing, etc. She and a co-author are the "Best Paper Award" winners of the Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing. She and her coauthors were selected as the winners of “S. Tamer Cavusgil Best Paper Award” in the 26th Annual CIMaR (Consortium for International Marketing Research) Conference in 2017. She also received Teaching Excellence Award, and Innovation Award for the Application of Big Data with her colleagues at the Smart Marketing Lab of SWJTU from the MoE (Ministry of Education)-IBM University Partnership Program in 2015.
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- International Business Review、Management International Review、营销科学学报、南开管理评论匿名审稿人。
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北京大学 | 企业管理 | Doctor of management | PhD graduate
四川大学 | 企业管理 | Master of management | Master graduate

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1.Name of Research Group:西南交通大学智慧营销实验室
Description of Research Group:宋竞博士所在的科研团队为西南交通大学智慧营销实验室(the Smart Marketing Lab),该实验室成立于2014年8月,由西南交通大学经济管理学院“长江学者”及名誉院长教授创建,香港中文大学市场系、市场工程研究中心主任Kin-Nam Lau(刘建南)教授作为主要负责人,也是"服务科学与创新"四川省重点实验室的重要组成机构。实验室获得了IBM公司强大的技术支持,共同探讨大数据与分析技术与我院传统优势学科的结合之路,以此为基础发起并深度参与到IBM A100计划的实施,利用数据工程、社交聆听、语音数据挖掘、营销决策系统等先进技术开展产学研一体化的大数据分析服务与研究工作,已为国内知名大企业和中小企业开展多项智慧营销相关的横向研究课题,在为企业数据营销决策提供支持、培养大数据及分析专业人才等方面取得实质性进展。智慧营销实验还于2015年与成都零售商协会联合主办“大数据时代智慧零售行业研讨会”;于2016年与统计之都协会合作主办了"第九届中国R语言会议(成都)",获得了广泛的关注和影响力。