马剑 教授



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学科:交通运输规划与管理. 安全科学与工程










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任现职以来,共计申请获得发明专利4项,软件著作权2项,发表高水平论文40余篇(SCI收录20篇,EI收录8篇),其中:以第一作者或者通讯作者身份发表A++类论文2篇,A+类论文4篇,A类论文7篇,B+类论文2篇。研究成果多次在交通领域著名国际会议展示,包括Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board会议论文2篇(均为第一作者),Traffic and Granular Flow会议论文2篇(第一作者1篇)以及智能交通领域顶级国际会议International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems会议论文1篇(第一作者)。目前发表的论文多次被他人引用和正面评价,例如:

在实验研究方面,本人关于楼梯疏散实验的成果发表于安全科学与工程领域内著名国际期刊Safety Science的人员疏散专刊上。该期专刊针对(译文)“人员疏散这一新兴领域”,介绍“世界范围内人员疏散研究的最新进展”。该刊从“来自16个国家和地区44篇论文中精选出6篇论文”。人员疏散领域著名学者Prof. Galea相信这6篇论文构成的专刊虽不能完全涵盖21 世纪人员疏散领域所有的挑战,但对解决这些挑战有重要贡献the special issue is impossible to cover the complete range of 21st century grand challenges, however, does make an important contribution to the grand challenge areas.。该文发表以后受到广泛关注,Prof. Galea后续开展了多次实验对比分析,并验证了本人提出的建筑梯道疏散中疲劳引起的个体运动速度变化的推测。此外,关于人群湍流运动状态的论文最近被北京交通大学高自友教授在管理学类顶级国际期刊“Operations Research”上最新发表的论文中正面引述。

在理论研究方面,本人提出的确定人群运动状态由自由流向拥塞流转变、由拥塞流向自由流转变的密集人群中异常流动状态监测报警方法发表于国际火灾安全研究领域内重要国际会议“9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology”,该项研究工作受到会议Technical Committee的一致推荐,入选本届会议最佳论文(评选意见译文:“作者们展示了一种探测人群流动状态的自动聚类分析方法,并用一些实验和测试视频对这一方法进行了校验,给出了对于分析人员行为的一些很好、很有意义的结果。这篇文章对于行人动力学分析,特别是人群中的分组行为有重要意义。”);申请人提出的人员疏散模型在国际知名期刊Physica A”和火灾安全领域顶级国际期刊“Fire Safety Journal”一经发表即被广泛关注,分别入选所在期刊当季最受关注的25 篇热点论文之一。

截至目前,本人研究成果已被SCI引用235次,H指数9Google Scholar引用532次,H指数13,在行人交通和疏散动力学领域产生了一定的影响,因此受邀担任“Collective Dynamics”、“Modern Transportation”等国际期刊编委,担任IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation SystemsTransportmetrica ATransport PolicyPhysica APhysics Letters ASimulationInternational Journal of Modern Physics CJournal of Harbin Institute of Technology等国际期刊以及Transportation Research Board Annual MeetingPedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics等系列国际会议审稿人、国家自然科学基金通讯评议人、教育部学位中心抽检学位论文通讯评议专家、National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation of the Republic of Kazakhstan基金通讯评议人,第一及第二届International Conference on Mass Transit Rail Facilities Design and Management2012 Fire Science and Engineering Conference2013 Fire Science and Engineering Conference2014年中国消防协会科学技术年会青年学者论坛、2014 International Conference on Rail Development and Management for Sustainable Urbanism2015 7th International Conference on Performance-based Fire and Fire Protection Engineering等国际会议程序委员会委员,中国建筑学会建筑防火综合技术分会火灾风险评估专业委员。

此外,在2014年、2015IEEE国际智能交通系统会议(IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation System, IEEE ITSC)框架内,组织了行人交通与疏散动力学(Pedestrian traffic and Evacuation Dynamics)分会场;协助申请并共同组织了人员疏散领域的著名国际会议“Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2016,这是该系列会议将于首次在亚洲国家举办。相信这些工作对于提高我院在相关领域的学术声誉、确立我院在该领域内的国际地位有正面的影响。


Studies on Pedestrian Traffic and Evacuation Dynamics

Sep, 2015

With the increase of built environment complexity, pedestrian  movement in public space such as modern transportation centers, airport  terminals, shopping malls and so on undergoes continuously growing  number of events including fire, terrorism, and massive crowd gathering,  which induced in tens to hundreds of victims, such as the 2013 Allah  railway station disaster in India, the 2014 Conakry beach concert  stampede in the capital of Guinea and the 2015 New Year’s Eve trampling  disaster in Shanghai China. Facing these serious disasters and problems,  a better understanding of the origin and development process of crowd  disaster would provide a better solution to guarantee a safe, efficient,  and comfortable traveling experience for pedestrians. Thus, during the  past few years, researches on the topic of pedestrian traffic and  evacuation dynamics in public pace including various transportation  systems have been performed. The following works have been done,

1, Well-structured experiments were designed and performed to capture  the moving characteristics of pedestrians in complex built environment.  For typical corridor, pedestrians’ moving trajectories were first  extracted with digital image processing and were then mapped into real  space coordinates by adopting a direct linear transformation approach.  Moving characteristics of single pedestrians, and interaction between  pedestrians and the corridor, as well as interaction between pair  pedestrians were analyzed. For stairwell, single pedestrian down-ward  moving speed and crowd evacuation characteristics including merging flow  features have been found. These research findings provide solid  foundation to validate and verify pedestrian models.

2, Based on the experimental findings, two kinds of pedestrian models  were established. The first kind relates to pedestrian movement on  horizontal plane. A metric distance free model, namely,   k-Nearest-Neighbor (kNN) model was proposed. In the kNN model, an  agent’s direction choice is only influenced by a fixed number of  surrounding people, but not all the people in a given metric distance.  The 2nd model relates to pedestrian evacuation in stairwell. A new  evacuation model which could simulate the movement features of both  pedestrian and lift in combined stairwell and lift evacuation was  proposed. It was found the use of lift may not necessary benefit the  evacuation process. Based on the simulation results of the proposed  model, a first principle was proposed when designing combined evacuation  of stair and lift to ensure a safety evacuation process.

3, Pedestrian traffic simulation tool was developed to evaluate the  safety and comfort level of built environments. A pedestrian space  analysis model is proposed and incorporated with the agent-based  pedestrian model on a Geographic Information System (GIS) platform. A  bi-layer mesh method is proposed to divide the pedestrian space in  complex building into cells, and later used to realize  origin-destination assignment of the pedestrians. Different designs of  train platform and a complex building have been modeled to evaluate the  pedestrian flow patterns. The results indicated that the simulation  platform on GIS can serve as a useful tool to evaluate pedestrian  movement in transportation facilities.

4, Crowd trampling disasters have been investigated. Video recordings  right before the trampling in 2010 Love Parade disaster have been  quantitatively analyzed to explore the bursts of unusual crowd movement  patterns, crowd-quakes. A special phase transition from stopped  pedestrians to turbulent flow was found. It was also found there were  different kinds of contacts among pedestrians. These contacts mode may  be the origin of the pressure release. Thus, based on the discovered  contacts mode, we further built heterogeneous contact model for massive  crowd. Numerical simulation results of the model can qualitatively  describe the statistical properties of pedestrian movement behavior in  crowd quakes.

Related publications:

  •  Ma J, Chen J, Lo SM, Xu SM, Song WG, Evaluating bottleneck  magnitude of massive crowd flow networks, 2015 IEEE 18th International  Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, in press.

  •  Ma J, Song W.G., Lo S.M. and Fang Z.M., New Insights into  Turbulent Pedestrian Movement Pattern in Crowd-Quakes, Journal of  Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2013, P02028.

  •  Ma J., Lo S.M., Song W.G., Wang W.L., Zhang J. and Liao G.X.,  Modeling Pedestrian Space in Complex Building for Efficient Pedestrian  Traffic Simulation, Automation in Construction, 2013, 30:25-36.

  •  Ma Jian, Song Weiguo and Lo Siuming, Simulation of crowd-quakes  with heterogeneous contact model, Traffic and Granular Flow 2013,  Julich, Sep. 25-27, 2015, pp103-110.

  •  Ma Jian, Lo Siuming, and Song Weiguo, Cellular automata modeling  approach for optimum ultra high-rise building evacuation design, Fire  Safety Journal, 2012, 54:57-66.

  •  Ma Jian, Song Weiguo, Tian Wei, Lo Siuming and Liao Guangxuan,  Experimental study of ultra high-rise building evacuation in China,  Safety science,2012,50(8):1665-1674.

  •  Ma Jian, Song Weiguo and Liao Guangxuan, Multi-grid simulation of  Pedestrian Counter Flow with topological Interaction, Chinese Physics B,  2010, 19(12):128901.

  •  Ma Jian, Song Weiguo, Fang Zhiming, Lo Siuming and Liao Guangxuan,  Experimental Study on Microscopic Moving Characteristics of Pedestrians  in Built Corridor Based on Digital Image Processing, Building and  Environment, 2010, 45(10):2160-2169.

  •  Ma Jian, Song Wei-guo, Zhang Jun, Lo Siuming and Liao Guangxuan,  k-nearest-neighbor interaction induced self-organized pedestrian counter  flow, Physica A, 2010, 389:2101-2117.