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学科:载运工具运用工程. 材料学
Jinfang Peng*, Siyuan Ding, Zhi-yi He, Bo Li, Jifan He, Jianhua Liu, Minhao Zhu. Study on Bi-directional Composite Fretting Wear Characteristics of Zr-4 Alloy Tube with Different Phase Differences under Temperature Conditions, Tribology International, 2023.
JinFang Peng, Xiaowen Lv, Zhijie Lu, Xinlong Liu, Zhujun Li, Zhibiao Xu. Investigations of the mechanical and high-temperature tribological properties of the Inconel 718 alloy formed by selective laser melting, Tribology International 188 (2023) 108813.
Jun Zhang, Weidong Liu, Feilong Liu, Zhiqiang Yang, Jinfang Peng*, Minhao Zhu. Crack cause analysis of a third stage stator vane of the low-pressure compressor in an aeroengine. Engineering Failure Analysis 156 (2024) 107781
Jin-fang Peng*, Yi-juan Tang, Bo Li , Zhen-xin Li, Ping-chuan Shen, Sheng Qian, Min-hao Zhu. Investigation of corrosion-time effects on fretting wear behaviours of copper-magnesium alloy. Wear 512–513 (2023) 204549
Jin-fang Peng*, Yi-juan Tang, Bo Li, Jian-hua Liu, Zhi-biao Xu, Xi-yang Liu, Min-hao Zhu. Role of current intensity in bending fretting fatigue behaviours of integral droppers. Tribology International 175 (2022) 107857
Jinfang Peng, Botong Wang, Xiao Jina, Zhibiao Xu, Jianhua Liu∗, Zhenbing Cai, Zhiping Luo, Minhao Zhu. Effect of contact pressure on torsional fretting fatigue damage evolution of a 7075 aluminum alloy.
Tribology International, 137(2019)1-10.
Jinfang Peng
*, Xiao Jin, Zhibiao Xu, Jun Zhang, Zhenbing Cai, Zhiping Luo, Minhao Zhu. Study on the damage evolution of torsional fretting fatigue in a 7075 aluminum alloy. Wear,2018.5; 402:160-168.
Jinfang Peng, Minhao Zhu, Zhenbing Cai, Jianhua Liu, Kongcheng Zuo, Chuan Song, Wenjian Wang. On the damage mechanisms of bending fretting fatigue.
Tribology International, 2014.05, 76:133-141.
Jinfang Peng, Jianhua Liu, Zhenbing Cai, Mingxue Shen, Chuan Song, Minhao Zhu*. Study on bending fretting fatigue damages of 7075 aluminum alloy. Tribology International, 2013.03, 59:38-46.
Jinfang Peng, Minxue Shen, Zhenbing Cai. Nano Diesel Soot Particles Reduce Wear and Friction Performance Using an Oil Additive on a Laser Textured Surface. Coatings, 2018.03; 8(3):89
Jinfang Peng, Xiao Jin, Zhibiao Xu, Zhenbing Cai, Xiaoyu Zhang, Minhao Zhu. Study on bending fretting fatigue damage in 17CrNiMo6 steel.
International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2017.07, 31(16-19):631-636.
Zhibiao Xu, Jinfang Peng*, Jianhua Liu, Zhenbing Cai, Minhao Zhu*. Effect of contact pressure on torsional fretting fatigue damage of 316L austenitic stainless steel. Wear, 2017.4, s376-377:680-689.
Xiyang Liu, Jinfang Peng*, Deqiang Tan, Zhibiao Xu, Jianhua Liu, Jiliang Mo, Minhao Zhu Failure analysis and optimization of integral droppers used in high speed railway catenary system. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2018.2;91:496-506
Zhibiao Xu, Jinfang Peng*, Jianhua Liu, Xiyang Liu, Wulin Zhang, Zhenbing Cai, Minhao Zhu. Microstructure evolution and torsional fretting fatigue damage mechanism of 316L austenitic stainless steel at different torques.
Journal of
Engineering Tribology; 2018.7;232(7):809-822
Zhibiao Xu, Jinfang Peng
*, Jianhua Liu, Xiyang Liu, Wulin Zhang, Minhao Zhu. Study on fretting wear and tribo-chemical behavior of LZ50 axle steel in torsional fretting fatigue.
Wear 426–427 (2019) 704–711.
Chongfei Zhu, Jifan He,
Jinfang Peng*, Yanping Ren, Xiuzhou Lin,Minhao Zhu.
Failure mechanism analysis on railway wheel shaft of power locomotive. Engineering Failure Analysis 104(2019) 25-38.
Zhibiao Xu, Jinfang Peng*, Jianhua Liu, Yan Zhou, Jihua Liu, Minhao Zhu.
Investigation of fretting fatigue behavior and micro-structure evolution in LZ50 steel subjected to torsional load.
International Journal of Fatigue 128(2019) 105173:1-10.
Zhibiao Xu,
Jinfang Peng*, Jianhua Liu, Xiyang Liu, Wulin Zhang and Minhao Zhu. Study on tribo-chemical and fatigue behavior of 316L austenitic stainless steel in torsional fretting fatigue, Journal of Engineering Tribology; 2019
Yan Zhou, Ji-liang Mo, Zhen-bing Cai, Chang-guang Deng,
Jinfang Peng
*, Min-hao Zhu*. Third-body and crack behavior in white etching layer induced by sliding–rolling friction. Tribology International, 140(2019) 105882, 1-7.
Jinfang Peng; Xuhui Xie; Weijun Song; Wei Li; Zhiping Luo. Wear properties of two U71Mn K and U71Mn G rail steel welds during rolling contact fatigue. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2019, 33(1-3):1-7.
魏超, 彭金方
*, 刘曦洋, 刘建华, 蔡振兵, 朱旻昊*. CuMg0.4合金弯曲微动疲劳损伤特性研究,摩擦学学报,2018.08,38(6):684-691
王梦婕, 彭金方*, 庄文华, 张晓宇, 蔡振兵, 朱旻昊. 碳纤维切向微动磨损特性研究,摩擦学学报,2019, 39(3):330-339.
Jifan He, Jinfang Peng*, Yanping Ren, Zhenbing Cai, Jianhua Liu, Minhao Zhu. Study on improving fretting wear properties of AISI 4135 steel via diverse surface modifications under grease lubrication. Wear 490–491 (2022) 204210
He Wang, Jianhua Liu, Jifan He, Yanping Ren, Jinfang Peng*, Minhao Zhu. Damage mechanism of crown spring for the EMU traction Motor’s connector. Engineering Failure Analysis 138 (2022) 106330
Wulin Zhang, Changbao Liu, Jinfang Peng*, Yongjie Yuan, Wei Bai, Lubing Shi, Xiaoqiang Fan*, Minhao Zhu. Improving the grinding performance of high-speed rail grinding stone via mixed granularity of zirconia corundum. Tribology International 175 (2022) 107873
薛博凯, 米 雪, 白崇成, 徐志彪, 刘曦洋, 刘建华, 彭金方* , 朱旻昊*.电流作用对铜镁合金弯曲微动疲劳损伤特性的影响. 摩擦学学报,40(1),2020:107-116
贺继樊, 任岩平, 白崇成, 彭金方*, 蔡振兵, 刘建华, 朱旻昊. 干态及润滑工况下离子氮化35CrMo钢微动磨损机理研究. 摩擦学学报, 2022
李波,彭金方*,朱旻昊. 20Cr13不锈钢高温微动摩擦磨损特性研究, 摩擦学学报, 2023.5.17.
XY Zhang,PD Ren,JF Peng,MH Zhu,Fretting wear behavior of Inconel 690 in hydrazine environments ,Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China ,24(2014) , pp360−367.
Zhang X Y, Cai Z B, Peng J F, et al. Experimental study of the fretting wear behavior of Inconel 690 alloy under alternating load conditions[J]. ARCHIVE Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J Journal of Engineering Tribology 1994-1996 (vols 208-210), 2018:135065011775079.
Song C, Liu J, Peng J, et al. Effect of Contact Stress on Rotating Bending Fretting Fatigue Life of Railway Axle Steel[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering, 2014, 4(2):34-38(5).
Shen M X, Cai Z B, Peng J F, et al. Antiwear Properties of Bonded MoS2 Solid Lubricant Coating under Dual-Rotary Fretting Conditions[J]. A S L E Transactions, 2016, 60(2):217-225.
Cai Z B, Peng J F, Qian H, et al. Impact Fretting Wear Behavior of Alloy 690 Tubes in Dry and Deionized Water Conditions[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 30(4):819-828.
Zhou J, Liu J, Ouyang H, Cai Z, Peng J, Zhu M. Anti-loosening performance of coatings on fasteners subjected to dynamic shear load[J]. Friction, 2017(2):1-15.
Wang Z, Cai Z B, Sun Y, JF Peng, MH Zhu. Low velocity impact wear behavior of MoS 2 /Pb nanocomposite coating under controlled kinetic energy[J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2017, 326:53-62.
Liu X L, Cai Z B, He J F, JF Peng, MH Zhu. Effect of elevated temperature on fretting wear under electric contact [J]. Wear, 2017, s 376–377:643-655.
Zhou Y, Shen M X, Cai Z B, Peng J F, et al. Study on dual rotary fretting wear behavior of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy[J]. Wear, 2017, s 376–377:670-679.
Y. Zhou 、Z.B. Cai、J.F. Peng、 B.B. Cao、X.S. Jin、M.H. Zhu ,Tribo-chemical behavior of eutectoid steel during rolling contact friction, Applied Surface Science , 388:40-48 , 2016/12/1 ,
Liu J, Ouyang H, Peng J, et al. Experimental and numerical studies of bolted joints subjected to axial excitation[J]. Wear, 2016, s 346–347:66-77.
Zhuang W, Fan X, Li W, Li H, Zhang L, Peng J F, et al. Comparing space adaptability of diamond-like carbon and molybdenum disulfide films toward synergistic lubrication[J]. Carbon, 2018, 134.
Z Zhang、Z Cai、J Peng、M Zhu,Comparison of the tribology performance of nano-diesel soot and graphite particles as lubricant additives,Journal of Physics D Applied Physics , 49(4):045304 , 2016/2
M-X. Shen、Z-B. Cai、J-F. Peng、C. Song、J-L. Mo、M-H. Zhu ,Dual-rotary fretting wear of 7075 alloy in media of oil and water ,Wear , 301(s 1-2) .