Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
LUO Qiang
Office: Room 1440, No. 1 Building, Jiuli Campus
PhD, Southwest Jiaotong University, Road and Railway Engineering (2004)
M.Eng., Southwest Jiaotong University, Geotechnical Engineering (1987)
B.S., Changsha Railway Institute, Industrial and Civil Engineering (1984)
Academic Appointments
Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof., and Professor (full), School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (1987-present)
Administrative Appointments
Deputy Director, Road and Railway Engineering (1998-2018)
Research Interests
High-speed rail, Railway earth structure, Transition zone
Principal Publications of the Last Five Years
Luo, Q. et al., 2021. Simplified analytical solution for stress concentration ratio of piled embankments incorporating pile-soil interaction. Railway Engineering Science, 29(2): 199-210.
Luo, Q. et al., 2021. Monitoring of train-induced responses at asphalt support layer of a high-speed ballasted track. Construction and Building Materials 298: 123909.
Zhang W., Luo Q.*, et al., 2021. Improved Vanmarcke analytical model for 3D slope reliability analysis. COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS 134: 104106.
Luo, Q. et al., 2020. Application of High-Vesicularity Cinder Gravels to Railway Earth Structure in Ethiopia. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 32(11): 04020347.
Wang T., Luo Q.*, et al., 2021. Dynamic response of stabilized cinder subgrade during train passage. Construction and Building Materials 270: 121370.
Ma H., Luo Q., et al., 2021. Numerical stability analysis of piled embankments reinforced with ground beams. TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICS 26: 100427.
Kong D., Luo, Q.* et al., 2020. System reliability analysis in spatially variable slopes using coupled Markov chain and MARS. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13: 1096.
Wang T., Luo Q.*, et al., 2020. Method for slab track substructure design at a speed of 400 km/h. TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICS 24: 100391.
Wang T., Luo Q.*, et al., 2020. Physical modeling of train-induced mud pumping in substructure beneath ballastless slab track. TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICS 23: 100332
Zhang W., Luo Q.*, et al., 2020. Target reliability indices for long geotechnical embankment slopes. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING, 10.1080/19648189.2020.1722247
Luo, Q. et al., 2020. Correction Method for Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements Made Using a Fixed Wall Permeameter. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2020: 1274728.
Luo, Q. et al., 2019. Evaluating frost heave susceptibility of well-graded gravel for HSR subgrade based on orthogonal array testing. TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICS 21: 100283.
Zhao M., Luo Q.*, et al., 2019. Evaluation for intrinsic compressibility of reconstituted clay using liquid limit, initial water content and plasticity index. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING 23 (11): 1332-1350.
Zhao M., Luo Q.*, et al., 2019. Stratigraphic Sequence and Deposition-affected Compressibility of Fine-grained Sediments in the Ancient Yellow River Delta during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 23: 90–109.
Xie T., Luo Q., 2018. Macroscopic Embodiment of Stress-Strain Behavior of Backfill Soil on the Displacement-Dependent Earth Pressure Curve. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 18 (12): 04018178.
Selected Awards and Honors
First Prize of Sichuan Province Scientific and Technological Progress Award (2017)
First Prize of Institutions of Higher Learning Natural Science Award (2020)
Grand Prize of China Railway Society Scientific and Technological Award (2008)
Professional Activities
Committee member of Chinese Institution of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering – China Civil Engineering Society
Member of China Railway Society Standardization Technical Committee (Earth Structure)
Member of Physical Modeling in Geotechnics Technical Committee – Institution of Rock and Soil Mechanics – China Hydraulic Engineering Society
Current Research
Evolution law of accumulative deformation and its microscopic mechanism for the filling of subgrade bed in terms of alternation of drying and wetting and transformation of fluid and solid phase
Macro-meso mechanism of massive fault creep induced performance degradation in a subgrade
Dr. Luo is the leader of railway earth structure research group, consisting of five members. This research group has been actively engaged in high-speed rail and heavy-haul railway infrastructure design, construction, and maintenance since 30 years ago.
Primary Teaching areas
Geotechnical engineering
Soil mechanics
Railway infrastructure design and assessment
Current Courses
Earth structure engineering
Soil mechanics
Earth structure and geodynamics
Inspection and evaluation of earth structure
I am available for supervision. Over the past five years, I have supervised and graduated 8 PhDs and more than 20 MEngs.