刘雨柔 讲师(高校)
- Judicial independence and crash risk: Evidence from a natural experiment in China.Journal of Corporate Finance,2023,83:102490 1-JCF-Judicial independence and crash risk- Evidence from a natural experiment in China.pdf
- Social integrity and stock price crash risk,Jinyang Liu.Journal of Business Ethics,2024,190(3):703-721 2-JBE-Social integrity and stock price crash risk.pdf
- Major asset restructuring performance commitments and classification shifting through non-recurring items,Kangtao Ye,Jinyang Liu.China Journal of Accounting Studies,2023,11(2):270-299 4-CJAS-Major asset restructuring performance commitments and classification shifting through non-recurring items.pdf
- Mandatory information disclosure and innovation: Evidence from the disclosure of operational information,Jinyang Liu,Kangtao Ye.China Journal of Accounting Research,2023,16(2):100294 5-CJAR-Mandatory information disclosure and innovation- Evidence from the disclosure of operational information.pdf
- Investor protection and audit fees: evidence from the E-interaction platform in China.Accounting and Business Research,2022,52(7):815–837 3-ABR-Investor protection and audit fees- evidence from the E-interaction platform in China.pdf
- The high-speed railway opening and audit quality: Evidence from China.Economic and Political Studies,2023,11(4):494–515 6-The high speed railway opening and audit quality evidence from China.pdf
- 高管薪酬激励契约与会计科目归类操纵——基于一项准自然实验的证据.北京工商大学学报(社会科学版),2019,34(05):45-56
- 重大资产重组业绩承诺与非经常性损益归类操纵,刘金洋,叶康涛.会计研究,2024,6:29-40