LUO Qiang


Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates


Business Address:九里校区 土木馆1440


LUO Qiang



Office: Room 1440, No. 1 Building, Jiuli Campus





ž   PhD, Southwest Jiaotong University, Road and Railway Engineering (2004)

ž   M.Eng., Southwest Jiaotong University, Geotechnical Engineering (1987)

ž   B.S., Changsha Railway Institute, Industrial and Civil Engineering (1984)



Academic Appointments

ž   Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof., and Professor (full), School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (1987-present)

Administrative Appointments

ž   Deputy Director, Road and Railway Engineering (1998-2018)


Research Interests

ž   High-speed rail, Railway earth structure, Transition zone



Principal Publications of the Last Five Years

ž   Luo, Q. et al., 2021. Simplified analytical solution for stress concentration ratio of piled embankments incorporating pile-soil interaction. Railway Engineering Science, 29(2): 199-210.

ž   Luo, Q. et al., 2021. Monitoring of train-induced responses at asphalt support layer of a high-speed ballasted track. Construction and Building Materials 298: 123909.

ž   Zhang W., Luo Q.*, et al., 2021. Improved Vanmarcke analytical model for 3D slope reliability analysis. COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS 134: 104106.

ž   Luo, Q. et al., 2020. Application of High-Vesicularity Cinder Gravels to Railway Earth Structure in Ethiopia. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 32(11): 04020347.

ž   Wang T., Luo Q.*, et al., 2021. Dynamic response of stabilized cinder subgrade during train passage. Construction and Building Materials 270: 121370.

ž   Ma H., Luo Q., et al., 2021. Numerical stability analysis of piled embankments reinforced with ground beams. TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICS 26: 100427.

ž   Kong D., Luo, Q.* et al., 2020. System reliability analysis in spatially variable slopes using coupled Markov chain and MARS. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13: 1096.

ž   Wang T., Luo Q.*, et al., 2020. Method for slab track substructure design at a speed of 400 km/h. TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICS 24: 100391.

ž   Wang T., Luo Q.*, et al., 2020. Physical modeling of train-induced mud pumping in substructure beneath ballastless slab track. TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICS 23: 100332

ž   Zhang W., Luo Q.*, et al., 2020. Target reliability indices for long geotechnical embankment slopes. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING, 10.1080/19648189.2020.1722247

ž   Luo, Q. et al., 2020. Correction Method for Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements Made Using a Fixed Wall Permeameter. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2020: 1274728.

ž   Luo, Q. et al., 2019. Evaluating frost heave susceptibility of well-graded gravel for HSR subgrade based on orthogonal array testing. TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICS 21: 100283.

ž   Zhao M., Luo Q.*, et al., 2019. Evaluation for intrinsic compressibility of reconstituted clay using liquid limit, initial water content and plasticity index. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING 23 (11): 1332-1350.

ž   Zhao M., Luo Q.*, et al., 2019. Stratigraphic Sequence and Deposition-affected Compressibility of Fine-grained Sediments in the Ancient Yellow River Delta during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 23: 90–109.

ž   Xie T., Luo Q., 2018. Macroscopic Embodiment of Stress-Strain Behavior of Backfill Soil on the Displacement-Dependent Earth Pressure Curve. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 18 (12): 04018178.



Selected Awards and Honors

ž   First Prize of Sichuan Province Scientific and Technological Progress Award (2017)

ž   First Prize of Institutions of Higher Learning Natural Science Award (2020)

ž   Grand Prize of China Railway Society Scientific and Technological Award (2008)


Professional Activities

ž   Committee member of Chinese Institution of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering – China Civil Engineering Society

ž   Member of China Railway Society Standardization Technical Committee (Earth Structure)

ž   Member of Physical Modeling in Geotechnics Technical Committee – Institution of Rock and Soil Mechanics – China Hydraulic Engineering Society



Current Research

ž   Evolution law of accumulative deformation and its microscopic mechanism for the filling of subgrade bed in terms of alternation of drying and wetting and transformation of fluid and solid phase

ž   Macro-meso mechanism of massive fault creep induced performance degradation in a subgrade


Research Group

ž   Dr. Luo is the leader of railway earth structure research group, consisting of five members. This research group has been actively engaged in high-speed rail and heavy-haul railway infrastructure design, construction, and maintenance since 30 years ago.



Primary Teaching areas

ž   Geotechnical engineering

ž   Soil mechanics

ž   Railway infrastructure design and assessment


Current Courses

ž   Earth structure engineering

ž   Soil mechanics

ž   Earth structure and geodynamics

ž   Inspection and evaluation of earth structure



I am available for supervision. Over the past five years, I have supervised and graduated 8 PhDs and more than 20 MEngs.