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当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究
    1. 四川省自然科学基金面上项目,25NSFSC1999,面向无人机协同车联网的资源分配关键技术研究,2025-2026,20万元,主持

    2. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(中土),62361136810,复杂山地环境震后无人机应急通信网络传输关键技术研究,2024.01-2026.12,156,参与(主研)

    3. 空天地一体化综合业务网全国重点实验室开放课题,ISN24-09, 数字孪生赋能的车联网边缘计算资源分配研究, 2023.04-2025.04, 6万元,主持

    4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,62101463,基于移动感知和时空相关性的车联网边缘计算资源分配研究,2022-2024,24万元,主持

    5. 四川省青年科学基金项目,2022NSFSC0863,“感-通-算”融合下的车联网边缘计算资源分配研究,2022-2023,10万元,主持(已结题)   

    6. 教育部“春晖计划”合作科研项目,HZKY20220557, 基于移动感知和时空相关性的车联网边缘计算资源分配研究,2023.05-2025.05,1万元,主持

    7. 四川省科技成果转移转化示范项目,2023ZHCG0010, 宽带数字集群安全关键技术研究及应用,2023.01-2024.12,60万元,参与(课题主持

    8. 四川省国际科技创新合作/港澳台科技创新合作项目,2023YFH0012, 基于智慧公交的安全出行解决方案,2023.01-2024.12,50万元,参与(主研)

    9. 中央高校科技创新项目,2682021CX044,车联网边缘计算中面向任务数据处理的资源分配研究,2021-2022,10万元,主持(已结题)

    10. 国家重点研发计划,2020YFB1807700,6G全场景按需服务关键技术,2020-2024,2695万元,参加

    11. 国家重点研发计划,2019YFB1600100,高速公路智能车路协同系统集成应用,2020-2022,1.1亿,参加

    12. 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,U1801266,网络化无人驾驶中智能通信与计算融合,2019-2022,256万,参加

    13. 西安电子科技大学研究生创新基金,面向智慧公路的行人检测系统设计,2018-2019,1.5万元,主持

    14. 陕西省重点研发计划,面向车联网的车载V2X产品研发及应用,2018-2020,80万元,参与

    15. 陕西省重点研发计划,车联网群智感知与信息安全关键技术研究,2017-2018,100万元,参与

    16. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61571350,基于群组通信的社交车联网关键技术研究,2016-2019,57万,参加

    17. 天朗科技集团合作项目,基于智慧公路的智能网联汽车超视距全局感知系统,300万,2018-2019,参加

    18. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,61401334,移动自组织网络自适应性研究——基于模糊逻辑的跨层分析及设计,2015-2017,24万,参加

  • Journal Articles

    [J15]Quyuan Luo, Jiyun Zhang, Shihong Hu, Tom H. Luan, and Pingzhi Fan, "Joint Task Migration and Resource Allocation in Vehicular Edge Computing: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Approach," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.

    [J14]Quyuan Luo, Tom H. Luan, Weisong Shi, and Pingzhi Fan, "Heterogeneous Task Oriented Data Scheduling in Vehicular Edge Computing via Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 12, pp. 19582 - 19596, 2024.[pdf]

    [J13]Quyuan Luo, Tom H. Luan, Weisong Shi, and Pingzhi Fan, "Edge Computing Enabled Energy-Efficient Multi-UAV Cooperative Target Search," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 7757-7771, 2023. [pdf]

    [J12]Quyuan Luo, Tom H. Luan, Weisong Shi, and Pingzhi Fan, "Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Computation Offloading and Trajectory Planning for Multi-UAV Cooperative Target Search," IEEE Journal on Selected Area in Communications, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 504-520, 2023. [pdf]

    [J11] Muhammad Saleh Bute, Pingzhi Fan, Quyuan Luo, Li Zhang, and FakharAbbas, "QoS-Aware Content Dissemination Based on Integrated Social and Physical Attributes among Cellular and V2V Users," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 9, pp. 12181-12194, 2023. [pdf]

    [J10] Shihong Hu, Quyuan Luo, Guanghui Li, Weisong Shi, Baoliu Ye, "CA-DTS A Distributed and Collaborative Task Scheduling Algorithm for Edge Computing Enabled Intelligent Road Network," Journal of Computer Science and Technology, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 1113-1131, 2023. [pdf]

    [J9] Quyuan Luo, Shihong Hu, Changle Li, Guanghui Li, and Weisong Shi, “Resource Scheduling in Edge Computing: A Survey,” IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 2131-2165, Fourthquarter 2021. [pdf](ESI高被引论文

    [J8] Quyuan Luo, Changle Li, Tom H. Luan, Weisong Shi and Weigang Wu, “Self-Learning based Computation Offloading for Internet of Vehicles: Model and Algorithm,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 5913-5925, 2021. [pdf ]

    [J7] Quyuan Luo, Changle Li, Tom H. Luan and Weisong Shi, “Minimizing the Delay and Cost of Computation Offloading for Vehicular Edge Computing,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 2897-2909, 2022. [pdf ]

    [J6] Quyuan Luo, Changle Li, Tom H. Luan and Weisong Shi, “Collaborative Data Scheduling for Vehicular Edge Computing via Deep Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 9637-9650, 2020. [pdf]

    [J5] Quyuan Luo, Changle Li, Tom H. Luan and Weisong Shi, “EdgeVCD: Intelligent Algorithm Inspired Content Distribution in Vehicular Edge Computing Network,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 5562-5579, 2020. [pdf]

    [J4] Yunpeng Wang, Quyuan Luo, Changle Li and Guoqiang Mao, “Research and Implementation of Pedestrian Detection Technology Based on Smart Road," Chinese Journal on Internet of Things, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 84-89, 2019. [pdf]

    [J3] Changle Li, Quyuan Luo, Guoqiang Mao, Min Sheng and Jiandong Li, “Vehicle-Mounted Base Station for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Opportunities and Challenges,” IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 30-36, 2019. [pdf]

    [J2] Quyuan Luo, Changle Li, Tom H. Luan and Yingyou Wen, “Optimal Utility of Vehicles in LTE-V Scenario: An Immune Clone Based Spectrum Allocation Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 1942-1953, 2019. [pdf]

    [J1] Quyuan Luo, Xuelian Cai, Tom H. Luan and Qiang Ye, “Fuzzy Logic-Based Integrity-Oriented File Transfer for Highway VehicularCommunications,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2018, 2018(1):3. [pdf]

    Conference Proceedings

    [C6] Muhammad Saleh Bute, Pingzhi Fan, and Quyuan Luo, "Incentive Based Federated Learning Data Dissemination for Vehicular Edge Computing Networks," in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE 98th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023Fall), 10-13 October 2023, Hong Kong, China, pp.1-5. [pdf] 

    [C5] Quyuan Luo, Weisong Shi and Pingzhi Fan, “QoE-Driven Computation Offloading: Performance Analysis and Adaptive Method," in Proceedings of 2021 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Oct. 20-22, 2021, Changsha, China, pp. 1-5. [pdf]

    [C4] Yunpeng Wang, Quyuan Luo and Changle Li, “Three-side Dynamic Task Offloading for Smart Roads Enabled Vehicular Edge Computing," in Proceedings of 2020 IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall), 18 Nov.-16 Dec. 2020, Victoria, BC, Canada, pp. 1-5. [pdf]

    [C3] Quyuan Luo, Changle Li, Qiang Ye, Tom H. Luan, Lina Zhu and Xiaolei Han, “CFT: A Cluster-based File Transfer Scheme for Highway VANETs,” in Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 21-25, 2017, Paris, France, pp.1-6. [pdf]

    [C2] Pengfei Huang, Changle Li, Quyuan Luo, Yao Zhang and Bing Xia, “GECM: A Novel Green Wave Band Based Energy Consumption Model for Electric Vehicles,” in Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), June 3-6, 2018, Porto, Porto, pp. 1-5. [pdf]

    [C1] Zhifang Miao, Xuelian Cai, Quyuan Luo, Weiwei Dong, “A FLRBF Scheme for Optimization of Forwarding Broadcast Packets in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks," in Proceedings of 2016 IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 4-8, 2016, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1-5. [pdf]


    [P6]  李长乐;苗志芳;蔡雪莲;罗渠元;基于模糊算法的车辆自组织网络资源管理方法,2018-11-16,中国,2016101176791.1(已授权)

    [P5] 李长乐; 刘钊; 毛国强; 陈志强; 王云鹏; 王辉; 赵瑞钢; 罗渠元; 刘安琪;一种道路行人检测系统及其组网方法,2021-12-21,中国,201910852853.0(已授权)

    [P4] 毛国强; 陈志强; 刘钊; 王辉; 赵瑞钢; 罗渠元; 刘安琪; 王云鹏;行人检测装置部署方法、装置、计算机设备及存储介质,2021.06.22,中国,201910329293.0(已授权)

    [P3] 李长乐;赵瑞钢;毛国强;王辉;罗渠元;刘安琪;行人检测方法、装置、计算 机设备及存储介质,2020-07-14,中国,201811294089.1. (已授权)

    [P2] 李长乐;赵瑞钢;毛国强;王辉;罗渠元;刘安琪;行人与车辆的区分方法、装 置、计算机设备及存储介质,2020-07-14,中国,201811294078.3.(已授权)

    [P1] 李长乐;赵瑞钢;毛国强;王辉;罗渠元;刘安琪;行人及动物检测方法、装置 、计算机设备及存储介质,2020-06-30,中国,201811293897.6.(已授权)


    1. Program Commitee (PC) of IEEE EDGE, 2021-

    2. Program Commitee (PC) of EdgeComm, 2021-


    1. Oral Presentation, 国家自然科学基金委员会国际合作与交流项目开题交流会,2024.08.30,南通大学,"Computation Offloading and Trajectory Planning for Multi-UAV Cooperative Target Search via Deep Reinforcement Learning"

    2. Oral Presentation, 2021 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Oct. 20-22, 2021, Changsha, China, "QoE-Driven Computation Offloading: Performance Analysis and Adaptive Method"

    3. Oral Presentation, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 21-25, 2017, Paris, France, "CFT: A Cluster-based File Transfer Scheme for Highway VANETs"