[1] 孙兵,张英波,权高峰*,李彬. AZ80镁合金半固态等温处理过程中的组织演变,稀有金属材料与工程. 2016,45(2):404-408
[2] 张乾,罗征志,权高峰. 镁合金复杂结构件超塑性成型模具型腔优化设计与数值模拟[J].热加工工艺.2016,(9)9-13
[3] 李彬,张英波,孙兵,权高峰. 挤压Mg-6xZn-xY合金微观组织与力学性能[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2016,45(3):640-643
[4] Lingbao Ren, Jing Wu, and Gaofeng Quan*. Plastic Behavior of AZ80 Alloy during Low Strain Rate Tension at Elevated Temperature, Materials Science & Engineering,A612(2014)278–286
[4] 王栋, 刘兆铭, 张英波, 权高峰*.半固态等温热处理对挤压态AZ91镁合金微观组织的影响, 稀有金属材料与工程. 2014,43(9):2277-2280
[5] (Invited) Gaofeng Quan, Lingbao Ren, Jiangang Lv,Yingbo Zhang, Dongdi Yin, and Ruichun Li. The Effect of Processing Procedures on Mechanical Properties of High Strength Mg Alloys, The 10th Int’l Conf. Magnesium alloys & their Applications,10. 2015 Jeju, Korea
[6] 苏鑫鑫,权高峰. KBM10镁合金高温压缩变形行为[J]. 热加工工艺.2015,12,59-61
[7] 刘伟,张英波,李彬,权高峰. 半固态等温处理Mg-Zn-Y合金微观组织演变[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2015,44(12):3243-3247
[8] (Invited) G. F. Quan, Lingbao Ren, Xinxin Su, and Mingyang Zhou.?Plastic Behaviors of High Strength Mg alloys at Elevated Temperature,FiMPART 6. 2015,Hyderabad, India
[9] 周明扬,?苏鑫鑫,?任凌宝,?权高峰,?尹冬弟,?张英波. 挤压态Mg-3Al-3Zn-1Ti-0.6RE镁合金的高温拉伸变形行为[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2016,Vol45(In press)
[10] Wei Liu, Doudou Yang, Gaofeng Quan, Yingbo Zhang, Dandan Yao. Microstructure evolution of semisolid Mg-2Zn-0.5Y alloy during isothermal heat treatment[J].(In press)
[11] 孙兵, 张英波, 权高峰,等. AZ80镁合金半固态组织的等温演化研究[J]. 特种铸造及有色合金, 2014, 34(09)
[12] Ren L B, Yin D D, Dang J T, Zhang Y B, Quan G F. Strain Activated Microstructure Evolution during Hot Plastic Flow of Extruded AZ80 Alloy. 科技论文在线
[13] 谭梦蕾, 谈哲君, 权高峰. 气–固法合成制备氢化镁及热力学分析Preparation of MgH2 by Gas-Solid Synthesis and Thermodynamics Analysis[J]. Advances in Material Chemistry, 2015, 03:53-59
[14] Ren L, Wu J, Quan G. Plastic behavior of AZ80 alloy during low strain rate tension at elevated temperature[J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2014, 612(33):278-286
[15] Jiangang Lv, Gaofeng Quan*, Ruichun Li, Chunyuan Shi, Yingbo Zhang and Xi'an Xie. Effect of hot extrusion process on microstructure and properties of wide and hollow AZ31 magnesium alloy profiles, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 710 (2013) pp 21-24
[16] Song Jiatong; Quan Gaofeng*; Liu Zhaoming; Zhang Yingbo; Sun Jiale. Comparative study on compression deformation behaviors of cast and extruded AZ31 alloys, Advanced Materials Research -Advances in Materials and Materials Processing, 2013, v 652-654, p 1932-1936
[17] 李欣,权高峰*,张英波,吕建刚. 镁合金中空薄壁型材的脉冲MIG焊,电焊机,2013,Vol17. No7:107-110
[18] Sun, Jiale; Li, Ruichun; Quan, Gaofeng*; Liu, Zhaoming. Study on compression behaviors of AZ31 magnesium alloy at room-temperature, Advanced Materials Research-- New Materials and Processes, 2012, Vols. 476-478, pp 1960-1964
[19] Xi’an Xie, Gaofeng Quan*. Research on Damage and Bending properties of AZ31 Magnesium alloy, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, Vols. 184-185, pp 1163-1166
[20] XIE Xian, QUAN Gaofeng*, GU Xiue, LIU Xingming,SUN Jiale. A study on Brazing process and mechanical properties of AZ31 Magnesium alloy. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 418-420 (2012) pp 792-795
[21] Zhaoming Liu, Gaofeng Quan*, Yingbo Zhang. A Surface Melting Infiltration Study on Cast Magnesium Alloy. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 418-420 (2012) pp 818-821
[22] Ming Tan, Zhaoming Liu, Gaofeng Quan*. Effects of hot extrusion and heat treatment on mechanical properties and microstructures of AZ91 Magnesium alloy, Advanced Materials Research, 2012, Vols. 562-564:pp 242-245
[23] Ming Tan, Zhaoming Liu, Gaofeng Quan*, Zhong Chen, Zheng Zhang and Guorong Xu. Damage Study on AZ31 Mg Alloy under Bending Load. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 430-432 (2012) pp 285-288
[24] Gaofeng Quan*, Yingbo Zhang. Effect of Pre-strain on Fatigue Behaviour of AZ31 Mg alloy, Materials Science Forum, 2012, Vols. 706-709: pp 3052-3056
[25] Xiue Gu, Gaofeng Quan*. The FEM Analysis for Magnesium Alloy Honeycomb Panel, Advanced Materials Research, 2012, Vols. 335-336: pp 641-644
[26] Gaofeng Quan, Ruichun Li, Xiue Gu, and Zhaoming Liu. Magnesium Alleys-New Materials for High-Speed Train with Reduced Libration and Noise, Proc. of the IWHLR, Vol. 2, LNEE 148, pp. 349-355, Spzinger-Verlag Berlin Heideiberg 2012
[27] 权高峰,刘绍东. 超塑性模锻镁合金汽车轮毂应用研究, 兵器材料科学与工程, 2012, Vol.35(4) pp 35-42
[28] 王刚,权高峰*,谷秀娥. 植物纤维镁合金夹层板的制备和力学性能, 机械工程材料, 2012, Vol. 36(2):pp64-67
[29] 孙兵, 权高峰*, 李达. 等离子喷焊镍基合金耐磨性能研究,电焊机,2012,V42(5)67-70
[30] Gaofeng Quan, Zhaoming Liu and Xiue Gu. Evaluation on Vibration Property of Magnesium Honeycomb Panels. Materials Science Forum Vol. 686 (2011) pp 135-139
[31] Yingbo Zhang, Hong Gao, Gaofeng Quan*, Zhaoming Liu. Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Al-Zn-Y alloys. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 311-313 (2011) pp 697-701
[32] 石琳,权高峰*,结构参数对镁铝蜂窝板力学性能的影响 机械工程材料,2011,Vol35(3) 49-52
[33] X.L. Ai, G. F. Quan*, J. Yang, Z.M. Liu, Effect of Ti addition on the Microstructure and mechanical properties of cast AZ91 Magnesium alloy, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, Vol189-193 (5):3819-3823
[34] X.L. Ai, G. F. Quan,* The Recent Research on Properties of Anti-High Temperature Creep of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy Magnesium alloys-Design, processing and Properties, , Ed. Frank Czerwinski, INTECH, Croatia Jan. Jan. 2011, pp351-366
[35] 谷秀娥,权高峰*,石琳. 镁合金蜂窝板隔声性能分析,噪声与振动控制,2011,Vol31(4)165-168
[36] 王刚,权高峰*. 镁合金夹层板的制备和力学性能研究,机械工程材料,2011,Vol35(8)64-67
[37] 孔祥峰,权高峰*,杨超凡. 挤压比对镁合金宽幅挤压的影响,兵器材料科学与工程,2011,Vol34(3)49-54
[38] Gaofeng Quan, Zhaoming Liu, Xiue Gu, Evaluation on Vibration Property of Magnesium Honeycomb Panels, 11 th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, Materials Science Forum, 2011, Vol.680