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学科:物理化学. 材料科学与工程
[4] 西南交通大学基础研究培育支持专项一般项目,2023.06–2025.05,主持
[3] 四川省自然科学基金青年基金项目,2023.01–2024.12,主持
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2020.01–2022.12,主持
[1] 中央高校基本科研费创新项目,2019.01–2020.12,主持
[54] Wenjing Luo, Jian Yi, Hongbo Ning*, A molecular dynamics simulation study on the co-pyrolysis reaction mechanism of anisole blended with ammonia, Submitted.
[53] Haixing Deng, Sihao Wang, Li Fu, Hongbo Ning*, A theoretical study on the cross-reaction kinetics of typical small satureated and unsaturaed fatty acid methyl esters (C2–C5) with NH2 radicals, Submitted.
[52] Yiran Zhang, Li Fu, Sihao Wang, Hongbo Ning*, Theoretical reaction kinetics predictions for acetone and ketene with NH2 radicals: Implications on acetone/ammonia kinetic modeling, Energy, 2024, 310, 133262.
[51] Wenjing Luo, Zihao Zhou, Hongbo Ning*, A reactive molecular dynamics study on high-temperature pyrolysis mechanism of n-propylbenzene, Chemical Physics Letters, 2025, 863, 141891.
[50] Chong Li, Yangyang Luo, Yanlei Shang*, Hongbo Ning*, Shengnian Luo, Experimental and kinetic studies on autoignition characteristics of ammonia/methyl 3-hexenoate mixture, Combustion and Flame, 2024, 266, 113530.
[49] Yiran Zhang, Junjun Wu*, Hongbo Ning*, Theoretical study on reaction kinetics of the absent HO2 concerted addition reaction on ester group of methyl esters: Case studies of methyl formate and methyl propanoate, Fuel, 2024, 377, 132842.
[48] Qing Li#, Li Fu#, Zhenpeng Zhang, Liuhao Ma, Hongbo Ning*, Yu Wang*, H. Y. Zhao, A theoretical study on the isomerization and decomposition reaction kinetics of small unsaturated methyl esters: Methyl acrylate, methyl butenoate and methyl crotonate radicals, Combustion and Flame, 2024, 265, 113519. (#Equal contribution)
[47] Sihao Wang, Yiran Zhang, Li Fu, Hongbo Ning*, Theoretical study on the combustion kinetics of trimethylamine and the key intermediate N-methylmethanimine, Combustion and Flame, 2025, 272, 113860.
[46] Li Fu, Dapeng Liu, Zhenpeng Zhang, Sihao Wang, Yiran Zhang, Hongbo Ning*, Wei Ren*, Aamir Farooq, A theoretical and experimental study of 2-ethylfuran + OH reaction, Combustion and Flame, 2024, 261, 113321.
[45] Chong Li, Yangyang Luo, Haixin Deng, Zihao Zhou, Hongbo Ning*, Yanlei Shang*, Shengnian Luo, Shock tube and kinetic modeling study on high-temperature ignition of ammonia blended with methyl hexanoate, Combustion and Flame, 2024, 266, 113555.
[44] Yiran Zhang, Sihao Wang, Zhenpeng Zhang, Li Fu, Hongbo Ning*, H. Y. Zhao, Exploring the reaction kinetics of methyl formate + NO2: Implication for ignition behavior of methyl formate/NO2 mixtures, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2023, 25, 32051–32061.
[43] 周子豪,王思皓,黄玳川,刘波,甯红波*,正丙苯高温氧化机理的分子动力学模拟研究,高等学校化学学报,2023, 44, 20230276.
[42] Chong Li, Mingzhi Ye, Bo Liu, Yanlei Shang*, Hongbo Ning, Jinchun Shi, Shengnian Luo, Shock tube experiments and kinetic modeling of ignition of unsaturated C5 methyl esters, Energy, 2023, 284, 128613.
[41] Bo Liu, Zihao Zhou, Zhenpeng Zhang, Hongbo Ning*, Theoretical study on abstraction and addition reaction kinetics for medium-size unsaturated methyl ester: Methyl-3-Hexenoate + H/OH radicals, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2022, 126, 9461–9474.
[40] Zhenpeng Zhang, Chong Li, Yangyang Luo, Yanlei Shang*, Jinchun Shi, Hongbo Ning, Shengnian Luo, Combustion kinetics of n-propylamine: Theoretical calculations and ignition delay time measurements, Fuel, 2022, 324, 124710.
[39] Junjun Wu*, Hongbo, Wei Ren*, A CGA-ONIOM-DFT framework for accurate and efficient determination of thermodynamics and kinetics: Case study of cyclopentane reaction with hydroxyl radical, Chemical Physics Letters, 2022, 801, 139714.
[38] Li He, Chong Li, Yanlei Shang*, Hongbo Ning, Jinchun Shi, Shengnian Luo, Ignition characteristics of 1-Nitropropane: Experimental measurements and kinetic modeling, Fuel, 2022, 317, 123385.
[37] Yanlei Shang, Hongbo Ning, Jinchun Shi, Yi Wu*, Shengnian Luo, Effects of anharmonicity, recrossing, tunneling, and pressure on the H-abstractions from dimethylamine by triplets O and O2, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2022, 126, 825–833.
[36] Chong Li, Zhenpeng Zhang, Li He, Mingzhi Ye, Hongbo Ning*, Yanlei Shang*, Jinchun Shi, Shengnian Luo, Experimental and kinetic modeling study on the ignition charateristics of methyl acrylate and vinyl acetate: Effect of C=C double bond, Energy, 2022, 245, 123257.
[35] Yanlei Shang, Chong Li, Li He, Zhenpeng Zhang, Hongbo Ning, Runtong Zhang, Shengnian Luo, Jinchun Shi*, Ignition characteristics of nitromethane-doped ethanol in a heated shock tube, Energetic Materials Frontiers, 2021, 2, 174–180.
[34] Wenrui Li, Jun Li*, Hongbo Ning*, Yanlei Shang, Shengnian Luo, Multistructural variational reaction kinetics of the simplest unsaturated methyl ester: H-abstractions from methyl acrylate by H, OH, CH3, and HO2 radicals, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2021, 125, 5103–5116.
[33] Minglu Zhao, Hongbo Ning*, Yanlei Shang, Jinchun Shi*, Accurate reaction barriers and rate constants of H-abstraction from primary, secondary, and tertiary amines by H atom determined with the isodesmic reaction method, Chemical Physics Letters, 2021, 776, 138708.
[32] Yanlei Shang, Hongbo Ning*, Jinchun Shi*, Shengnian Luo, Implication of sensitive reactions to ignition of methyl pentanoate: H-abstraction reactions by H and CH3 radicals, Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2021, 37, 711–717.
[31] Yanlei Shang, Jinchun Shi*, Hongbo Ning*, Ruitong Zhang, Shengnian Luo, Abnormal promotion effect of nitromethane on ethane ignition, Combustion and Flame, 2021, 223, 267–270.
[30] Yanlei Shang, Hongbo Ning*, Jinchun Shi*, Shengnian Luo, Kinetic modeling of methyl pentanoate pyrolysis based on ab initio calculations, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 17978–17986.
[29] Yanlei Shang#, Zhen Wang#, Liuhao Ma, Jinchun Shi, Hongbo Ning*, Wei Ren*, Shengnian Luo, Shock tube measurement of NO time-histories in nitromethane pyrolysis using a quantum cascade laser at 5.26 μm, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38, 1745–1752. (#Equal contribution)
[28] Yanlei Shang, Hongbo Ning*, Jinchun Shi*, Shengnian Luo, Insight into the low-temperature oxidation of dimethylamine radicals, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38, 853–860.
[27] Junjun Wu, Lu Gem Gao, Hongbo Ning, Wei Ren*, Donald G. Truhlar*, Direct dynamics of a large complex hydrocarbon reaction system: The reaction of OH with exo-tricyclodecane (the main component of Jet Propellant-10), Combustion and Flame, 2020, 216, 82–91.
[26] Wenrui Li, Yanlei Shang, Hongbo Ning*, Jun Li*, Shengnian Luo, Reaction pathways and kinetics study on syngas combustion system: CO + HO2 in H2O environment, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 5797–5806.
[25] Liuhao Ma, Kinpang Cheong, Hongbo Ning, Wei Ren*, An improved study of the uniformity of laminar premixed flames using laser absorption spectroscopy and CFD simulation, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2020, 112, 110013.
[24] Hongbo Ning, Junjun Wu, Liuhao Ma, Wei Ren*, Exploring the pyrolysis chemistry of prototype aromatic ester phenyl formate: Reaction pathways, thermodynamics and kinetics, Combustion and Flame, 2020, 211, 337–346.
[23] Yanlei Shang, Hongbo Ning*, Jinchun Shi*, Hongyan Wang, Shengnian Luo, Benchmarking dual-level MS-Tor and DLPNO-CCSD(T) methods for H-abstraction from methyl pentanoate by OH radical, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 20857–20867.
[22] Yanlei Shang, Jinchun Shi*, Hongbo Ning*, Runtong Zhang, Shengnian Luo, Significance of reaction CH3 + NO = H2CN + OH in two-stage ignition of nitromethane, Fuel, 2019, 256, 115956.
[21] Yanlei Shang, Hongbo Ning*, Jinchun Shi*, Hongyan Wang, Shengnian Luo, Chemical kinetics of H-abstractions from dimethyl amine by H, CH3, OH, and HO2 radicals with multistructural torsional anharmonicity, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 12685–12696.
[20] Junjun Wu, Hongbo Ning, Xuefei Xu, Wei Ren*, Accurate entropy calculation for large flexible hydrocarbons using a multi-structural 2-dimensional torsion method, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 10028–10037.
[19] Yanlei Shang, Jinchun Shi*, Hongbo Ning, Runtong Zhang, Hongyan Wang, Shengnian Luo*, Ignition delay time measurements and kinetic modeling of CH4 initiated by CH3NO2, Fuel, 2019, 243, 288–297.
[18] Liuhao Ma, Hongbo Ning, Junjun Wu, Kinpang Cheong, Wei Ren*, Characterization of temperature and soot volume fraction in laminar premixed flames: laser absorption/extinction measurement and 2D CFD modeling, Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32, 12962–12970.
[17] Junjun Wu, Hongbo Ning, Liuhao Ma, Peng Zhang, Wei Ren*, Cascaded group-additivity ONIOM: A new method to approach CCSD(T)/CBS energies of large aliphatic hydrocarbons, Combustion and Flame, 2019, 201, 31–43.
[16] Liuhao Ma, Zhen Wang, Kinpang Cheong, Hongbo Ning, Wei Ren*, Mid-infrared heterodyne phase-sensitive dispersion spectroscopy in flame measurements, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37, 1329–1336.
[15] Hongbo Ning, Dapeng Liu, Junjun Wu, Liuhao Ma, Wei Ren*, Aamir Farooq, A theoretical and shock tube kinetic study on hydrogen abstraction from phenyl formate, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20, 21280–21285. (Back Cover)
[14] Liuhao Ma, Hongbo Ning, Junjun Wu, Wei Ren*, In situ flame temperature measurements using a mid-infrared two-line H2O laser-absorption thermometry, Combustion Science and Technology, 2018, 190, 393–408.
[13] Junjun Wu, Hongbo Ning, Liuhao Ma, Wei Ren*, Accurate prediction of bond dissociation energies of large n-alkanes using ONIOM-CCSD(T)/CBS methods, Chemical Physics Letters, 2018, 699, 139–145.
[12] Liuhao Ma, Zhen Wang, Kin-Pang Cheong, Hongbo Ning, Wei Ren*, Temperature and H2O sensing in laminar premixed flames using mid-infrared heterodyne phase-sensitive dispersion spectroscopy, Applied Physics B, 2018, 124, 117–123.
[11] Junjun Wu, Hongbo Ning, Liuhao Ma, Wei Ren*, Pressure-dependent kinetics of methyl formate reaction with OH at combustion, atmospheric and interstellar temperatures, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20, 26190–26199. (2018 PCCP HOT Articles)
[10] Hongbo Ning, Junjun Wu, Liuhao Ma, Wei Ren*, David F. Davidson, Ronald K. Hanson, Combined ab initio, kinetic modeling and shock tube study of the thermal decomposition of ethyl formate, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2017, 121, 6568–6579.
[9] Hongbo Ning, Junjun Wu, Liuhao Ma, Wei Ren*, David F. Davidson, Ronald K. Hanson, Chemical kinetic modeling and shock tube study of methyl propanoate decomposition, Combustion and Flame, 2017, 184, 30–40.
[8] Junjun Wu, Fethi Khaled, Hongbo Ning, Liuhao Ma, Aamir Farooq, Wei Ren*, Theoretical and shock tube study of the rate constants for hydrogen abstraction reactions of ethyl formate, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2017, 121, 6304–6313.
[7] 甯红波, 李泽荣, 李象远*, 燃烧反应动力学研究进展, 物理化学学报, 2016, 32, 131–153. (综述论文)
[6] 杜鸟峰, 甯红波, 李泽荣*, 张其翼*, 李象远, 1,3-丁二烯热裂解的动力学计算与模型研究, 物理化学学报, 2016, 32, 453–464.
[5] Hongbo Ning, Chunming Gong, Ningxin Tan, Zerong Li*, Xiangyuan Li*, Low- and intermediate-temperature oxidation of ethylcyclohexane: A theoretical study, Combustion and Flame, 2015, 162, 4167–4182.
[4] Hongbo Ning, Chunming Gong, Zerong Li*, Xiangyuan Li*, Pressure-dependent kinetics of initial reactions in iso-octane pyrolysis, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2015, 119, 4093–4107.
[3] Chunming Gong, Hongbo Ning, Zerong Li*, Xiangyuan Li*, Theoretical and kinetic study of reaction C2H + C3H6 on the C5H7 potential energy surface, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 2015, 134, 1599–1612.
[2] Chunming Gong, Hongbo Ning, Jiaqi Xu, Zerong Li, Quan Zhu*, Xiangyuan Li*, Experimental and modeling study of thermal and catalytic cracking of n-decane, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2014, 110, 463–469.
[1] 李颖丽, 甯红波, 朱权, 李象远*, 乙苯裂解机理和超临界压力下的动力学模拟, 高等学校化学学报, 2014, 35, 576–581.
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