Xiaobin Li

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Personal Information

  • Education Level: PhD graduate
  • Degree: Doctor of science
  • Business Address: X30451 Mathematics
  • Gender: Male
  • Academic Titles: Mathscinet Reviewer
  • Other Post: Zbmath reviewer
  • Alma Mater: Sichuan University
  • School/Department: School of Mathematics
  • Try to be a hybrid mathematician
  • Discipline:Statistical
    Applied Mathematics
    Basic Math

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    Home > Blog

    The 2022 SWJTU admission season is going on!

    The 2022 SWJTU admission season is going on! 

    This year we provide three kinds of scholarships to international students who are interested in studying at our university:

    1. CSC Silk Road Program: 


    The application deadline is April 15. 

    2. CSC Chinese University Program:


    The application deadline is March 31.

    3. SWJTU Presidential Scholarship: 


    The application deadline is June 15. 

    Apart from the scholarship program, we also have the self-supported program open to international students: 

    For graduates: https://en.swjtu.edu.cn/info/1286/1949.htm

    For undergraduates: https://en.swjtu.edu.cn/info/1286/1945.htm

    Students could search by academic schools to find the supervisor that matches their research interest: https://en.swjtu.edu.cn/ADMISSION/Graduate_Faculty_Advisors_Supervisors1.htm

    For more information, please visit https://en.swjtu.edu.cn/

    If there is any of your students planning to study in China, it is highly welcomed to apply for our university. We believe that they could gain a lot when studying at SWJTU. 


    International Students Office

    Southwest Jiaotong University

    Contact Us:

    Email: iso@swjtu.edu.cn

    Phone: +86-28-66367385